Lord of Dreams – A Multiverse Fanfiction

Chapter 125: Personal Improvement


Before beginning the chapter, I'd like to thank [guilherme rufino] for his support on (P a t r e o n), I really appreciate it!

---Chapter Start---

Frankly, even though this experience was a lot of fun, Lorien isn't that interested in such managerial roles as he still prefers to use such time to improve his own strength.

If it weren't for the fact that this is a very important step in his plan to get ownership of this world, Lorien wouldn't have even bothered with it.

However, doing business now so he can have fun later when he goes to japan is indeed a much better choice.

At least, all he needs to do now is just wait until a lot of dream trees are planted all over the planet and he'll automatically get ownership of the world after a while.

This way, he won't have to bother acting seriously and slowly planning everything when he goes and participates in the 'plot', now, he can just do whatever he wants.

See someone he likes? help him!

See someone he doesn't like? beat him!

See a woman he likes? *Cough*

Anyways, you get the point.

'Ah yes, freedom!'

'I basically won't have to worry about the consequences of my action and how they will affect my plan!'

'I am really tired of it, I can at least act freely this time.'

'Everything went much better than I expected, I should always do this in the future...'

'Moreover, It seems that I make for a great businessman!'


Shaking his head and throwing those thoughts aside, Lorien couldn't help but start thinking of the progress of his personal strength in the past 3 months.

After all, even though he made a lot of changes to the organization and even created a number of enterprises and branched into many industries, this was far from all the things he has done in this period of time.

Ultimately, even though this part is understandably very important, his strength is even more so.

So in that period of time, Lorien took full advantage of his authority as he flipped through all the information, techniques, and secrets that the organization has, and frankly, what he saw fascinated him.

Even though there wasn't a large number of recorded techniques that can be practiced, the records, stories, and list of cursed spirits killed and their different abilities truly opened Lorien's eyes and allowed him to expand his horizon.

Even for someone like him who watched a large number of anime, movies, and comics, and has a great imagination, he still felt surprised.

Hell, recently, there was even a cursed spirit that was born because of Lachanophobia.

This cursed spirit looked like it was completely made of vegetables and it actually killed people by stabbing them using carrots.

Thankfully though, it was quickly disposed of, it's just that it's a pity that its body couldn't be made into a soup.

Additionally, there were also some stories that picked Lorien's interest that talked about the use of heavenly restrictions and vows and how to apply them.

Of course, such stories were only a small part of the information Lorien read to pass the time.

What he truly focused on are the cursed techniques, barrier techniques, and secret techniques recorded.

Reading and analyzing them using his ability, Lorien's mastery and understanding of energy greatly improved, after all, according to the analysis of his ability, all techniques are applications of energy.

However, even though he read through all of them, what truly interested him are the 'barrier techniques' as he found them very fascinating.

Moreover, for those cursed techniques, no matter what technique is recorded, Lorien could actually 'copy' it using his ability.

If it weren't for his interest in the way cursed energy manifests and is applied when using those techniques he wouldn't have even bothered looking at them.

This is very different from the 'barrier techniques' that have huge potential and can even improve Lorien's strength when applied well.

After all, even domain expansion is just an advanced application of barrier techniques.

And that is indeed the case, as after he began studying it, Lorien discovered that basically anything could be done using it.

The main thing about barriers is their ability to accept any 'concept' and attribute it to a certain space.

From creating a barrier that detects people, one that lowers presence, to a barrier that absorbs all negative energy inside, basically, the possibilities are infinite.

So after he finished studying all the information available, Lorien started digesting them while also using his ability to further analyze and develop them which improved his energy manipulation to an incredible level.

Moreover, he didn't stop there as Lorien tried pushing it again to the next level as he turned his attention to his [Extreme Breathing Technique] wanting to further improve it.

From just extreme control of his physical body, Lorien wanted to also add the concept of 'extreme' to his energy manipulation and to make it something learnable in a systematic way like breathing techniques.

That way, he could also create simplified techniques that can be distributed to other people which will help them to improve their energy and physical control, and power exertion all at the same time.

An all-in-one technique for control and exertion if you will.

And this endeavor took Lorien about a year or so in a Dream he constructed which allowed him to evolve the [Extreme Breathing Technique].

No, it can no longer be called that now, it should now be called [Extreme Technique].

After all, now, it is no longer just limited to extreme control over physical strength control, exertion, and swordsmanship as energy manipulation was also added alongside energy exertion and application.

Moreover, the use of energy was also integrated into his swordsmanship pushing it to a whole other level.

It is longer limited to just shrouding his sword with energy when fighting as it has become truly part of his swordsmanship.

'I really wonder if this is what they call sword qi in those novels...'

Furthermore, there was one last thing that was improved and that is his 'Limit Burst' technique which no longer just burns physical strength, stamina, and life span, but also energy which made it much stronger.

Pausing here, Lorien's train of thoughts couldn't help but turn towards his own ability and more precisely his perception range.

'Tsk, it's a pity that there are no dream trees planted for now, otherwise, with the number of people living in such a modern setting my perception range wouldn't have just reached 1124 meters in 3 months.'

'But hey, one still has to be patient, and this improvement isn't that bad anyways...'

'No, it can even be called great!'


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