Lord of Annihilation

Chapter 292: David vs Goliath. Part 1

{Peak-Level Stage 1 killed- 10000}

{Mid/Peak-Level Stage 2 killed- 4213}

{Low-Level Stage 3 killed- 0}

{Current Evaluation- A}

'Fuu, the first requirement was finally done. That took way longer than I thought it would,' Olivia thought, as she pulled her sword from within a Sword-Winged Angel's chest.

Flicking the sword once to rid the blood, Olivia then sheathed it and looked around. [Perception Check] scanned her surrounding area, painting a clear picture in her mind.

'Another small group,' confirming the count of bodies, she shook her head, 'Seems like word of my actions has spread around. Everyone's retreating into big towns or cities.'

After her attack on the City of Nubes, news of Olivia's existence and actions seemed to have spread throughout the surrounding region. 

Encampments were abandoned and small towns were deserted as people seemed to move towards bigger cities in hopes for better protection as they waited for this calamity to pass.

Her infamy had surpassed the point of a mere 'audacious intruder' and reached the point of 'calamity'. The aboriginals of the planet could no longer ignore her existence and had to actively retreat to avoid her.

This resulted in Olivia's hunt becoming more complicated and time-consuming. After all, prey alerted to the presence of a hunter was most difficult to catch. 

'I don't suppose I will be able to find suitably populated encampments in this region anymore. At least, not for a short period of time,' Olivia rationalized.

Leaning against a rock to rest her overworked body, Olivia waited for her soul power to replenish while thinking about her next move.

'I could attack a smaller city like Nubes again, but the number of Stage 2 angels that meet the requirement versus the time consumed for me to successfully attack them is not very feasible. I would run out of time before I meet the requirement.'

'Not to mention, I have to find a suitable Stage 3 target too. Ah, this is giving me a headache,' while rubbing her forehead, Olivia sighed.

Of course, the option of giving up and finishing the test right now also existed. With her A-tier evaluation, she would no doubt be praised by Lucius and Ka'lor'ah. The rewards were not that bad either.

However, this option was never even considered by Olivia. 

She had but one goal and that was to achieve the S+ tier reward.

'Any three wishes will be granted by Lucius? What was the point in even thinking about the other rewards? This is like winning the lottery!' This was Olivia's general thought process.

The clause where the wishes have to be deemed reasonable by Ka'lor'ah was completely ignored. Olivia was absolutely confident that her teacher would back her up, no matter the wish.

That clause simply existed in but words. It was just to convince Lucius to agree to this matter in the first place.

'I guess there's only one other option left,' Olivia continued. 'I should attack one of the three major cities.'

The Cloud Cover Continent had three major cities on the clouds: Cumulus, Stratus, and Cirrus. 

These three cities served as the capitals of the entire top layer and possessed the highest population densities. They also had the most complete schools of education, meaning that the level of each person was on another level compared to the previous sites.

Every person was at the level of Stage 2 and possessed superior combat ability. The numbers of the higher leveled powers were also naturally high.

If Olivia was to successfully mount an attack against any one of these cities, meeting her second requirement certain. She only needed to hunt 800 or so Mid/Peak-Level beings, and these cities should possess at least a thousand at minimum.

However, there was an obvious problem here. There were too many people!

No matter how strong or proficient Olivia was in combat, fighting against a thousand enraged Mid/Peak-Level Stage 2 angels was impossible.

Fighting against a few dozen was doable, but when that number approached a hundred and over, Olivia would naturally struggle. Limits of stamina and soul power existed after all.

No living creature could fight against a thousand other of similar strength and not run out of stamina or soul power. (AN: Except, of course, the Void Eaters. That entire race is a hack.)

'If I rush in there without a plan, I will get slaughtered in less than five minutes,' tapping her forehead, Olivia continued to ponder, 'I need a plan.'

Soon, daylight started to fade as the planet entered its night cycle. Olivia, having moved to another location, settled for the night and continued to work on her plan.

'A bit laborious, but it should work,' a sinister smile appeared on Olivia's face.

Nodding her head with satisfaction, she waited for the night to pass before starting the plan's execution.


Three weeks later.

Inside a rather drably decorated office of sorts, three figures were in a heated argument.

"But Leader!" Enise furiously rose to her feet and slammed her fist against the table, "We have already lost 600 of our sisters to that damned intruder! We need to do something before more are lost!"

Massaging her forehead, Riaz, who was the Leader in charge of Cirrus City, replied with a sigh, "I understand. But there really is nothing we can do."

"When we attack with a large force, the intruder simply vanished from her previous location and attacks another field. Her grasp over the distribution of our forces, their response times, supply and patrol routes, are surprisingly accurate."

"Sending a small elite group has also not borne us any results. The intruder is unnaturally strong and effortlessly crushes any force under a hundred units before reinforcements can arrive."

Dispiritedly sighing, Riaz slumped her head on the table and spoke, "At this point, we can only hope for that intruder to leave."

"But-" Enise clenched her fists and tried to rebut her leader's words. Alas, she also possessed no solution to the situation.

Starting three weeks ago, the intruder from Blackness suddenly switched her method of attack. She no longer went after solitary encampments and small towns, instead choosing to attack farm fields and warehouses.

At first, the Sword-Winged Angels had laughed at the intruder's actions. They ridiculed the intruder's ridiculous efforts of lashing out after being unable to continue her hunt.

However, not even a week had passed when they stopped laughing. A new problem had arisen in the city of Cirrus.

Refugees arrived en masse at the city, seeking protection from the intruder. Naturally, the officials of the city could not turn down their weaker cities and provided food, water, and accommodation.

A week passed, and the number of refugees continued to rise while the food supply dwindled. Only then did those laughing at the intruder's seemingly 'useless' actions, stopped the realized the real meaning of her actions to their horror.

By destroying the fields and burning the warehouses storing food, Olivia had effectively chosen to starve the city of Cirrus. 

Like any living creature, the Sword-Winged Angels also required food to sustain themselves. Soul power could temporarily alleviate hunger but eventually, they would need to eat.

Not only did the city of Cirrus need to feed its already existing population, but they would also need to provide food for their refugee sisters. These refugees wouldn't and couldn't leave their original residences until the problem with the intruder had been dealt with.

A week and a half had passed and food had completely run out. It wasn't a problem at first, but after three days of being starved, the mood of the people started to sink. There was also the issue of children and the elderly who failed to properly utilize their soul power to stave off hunger.

Another four days later, riots had suddenly arisen amongst the refugees. They started to believe that the denizens of the city were purposely withholding food supplies, prioritizing the stronger inhabitants over them weaker refugees.

No matter how hard the city officials tried, they were unable to suppress these riots and soon clashes with the city guards started to occur. Of course, the presence of a purple figure playing with the minds of the refugees during a certain night before the riots went unnoticed.

With their citizens revolting, the city officials could no longer sit still and had to act. They sent forces to recover food from the farther fields and warehouses that were not burnt.

However, these forces never returned. The intruder continued with her previous actions and the situation within the city continued to escalate.

Of course, anyone with a brain could solve the case of the missing troops. Enraged at the intruder's immoral actions, the city sent a punitive force to get rid of the intruder.

After all, the intruder was the heart of the current issue. If they could get rid of her, all issues will be solved and the refugees would return to their own cities and camps.

Alas, the strength of the intruder was beyond imagination and the punitive force was also destroyed. The matter did not end there, as the intruder retaliated back by poisoning the river which served as the city's only water supply.

And now, three weeks had passed with the city lacking food, water, and unity. Riots started to also break out within the city, exacerbating the already spiraling issue.

Children and the elderly started to die off from starvation which further enraged the families of the deceased. At this rate, even without Olivia stepping in, the city would destroy itself in less than a month.

"There is hope," the third figure within the office room, suddenly broke her silence and spoke up.

"What?! Speak, Attila," Riaz immediately rose to her feet and desperately asked.

A mysterious smile appeared on Attila's face as she answered, "A Might One has come from Below. She will personally deal with the intruder."

Hearing that relief visibly appeared on the faces of Riaz and Enise. They fell onto their chairs and gleefully laughed.

With a Mighty One stepping in, there was nothing the intruder could do. 

She was strong, yes. But against a Stage 3, Stage 2 were nothing but ants to be stepped on.

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