Lord of Fire

21. The Avatar Spirit (III)


“What happened?” Aang asked in a laboured voice.

He suddenly relaxed his hands and the discs of ice dropped to the ground and shattered. Using this as an opportunity I charged up my chi and let out a breath of fire that melted the ice surrounding me. My uncle did likewise. Suddenly we were in drenched clothes like we just went diving into a pool. With most of my clothes already burnt plus the water I looked like a hobo.

“What happened?” Aang asked again while Iroh and I continue to struggle to catch our breath.

“The Avatar State,” a voice suddenly answered in our stead.

We all turned to see Sokka being held up by Suki and Katara. The two girls looked almost as tired as Sokka. Their beauty had diminished just due to the sheer chaos surrounding them. They were not even involved in the fighting but it sure as hell looked like they survived one.

“Y-you w-w-were in the Avatar State,” Iroh struggled to answer. “I think you just hit your limit and returned to normal.”

“The Avatar State?” Suki asked in confusion.

“The Avatar State is a state of mind when the Avatar Spirit takes over the body of the Avatar.” For some reason I began explaining. For another mysterious reason I couldn't stop explaining either. “In this state the Avatar has access to all the knowledge of his past lives including bending abilities. The state can be triggered by external forces such as fear, anxiety and the desire to overcome an obstacle.”

Everyone stared at me weirdly after the encyclopedic explanation. Although I did live out quite a few obvious details.

“I see... and that external force was you?” Sokka asked. Everyone seemed to agree with the assumption.

Well I can’t really blame them now can I? Even at my reduced intellectual capacity I know it was my attack that pushed him into a corner. Well now that everyone is here, I think I should get my plan started.

“Yes it was me,” I answered in a deep serious voice. “Just because you lost control of yourself doesn’t mean the fighting is over.”

Aang backed off unconsciously. Even Iroh had to take a step back by my revelation. How naive are these fools?

“Did you think that things were going to return to how they were?” I asked rhetorically. “Nothing has changed between us! You are going to come with me Aang! Even if I have to burn you to near death!”

I was still wet as a blanket. My clothes were burnt off in places. I looked like a commoner trash but I was still a firebender with a goal in mind. To see my princess!

I started walking up to Aang with my fists by my side. Short daggers of fire shot out from my hands. Before he could even react I jumped and turned turned in mid air to deliver a swinging back kick that send him flying. Suddenly I felt a kick on the side of my head that send me eating dirt.

I jumped up to see Suki with the Kyoshi Warrior signature fan.

“Stay out of MY WAYYY!!!” Fire roared from my mouth. It was about to engulf the girl but then the flames got flashed out like they were never there to begin with. Standing in front of her was Iroh with his palms out ready towards me.

“You should stop this crusade already!!” He warned. “I know who you really are now! So I suggest you watch your next move carefully!”

By those words he took a fighting stance. His hands and feet ready to move any direction. Water still dripping down from his damp clothes.

“Your actions now only serve to make the words of the Avatar Spirit as true!” He continued. “If you continue this any longer than I have to side with the Avatar! Your presence here is unnatural!”

“What the fuck kind of bulshit is this old man!” I blasted back at him. “After all the crap you spewed about my will and you betray me not even five minutes later!?”

This is so annoying! Why can’t this people just let me do as I want! This wouldn’t be happening if I was more powerful! It’s like I'm forever at the mercy of others in this world.

I looked at the group of people surrounding me! Iroh, Katara, Sokka and Suki. They all looked at me like I was a disgusting piece of gum that deserved to be trampled on.

“Do not blame your uncle for your own stupidity!” that familiar voice of many suddenly returned.

That bothersome glow of the Avatar State returned to Aang. Not this bulshit again! Come on bro I need a break here. Aren’t I supposed to be the protagonist in this story? Aang should not be the main character in my own story! I refuse to accept that!

“So you’re all going to gang up on me!?” I asked in a desperate ploy. “Even you Katara? Even after all that I told you!?”

“I told you he wouldn’t give up didn’t I?” Aang spoke again.

“Indeed you were right,” Iroh agreed? What the fuck are they talking about? “His ambitions are what drive him!” He added.

“What the fuck are you talking about?” I demanded out of frustration. “Enough bullshit!”

“I told Iroh that you would go back to being the same Zuko who yearned for power.” Aang explained in that weird multi voice.

“Wait does that mean?”

“Yes,” Iroh answered. “The Avatar Spirit didn't actually deactivate but shut down on its own to draw out your true intentions.”

I see... bloody well played dudes. I guess I still am too naive. I couldn't even tell if they had some sort of weird connection. I guess this is as far as I was to go.

“So what now?” I asked in an obviously unmotivated voice.

“You die, it’s as simple as that!” Aang answers with no hesitation.

“Are you sure about this?” Katara suddenly asked.

We all turned to her in confusion.

“What do you think will happen when you actually kill Zuko? What about the war?” She continued.

“The war doesn't matter as long as I am here!” Aang boasted and raised his left hand towards me.

Damn it all! This is so annoying and frustrating. How can I not be the protagonist of the story!? I was the guy who's soul was taken and placed in another body so according to some kind of law it should all be me shouldn't it?

{Well you can still be the protagonist of the story}

Wait what the fuck was that? Was that just in my head or did some one actually say something. Looking at the faces infront of me everyone is baffled by my confusion.

{Who I am doesn't matter at the moment!}

There it went again. Seriously what the fuck? Am I going crazy just before I die again?

{What matters now is that you need my help.}

Well shit of course I need help in this situation. Who the fuck wouldn't!?

{All you have to do is ask! Thus my favour for you shall be deemed complete.}

A favour? This must mean the same spirit I met back in the jungle in the spirit world. Well I never did get to meet it face to face but i recognize the voice. Its dark and ominous almost with a villainy tinge.

{So what's it going to be?}

A favour huh? Well you sure are persistent aren't you? Second time in less than 24 hours that you've offered me help.

‘Exactly what kind of help can you provide me in this situation?’ I asked in thought.

{It doesn't work like that! You ask for my help and I help you get out of this predicament.}

Shit shit shit shit shit! I fucking hate being this powerless! For now though, there is nothing to think about. Looking at the grin faces infront of me I can tell that my second life is about to end.

‘Fine, help me!’


[3rd POV]

Thousands and thousands of miles away in the Fire Nation capital. A rather familiar looking middle aged man with black spikey hair and bushy side burns walked into a chamber full of Fire Nation elites. The man, Commander Zhao of the Fire Nation Navy, walked with an aura of confidence and arrogance.

“State your business,” an elderly General ordered the commander.

“Gentlemen I come with some troubling news!” he answered.

The council remained silent and exchanged a few looks. A few glanced over to the pit of fire with a shadowy silhouette sitted in the middle.

“A mere commander dares to interrupt the war council for a little trouble?” The silhouette demanded in a deep and ominous almost dragon God like voice.

“Forgive me my Lord but the news I have brought you is not little,” Zhao struggled to even speak in ‘his’ presence. “My choice of words was rather very poor.”

An ominous silence remained as Zhao swallowed a large portion of his own saliva.

“As I was saying,” he continued. “I am sure that you are all aware of the return of the Avatar.”


[A/N: Read 5 to 10 chapters ahead on my patreon available right now.


patreon.com/ImperialFantasies ]

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