Lord of Fire

13. The Old General

The primary reason for the arrival of the crew in Oma Shu was to ride the causeways of the great city, at least according to Aang. For the other more mature members of the party, there was a host of activities and plans. Everyone had an agenda of something they wished to do whilst in the city.
The first was the young Kyoshi Warrior by the name of Suki. Suki was a very attractive young woman with an amazing figure and the skills to take down a man thrice her size. She was raised by her mother on Kyoshi Island and fully ingraced into the fold of the village. She loved the village and its people. She loved being a strong warrior able to handle herself against pretty elite level nonbenders.
There was however one thing that bothered her, she was quite curious about her father. Her mother barely mentioned him. She only got a few details and those details suggested her father lived in Oma Shu. She only knew his name, Tamutae, and not much else.
As soon as the shock and awe of the big city cleared, she and Katara separated from the three boys. Of course they barely knew the city but agreed to meet right at the entrance before the end of day. The started heading towards the west while Sokka and Aang headed further inland to the city. Zuko headed east.
“So where are we going?” Katara suddenly asked as they walked along the bustling street. Surrounded by an array of shops and food stalls. They resisted the offered temptations and continued on a destination neither of them really knew.
What Suki was doing was following a vague detail about her father. She had heard he lived in the slums of the west pyramid but since it was nearly 2 decades prior she had to take the risk he might still be alive and live in the same area. As the pair continued on their way, unbeknownst to them, a shadow was watching from the distance.
Ten minutes passed without any major incident. The morning sun was still warming the friezing cold of the desert night out in the mountains. Suki and Katara continued to walk on the perimeter of the city slums.
“So listen, your brother told me about the situation with Zuko,” Suki spoke after a long period of silence. Her sudden question startled Katara in more ways then one.
Katara wasn't particularly in the mood for such a conversation. There was a reason she was avoiding Zuko and Sokka altogether. She knew Sokka noticed her attitude towards Zuko and Suki just confirmed it. She however had to resign herself to help out a friend distract themselves from what they felt they knew was coming, the death of her father or maybe even worse, his rejection of her. So she decided to answer the question as honest with herself as possible.
“It's uhm... complicated,” she began as she looked out into the magnificence of the city infront of her. “Ever since I saw him for the first time back in our village I have had this inkling feeling like... I don't know how to explain it myself. Maybe if I had more experience I would know but for now let's just say I felt an attraction to him. Of course I tried to put it out of my mind because of the war and how my family especially has suffered. Back at the beach Zuko asked me to be his betrothed. For some reason I felt a feeling of happines and sadness. Joy and sorrow at the same time. I must be crazy to feel like that about the Prince of the Fire Nation.” Suki silently listened to the rant of Katara.
Like Katara, Suki herself was young, naive and inexperienced. She had barely any experience with the opposite sex although she had experimented with a few girls on Kyoshi. Avatar Kyoshi herself was bi and it was a common occurence that the Kyoshi Warriors, not all or half but a significant enough mount were bi or gay. She was not experienced enough for a proper advice so she only said the truth.
“We don't choose who we fall for Katara.” She said. “It might seem like a choice but it is far from it. From my little experience I think that is the best advice I can give you!”
The pair smiled at each other after the brief conversation, until they suddenly came to a halt. They finally arrived at their destination. An old rundown apartment block that rose 3 stories. It was quite a large complex that easily contained at least a hundred individuals. This was the last rumoured address of Sergeant Tamutae of the Earth Kingdom Army. He was quite famous around these parts of town for his accomplishments in helping out quite a few refugees flee from the fury of the Fire Nation.
For the longest time, all she ever did was wonder about the type of man her father was. From the limited information her mother provided, she created an image of him over the years. A rough idea of who he was. A tall manly man with almost unending ambition. A prideful man too caught up with his career to care about his family. Even with all that, she wanted to meet him.
Standing infront of the building he used to live, she only now realised how nervous she was. Standing beside her, even Katara could feel the nervousness coming off of her. Katara decided to comfort her friend and reached out her hand. As soon as she grapped Suki’s hand, she felt it shaking uncontrollably. Suki turned to her with almost tear filled eyes.
“It'll be alright,” Katara tried to ease her mind.
After a brief moment, Suki felt calmer. Her confidence returned and along with it, her instincts as a warrior. Trained and honed over the ages.
With purpose, the pair freed their hands and walked into the massive complex.
The building itself was huge, at least 3 floors high. Covering an area of 10 000 square meters. The apartments were on the perimeter while the center was a public area. A sort of park, over run with children and adults alike. The children mostly played childish games while a few practiced their bending, mostly boys. The adults varied greatly with their activities.
Before entre, there however was the reception area for new tenants and other services. A pair of windows that looked into an office like space with a pair of desks. The desk on the right was empty while an elderly woman sat in the other.
The elderly lady had a look of boredom and dread. Like she was just waiting for the day she’d die.
“What do you want?” She asked the pair of young women in an unmotivated voice.
“Uhm hello ma'am. How is your day so far?” Katara greeted in an almost annoyingly cheery voice. She had a sunshine like smile that tried to lift the doom and gloom oozing out of the old lady.
“Shut your stupid mouth!!” The old lady snapped as expected. “What's so good to he smiling like that? The war to the Fire Nation has lasted all my life and is no closer to ending as I approach the end of my days! What’s worse is an even more bloody war coming to engulf the entire planet! My husband left for the war, when he returned it was with some fruity young thing like you! My grandkids are just a bunch of useless idiots like my stupid idiot kids!
“I haven’t had sex longer than you’ve been alive, my vagina feels like shit! Yet you come and ask how the fuck is your day? Well it’s been a shitty day! It’s been a shitty year really! A fucking shitty century and the shittiest life!! So does that answer your question you dumb son of a bitch!?”
Everyone within earshot was stunned by the rant of the old lady. At least those in the street. Those familiar with the old coot knew her outbursts just too well.
“Oh I'm sorry I-“
“I know damn well what you mean!!” She snapped at Katara again.
“Grandma you have to stop this outbursts!” A sweet voice suddenly joined from the back.
She was soon followed by a pair of taller, related looking men.
“Did you forget to drink your medicine again?” One of the man added.
“Shut your damn mouth you stupid brat!” The old lady turned to him. She continued to mumble along as the two dragged her away.
“Her medicine was actually finished so I went to buy some!” The grand daughter handed one of them the bag of medicine.
Once some calm returned, she approached her left desk by the window.
“My apologies, she’s uhm.... at that age!” The young woman apologized. “So how may I help you?” She continued.
Suki and Katara exchanged a look before Suki stepped up. The outrage of the old lady removed all her nervousness for some reason. In a calm clear voice she spoke her mind.
“There used to live a man in this building by the name of Tamutae.” She began. “We were wondering if he lived her of if you might know where he might have moved?”
“The old General?” Asked the young lady. “Well like you said, he used to live here but that was ages ago now. He lives towards the central palace district along with the nobles and other military big shots.”
“He's a General now?” Suki mutered in disbelief. From what her mother told her, he was just a sergeant back in the day.
“I was actually headed there after I brought the medicine,” revealed the young woman. “I can show you to the house, let me just get some one to cover for me here.” Katara and Suki graciously accepted the help.
The young woman disappeared into the back as the pair waited. There came an awkward silence between the pair. Suki expected to find a war worn veteran soldier but not a General. Her father was not that strong a bender but he always had quite the tactical mind, At least according to what she heard from her mother.
Katara on the other hand had no real expectations. She herself was abandoned by her father for the war. She had somewhat an idea of what her friend was going through.
“General huh?” She tried to break the silence.
“I know right, didn't see that coming,” Suki tried to play it off. Trying to hide her obvious surprise and disappointment.
Her father pushed her mother away for his military career. She couldn't help but feel sad at the fact he got what he wanted. Her head slump to show her sadness. She suddenly felt a hand at her shoulder.
“It will be alright,” Katara tried to assure her.
“You guys ready to go?” A female voice suddenly spoke from behind.
They both turned to see the young woman from before, with what appeared to be a large sag or bag. They couldn t make out the contents of the bag.
“Yes, let’s go,” Suki quickly answered.
“We never got your name,” Katara asked as they exited to the buzzling streets.
“My apologies,” began the young woman. “My name is Manori,” she added.
Manori was an attractive young woman. She was slightly older and taller then both Suki and Katara. Her hair was a long almost black oil like waterfall that fell down to her waist. She had a dark brown skin. Her figure was more mature and rounded. Even with all the baggy carpet like attire, her figure resounded. Not to mention her prominent breasts that drew a lot of eyes from males of all ages. The females looked at her with scornful eyes. Even Suki and Katara felt a twinge of jealousy and inferiority.
The three continued on towards the center of the city. The central noble district was home to the military officers and nobles of the city. It had a variety of mansions ranging in size and special government buildings. Suki and Katara followed Manori for a while. In a little more than a quarter of an hour, they arrived at a massive mansion enclosed by giant walls.
Manori walked up to a pair of guards that stood by what looked to be a giant earth gate.
“Here for another delivery Manori?” The younger looking of the two guards asked.
“Well Satori can't get enough of my specialties,” Manori answered.
“Who are the two behind you?” The older, veteran guard asked.
“This is Katara and Suki,” She introduced. “They came to the city looking for the General.”
“The General huh?” the younger guard asked. “Fortunately he returned not too long ago,” he added.
The pair of guards turned towards the wall. In mirror symmetry they each pushed their hands forward. The ground started to shake and the wall rumbled. Following their hand movements, the gate separated to reveal the magnificence of the mansion.
Manori stepped through first, followed by Suki and Katara. Following that, the guards closed up the gate yet again.
Manori continued to lead Suki and Katara towards the entrance to the mansion. A few guards and servants greeted Manori. She seemed overly familiar with them. Eventually they entered the mansion itself and headed towards the East wing. Towards the training ground.
“The General usually trains Sheya and Dolo during this time of day,” Manori explained.
Soon they started hearing grunts and groans from the training area. A middle aged man appeared to be training a pair of juveniles.
“Faster Sheya!” Screamed the old man. “More intensity Dolo!” He added.
Sheya was a young girl with a muscular physique. She was lifting up a boulder the size of a small house. She would lift it up over and over again using her bending.
Dolo was a boy of similar age but a bit more lean. The old man threw beach ball sized boulders at him and he smashed through them with his bare hands.
“Manori!!” Sheya suddenly noticed. The gigantic boulder landed and shook the entire mansion area.
She ran for Manori who was just entering with Suki and Katara. Dolo and the old man stopped their hellish training and joined Manori.
“Well that was fast?” Asked the old man. He had a wide smile that didn't fit his scary lookin face. Making the innocent smile look creepy and ominous.
“Satori was quite desperate so here I am,” Manori answered.
“Well the baby is due any day now so her cravings are all over the place,” joked the old man.
He wasn't that old but his twisted face and battle scars made him look older. He wore the traditional green and gold of the Earth Kingdom. Along with a large hat that covered up his bald head. His over all physique was unusual for an earth bender. Instead he was tall and lean, even a bit skinny and scrawny looking.
His gaze turned towards the pair of young women that arrived with Manori.
“Who are your friends?” He asked with a wry smile.
“Oh I almost forgot,” Manori reacted. “This is Katara and Suki. They came to our place looking for you.”
Upon hearing her name, the smile quickly vanished from the lips of the old man. Even Suki and Katara were shocked to discover that this was indeed the General.
Suki’s long lost father, only that he wasn't lost from the beginning.
“So how can I help you?” He asked in a dry tone.
Even the two brats noticed the change. Manori was herself a bit surprised. Suki started shivering from the sheer coldness in his eyes. She unconsciously took a half step back. Katara quickly noticed and held her hand to comfort her.
“Can we please speak in private sir?” Katara asked with all her courage.
“Hey let's go see your mom,” Manori suggested upon noticing the tension. “Maybe she will spare you some sweet bean dumplings.” She distracted the young ones.
“Great!” Sheya responded enthusiastically.
She immediately started dragging Manori towards the inner mansion. Dolo silently followed behind. Periodically glancing back at his father leading the girls towards his office. His pace slowed as he got more curious. Soon he couldn't even hear Sheya bombarding Manori with personal questions. Eventually he came to a complete stop. The food could wait. He had to satisfy his curiosity now. He turned back and headed towards that very same office.

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