Lord of Dreams – A Multiverse Fanfiction

Chapter 106: Incoming Storm

With long black hair, lightly tanned skin, and green eyes, this passerby is currently wearing a semi-formal uniform composed of jeans, a white shirt, and a blazer.

She was also carrying a black long bag on her back that somehow looked like it was part of the outfit.

With a single glance, Lorien could tell that there was a sword inside, moreover, it isn't a training sword or one that is made just for show.

This is a true killing weapon as he could clearly feel the bloody breath surrounding it; It appears that it was used quite recently.

'She must've been fighting...'

Shaking his head lightly, Lorien threw those thoughts aside as it wasn't her looks or the weapon she carried that attracted his attention.

It was actually the weird vibe surrounding her which Lorien couldn't put his finger on.

'This negative feeling...'

'Very weird...'

So with all of those factors combined, Lorien immediately knew what to do as he already has some experience in this field.

'Let's see what we got here...'

Using his power, He was instantly able to visibly observe all the 'Auras' around; and what he saw, surprised him.

Shrouding this woman, there was this weird, negative, black and blue-colored Energy.

Moreover, this Energy wasn't only surrounding her as Lorien could feel that it also existed inside of her body flowing around.

'Seems like we are getting somewhere!'

'I didn't have to search long before a supernatural being of this world appeared in front of me.'

'I guess I am quite lucky huh...'

Frankly, such a discovery isn't nearly enough to shock or even surprise Lorien as he has somewhat gotten used to things like this.

Now, rarely do such stuff startle or amaze him.

'But what is this energy...'

Observing his surroundings, Lorien could see that the same kind of Energy that this woman had was present everywhere.

It shrouded and existed not only inside of her but also inside every single person, it's just that the quantity and quality differ from one person to the other.

'Wait! That's not all!'

Focusing further, Lorien felt something wrong, it was as if he had overlooked something.

'So that's what it is!!'

With a look of sudden realization, Lorien finally picked the difference between other people and the woman.

'It's the energy leaking!'

Different from those normal people around, the Energy inside of the woman kept flowing inside of her with only a very small amount leaking which is quite the contrast with other people whose energy kept leaking none stop like an open faucet.

'Is it a problem with energy control?'

'No! that's not it! Those people probably don't even know that they have such Energy inside of them'

'But where is this energy going? It doesn't look like it's a good thing.'

Shaking his head, Lorien decided to put those thoughts aside and focus on this woman for now.

After all, when he gets his hands on this world's complete practice system, he'll receive all the information he needs, so for now, he doesn't have to think much of it.

'I could just use my clairvoyance to do a quick scan of the huge future events to approximately determine what world this is.'

'But that would be too boring!'

'Moreover, god knows if I even know this world at all so I should just gather information first.'

'For now, I'll try to figure it out myself, that is at least before my 'protection period' ends as I'll be completely safe before then.'

'So just before that happens, I'll just use my clairvoyance...'

Deciding on this, Lorien quickly started following this woman as she has already walked some distance away while Lorien was thinking.

Following her footsteps like a ghost, He was effectively walking shoulder to shoulder with her, but even then, she was still unable to detect his presence.

This 'stalking' continued for around 20 minutes until this woman finally reached what appears to be her destination.

Entering the huge building tow to tow with her, Lorine could feel that he had just entered some sort of barrier.

'Is it created for defense or detection?'

'Well, It doesn't matter much...'

Even though he had unconsciously entered it, Lorien didn't feel worried at all as there was no way this barrier could detect his presence.

Quite the opposite actually as he felt quite happy knowing that he entered a somewhat important place.

Smiling lightly, Lorien continued following her for a couple more moments, his eyes darting around as he did so.

Observing the place, Lorien watched as some people passed by them respectfully greeting the woman he was following.

'It seems the woman I am following is a big figure.'

'Moreover, she appears to be quite strong compared to the ones I've seen in this place.'




Suddenly, just as they were approaching what seemed to be the center of this building, 4 people suddenly appeared.

Feeling their presence, Lorien could tell that they were a bit strong, just a little weaker than the woman he is following.

They were 3 men and a woman, all of them were wearing somewhat formal clothes and had serious looks on their faces.

Two of the men had black hair and eyes, the other had blond hair and green eyes, while the woman had red hair and blue eyes.

With their dress code and mature looks, they would have appeared majestic if it weren't for the anxious look on their faces.

"Sarrah! How did it go?" Spoke the leading man nervously.

"Oh, it was just a false alarm, it's just a 1st-grade cursed spirit." Responded the woman Lorien was following who was apparently called Sarrah.


Hearing this, everyone present heaved a sigh of relief as the nervous look on their faces got swept away.

But that only lasted for a moment as the blond-haired man spoke angrily.

"Damn it!!!"

"Those Cursed Spirits are quickly growing in number, If it keeps going like this, we won't be able to stop them!"

Those words instantly caused the place to fall silent as everyone looked downcast.

Seeing this, the red-haired woman finally spoke, her voice filled with helplessness.

"Nothing we can do about it, We lack the inheritance to train a large number of strong men, moreover, the birth of cursed spirits is very interlinked with the state of the world."

"Now that people are feeling desperate, it is the perfect time for special-grade cursed spirits to be born, I am afraid that we won't be able to handle the incoming storm..."

Meanwhile, just as they were talking, Lorien silently stood next to them his eyes flickering with wisdom.

'I think I know which world this is...'


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