Lord of Riding and Slashing

Chapter 29 - Dulu\\\'s Harvest

Dulu is a carpenter and the only carpenter in Tami Village. He does not follow his parents to hunt in the mountains like other people. He has been weak since he was a child. He is always bullied by his friends in the village, and his personality is a little cowardly. , The friends laughed at him as a coward.

   But he likes to make handicrafts, especially after watching his father turn a piece of wood into a small person and give him a carpenter job, he fell in love with the profession of carpenter, pestering his father all day, let him teach himself to be a carpenter.

But Dulu’s father was not a carpenter. He was just a dexterous hunter. His life experience taught him how to work as a carpenter, but he couldn’t give Dulu much. After all, his main business Still farmers and hunters.

Soon Dulu learned his father’s hands of carpenters alive, and then asked other people in the village through his father. However, not many people in this poor village knew the craft of carpentry, and they were all as good as Dulu’s father. Kung fu of a three-legged cat.

The young Dulu was very sad. No one in this village can teach him to be a carpenter. If he wants to learn more, he has to go to the big city. I heard that there are skilled carpenters in the nearest city, Twin City, but Dulu I have never left Tammy Village, even the nearest Christiansborg, how dare you go to Twin City alone?

Moreover, the family did not have this condition. The originally poor family, and Dulu did not dare to go hunting in the mountains, day by day became more and more bitter, watching his aging father still go hunting in the mountains day after day for this family. But there was no gain, Dulu knew that he should do something for this family.

   Dulu gave up the unrealistic idea of ​​going to Twin City to learn craftsmanship and stayed in Tammy Village, where he was born and raised, and Dulu began to use his abilities to help the family.

First, he began to help the villagers repair and build houses, and with his own craftsmanship, he built some wooden tables, wooden chairs and other furniture. Since the villagers didn’t have much money, they could only use some game and food to talk to Dulu. Exchange, although there is not much income, it can be regarded as able to support the family.

And Dulu’s craftsmanship is indeed much better than that of the others in the village. The furniture made is not only durable, but also beautiful and beautiful. The houses built are also stronger. Gradually, the villagers also recognized Dulu’s carpentry career. Anything, or lack of furniture, will come to Dulu.

   But Dulu did not give up the study of the carpenter’s craftsmanship. No one taught Dulu to figure it out by himself. Although there are often mistakes, Dulu never tires.

Now Dulu is married and has children. He has a seven or eight-year-old son and a four or five-year-old daughter. When Dulu was happiest, his children looked at him when he was a carpenter. The life at home was OK, barely able to manage. Like most people in the village, the food and drink of a family member would still go hungry. Just when Dulu thought he would spend his life like this, he heard that an aristocratic master came to the village.

The next day Village Chief Kelin came to Dulu’s house and told him that the noble lord who came yesterday is their lord and that he will stay here in the future and build a noble manor. Dulu is the most skilled carpenter in the village. Therefore, the head of the village Colin intends to let Dulu be responsible for leading the villagers to build the manor.

Du Lu was a little ecstatic. It was such a glorious thing to build a manor for the noble master, and he was still responsible for it. After so many years of research, he finally had a place to use it. Dulu patted his chest and promised that he would build a manor for the noble master. Beautiful manor.

Early the next morning, Dulu got up early and came to the home of the head of the village Kelin. The head of the village Kelin introduced to Dulu, Lord Nord’s butler, Abel, who was in charge of the construction of the manor. He heard that Colin said When Dulu was the best carpenter in the village, Dulu noticed that the butler Abel looked at himself a few more times. Dulu held up his chest and showed his most confident smile.

   Butler Abel didn’t say anything, and asked the mayor of Colin to summon the villagers to the manor’s construction site, and then took Dulu to the construction site.

   Along the way, the butler Abel asked Dulu many questions about the construction of the manor. Dulu racked his brains to answer. Butler Abel just nodded and didn’t say much, which made Dulu a little frustrated.

When he came to the site selection of the manor, Abel butler introduced Dulu’s idea of ​​the manor and the shortcomings of Dulu’s previous problem. This surprised Dulu very much. It is not a noble butler, and he is really better than himself. The mud legs are much stronger, so Dulu brazenly asked Abel many questions about the construction of the manor. Abel saw that the villagers hadn’t arrived yet, so he answered Dulu’s questions one by one.

Just as Dulu listened to the explanation of Abel’s steward, he suddenly found that Abel’s butler stopped. It turned out that the villagers had already assembled. Dulu had some ideas, and knew that he could not waste time, so he followed Abel’s steward. Arrange the work of the villagers together.

   Soon, Lord Nord came to the construction site and divided the villagers into six teams. Unsurprisingly, Dulu was selected as the team leader and assigned to logging.

It can be said that Dulu has rich experience in logging. Dulu, who has dealt with wood all day long, certainly knows how to log fast. He does not have private possessions, and has given all kinds of logging skills to the villagers. Including another team.

   As a result, for two consecutive days, the progress of the two logging teams was over-completed, which greatly exceeded the expectations of Abel Butler. Dulu felt a little proud when he looked at Abel Butler’s surprised eyes.

   After learning that all the credit came from Dulu, UU read www. uukanshu.com Abel’s butler praised Dulu in front of everyone, and directly kept Dulu by his side as a helper, which made Dulu overjoyed. Compared with the team leader, Dulu wanted to stay with Abel and learn more. Knowledge. Yesterday Abel butler simply answered Dulu’s questions, which made Dulu so excited that he couldn’t sleep. The problems he didn’t understand before were easily solved, and some ideas he didn’t understand before became clear.

After   , Abel butler called Dulu to the side, opened the wooden box under his feet, and said to Dulu:

   “According to Lord Nord’s instructions, each villager’s wages are ten copper shells and a catty of grain. You will follow me to send them out later.”

   Just when Dulu was a little stunned, the butler Abel took out twenty copper shells from the wooden box. After thinking about it for a moment, he took out a silver coin from his pocket and handed it to Dulu together.

   “This is your wages for the past two days. This silver coin is a reward for you. The skills you contributed can save the construction time of the manor. From now on, you will be my helper and your wages will rise to 50 coppers every day.”

Seeing the copper shell in his hand and the shiny silver silver coin, Dulu’s eyes were a little moist. It was the first time he got paid in so many years. Before the villagers’ copper shells were sold in fur. It was very precious, and he was reluctant to pay Dulu in exchange for prey or food. Therefore, Dulu had never obtained a copper shell before. Now the wages in his hand are a bit heavy, and he is weighing heavily on Dulu’s heart.

Abel patted Dulu on the shoulder and walked towards the villagers. Dulu wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes and put the hard-earned wages in his pocket. He picked up a wooden box and followed Abel. Dulu understood that he was more than a dozen The biggest reward for the year was not the silver sternum in his pocket, and there was a walking figure not far in front of him, and he must keep up with his steps.

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