Lord of Fire

46. Battle at the Beach (IV)


Captain Tsu stood firm on the sandy beach, his sword gleaming in the sunlight as he faced off against General Tamutae of the Earth Kingdom. The tension crackled in the air like electricity as they circled each other, each waiting for the other to make the first move.

Tsu was quick, his movements fluid and precise as he darted in and out, his blade flashing as he aimed to strike at Tamutae's defenses. Tamutae, however, was a master of earthbending, and he retaliated with equal ferocity, sending jagged rocks hurtling towards Tsu with every motion of his hands.

The clash of steel against stone echoed along the shoreline as Tsu danced between the flying debris, his agility unmatched as he dodged and weaved through Tamutae's attacks. But despite his skill, Tsu was slowly being pushed back, the sheer power of Tamutae's earthbending proving to be a formidable opponent.

As the battle raged on, Tamutae's attacks grew more relentless, his control over the earth becoming more precise with each passing moment. Tsu found himself on the defensive, his movements becoming more frantic as he struggled to keep up with the onslaught.

With a powerful surge of earthbending, Tamutae finally gained the upper hand, sending Tsu crashing to the ground with a mighty blow. Tsu gritted his teeth against the pain, his sword clattering from his grasp as he fought to regain his footing.

But before he could rise, Tamutae loomed over him, a triumphant sneer curling his lips as he raised a massive boulder high above his head, ready to deliver the finishing blow.


On the deck of the flagship of the Tsu Pirates, tension was high as the crew watched the battle unfolding on the distant shore. Among them stood Katori, the First Mate of the Tsu Pirates, his brow furrowed with worry as he gripped the railing tightly.

Beside him stood Shatori, another seasoned yet frail looking pirate, his gaze locked on the figure of Captain Tsu as he fought against the Earth Kingdom general. Despite their years of experience on the seas, both knew that this battle would be unlike any they had ever witnessed. These two in particular had an unending belief in their captain. They were with him the longest and knew him more than the rest of the crew.

Prince Zuko and Katara, allies of the Tsu Pirates, stood nearby, their expressions mirroring the concern etched on the faces of the rest of the crew. Though they had faced challenges, more so Zuko and the soul that inhabited his body. Neither one were prepared for the sight of their friend and comrade locked in mortal combat. Zuko especially had a difficult time of it. Compounded by the deep respect and esteem he had. The memories of the old Zuko were still having more effects than he initially realised. He was genuinely worried for the Captain.

As they watched, a collective gasp rose from the crew as Tsu was knocked to the ground by Tamutae's devastating attack. Fear gripped their hearts as they saw their captain vulnerable, his life hanging in the balance with every passing moment.

But even as despair threatened to overwhelm them, a fierce determination burned in their eyes. They knew that they could not stand idly by while their captain fought for his life. With a silent vow, they pledged to do whatever it took to ensure Tsu's victory, no matter the cost. Zuko took a stance about to launch himself in to the fray or launch a powerful attack from the distance. Victor once again felt little control of his new body.

As General Tamutae held the massive boulder of earth over the head of Captain Tsu, a sinister smile played on his lips. "Surrender now, Tsu," he growled, his voice dripping with malice. "There's no shame in admitting defeat."

Tsu gritted his teeth, defiance burning bright in his eyes as he stared up at his opponent. "I'll never surrender to the likes of you," he spat, his voice filled with determination.

Meanwhile, on the deck of the Tsu Pirates' flagship, a strange atmosphere hung heavy in the air. The crew watched in tense silence as their captain's life hung in the balance, their hearts heavy with worry. Prince Zuko, his fists clenched with frustration, moved to step forward to help, but Katori's firm hand on his arm held him back once again.

"Stay put, Zuko," Katori urged, his voice calm yet commanding. "Tsu knows what he's doing. We must trust in him." Even with those words Zuko had a difficult time holding himself back. In fact it took all his strength to resist the raging urge in his heart to throw Katori to the side and help Tsu. A slight feeling of guilt given it was his fault Tsu came to the shore in the first place.

Zuko nodded reluctantly, his gaze never leaving the unfolding battle on the shore. Though his instincts screamed for him to intervene, he knew that Katori was right. This was Tsu's fight, and he had to see it through on his own.

Meanwhile, amidst the tension, a frail-looking cabin boy named Shatori moved among the crew, his eyes glinting with a hidden determination. Though he appeared unassuming, there was a steely resolve in his gaze that spoke of hidden depths. He was waiting for just that one opening Tsu needed to gain the upper hand. He himself knew that by the time he saw an opening, Tsu would have long seen it. His Captain wasn’t just a good swordsman but had insane speed and agility. Then there was that one other ability that Shatori had seen only once. He was curious if his captain would be pushed far enough to use it with this many witnesses.

As the crew held their breath, Tsu's trump card was revealed. With lightning speed, he darted towards a nearby sword lying abandoned on the beach, snatching it up with practiced ease. With a mighty swing, he brought the blade crashing down on the boulder above his head, shattering it into a thousand pieces.

The battle erupted into chaos as Tsu and Tamutae clashed with renewed ferocity. Tsu's speed and agility were unmatched as he darted and weaved around Tamutae's earthbending attacks, his sword flashing in the sunlight as he struck with deadly precision.

But Tamutae was no ordinary opponent. With lightning-fast reflexes, he countered every blow, his earthbending matching Tsu's speed with eerie accuracy. The two warriors were locked in a deadly dance, each refusing to back down as they fought tooth and nail for victory.

Back and forth they went, the battle raging on with no end in sight. The sound of steel against stone echoed along the shoreline as Tsu and Tamutae pushed themselves to their limits, each determined to emerge victorious no matter the cost.


Jet's fingers dug deep into the sandy soil, clawing away the grains with desperate urgency. Each handful he scooped away revealed more of Manori's form, her body buried up to her neck in the coarse sand. The beach stretched out before them, a blend of golden sand and jagged black rocks that protruded like the bones of the earth itself. The air was thick with the scent of salt and the distant roar of crashing waves.

"Hang on, Manori," Jet urged, his voice rough with determination. "I've almost got you out."

Manori's eyes, wide with fear and exhaustion, blinked up at him, but she managed a weak nod. The ground around her head and shoulders began to give way, the pressure on her chest easing as Jet freed her.

Just as Jet freed Manori's arms, they were joined by Suki, who appeared over a rise of rocks, carrying the unconscious form of Sokka draped over her shoulder. Suki's face was a mask of worry and resolve, sweat glistening on her brow.

"Is she alright?" Suki asked, her voice strained from the effort of carrying Sokka.

"She's fine, just shaken," Jet replied, helping Manori to her feet. "What about Sokka?"

"He'll be okay," Suki assured him. "He just needs some rest."

Together, the three of them moved to a vantage point overlooking the beach. The coastline was hidden from the north, east, and southeast by towering cliffs and dense thickets of mangrove trees, creating a natural barrier. The only accessible path to the beach was from the south, a narrow strip of sand that wound between the rocks.

On the beach below, a group of Earthbenders stood at the ready, their eyes fixed on the epic battle unfolding before them. Captain Tsu, a figure of calm precision, stood with his sword drawn, its blade glinting in the sunlight. Opposite him, General Tamutae, a master of swift and deadly earthbending, crouched low, his muscles coiled like a spring.

The earth itself seemed to tremble with anticipation as the two warriors faced off. Tamutae moved first, thrusting his hands forward in a rapid series of movements. The ground responded instantly, sending a barrage of rock shards hurtling toward Tsu. But Tsu was ready, his sword slicing through the air with deadly accuracy, deflecting each projectile with ease.

Tamutae didn't relent. He shifted his stance and the sand beneath Tsu's feet erupted, attempting to swallow him whole. But Tsu leaped aside, his agility unmatched, and closed the distance between them with a single, powerful stride. His sword flashed in the sun, and with a swift, precise cut, he slashed across Tamutae's chest.

Tamutae staggered back, clutching his wound, blood staining his battle uniform. He looked up at Tsu, eyes burning with a mixture of pain and respect.

"You fight well, Captain," Tamutae admitted, his voice strained but unwavering. "I had my reservations about this battle, but now... I see there's no holding back."

Tsu's gaze was steely, his breath steady. "Neither of us can afford to hold back, General. Our people depend on us."

A moment of heavy silence fell between them, broken only by the distant crash of the waves. Then, with a deliberate motion, Tsu sheathed his sword and cast it aside. His stance shifted, and the air around him grew heavy with an ominous energy.

Tamutae's eyes widened in surprise. "You're a Waterbender?"

Tsu's response was a grim nod. "I am. And it's time I stopped hiding it."

[A/N: Read 30 chapters ahead available on my patreon right now. patreon.com/saiyanprincenovels] 

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