Lord of Dreams – A Multiverse Fanfiction

Chapter 127: Japan

The following day,

Lorien could be seen inside a big private jet sitting comfortably on a cozy-looking couch.

Taking small bites from the luxurious feast in front of him, Lorien's eyes couldn't help but wander outside observing the mesmerizing view.

A fluffy blanket of cotton-like clouds reflected the ball of fire that sank into the horizon.

The sun's rays reached out like tendrils, painting the sky with a spectrum of colors that shifted and changed with every passing moment.

Watching this, Lorien couldn't help but feel a bit emotional, no matter how many times he watched this scene, he still enjoyed it every single time.

Moreover, this scene could be considered the only highlight of this long 10-hour flight.

Continuing to watch it, Lorien couldn't help but start thinking of the things he'll be doing after landing in Tokyo.

But just when that thought came to mind, he suddenly felt stuck.

'I... I never thought of this before....'

'I choose to come here because of the things that I can gain, but this is not the objective of my travel this time.'

'I just want to have fun...'

Thinking of this, Lorien couldn't help but remember his previous world travels.

'Speaking of which, I never actually traveled just for fun ever since starting my journey which is very ironic considering that the reason I even wanted to travel was to be free.'

'But now that I look back at it, I feel even more tired than before traveling, it's just that I am indeed happier now considering the power I gained and relations I made.'

Shaking his head, Lorien knew that there was no other option, things don't come easily without hard work and focus.

'Moreover, there was really nowhere to enjoy myself in the previous two worlds.'

'When I first came to the Demon Slayer World, All I wanted was to get stronger and gain the power to protect myself so I didn't have time to enjoy myself.'

'But after I gained power, I couldn't find anything to do in that world as that era was a bit boring.'

'As for the second world, that's the apocalypse, nothing to do there other than maybe picking up some girls.'

'However, considering the state of the world, and the guy I met before reaching it, I wasn't really in the mood for that, so let's just forget about it.'

'So now that I think about it, this world is the only one that I came to where I don't have to worry about anything and I can do whatever I want!'

Realizing this, Lorien's mind felt a bit more peaceful.

'Circumstances huh...'

Shaking his head, Lorien took a napkin from the table and wiped his mouth using it before placing it back and standing up.

Nodding to the flight attendant, He then walked to the back section of the plane where the bedroom is located.

'2 Hours give or take before reaching the destination.'

'I should take a nap before that.'




3 Hours later, outside Haneda airport,

"Finally out!"

Taking a deep breath of the cold night air, Lorien stretched back extending his hands as if hugging the dark sky.

Seeing this, the long-haired Japanese woman next to him didn't interrupt him as she waited patiently for him to finish enjoying the moment.

This woman is called Hisho, she is 25 years old, has long black hair, and is currently clothed in black business attire.

She works for a company that Lorien bought the majority part of, and her job today is to welcome Lorien and help him deal with papers, and accommodation.

Lorien did this with the objective of getting an investor's visa and to make his life easier in Japan.

After all, he couldn't just rush into a country without dealing with legal issues, that'll just make life more complicated for no real reason.

'Modern times, Modern rules.

'If things can be dealt with simply why complicate them?'

Moreover, as someone who has never been here before in his life, at least, not in modern times, he still needs a guide.

So with this in mind, this action actually dealt with 2 birds using 1 stone.


Groaning lightly, Lorien stopped stretching as he turned his head toward the woman next to him.

"Is everything prepared?"

"Yes! This way please."

Nodding in response, Hisho gestured toward the nearby car before continuing.

"We've prepared everything, this car will take you to your estate, If there is anything you dislike, please do tell us!"

Hearing this, Lorien smiled with satisfaction as he nodded toward her and then made his way toward the car.

'Tsk, this is much better than traveling normally, everything is prepared and there is no need for me to do anything!'

'Well, this was Leila's suggestion, so I should thank her when I return.'

'Speaking of which, I think that I came quite early as the plot begins in November, there are still 7 months until then...'

Shaking his head, Lorien didn't think much of it as he got into the car; and was quickly followed by the secretary who sat next to him.


Moving through traffic, Lorien kept watching the view from the window feeling a bit bored; no matter what country, traffic is still very boring.

"Sir, do you want to see a summary of the company's current finances and state now?" Suddenly spoke Hisho.

Hearing this, Lorien turned his head toward her and responded lightly.

"I'm very tired now, just send it to me through an email, and I'll check it out when I have time."

Saying this, he then closed his eyes deciding to relax until reaching his destination which took another 25 minutes.


With the car coming to a halt, Lorien got out of it followed by Hisho who immediately began introducing the place to him.

"Sir, this is the..."

However, while she was speaking, none of Lorien's attention was actually focused on her, rather, he looked toward the estate he was going to live in with a look of interest in his eyes.

It's just that his attention wasn't focused on the beautiful modern-styled house, but on something else.


'Someone actually broke into my house...'

'This is a new one!'

Moreover, focusing a bit more, this interest quickly grew stronger as he could feel that whoever was in there was at least a Special Grade Sorcerer.


'Interesting! Very interesting!'

'To think that I'll meet such a thing on my first day here.'

'However, I really wonder who it is....'


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