Lord of Fire

25. The Ambush (II)


Jet simply smiled at the Zuko standing before him. He quickly grasped what the young man was trying to do. He didn’t want to participate in the obvious bait. However, he was quite curious to see how far Zuko was willing to go.

“Our cause is not one of the status quo,” he began. “We simply to don’t want the fire nation anymore and don’t really care how we do it.”

“Is that right!?” Zuko asked. “What exactly do you think is going to happen if you by some stretch of the imagination manage to drive off the Fire Nation? Nothing will change even if we are defeated. You pitiful orphans will still just be under the thumb of those fat nobles of the Earth Kingdom!”

“Are you saying living under the tyranny of the Fire Nation is better then being under our own people?” Manori joined the conversation. She was being held up by a pair of freedom fighters as she could barely stand let alone move.

Zuko smiled at her question. They had taken to his plan quite easily. Either they were just messing with him or they were actually that stupid. For now he decided to play it out.

“I didn’t say that now did I?” He answered her. “All I said was your supposed freedom fighters were just a bunch of misfits with a worthless cause! I didn’t say the fire nation was better I just meant I could provide you with a better cause!”

They all seemed a bit interested by his sudden proposal. Jet especially wondered if this Zuko was serious but than he had a thought. Zuko was obviously out numbered. Not long ago he was willing to fight them but now he started talking after that powerful attack. It meant one of two things. Either he was trying to talk himself out of the fight or he was stalling for time. Either way it meant that he was at a disadvantage.

‘So that was his plan?’ he thought. ‘How stupid does he think I am? Well nothing has changed from by plan. I decided he needs to die a long time ago!’

“A proper cause huh!?” He asked. “It doesn’t really matter now does it!? I decided a long time ago that you were going to die and some sweet talk is not going to get you off the hook! Duke now!” He ordered.

Suddenly one of the freedom fighters fired an arrow at Zuko at an insane speed. Zuko could easily enough dodge it but he noticed that he was standing directly infront of Katara. If he dodged than the arrow would hit her so he instead punch forth a stream of fire that slowed the arrow enough for him to catch it with his right hand. Barely a second passed and two fighters suddenly appeared on each side of him. Both came attacking with gigantic clubs. He did a quick back flip to move out of the way but before he could even land. He felt an impact on his back that sent him eating dirt. As he quickly jumped up from the ground he noticed he was surrounded on all sides by eight of them. Each of them was carrying a sort of weapon that wasn’t hat heavily but sharp and barely visible even under the sun.

The two with the clubs stayed behind with Jet and Manori. They watched on from the tree tops as the rest enircled him. This happened sooner than Zuko had expected. He estimated he could keep them talking for at least ten minutes but barely five minutes had passed. He had spent some time training with his uncle but a lot of things happened so quickly that he didn’t really have the time to settle himself and truly explore the memories that Zuko had left. What didn’t help was that Zuko was also an idiot. His fighting style was too raw with no real mastery behind it. No real understanding of the element and the martial arts behind it. Iroh was teaching him the basics but Zuko focused only on the quick attacks.

Most of his fighting now was based on his knowledge from earth with the aid of Zuko’s own memories. Well that was all good but now wasn’t the time to think about regrets. He had to find a way to get out of this alive. Like Klopp used to say, the best defence was often a good offence. So he now had to do what he did best, attack relentlessly.

He immediately charged for the fighter to the front and attacked with a fire jab followed by another jab and a swinging back kick. Each attack followed by a stream of fire. The fighter easily evaded by simply backing off but then two more came from the sides again. Each carrying small daggers he could barely see before it was too late. At just the last second he dodged them both but what came next was a stream of pain from his back. Another fighter cut across his back using a blade and blood gushed out. He resisted the urge to scream and instead grapped the two by the side, pulled them together by their heads until they slammed into each other. He then released fire from his hands and lit them both on fire.  Suddenly another stream of pain shot through his back. It was the same fighter who cut through his back yet again. Tears welled up in his eyes as he resisted the urge to scream out in excruciating pain. He reacted quickly by twisting around and using the momentum to push his hands into the chest of the swordsman followed by a concussive beam of fire that sent him flying.

Suddenly another burst of pain shocked him as he noticed that two arrows were now shot into both his shoulders. This time he couldn’t help but scream at the top of his lungs. So much so that his scream turned into a roar of flames like a dragon. Unconsciously the roar was aimed at Jet and the three by his side on the branch. He collapsed to his knees from the sheer pain. With red tear filled eyes he pulled the arrows out of shoulders. Screaming in agony as he pulled them out. Blood gushed out of the wounds like water from a pipe. His vision was starting to get blurry and he started to feel light headed. He still refused to give up though, he was still surrounded by seven people. The two he lit on fire had been put out and recovered while the other was a ways away and barely conscious.

He willed himself to stand tall while still surrounded. His body was now covered in blood from head to toe but he still stood. He glared at them with bloody red eyes.

“You were strong Zuko,” a voice suddenly said. He turned to see Jet standing perfectly safe. With Manori on his back unconscious. “Unfortunately for you, this was as far as you could go!”

“Is that right?” Zuko asked. “You know I still have one last trick up my sleeve,” he teased and suddenly held his hands to his chest like in prayer.

His mind wondered. He couldn’t do the super attack with his stamina drained but he still had chi. There was one other attack of the firebenders that struck fear into the minds of those who witnessed it. He had yet to master it let alone try it out but now was as good a time.

He extended out his arms with his fingers pointed out. His arms suddenly followed a circular motion followed by his two fingers. Blueish white sparks suddenly followed behind his fingers.


The blueish white flashes suddenly turned to a single flash of light.

“He can generate lightning!!” Jet screamed in surprise but his surprise was too late.

Zuko pointed out his left hand fingers at him as a surge of light followed the path and lighting erupted from the fingers of Zuko and headed straight for Jet. The sequence of events that happened next happened in less than three seconds.

As the lightning headed for him, Jet quickly dodged the attack at the last moment before it got him completely. The person  behind him however was Manori and she too barely dodged because of the momentum of being on Jet’s back. The person standing behind Jet was one of the freedom fighters and he was lit up like a Christmas tree. Seeing one of his friends dying, Jet dropped Manori. He took out one of his swords and dashed for Zuko. He cut across the chest of Zuko.

Blood gushed out of Zuko like a sprinkler so much so that he went unconscious right then and there.


Victor suddenly found himself in a black empty space of infinite void. As far as he could see there was nothing but black. He appeared to be hovering in emptiness in his real body.

“What the fuck was that bro?” A familiar voice suddenly demanded in a frustrated voice.

He turned around but didn’t see the owner of the voice.

“You have to concentrate to see us!” Another voice, still familiar suddenly suggested.

“What?” Victor asked in confusion.

“It’s the Experience bro! Concentrate!” A third familiar voice added in a frustrated tone.

[A/N: Read 5 to 10 chapters ahead on my patreon available now. 


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