Lord of Dreams – A Multiverse Fanfiction

Chapter 223: Second Things

Seeing this, a smile full of excitement appeared on Lorien's face as he also rushed towards Gojo, throwing a couple of punches of his own.

However, if the people from all over the world who were watching the battle were to look carefully, they'd quickly notice that despite starting the 'second round', Lorien still hadn't used his sword nor used any of his abilities other than the sure hit power that allows him to bypass Gojo's infinity and land attacks on him.

'Well, there is no harm in getting hurt once in a while!'

'I'm really curious about how much damage this new technique of his can do to me.'



However, fortunately, or more precisely, unfortunately for him, Lorien didn't have to wait long to satisfy his curiosity as after a couple of quick clashes, the results became apparent.



'Tsk, not that bad of technique.'

Glancing down at his forearms and wrists which he had just used to directly defend against Gojo's attacks, large and clear cracks could be seen spreading from the points of impact.

These cracks looked eerie and bloody as small portions of rotten and damaged flesh and bones were clearly visible with some parts even falling down to the ground.


Taking a deep breath of cold air through his gritted teeth as he resisted the pain, Lorien's regeneration finally kicked into action, swiftly healing the wounds in a fraction of a second and restoring his arms to their normal healthy state.

Clenching his hands and relaxing them a couple of times, Lorien fell silent for a moment as he couldn't help but look at Gojo before finally shaking his head.

'Does he not get it yet? Abilities that haven't reached the law level are practically useless to me.'

'However, it's still too early to judge, I don't think that Gojo is that dumb...'



Meanwhile, on the opposite side just as Lorien was judging the situation, Gojo was also doing the same.

'Regeneration? Can't say I am surprised about that.'

'However, it seems that this newly developed technique of mine is useful.'

'For now, that is...'

Cracking his knuckles, the grin on Gojo's face grew wider as he looked at Lorien in front of him ready to pounce at him at any moment.

'He isn't using any of his abilities yet, so I have to try and do as much damage in this small and unknowable time period.'

'Him underestimating me will be my best chance to victory, I have to take advantage of it.'


Not hesitating for a moment, Gojo immediately broke the weird state both parties were in with a swift attack which was met with impeccable defense from Lorien's side.




It's just that as the two continued to clash, the aftermath of their battle started affecting everything around them as whatever was left in the vicinity after the battle between Gojo and the cursed spirits was also destroyed, practically leaving nothing behind.

However, neither of the two combatants cared about this right now as both of them were laser-focused on winning.


Punch after punch, the two fighters kept switching tempos with each of them attacking for a while before quickly returning to defense so as to get ready for the opponent's counterattacks.

Right now, the two were fighting on equal terms with neither of them getting any real advantage.

Of course, this was mainly because Lorien was still only using pure physical strength and technique to fight Gojo who was using his [Minimum Release: Purple].

'Tsk, this technique is much more annoying than I had previously expected, this guy really uses every technique to its maximum potential.'

Analyzing their last couple of clashes, Lorien couldn't help but feel annoyed as even though he clearly had the better martial arts and physical strength between the two, the way Gojo used purple to sometimes abruptly expand his attack range and then swiftly reduce it, greatly limited Lorien's offensive capabilities.

However, this limitation didn't last long as after getting used to it, Lorien was quick to adapt causing his advantage to become clearer and clearer with Gojo getting suppressed with each passing second.

'His martial arts improved greatly compared to our last fight...' Thought Gojo as he dodged a sudden kick to the chest by abruptly laying on the ground and rolling away.

'And here I thought that I had caught up to him, however, it seems that he hasn't stagnated at all.'

Frankly, if Lorien were to hear this, he would probably laugh at Gojo for expecting him to actually lay back and stagnate.

After all, even with all the things he's been busy with, Lorien had never stopped improving in all aspects thanks to his ability.

Right now, Lorien's power reached the semi-law level not only in his Dream Path but also in terms of Martial Arts, it's just that compared to the clear way laid by the Dream Path, the Martial Path is much harder to walk on.

However, this wasn't that important in this battle as even the semi-law level is still much higher than whatever level Gojo's martial arts are at, so, the results were very predictable.



It's just that as he got more and more overwhelmed, Gojo knew that he couldn't continue fighting like this as he discovered that his chances were very slim in winning in such close-quarters combat.

'This is really a pain, I expected things to be hard, but not like this...' Thought Gojo quickly planning his next actions.

However, sadly for him, Gojo didn't have time for this as just as they were clashing, Lorien's hands were abruptly lit up with a purple hue identical to the one covering Gojo's hands.



His eyes widening in shock, Gojo reacted as quickly as he could, jumping away and creating some distance from Lorien so as to gain time to heal his destroyed forearm.



'It's this annoying copy ability of his again, it's still as annoying as I recall it to be!'

Looking at Lorien who was standing in place and looking at him with a teasing look, Gojo clenched his newly healed hand and raised it in front of him sending Lorien the internationally recognized greeting gesture.

"A bit salty, aren't we?'

"Heh, I thought that you would keep only using martial arts."

"Never stated that!"


Falling silent for a moment, Gojo ignored the mocking look on Lorien's face as he started weighing his options.

'Fighting a long battle is not to my advantage.'

'Moreover, I have to be careful of what abilities I use as he would probably just copy them and throw them back at me.'

'I should strive for a one-hit ending.'


Suddenly raising his right hand in front of him and forming a seal, a wide crazed grin appeared on Gojo's face as he declared his second Domain Expansion today.

[Domain Expansion: Unlimited Void]


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