Lord of Fire

57. Crescent Island – Fire Nation Retreat


The battle between Lieutenant Tau and Jet had been raging for ten relentless minutes. Each warrior was a blur of motion, their skills and determination pushing them beyond their limits. Jet, fueled by his deep-seated hatred for the Fire Nation, wielded his twin tiger hook swords with lethal precision, while Tau’s unique firebending style, reminiscent of waterbending, allowed him to flow around Jet’s attacks with an almost supernatural grace.

Around them, the battlefield was a scene of utter chaos. Firebenders and earthbenders clashed in a brutal melee, the ground littered with the bodies of the fallen and the air thick with smoke and the acrid stench of burning flesh. The screams of the wounded and the roar of bending filled the air, creating a cacophony of destruction.

Despite Jet’s ferocity, Tau began to gain the upper hand. He simply had more experience. Coupled with his maturity and calm mind he reached a level where mere blind rage could not overcome. His bending proving to be a valuable asset in his arsenal. He landed a series of crucial hits on Jet, his precise strikes drawing blood and forcing Jet back. A powerful burst of flame caught Jet off guard, sending him sprawling to the ground, his body smoking from the intense heat.

“Is this all you’ve got?” Tau taunted, his voice calm and confident despite the fatigue evident in his eyes.

Jet struggled to rise, his body aching and his vision blurred. Just as it seemed Tau might finish him off, Suki, who had been watching the battle from the sidelines, decided to join the fray. She rushed to Jet’s side, helping him to his feet.

“We’re in this together,” she said firmly, her war fans ready.

With Suki by his side, Jet found renewed strength. The blinding rage seemed to vanish with her by his side. With his mind calm and clear they could do great things. The two formed a formidable team, their styles perfectly complementing each other. Suki’s agility and precision with her war fans, combined with Jet’s speed and ferocity with his swords, created a whirlwind of coordinated attacks that began to overwhelm Tau.

The battle intensified, each clash of metal against flame sending sparks into the air. Tau, covered in blood and fatigue showing on his face, struggled to keep up with their relentless assault. Suki and Jet moved in perfect harmony, their attacks synchronized and devastating.

As the battle wore on, Tau’s fatigue became more evident. His firebending, once fluid and graceful, became more defensive as he struggled to fend off the relentless onslaught. The perfect coordination of Suki and Jet, coupled with their speed and agility, began to push him back.

The rest of the firebenders were similarly beleaguered, the sheer numbers of the earthbenders proving too much. More earthbenders continued to pour from the ships, their numbers overwhelming the remaining firebenders who found themselves being pushed back. This was an invasion of epic proportions. Something the Fire Nation had not experienced a great deal in the hundred year war.

Finally, Tau took a considerable blow from Suki, her war fan striking him across the chest. Jet followed up with a vicious slash from his tiger hook swords, cutting deep into Tau’s side. Bleeding and exhausted, Tau realized the futility of continuing the fight.

“Firebenders, retreat!” Tau ordered, his voice strained but commanding.

The firebenders began to pull back, their retreat covered by a barrage of defensive flames. The earthbenders, sensing victory, did not pursue, instead regrouping to tend to their wounded and prepare for the next phase of the battle.

As the firebenders retreated, the earthbender captain approached, asking about the Avatar. A young earthbender reported, “Another division has the Avatar on the other side of the island.”

“Good,” the captain said, nodding. “Get everyone off the island and make sure the Avatar is safe. We need to sail to the other side of the island. The volcanoes are about to erupt, and this place will be nothing but ash soon.”

From atop the Fire Sages Temple, Captain Tsu of the Tsu Pirates watched the retreating firebenders with a keen eye. He turned his attention towards the back of the temple, where he could see Prince Zuko and General Tamutae about to face off in battle.

Shifting his gaze to the northern edge of the island, Tsu observed a group of earthbenders surrounding a small contingent of firebenders. His mind raced as he considered which side he should aid.

“Weighing the odds,” he thought, “should I help the earthbenders and secure a potential alliance? Or assist the firebenders and gain favor with the Fire Nation?”

After a moment of contemplation, Tsu decided to wait for more information before taking action. The battle on Crescent Island was far from over, and he needed to ensure that his next move was the right one.


The island’s fate hung in the balance as the various factions continued their desperate struggles. The ground trembled with the imminent eruption of the volcanoes, promising further destruction in an already devastated landscape.

The tension was palpable as Sokka, standing amidst the chaos and devastation of Crescent Island, faced Captain Mui. Behind Sokka, the two massive Earth Kingdom warships loomed, their cannons trained on the small group of Fire Nation soldiers. Smoke and ash filled the sky, and the ground trembled from the imminent volcanic eruptions.

"Captain Mui," Sokka shouted, his voice carrying across the battlefield, "surrender the Avatar and my sister now! You're surrounded and outnumbered. There's no way out."

Captain Mui's eyes narrowed, a mixture of defiance and determination in his gaze. Despite the overwhelming odds, he still believed in his abilities and his loyalty to the Fire Nation. He was not ready to concede defeat.

"You underestimate me," Mui replied coldly. "I am Captain Mui, a prodigy of the Fire Nation. I will not give up so easily."

With a swift motion, Mui launched a barrage of fire attacks at the surrounding earthbenders. Flames erupted in all directions, forcing the earthbenders to retreat momentarily. Mui’s men, seizing the opportunity, dashed through the clearing created by their captain’s assault.

But their escape was short-lived. As they reached the edge of the clearing, a massive wall of earth rose up, blocking their path. Standing atop the wall was an earthbending captain, his stance resolute.

"There is no way out," the captain declared, his voice echoing over the battlefield. As if to emphasize his point, three more Earth Kingdom ships appeared from the other side of the island, their silhouettes cutting through the smoke.

Mui and his men were now completely surrounded. The lava flows encroached ever closer, and the island itself seemed on the verge of collapse. The firebenders were trapped, with no escape from the encircling earthbenders and the impending volcanic destruction.


On the other side of the island, Prince Zuko faced off against General Tamutae. The ground beneath them rumbled, fissures opening up and spewing smoke and ash into the air. The general, standing tall and proud, surveyed the destruction with a grim satisfaction.

"Look around you,Prince Zuko," Tamutae said, his voice triumphant. "This is the first significant blow to the Fire Nation in almost a decade. My men have won."

Zuko, his face set in a determined scowl, remained confident. "The Fire Nation will bounce back," he replied. "We always do. But I can't afford to lose the Avatar now."

Even with that said his mind wondered on the whereabouts of Zhao and Tsu. They were suppose to help against the earth benders. Zhao made his point by showing his true self but Tsu. He had a bad feeling the captain was up to something. For now though he couldn't be bothered by it. There were much more distressing concerns. Primarily the man in front of him with the confident smile. If he wanted to help Mui then he needed to find a way to get away from the general. He had too much to think about so he did what came the quickest to his mind.

He focused his energy, charging a massive surge of chi. With a shout, he unleashed a wave of fire attacks at Tamutae. Flames roared across the battlefield, forcing the general to defend himself. Using the distraction, Zuko propelled himself forward with bursts of fire, racing towards the other side of the island.

He had traveled almost halfway when Tamutae struck back. With a devastating earthbending attack, he sent a wave of rocks and debris crashing into Zuko, knocking him to the ground. The impact left Zuko groaning in pain, his frustration mounting.

Lying on the ground, Zuko's thoughts raced. He knew he couldn't afford to be delayed. Aang was crucial to his plans, and every moment counted. The Fire Nation's fate, and perhaps his own, depended on his success.

With a determined grimace, Zuko forced himself to his feet. The pain in his body was intense, but his resolve was stronger. He couldn't let Tamutae stand in his way. He needed to end this battle as quickly as possible.

Zuko prepared himself for the next round of the fight. His gaze locked onto Tamutae, who stood ready for the next exchange. The island's destruction loomed ever closer, the ground shaking with the force of the impending volcanic eruptions.

Zuko took a deep breath, focusing his energy once more. This battle would determine more than just the outcome of a single skirmish—it could shape the future of the entire Fire Nation.

[A/N: Catch the surprise ending and conclusion of the second volume available right now on my patreon. patreon.patreon.com/saiyanprincenovels]

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