Lord of Fire

36. His Will Lives On


A long time ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. The Fire Nation, the Air Nomads, the Water Tribes and the Earth Kingdom. One day, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. The whole world turned to the Avatar for hope. The only person capable of bending all four elements. When the world needed him most, he vanished from the world.

Nearly a hundred years later, the great war was in full force. The Fire Nation has conquered most of the world. The Air Nomads were completely wiped out from existence. The Southern Water Tribe was exterminated to near extinction. With only a small gathering of huts remaining. The Northern Water Tribe still stand strong but for how long? The only nation still putting up much of a fight is the Earth Kingdom. For them too, the time for defeat is nigh.

Hope returned to the world when the Avatar resurfaced, the last Airbender. The different factions of the world now seek the Avatar to use for their own agendas. Zuko, the exiled Prince of the Fire Nation and heir to the throne, who was inhabited by a foreign soul, had his own agenda. He discovered that a powerful spirit has his own nefarious plans for the world. To find out more he acted quickly and grabbed the Avatar but now, he is being chased by all sides.

After a devastating battle against not only the Avatar but also his own uncle Iroh, he escaped with the Avatar into a certain cave hidden from plain view. As he lay unconscious in the cave, a blueish white like substance flowed out from his body. The jelly like substance formed into a blob by his side. The blob started to morph and deform. It rose and grew taller. After a few seconds it appeared to form into a humanoid shape. The blob transformed into a semi transparent young man. This was Paul, created by the chi of Zuko, he was an apparition only visible to the exiled Prince.

“Finally,” he said.

He immediately began inspecting his body. Stretching out his arms and legs. The body felt like his own body. Just that he could not react with the world. After a brief period he was satisfied it was still very similar to his own body. Soon he turned to see the bloodied body of Zuko lying unconscious on the cold cave floor.

“Old friend...” He kneeled down and said. “You need to sleep and recover some strength. Now that I am here, things are going to get difficult. Not because I have to hurt you but because I have to make you strong.”

With no reply from Zuko he stood back up and turned to the other two bodies lying on the other side of the fire. He walked across the and kneeled down to their bodies too.

“Avatar Aang,” he began with the young Avatar. “What I would have given up to meet you like this back in the day. It is a pity but you are not the main protagonist of this story. I wish I could say its me but it’s not. There are things at work here that go beyond all of us.”

He proceeded to turn to the body of Katara.

“You really are beautiful,” he began. “It still does not change my opinion about ‘her’. Now that I am here maybe I can see her. For now, you should be enough for the image. Those nights won't be lonely anymore.” He had a disgusting smile on his face that would creep out a seriel killer.

With that done he finally stood back up and scanned around the cave. The cave did not go any deeper. They were literally at the edge. There was just one entrance that was barely visible even from here.

“I might as well check out the world,” he said and headed for the entrance.

Once he reached it he stared out into the magnificence of the forest. The cave was a bit high up but not so much to expose itself. Just enough create a magnificent view. It was surrounded by valleys and hills on all sides. A massive green forest spreading out as far as the eye could see. A large river meandered throughout to act as a sort of break from the green of the forest.


Paul sat there at the entrance all night. He continued to scan the area for any thing other than an animal. There were no camp fires as he continued to sit on a particularly hard rock. Thanking it that his butt couldn't feel its hardness. Nothing of interest happend as he sat until the morning sun started to just come above the horizon.

As he looked around Paul noticed a brown blur in the forest moving about. It would make sense if he noticed a brown tree but not one moving that fast. Suddenly he noticed it again moving fast through the forest. The blur moved towards the river bank and stopped. As it stopped he recognised the person immediately.

With great pace he hurried inside the cave for the direction of Zuko. As soon as he reached him he placed his hand on his chest. For but a second he concentrated to let a little bit of chi creep into Zuko. Almost immediately Zuko jumped awake, forgetting that he was still in pain. For a moment he was caught by the semi transparent body of Paul. He quickly passed it on as he knew there was only one reason he would be awakened for, an intruder was nearby.

“What happened?” He asked as he pushed through the pain. He ignored his hunger, his thirst and even the pain.

“Its General Iroh,” Paul answered. “He is by the river bank.”

“The river bank?” Zuko questioned.

The two quickly hurried for the entrance. At the entrance they looked towards the river bank from behind a few rocks. Paul was right. Standing and looking around the riverbank clear as day was Iroh. Former Prince of the Fire Nation and heir to the throne until his little brother stole it. A former General of the Fire Army and in the eyes of many, regarded to be the strongest Firebender on the planet. After allegedly slaying the last living dragons he was given the nickname, Dragon of the West.

“Is he looking for me?” Zuko asked. “He knows I am not really his nephew right?”

“Well Aang told him so yes. He might not be happy that his nephew is dead so...” Paul guessed.

“Well we both know that Iroh is not the type for that.” Zuko disagreed.

“Aang was the same but remember how he changed so quickly?” Paul pointed out. “What makes you think the same cannot be said for Iroh?”

Paul had a point and Zuko reluctantly agreed. So many things had already changed because of his sheer presence in this world. Iroh might be included in that growing list.

“Zuko!!!!” A voice suddenly roared. “I know you’re here!! I tracked your blood to this place!!”

Hearing that Zuko looked down on his aching body. The blood had dried up but he had to admit it. Even the smell only grew stronger now that he noticed.

“Looks like he knows you are here,” Paul commented.

“Well shit,” Zuko mocked snarky.


Zuko and Paul watched on from the distance with curiosity. They both couldn't make heads or tails of what ever it was he was up to. They both knew Iroh was an enlightened and peaceful person with great honour. They just could not predict how he could have changed if at all.

“I AM NOT LIVING THIS PLACE UNTIL YOU COME OUT!!” Iroh revealed. From the pouch he was carrying he took out some fire wood and a few other bags.

Within five minutes, in front of the watching Zuko and Paul, he made a lively and vibrant fire. He took out a tea kettle and put it on the fire with some water from the river. He arranged the many types of tea he carried with him around a little blanket and some hard looking bread and biscuits.

“Looks like he's here to stay,” Paul said the obvious.

It slightly annoyed Zuko. He could see with his own eyes he didn't need the commentary. Paul himself knew Victor (Zuko) always hated that. Even on earth, stating the obvious annoyed him. He noticed the slight twitch of the face of Zuko.

“Well what now?” Paul tried to change the subject.

By his question Zuko stood up from behind the rocks with a serious demeanour.

“If he wants to meet me then I will meet him,” he said in a very dry tone. “While I talk to him I need you to check around the perimeter to make sure there is no one nearby.”

Paul nodded at the order. With that and his mind made up, he made his way down towards the river bank. It wasn't long before he came out from the shrubs.

“I'm here uncle Iroh,” he revealed himself.

Iroh hurriedly stood up and watched his nephew or supposed nephew covered in blood from head to toe. His clothes torn into cinders. He looked the like a peasant just pulled out from the sewers after rotting away for a week.

“Why did you seek me out Uncle Iroh,” Zuko asked. With an unfazed and emotionless face he walked up to the former General.

“You still call me Uncle even though...” Iroh trailed off.

“The soul inside is different but the will and desires of Prince Zuko still dwells strongly.” Victor revealed.

“That is actually what I came here to talk to you about,” Iroh revealed. “Come and sit down. Let me make some nice and hot tea while we speak.” He showed the way to the pair of square like rocks by the fire. One he used as a sit and the other was for Zuko if he came out. Which he did. Zuko obliged almost instantly as he was having a hard just standing. He was about to pass out any moment now.

He sat down by Iroh as he made the tea. One thing he knew was he wasn't going to be disappointed by the taste. Even when he came into this world he loved the tea Iroh made. After a few moments Iroh handed him a smoking hot cup of tea and a biscuit. Zuko gladly accepted. With each in each hand he began.

“So how did you inhabit the body of Zuko?” Iroh immediately went for the query.

Zuko smiled a little at the surprising directness of Iroh. He took a long ass sigh in preparation.

“Well before I begin. Why do you want to know?” He asked.

Iroh took a sip of the hot tea and looked into the distance. A far off look that Zuko anticipated would be followed by a long drawn out sentimentary explanation.

“Its fine I get it,” Zuko quickly put a stop to it before Iroh even got a word in. “I know more about this world than most. Just looking at your face I understood it all so I will tell you how it all happened.”


“An ancient spirit by the sound of things,” Iroh said after the long winded explanation.

“I think even older than Raava or Vaatu by his word.” Zuko agreed. “So anyway that's why I tried to pretend to be the normal Zuko to get more information but it didn't work out as such. So here I am. Stuck in a foreign world with a bloody war and caught up between different forces all coming for me.”

“Hmmmm....” Iroh thought. “If what you say is true then we need to prepare. The spirit world is a dangerous and mysterious place. Not much is known of it so I understand your wish for more information. I fear however that not even the Avatar may know the information you are looking for.”

“Well if I can get to a shrine for Avatar Roku on the solstice then the Avatar can travel to the spirit world. With my new connection I can join him and ask Roku for any information or disturbance he may have sensed in the spirit world.” Zuko revealed. “It could have happened on Kyoshi Island but then I doubted that the connection was possible without the solstice or a similar event. From what Zuko read in the archives of the Fire Sages briefly, all we need is the shrine of an Avatar. Although an astronomical event provides the best chance and the utter lack of experience from the Avatar I think it is the best option.”

Suddenly Paul came out from the shrubs behind Iroh. He looked to Zuko and signalled him of now peering eyes. He proceeded to join the pair by the fire, although only Zuko could see him.

“I don't really care much for the war at this moment,” Zuko continued. “I just want to know more. If I know more I can choose a proper course of action to take.”

“My thinking was of the same,” Iroh suddenly revealed.

Zuko’s eyes widened in anticipation. From inside his robes Iroh took out a small bag. He opened the bag to reveal an assortment of small bottles, a few bandages and what appeared to be leaves, roots and a few other plant parts.

“Zuko may be gone for good but what I sensed before tells me and what I sense now.” He began. “As you have told me before, his will still lives on in you.”

He placed the staff on the ground on the blanket and looked back up at Zuko.

“This are herbs, some bandages and some medicine for you and the Avatar. I could spare some for the water tribe girl as well.” Iroh continued. “I shall patch you up and within a day or two we can get moving. There is no time to wait. The threat of the world is literary at stake here.”

[A/N: This chapter marks the beginning of the second volume. Chapters will return to normal length from now on. This will be a long volume and hopefully end this arc. About a dozen chapters have been written to be released on a schedule. As always thank you for your support and patience while it was in the works. Be prepared for some epic fights and the revelation of a few new characters. Not to mention the debut of some legends.]

[A/N: Read 20 to 40 chapters ahead on my patreon available now. 


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