Lord of Riding and Slashing

Chapter 100 - Same request

   “Hello, Jenny, it’s nice to meet you. I didn’t expect that the owner of this workshop would be a beautiful lady.”

   Jenny’s dark blue eyes showed a hint of smile. Hearing Nord’s praise, Jenny’s heart was still very happy, and the golden ponytail on the back of her head also swayed with the master’s mood.

   “Thank you for your compliments, I am not a beautiful lady, I am just an ordinary weaver, but I am still very happy to hear your compliments.”

Nord guessed that Jenny was in her twenties, which was the most beautiful age…Stop, among the characters assigned by the system, only Jenny was the youngest, and she was currently the only female, and at least everyone else had it. A middle-aged man in his 30s or 40s is the most attractive age for a man…

Nord forcibly interrupted his thoughts. Is it true that he hasn’t seen a woman for too long? Why is today’s thinking so jumpy? Isn’t it almost winter in the Amon Mountains? Season.

Nord took a close look at Jenny. The plain linen dress also appeared generous on her body, with his hands behind his back, the whole body showed a moving curve, showing the charm of this age, and the corners of his mouth were always hanging. Ruowu’s smile gives people a fresh and natural feeling, just like a lavender lilac blooming in the quiet mountain forest.

Oops! It’s heart-stirring…, Nord feels that he should focus on the cloth workshop. Even if Jenny is very young, Nord believes in her ability. At least the person assigned by the system will never be a vase, even a vase. , Then Nord also feels very seductive.

   “Then I will call you Jenny. Regarding the cloth workshop, what do you plan to do and what manpower I need to allocate to you, you can just tell me directly.”

   Jenny turned her head to look at the workshop area left and right, then blinked, as if thinking in her mind, then chose to answer Nord.

   “The cloth workshop needs careful and dexterous people. I think it’s better to allocate some women to me.”

It is true that women can hold up half the sky, and the job of weaving is also more suitable for women. From the distribution of the system, it can be seen that this job is still more suitable for women. Otherwise, why the system will assign a female character? This is the system hinting at promise. Germany should also liberate the female labor force. Of course, Nord feels that he should do this.

   And it is not appropriate to assign some men to Jenny, because in this era, the status of women is still very low. The more ignorant the era, the less powerful women are to defend their destiny, and the male villagers will not obey the discipline of a woman.

Moreover, it can be seen from the last digging of yam that women in this era are actually no worse than men. At that time, Nord chose to buy some yam, the price of one copper shell per kilogram, the price can be said to be very low, mainly It is because there are too many yams in the mountains and forests, which are of no value, but even so, some women make more money in a day than their husbands. It seems that they just lack a good opportunity.

NORD now gives them this opportunity, especially when there is a shortage of labor, they can get a lot of free labor. Why can NORD not do it? There is no gender discrimination. At this time, everyone should work together and build together. Tammy Village, including women and children, of course, the responsibility of children is to follow Hill to learn knowledge in school.

   Nord nodded and agreed to Jenny’s request. Suddenly, a happy smile appeared on Jenny’s face, and Nord looked at Will on the side.

   “Will, what kind of manpower is needed for the market, you can also tell me, and I can allocate it to you tomorrow.”

  After thinking about it for so long, Will already had a plan for the market, so Nord saw his chubby round face with a flattering smile.

“Master Nord, I also have some simple plans for the market, and I don’t need to bring many people. You must know that you must be flexible in business minds, but you can’t be stupid, so you have to trouble Master Nord. “

   Hearing Will’s request, Nord’s head is big. This is not the first time Nord has heard such a request today. Hill, Victor, and even Jenny just now also asked for this.

Originally, Nord thought that the manpower in Tammy Village had been sufficient recently. Nord felt like a big money and thought that he could meet their manpower needs, so he wanted to personally allocate some manpower to them and experience the extravagance. It feels like, but never expected that they would be more demanding one by one.

But NORD thought about it carefully. It is not that they are demanding, but that these industries need such abilities. Not to mention, it is the profession of a doctor. In less than ten years, NORD is not at ease at all, so there are some Things must be prepared in advance.

  Especially the training of talents, we must not act too hastily. Although the shortage of low-end labor is not so serious now, there is still a big gap for some professional talents.

Let alone the village of Tammy, there are very few such talents in the entire continent. In this era of no circulation of knowledge, some knowledge is all in the hands of large families, and families with long inheritance will not have professional talents. Missing.

But how many big families have such a long heritage? Therefore, looking at the whole continent, excellent talents are still rare, but some nobles don’t value talents, because they are superior, and they only need to be responsible for enjoyment. They will take care of so many things. Shining gold coins are their favorite thing~www.mtlnovel.com~ Now the professional talents under NORD all come from the system. From the beginning, they left the city of Belon alone, and now they have thousands of them. Human power (plus Nanshanzhai), Nord has almost completed the accumulation of many aristocratic generations in the past two months. At least Nord knows that Christenberg is definitely inferior to his own in terms of the number of talents.

Nord sneered at the Christen family’s industry. The last time he visited the market in Christenborg, Nord was completely disappointed. The most northern castle in the Duchy of Bethe, near the rich Amon Mountains, Kerry The Sen family can only squeeze wool, and the only thing they can do is to monopolize the food industry. Nord doesn’t know how to evaluate it, and their inaction is regarded as a high regard for them.

Thinking of this, Nord is still a little proud. Although this is also due to the system, Nord has no credit and hard work. In a blink of an eye, he saw Will and Jenny next to him, and Nord sighed invisible. .

   “You come with me and live in my manor first. Tomorrow I will deal with your manpower issues. I will introduce two companions to you later. I believe you will have a common topic!”

Nord could not help but vomit at last. Regardless of their doubts, they took the lead to return to the manor. Will and Jenny followed Nord, both of them were confused and did not understand Nord’s last sentence. What do the words mean, and who has the same topic with them?


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