Lord of Dreams – A Multiverse Fanfiction

Chapter 122: Lethal Domain

Domain Expansion; the most supreme ability of any jujutsu sorcerer.

It is an advanced barrier technique that takes the user's Innate cursed technique and domain as a base creating a separate space and using cursed energy to construct an environment within it trapping the target inside it.

There are two main categories of domains, the first being the Lethal Domain which is constructed to be lethal and requires tremendous skill and a lot of cursed energy to create.

Such domain amplifies the user's cursed techniques and any that are deployed are guaranteed to hit their target.

This 'can't-miss attack' used in a domain hits its target instantly and can't even be stopped by Satoru Gojo's Infinity.

As for the second category, it is the Non Lethal Domain which may sound like a subpar version of the Lethal domain but that is not actually the case.

This sort of domain wasn't constructed to be fatal, rather, it focuses more on outsmarting people and using certain rules to one's advantage.

When such a domain is employed, the creator of the domain can create a specific scenario and set of rules leveraging heavenly constraints and vows to force the target to obey the rules of the embedded cursed technique.

It is very similar to the games in the world of 'No Game No Life' and 'Mondaiji' just much less powerful.

And an example of such a domain is the 'Deadly Sentencing' domain by Hiromi Higuruma which reflects a small courtroom where the user and their target stand across from one another playing the roles of prosecutor and defendant.

Thinking of this, Lorien started curiously observing his surrounding again.

'This is most likely a lethal domain.'

'It's a pity, I really think that her ability is very compatible with non-lethal domains!'

'I'll suggest it to her after this battle, it's my subordinate anyways, her getting stronger is good for me.'

'But how will she even go about reconstructing it though? After all, from what I could tell most domains are innate.'

'But is that truly the case? can domains not be modified?'

'Nevermind, It's not the time for this!'

Shaking his head, Lorien threw those thoughts aside as he started analyzing the information he was receiving from his ability that was still constantly scanning this domain and decoding it.

'Barrier technique huh...'

'Now that I think of it, barrier techniques may be the true main ability of this world, after all, most advanced abilities are actually based on it!'

'From what I could remember, Domain Expansion is just one of the many advanced barrier techniques, not the only one!'

'For example, there is the Simple Domains that erects a small barrier around the user to protect them from enemy Domain Expansions'

'Domain Amplification which coats the user in an aura that automatically nullifies any technique it comes into contact with.'

'Not to mention the anti-domain techniques such as Hollow Wicker Basket, and Falling Blossom Emotion.'

'Hey, it seems that I may have to focus on barrier techniques later on, I have actually ignored such an important thing for so long!'

Recognizing this, Lorien couldn't help but feel a bit of joy as a smile appeared on his face.

But then, just as that happened, a voice suddenly appeared instantly waking him up from his trance.

"What are you smiling about!"

Hearing this, Lorien instantly turned his attention toward the source of the noise, and there stood Leila with a confident look on her face.

Seeing this, Lorien couldn't help but smile as he started teasing the girl in front of him.

"I really like the decor you got here!"


Hearing this, and seeing Lorien's nonchalant appearance, Leila didn't want to talk to him anymore.

'This guy really knows how to piss me off!'

Deciding not to waste any more time as her cursed energy is still getting consumed, Leila held the spear in her right hand tightly and got ready to pierce forward.

But just as that happened, Lorien's [Clairvoyance] activated on its own warning him of the imminent danger.

'An instant must-hit attack huh...'

'Well, this domain is made of her cursed technique, so I am practically always in contact with it, technically speaking, I have already been hit by it!'

'I could dodge this attack as usual by turning myself into a dream, but that'll most likely make her give up fighting me.'

'I still need more time to fully analyze this domain.'

Indeed, even though lethal domains have a must-hit attribute, that is only for people trapped inside of it, but for Lorien, this is completely useless, after all, when he uses that ability and turns himself into a dream, he becomes practically 'inexistent'.

One can't hit what doesn't exist in the first place!

'Sigh...It seems that I have to fight her head-on!'

Seeing Leila raise her, Lorien suddenly remembered an ability he had previously overlooked, and It is the [Eternal Dreamland] ability attached to his scabbard!

The reason for this is mainly that Lorien never used it before in combat as it wasn't long ago since its activation which caused it to be easily omitted.

But now that he thought of it, he instantly activated it causing a multi-colored barrier to appear surrounding him inside.

It's just that this wide spherical barrier only existed in that form for a moment before shrinking back and attaching itself to Lorien like a thin protective coating.

This happened just in time for Leila's attack as she stabbed her spear toward Lorein who in reaction swung his sword to block the attack.


Leaving a long trail of golden sword light, the sword instantly met its target; but just as that happened, something unbelievable transpired.

When his weapon was about to make contact with Leila's attack, both her and her spear disappeared just to appear to his right.

This happened so quickly, that even though Lorien's [Clairvoyance] instantly sent warning signals, he couldn't physically react fast enough to stop his own slash mid-air and defend.

So seeing Leila's spear piercing the air and heading toward him, Lorien's mind started pacing quickly.

'What just happened? my 'Reality' sense didn't react at all!'

'No, never mind that, I'll think about it later, but what should I do now?'

'Should I use my ability? no, I'll just use this opportunity to try the defensive capabilities of the [Eternal Dreamland]!'

Deciding on this, Lorien immediately gave up defending this attack allowing it to continue its way unimpeded as it headed toward his head.


But just as that was about to happen, Leila changed the direction of her attack hitting Lorien's shoulder instead, after all, she had no idea about Lorien's abilities and didn't know if he could defend against her attack.

So with that in mind, she decided not to attack fatal positions just in case.


The moment her weapon and Lorien's shoulder made contact another black flash appeared further amplifying the attack and causing Lorien to be launched back hitting one of the Joker playing cards that acted like a barrier.

Seeing this, Leila immediately stopped her attack as she couldn't help but feel a bit worried.

'Is he alright?'


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