Lord of Fire is a Gamer

The Quest

We fucked up.

We simply fucked up.

We fucked up so badly, if Lord doesn't forgive us; worst case we get executed, best case we never get any jobs, ever.


I frantically searched around to see where he could escape until I saw a small crack. I crack just big enough for the young master.


I sighed at the same time with my partner, feeling pure dread.


Minutes ago


Noren had figured it out.

It was too easy really.

Too easy for someone smart like him.

He smirked to himself.

'Young master is surprisingly smart.'

Of course, as someone with so much experience under his belt, he figured out his plan quickly.

Turns out (to his surprise) the young master had not only seen them but also his assassins.

Knowing Noren would protect the young master he went into a creepy alleyway and hid in an abandoned house with assassins on his trail.

'Good job young master. Leave the rest to us.'

Noren could practically see the future now.

Their young master was probably shivering in fear in an abandoned home, waiting for his protectors. For US.

''Alright, young master trusts us so we need to do this perfectly. They are probably searching for him right now so we have some time.'' He said to his trusted partner.

''We don't need to barge in. They have the numbers, not to mention a firebender. We sneak in quietly and ambush them suddenly!'' He said with excitement.

''They won't even know what hit them! HHAHHA! Cough* Alright sush!''

They slowly and quietly got into the silent house.

They didn't waste much time, planning and talking didn't even take 20 seconds. Finding alternative ways to enter the house (windows, cracks and backdoors) took 30 seconds.

'We are at the top of our game today. We didn't even take a minute for all of this and we will take out all of them despite being outnumbered without a single loss!' he snickered quietly as he sneaked into the house from an open window.

Only to see bloodshed all over.

A dignified, middle-aged firebender with an arrow through his neck, his hands clutching around his neck with a horrified face.

A muscular and young guy, maybe in his early 20s dead with a scowling face as he clutched his arm that had an arrow through it.

A battle-worn guy, maybe in his late 30s with a surprise face that had an arrow going through it. Right. Through. His. Eye.

Noren gasped silently as his partner gulped at the brutality.

No, it wasn't the first time they had seen such things. What horrified them was who had done it.

'Young master hid his real face for so long?'

The young innocent boy could do all of these so perfectly and quickly.

Their master, his father wouldn't believe them even if they told the truth.

''Did he have a helper?'' He asked after a small pause.

Only for his partner to shake his head with a somber face.

''I searched everywhere already. It was only one person. It was young master Kunyo for sure.

'''...Fuck''' They said at the same time after a small pause.

'How do we even explain this...'


I officially lost everyone on my tail.

I have nobody following me, neither friend nor enemy, for now.

Apart from the extra stats, I even gained a neat new skill.

Novice Stealth: Hiding yourself is easier. You get creative when it comes to camouflage and along with that, it is easier for you to spot hiding people.

This skill didn't have '%' like the others, but I understand. How do you even numerize stealth? If I ever got it to %100 would I be permanently invisible? Yeah... sounds like bullshit.

In the other skills, %30 effectiveness increase meant, thanks to the skill I always used it %30 more effectively. It wasn't supernaturally making my skill more powerful (okay, maybe it was but not in that way) It didn't add %30 more chi to my fire attack, it taught me how to do it %30 better and use it instinctively.  Making my stealth %30 more effective would be supernatural.

I could immediately feel the difference of the skill though. I wasn't even paying attention but saw a guy pickpocket some fatty expertly. I could feel how successful I would be if I hid on any random thing I saw (Thankfully it wasn't always on. I could only tell If I wanted to know) and If I was in a crowd, I could walk in a way that would practically make me invisible to a target, constantly shifting my body and using other people as cover to hide from a point of view.


During that small fight, I realized something. People over glorify all benders due to how strong the top benders are.

I will be honest. I don't doubt any non-bender would lose against an avatar or extremely talented and strong monsters like Azula, Ozai or Bumi.

They are at a different level.

Even if you are the best archer in the world or the strongest swordsman, you couldn't harm them unless they allowed you to do so.

But they are exceptions. Unless someone is truly monstrous like them, most benders are just humans who can use elements. A poisoned arrow can still finish them off (again, monsters would have reflexes so good they basically have auto-defense. They don't count.).

When somebody says firebender, they don't think of the regular foot soldier who can use maybe 10-20 techniques and fall down. They think of the legendary combustion man, they think of Sozin. Unlike them, a good %70 of benders are killable with simple tools like arrows and swords.

I think these will be useless later on (since I plan to pursue my firebender career to the peak) but right now they are much much more useful than ordinary people think they are.

Anyway, I have no worries now. There is still about a week until my first destination on the map. On my plan.

Until that, I can relax. I have food, water, and shit ton of money.



'But of course, I can't waste time relaxing when I can be practicing my firebending.'

Although I have a very expensive tent, I would still rather sleep in a house and bed.


'I'm really lucky today.'

I only had to look for a good inn for about half an hour until something that could satisfy me came out.

Finally, I found the best inn in this town. Expensive, but even better than what I expected.

They even had a small board for local news that got updated regularly.

After buying myself a room I started to check out the news. Of course I would, otherwise the only thing I could do now was practicing my katas and doing push-ups.

I can't practice my firebending here (obviously), but I can't slack off either. So I can only go to my room and do some physical exercises and I hate to admit, but I love firebending much more than physical combat. Sweating from your fire and from your straining muscles is just different. I can get creative with my firebending and try new things but my katas and workout routine are the same will keep being the same for a long while. Just plain boring compared to firebending. I don't think I can ever get to master level brawling with this attitude but fuck it.

'Good thing I wanted to slack off from push-ups' I chuckled to myself as I held the big notice in the news board.

'Beware of Crimson Blood&Fire Bandit Group'

A piece of paper that warns people about a bandit group and offered a reward for their destroyer.

I grinned to myself as I saw a blue box appear in front of my eyes.

[Quest: Be the Hero for Once!]



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