Lord of Annihilation

Chapter 245: Hide.

"Boss! You're here!" 

Wilkes being amongst the first to exit the portal spotted Olivia at the forefront of the crowd. 

As an Oncanian, which was a Grade 4 species, the discomfort from having traveled through the portal was minimal. Another advantage of a higher Grade species was their higher resistance and recovery rates.

On that note, the others who passed through the portal also recovered near-instantly, since nearly all of Olivia's subordinates consisted of Grade 4 species.

"I've completed your orders just as you instruct--"Wilkes excited chatter suddenly paused when he noticed the state Olivia was in.

While her injuries were completely healed, courtesy of her soul power, Olivia's armor and robes still contained traces of her previous battle. 

That, coupled with the wary gazes of the soldiers carrying weapons, only served to anger Wilkes further.

"To dare attack our Boss! Men!" Wilkes thundered.

Intense bloodlust and battle intent radiated off of his figure as he grabbed onto his two daggers. At his roar, the people arriving from the portal also notice the peculiar state of their boss and the room and reacted similarly. 

A collective murderous aura that could stop the heart of the weaker-willed wafted across the room. Some of the soldiers found themselves collapsing onto the ground from the sheer pressure, while the rest paled and shook.

Even Alex and Jack, two of the strongest entities within the room felt danger assault their minds and fear grip their hearts. Simply judging from the aura, they understood that they couldn't win against any of the men crossing over from the other side of the portal. 

These were people who were born within the hellish conditions of Pandemonium and survived. Each was an elite veteran and was not to be underestimated in the slightest. 

"Archers Fi—" Just as he was about to complete his command, Olivia interrupted Wilkes.

"That won't be necessary, Captain Wilkes." 

She then turned to face the human soldiers behind her. Sporting a satisfactory smile on her face, she softly spoke.

"I believe that they have understood the difference and will not hastily act. Am I right to believe that, Commander Alex?" 

Taking a nervous gulp, Alex hurriedly replied.

"Of course, Miss Olivia." He politely replied.

'Even if all the men within the base fight, I don't believe that we will be able to take them down. What monsters!' Alex inwardly thought.

He had originally scoffed at Olivia's estimation of her forces, believing it to be grossly overestimated. However, looking at the forces in person, Alex believed it to be an underestimation.

Being a man of vast experience, Wilkes immediately understood the queer atmosphere. He realized that their boss was intimidating the other group, and he was more than ready to comply.

"Understood, Boss! Just give us the word and we will slaughter these puny weaklings!" Wilkes roared while sheathing his weapon but did not retract his bloodlust.

The others behind him followed him in his actions: roaring, sheathing their weapon, and intensifying their bloodlust.

They then started to methodically gather behind Olivia, forming neat rows and columns.

Wilkes, who stood to the right of Olivia, gave his report.

"All of the men have arrived, Boss. As per your request, I had Ro'an's team lead a decoy group away from the planet while drawing away those insects. They then placed the ships on auto-pilot while discreetly escaping and joining up with us."

"That is correct, Boss."  Ro'an, a Lacerman enthusiastically replied.

His reptilian face then smirked, as he playfully said. "We even left those insects a nice surprise," gesturing an explosion with his hands.

Olivia nodded at their report and replied. "Nicely done. Great work, Captains." 

She then turned to face, Alex and spoke.

"I suppose we can have that chat now, Commander Alex." 


After giving Olivia's troops a few barracks to stay in, Alex led Olivia towards the Command Building at the center of the base. Jack, whose lodgings were also in that direction followed the duo.

They were slightly delayed when the Captains under Olivia refused to let their leader go into the middle of enemy territory alone and made a fuss, wanting to accompany her as guards.

Alex could obviously not allow this, due to the sensitive nature of their identity (their races to be exact) and the fact that they were in a war against some of their kind (people of the pirate organization).

An argument went back and forth before Olivia finally put an end to it. A sharp instruction from her suppressed the rowdy natures of the Captains.

The three now walked towards the Command building under the curious stares of the other inhabitants of the base. None of them spoke making the atmosphere between them quite awkward.

A few minutes passed and Jack could no longer hold his tongue.

"You're amazing. Beauty, authority, power, you have everything. Well, everything except for a man to share it with, I hope?"

"Did you give some thought to my previous request? I was being very serious you know. I will treat you extremely well. If you want to, I will even give you the position of head-wife in my harem."

"Speaking of them, they are all exceptional ladies very much like yourself, you know. They are strong, independent, determined and they will be more than welcoming to your arrival, treating you like their sister."

"You're human, right? Not that it matters to me. If you're from the Alliance, then perhaps you might've heard about them. The first one is…" 

Jack was immersed in a world of his own as he started to describe his nine wives in detail. He also went on an elaborate explanation of their meeting, how he fell in love with them, how they got married, etc…

The conversation carried on one-sidedly for nearly ten minutes before Olivia could no longer bear with him.

Unsheathing her sword, she stabbed at the kneecaps of this detestable man.

"After that we—ARGH!" Jack's excited face warped into one of pain as he collapsed onto the ground while clutching onto his knees.

"One. More. Word. And I'll dissect you from bottom-up while displaying the process to those wives of yours." Olivia's tone was devoid of any feeling and her face was absolutely frigid.

Fear suffused into Jack's eyes, as Olivia motioned with her sword once more. He hurriedly nodded and lowered his head.

"And if you call me 'wife' or any other word of such nature. If you so much as look in my direction. I promise that I'll personally see to it that your current wives, their sister, and mothers are sold as whor*s to the lowest of brothels in the Universe." 

"As for the brothers, and the fathers, I will have all of you castrated and thrown into pits to be the objects of relief of pigs and beasts of such nature."

Hearing that Jack instantly raised his head and looked towards Olivia with pure, unadulterated anger. It was clear that Olivia's words had touched the reverse scale of his being.

"Oh, the beast dares to look at me?" Olivia's eyes sharpened further, as she drew her sword once more. However, she was quickly stopped by Alex, who spoke.

"Please forgive him, Olivia. He was simply joking around and did not mean it." 

Olivia looked at Alex, and then towards Jack one more time, Sheathing her weapon, she turned around and started to walk.

"I really hope that you do try and do something. Then, I can stay true to my promise." She loudly announced and walked away.

Alex sighed to himself and looked towards Jack who was staring at Olivia's receding figure with anger.

"Please be sensible and don't try anything. Forget this incident and move on."

"She dared to threaten my family!" Jack hissed.

"And you kept pushing her buttons while knowing that she was being angered by it." 

Alex then paused for a moment, before continuing.

"She wasn't like this before, you know. She was kind, caring, and considerate. I even liked her at one point."

"But after that battle in Deatov, something changed within her. She followed that monster into space and now…this is who returned."

Alex's eyes were filled with reminiscence as he spoke. He then patted Jack's shoulder and advised in a serious tone.

"Forget this and don't meet her anymore. Don't bother her and she'll forget it soon."

Having said that, Alex ran forward to catch up with Olivia.


'Damn! That was cold. Even I was scared a little when you delivered that threat.' Ka'lor'ah voice resounded within Olivia's mind.

'He was incessant and annoying.' Olivia replied.

'That one seems to have a lot of pride, you know. He won't take it lying down.' 

A cold, sadistic smile formed on Olivia's face as she mentally replied.

'And I really look forward to it. I'm will thoroughly enjoy following up with my threat.' 

Hearing that, Ka'lor'ah mentally shook her head.

'She's crazy.' 

She then paused for a minute, when she realized something.

'Wait a second…from what I learnt, Aurora was also a crazy woman. Does Lucius have a penchant for attracting crazy women who love him?' Ka'or'ah thought to herself.

It was then, that Alex caught up with Olivia and spoke.

"We are here. This is the Command Center for this base. The army's other leader is within." 

Alex first entered the spire-shaped building, followed by Olivia. 

Just as Olivia placed her first step inside the building, her mind was assaulted by Ka'lor'ah's deafening scream.


Ka'lor'ah tumultuous scream was followed by hurried breathing. 

'Don't take me out of your clothes and never show or speak about me to anyone else! When Lucius arrives tell him these exact words without fail!!!"

'Our predictions were right! He's here and He's watching! Don't expose your identity!!!'

'Be careful, Olivia! And don't forget to tell Lucius as soon as you meet him!'

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