Lord of Fire

49. Bubbling Rage


The flagship of the Tsu Pirates, known as the "Sea Serpent," cut through the waves with a grace that belied its formidable power. The ship was a marvel of engineering, with sleek lines and reinforced hulls designed to withstand the harshest of storms and the fiercest of battles. Adorned with the emblem of a coiled serpent, the sails billowed in the wind, propelling the ship forward with relentless speed.

As the Sea Serpent sailed away from the encroaching Fire Nation fleet, the crew worked in seamless harmony, their movements choreographed by years of shared hardship and victory. Captain Tsu stood at the helm, his eyes scanning the horizon, mind racing with strategies to evade their pursuers.

"Raise the sails! Full speed ahead!" Tsu commanded, his voice carrying across the deck.

The crew sprang into action, and the Sea Serpent surged forward, cutting through the waves with renewed vigor. Hours passed, and the glow of the Fire Nation ships faded into the distance, swallowed by the night. The moon hung high, its light guiding them as they sailed towards their uncertain destination.

In the quiet hours of the early morning, Tsu and Prince Zuko stood on the bridge, the vast expanse of the ocean stretching out before them. The air was cool and crisp, carrying the scent of salt and freedom.

Zuko, his face partially illuminated by the moonlight, seemed deep in thought. Tsu turned to him, sensing the weight of unspoken words.

"Zuko," Tsu began, his tone serious, "we need to talk about where we're headed and what we aim to achieve. This isn't just about escaping the Fire Nation, is it?"

Zuko's expression tightened, and he took a deep breath. "No, it's not. It's also about the  Avatar."

"The Avatar?" Tsu echoed, eyebrows raised. "Why is capturing the Avatar so important to you?"

Zuko's eyes flickered with a mix of determination and something deeper, more personal. "Capturing the Avatar is my destiny. It's the only way I can restore my honor and return home."

Tsu studied Zuko, noting the strain in his voice. "Your exile from the Fire Nation... it's still in force, isn't it?"

"Yes," Zuko replied, his voice barely above a whisper. "At least, that's what I believe. My father... he made it clear that only by capturing the Avatar could I ever hope to return."

Tsu frowned, sensing there was more to Zuko's mission than he was revealing. "And this journey to the Crescent Island? What do you hope to find there?"

Zuko hesitated, his gaze shifting to the distant horizon. "The island has a lot of history. A lot of historical impact on the Fire Nation and not to mention the Fire Sages. There's a shrine to Avatar Roku on the island. I need to... I need to contact his spirit.

"Why?" Tsu pressed, feeling the weight of Zuko's secrecy.

Zuko's response was evasive. "The Avatar is connected to all his past lives. If I can find a way to connect with Roku, maybe he can give me some answers about my family and a few other questions I have had since I was a kid.”

Tsu nodded slowly, though he wasn't entirely convinced. He felt there was more to Zuko's journey—something the prince wasn't ready to share. "And what about the Fire Nation waters? What dangers await us there?"

Zuko's face hardened, a grim resolve in his eyes. "The waters are heavily patrolled. There's a blockade of ships and the Gates of Azulon, a formidable barrier meant to keep intruders out. We'll have to be careful."

"The Gates of Azulon..." Tsu mused, recalling the tales he had heard. "A massive chain between two cliffs, raised and lowered to allow or prevent passage. It won't be easy to navigate."

"No, it won't," Zuko agreed. "But we have no choice. The gates wont be a problem because they protect mostly the capital.The one have to get through if we want to reach the Crescent Island is the blockade.”

Tsu placed a reassuring hand on Zuko's shoulder. "We'll get through it. We've faced worse odds before."

Zuko managed a small smile, appreciating the gesture. "Thank you, Tsu. Your support means a lot."

As Zuko turned to leave, Tsu called out, "Zuko, whatever you're hiding... just know you can trust me. We're in this together."

Zuko paused, looking back with a conflicted expression. "I know. And I trust you, Tsu. But there are some things I need to figure out on my own."

With that, Zuko walked away, leaving Tsu deep in thought. Once Zuko was out of earshot, Tsu motioned for Katori, his first mate, to join him on the bridge.

"Katori," Tsu began, his voice low, "Zuko's still hiding something. I can feel it."

Katori nodded, his expression serious. "I've noticed it too. There's a lot he's not telling us."

"He mentioned the Avatar and his exile, but there's more to this journey to the Crescent Island. He was vague about contacting Avatar Roku's spirit," Tsu continued, his eyes narrowing in contemplation. "And there's something else... something he didn't say."

"Do you think it could be dangerous?" Katori asked, concern etched on his face.

"Possibly," Tsu replied. "But whatever it is, we need to be prepared. Our mission depends on understanding all the risks involved."

Katori agreed, her eyes steely with determination. "We'll keep an eye on him. If there's more to his plan, we'll find out."

As the first light of dawn began to break, casting a golden hue over the water, Tsu and Katori renewed their resolve. The journey ahead was fraught with danger, but they were determined to see it through. Together, they would navigate the treacherous waters and uncover the secrets that Zuko kept hidden.

The Sea Serpent sailed on, cutting through the waves with purpose, its crew ready for whatever lay ahead. The distant silhouette of the Crescent Island loomed on the horizon, a beacon of their uncertain future and the mysteries yet to be revealed.


[The Previous Night]

The moon cast its pale light over the beach, illuminating the aftermath of the cataclysmic battle between Captain Tsu and General Tamutae. The once-pristine shoreline was now a chaotic landscape of churned sand and scattered debris. Bodies lay strewn about, some groaning in pain, others motionless. The air was thick with the scent of salt and blood, mingling with the distant sound of the retreating Sea Serpent as the Tsu Pirates sailed away.

Despite the devastation, a few resilient Earthbenders had survived the onslaught. Under the moon's ethereal glow, they used their bending to rescue their comrades. Large slabs of earth were lifted to free those trapped beneath, and makeshift stretches of solid rock were created to transport the injured.

General Tamutae, his tunic stained with blood from his chest wound, stood overseeing the efforts. His face was a mask of stern determination, though his eyes betrayed a flicker of frustration. One of his lieutenants, a young and capable bender named Ren, approached with a report.

"General Tamutae," Ren began, saluting crisply. "We've accounted for everyone. Miraculously, there are no fatalities, but the injuries vary in severity."

Tamutae nodded, motioning for Ren to continue.

"Many have broken bones, concussions, and lacerations," Ren explained. "A few have more serious injuries—dislocated shoulders, crushed limbs. But everyone is alive."

Tamutae's jaw tightened. "Good. Ensure that the severely injured are stabilized and prepare them for transport."

Ren hesitated before speaking again, "General, what are our next orders?"

Tamutae glanced around at his battered forces. His defeat at the hands of Captain Tsu weighed heavily on him, and he knew morale was fragile. He needed to maintain a strong front. "You will take command of the remaining forces and return to Omashu," he ordered, his voice steady. "We need to regroup and prepare for whatever comes next."

Ren saluted again, understanding the gravity of the task. "Yes, General."

Turning away from Ren, Tamutae's gaze fell upon Sokka, Suki, Manori, and Jet, who were gathered nearby. They had been instrumental in the battle, and now they would be crucial in the next phase of their plan.

"Sokka, Suki, Manori, Jet," Tamutae called, motioning them over. "We need to talk."

Sokka, still nursing a wound on his arm, looked troubled. "What's our next move, General?"

"We're going to a nearby Earth Kingdom Navy base," Tamutae said. "We need to regroup and plan our next steps. The Tsu Pirates and Prince Zuko can't be allowed to escape unchallenged."

Sokka's expression grew even more concerned. "But what about my sister? Katara surrendered herself to Prince Zuko to save us. We can't just leave her with him."

Tamutae placed a reassuring hand on Sokka's shoulder. "I understand your concern, Sokka. We'll find a way to rescue her. But right now, we need to ensure our own survival and strength. We can't help her if we're scattered and weak."

Suki stepped forward, her face set with determination. "We'll follow the Tsu Pirates. We can't let Zuko and his friends get away with what they've done."

Manori nodded in agreement. "We owe it to our comrades to see this through."

Jet, always eager for action, added, "And we'll make them pay for what they've done."

Tamutae couldn't help but admire their spirit, despite the fatigue and pain evident on their faces. "We'll find a way to track them. But first, we need to regroup and gather our strength. The journey ahead won't be easy."

As they prepared to leave, Tamutae's frustration at his defeat simmered beneath the surface. He knew he couldn't afford to let his anger show, not in front of his men. They needed to see him as strong and resolute. But inside, the sting of failure gnawed at him.

With the injured secured and the remaining Earthbenders ready, they moved to Appa, the sky bison that had been their steadfast companion. Sokka's worry for Katara was palpable as they loaded up, his mind clearly racing with thoughts of her safety and Zuko's intentions.

"General," Sokka said quietly, once they were all aboard Appa. "I know we have to be smart about this, but we can't lose sight of Katara. She's everything to me."

Tamutae nodded, his expression softening slightly. "We won't, Sokka. We'll find her. I promise."

With that, Appa took to the skies, the group determined not to give up. Below them, the devastated beach slowly receded into the distance, a grim reminder of the battle they had fought and the challenges still ahead.

As they flew towards the Earth Kingdom Navy base, Tamutae's mind raced with strategies and plans. He knew they were heading into dangerous waters, both literally and figuratively. The Fire Nation's presence was formidable, and the Gates of Azulon, a massive chain stretched between two cliffs, loomed as a significant obstacle.

Sitting next to Sokka, who was lost in thought, Tamutae's anger and frustration at his defeat bubbled just beneath the surface. He vowed silently to himself that he would not let it define him. He had to stay focused, for the sake of his men and for the mission ahead.

They would regroup, plan, and follow the Tsu Pirates. And when the time came, they would strike back with all the strength they could muster. The journey to the Crescent Island, the pursuit of the Tsu Pirates, and the rescue of Katara would all demand their utmost resilience and cunning.

The moonlight bathed Appa and its determined passengers, guiding them through the night. The battles they had fought were only the beginning, and the true test of their resolve lay ahead.

[A/N: Read 20 chapters ahead available on my patreon right now. patreon.com/saiyanprincenovels ]

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