Lord of Annihilation

Chapter 188: Insignificance.

AN: Little thing I forgot to mention in the last chapter. 

The void energy consumption for [Void Steps] is not constant and will depend on certain factors; distance traveled, people/items being carried along with the user, time spent on staying inside the Void, and most importantly, the density of the 'Rules' present in that place. (or spiritual energy, remember spiritual energy is the carrier for the Rules.)

To iterate, if Lucius was to use [Void Steps] in Mankind's region of the Universe, at max range it will consume less than 1% of his void energy.

Inversely, if he was to use his ability, say in the center of the Universe (oldest region), he might consume all of his void energy and still travel less than a meter. (at his current strength that is).

The reason I'm explaining this right now, if in the future, you see Lucius abuse this cheat power, it will be because of the above-stated reason. 

While I will explain it once more, please don't quote the previous chapter and say that I'm being illogical in the future.

That being said enjoy the latest chapter.


"Answer me seriously," Ka'lor'ah asked seriously and her tone turned an octave deeper.

Raising his head from inspecting his hands, Lucius stared at the floating crystal and flatly asked: "What?"

"When you eat those remains, do you actually taste anything?" Ka'lor'ah asked curiously.

Hearing that question, Lucius was caught off-guard for a second. Looking at the brightly shining crystal, he found himself at a loss for words.

"You understand my question, right? When you use [Devour] are you actually able to taste the raw flavor of the meat or is it just tasteless?" 

"Oh and, if you do taste something, what is it comparable to? Is it similar to the stuff you've eaten before or is it different?"

"And, and.., what about the texture? How does the texture of different meats feel? Is it true that most meats taste and feel similar to chicken or is it just an urban myth?"

Not noticing Lucius' dazed expression, Ka'lor'ah continued to rapidly fire her questions. The more she continued to talk, the greater the excitement and curiosity could be felt in her voice. 

If she had possessed body, one would've been able to see the passion glowing within her gaze and the drool that leaked from the edges of her mouth.

Having been an avid collector of various species in her previous life, Ka'lor'ah found joy in learning about the various traits of different species. 

She possessed the most complete and detailed encyclopedia on the various races in the Universe, both extinct and living. This encyclopedia was her proudest creation, with one of her dreams being; completing this encyclopedia with the records of every single race, that has ever existed in the Universe!

The Void Eater was an almost 'mythical race which Ka'lor'ah had only read about in the records of her predecessors. 

Seeing a live specimen in action right before in front of her, she was unable to restrain her collector/researcher habit, making her unable to hide her curiosity. 

"Tell me! Tell me! Tell me!" the crystal neared Lucius' face and continued to shine brighter. Her voice also started to get more and more excited.

"Back off." Lucius used his hands to shove away the intruding crystal. He then exhaled a breath of foul air and spoke.

"I've never really thought about the taste of what I eat. It's just natural." Lucius shrugged indifferently.

After coming to the Dark Shade Forest, Lucius had [Devour] constantly activated. He had used the ability so many times that devouring had become a natural instinct to him.

Like breathing.

To eat was the natural instinct of a Void Eater.

This was also the reason why Ka'lor'ah was unable to detect any life form within the area where Lucius had passed. He had unconsciously 'eaten' all living beings, insects and bugs included, inside those areas.

"Ah, come on! Are you really telling me you don't know the taste of what you just ate?" Ka'lor'ah held the urge to 'roll her eyes'. She then floated into the air and continued. 

"You just ate like a thousand of the Silver Fist Apes, and you don't know what they tasted like?" 

Lucius nodded his head.

It was Ka'lor'ah's turn to become speechless. A few seconds of awkward silence passed.

"This can't do! Science cannot wait, I need answers!!"

Screaming so, Ka'lor'ah flew higher into the air and dashed off in a certain distance. 

Lucius did not immediately follow her. He looked around and searched for a flat-faced rock, suitable for sitting. After finding one, he walked towards the rock and sat atop it.

Removing the 'rod version' of the scythe from his waist, he pushed down on the indent and extended it. 

Growing to its usual length, the vein-like patterns on the scythe pulsed with eerie crimson light. Holding the scythe in his hands, Lucius could vaguely feel the bloodlust and joy radiating off of it.

'This Pseudo-Living weaponry really is great. An artificial soul is on the cusp of forming.' Lucius thought to himself.

Undergoing various events in the hands of Lucius, the Pseudo-Living Scythe had undergone strange mutations.

The initial technology used in its creation by Reyna was much unpolished and base. Other than possessing some 'smart' features such as the better transmission of energy, shaping itself to better suit its wielder, the weapon was similar to any other.

However, with the constant bloodbath and slaughter, it was subject to in the hands of Lucius, combined with the regular infusion of his soul power, the scythe was on the cusp of evolving into a Living Weapon. 

Living Weapons were incredibly rare, as the method of its creation was a closely guarded secret by the Ancient and Primordial Races. This was because Living Weapons possessed some incredible abilities.

No, talking to its wielder and turning into a humanoid female spirit wasn't possible. 

Living Weapons possessed a special 'living soul' that enabled them to cultivate. Much like their owners, they also possessed the ability to cultivate, growing in strength and Stages.

Reaching the higher Stage allowed them to interact with the Rules. This was an ability that normal weapons no matter the material used during creation, were incapable of doing. 

For a higher Stage being, using a non-living weapon was a disadvantage; as such weapon could not damage beings of similar strength due to the protection and restriction of the Rules.

To simply explain, it was similar to using a wooden toothpick to assault an armored tank. The strength of the wielder does not matter when the very nature and order of both items were incomparably different.

'While that girl might be a naïve idiot, her ability is something to be envious of.' Lucius thought of the girl, who had made this scythe.

One part of the reason why Lucius gave Reyna advanced research on the nature of souls, was to receive such a weapon.

After all, according to his memories, Mankind capitalized on this Pseudo-Living Weaponry technology to turn the tides of the war, 10 years in. With Lucius' involvement, this matter had been brought forward.

Stroking the weapon with his hands, Lucius infused his soul power into a weapon. Like a thirsty man who hasn't had water for a long time finding an oasis, the scythe greedily absorbed Lucius' pure soul power. 

'It's not perfect and lacks certain items to turn into a proper Living Weapon. After we leave Pectron and go to the next destination, I have to start seeking those items.'

'The earlier I have a Living Weapon, the better it would be for my future plans.' Having 'fed' the weapon for today, Lucius deactivated it and placed it on his scythe again.

"Lucius! Come to my location!" Ka'lor'ah's voice sounded within his mind. It was filled with excitement and interest. 

Sighing to himself, Lucius got up and quickly dashed towards her location by following the string of energy that connected their souls.

Arriving inside the village of the Stone Skin Tribe, Lucius found Ka'lor'ah floating outside a treehouse.

"Come inside! Quick!" she hurriedly exclaimed before disappearing inside once more.

Exploding the soul power near his feet, Lucius accelerated to his highest speed and jumped. Using [Void Hands] he called out a few pitch-black appendages to act as a 'grappler' and climbed the 200m tall tree, arriving at the treehouse.

Entering the house, Lucius noticed the dead remains of two Silver Fist Apes. Judging from their shapes, it was a male and a female Silver Fist Ape who seemed to be in their teens.

Their positions revealed that the two Wild Beasts had ended their lives by cutting off their throats, rather than dying under Lucius scythe. In their final moments, they hugged together and died in each other's embrace.

Looking at this scene, Lucius felt nothing within his heart.

A sentimental person might perhaps be moved by their love and resolve, choosing to bury them or offer prayers. They would respect the dead and chose not to desecrate their bodies, offering them this final peace.

Lucius however, was not such a person. 

"Quick eat this and tell me how they taste. Oh wait, almost forgot. Let me use a spell to record this!" 

And neither was Ka'lor'ah.

To these two ex-Stage 7 beings, all things under Stage 7, whether living or dead…

…was something disposable and insignificant. 

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