Lord of Riding and Slashing

Chapter 393 - Hussar

The spearmen under Nord’s command have always done the dirtiest work and shed the most blood. Therefore, in order to compensate them, the spearmen who have experienced several battles are treated twice as much as other soldiers of the same level, but It is this kind of preferential treatment that makes these lancers have a strong sense of honor in their hearts.

The preferential treatment received by the spearmen did not make them arrogant, but made them more courageous. Even the spearmen who joined later were also courageous, because they were inspired by the achievements of the spearmen before. Although the spearmen suffered the most casualties, it was also the unit that received the most praise from Nord.

Because the spearmen with a sense of honor in their hearts are not afraid of battle and death, because that is their way to obtain glory. Facing the cavalry who charged, the eyes of these spearmen burned with fierce fighting spirit. , Clenching the spear in his hand, these soldiers are fearless.

The cavalry who rushed forward pointed their spears at the enemies below, and a smirk flashed across their faces, as if they had seen the enemy in front of them, about to be pierced by his spear, and faced the charge. The cavalry and the soldiers in front of the formation also held up their spears, standing stubbornly in place without flinching.

The cavalry who charged was like a wave hitting the reef, and the blood and water splashed around like a wave. Before the strongest impact, there was a scene of people turning on their backs, because Nord arranged the troops to form a tight formation, the cavalry. Our swift charge stopped abruptly after breaking through the three-layer human wall. The chaotic situation in this area completely hindered the follow-up cavalry assault.

Although the charge of the cavalry was blocked, Nord’s troops also paid a painful price. Nord built a wall of flesh and blood to forcibly stop these cavalry from advancing, and now the charge of the cavalry has been lowered. De was able to breathe a sigh of relief.

According to the previous plan, Nord, Lehman and others led the troops to launch a countercharge. The purpose was to prevent these cavalry from surging speed again, and try to turn the battle into close combat. As long as these light cavalry lose their speed advantage, they It is not an opponent of Nord soldiers at all.

Following Nord’s order, Nord’s troops began to countercharge against the stagnant cavalry. Although these infantry’s charge was slow, it was like a landslide, sinking vigorously. Nord’s 20,000 troops bravely went. Find the enemies on the horses to fight.

The first to rush to the front were the spearmen with black iron wood spears. The spearmen equipped by the Nord forces were not the kind of spears that were four to five meters long. They were made up specifically to restrain the cavalry. The phalanx spearmen, the dark iron wood spears used by the soldiers under Nord’s command were similar to the spears, about 2.75 meters in size.

This kind of spear is suitable for fighting on the battlefield. Unlike those four or five-meter spears, it is impossible to swing on the battlefield. The phalanx spearmen are actually like tools, like fortifications. The same placed in front of the battlefield, it is not suitable for fighting on the battlefield.

The weapon suitable for fighting in chaos is generally the most suitable at two meters, about the height of a person, and maintains flexibility without losing distance, and can maximize the combat effectiveness of soldiers, just like Nord, the spearmen who rushed into the cavalry camp, had a very tough fighting method.

The spears in their hands are more flexible and swift than the spears of the light cavalry on horses, like a viper waiting for an opportunity, and will always give them a fatal blow when the light cavalry reveals its flaws. Even if these light cavalry have the advantage of a war horse, they are not the opponents of these spearmen.

In fact, in such a melee, the personal strength and the cooperation between two or three comrades are the most important things. Especially the cooperation between the three-person team often makes the enemy unstoppable. When the three spears appear from different directions In front of these cavalry, these light cavalry did not have the ability to resist at all, so they were stabbed by the spearmen.

While the light cavalry stopped, Nord’s large army swarmed up. The light cavalry, who should have been agile and agile, seemed to be in a quagmire. They were unable to extricate themselves. They were entangled by Nord’s continuous melee soldiers. , Especially the soldiers rushing in the forefront, suddenly found themselves like being surrounded by the enemy, with spearmen constantly emerging around them. Also, comrades-in-arms continued to fall.

Nord and Lehman rushed into the enemy line with the Swadia Knights. Although the size of the Knights was small, the knights of more than 50 people were like a drop in the ocean compared to the light cavalry of 10,000 people, but Nord The advance led by the Knights, like a sharp knife, directly tore through the formation of the light cavalry.

Using this gap, Nord’s soldiers penetrated deeply into the body of the light cavalry, making the light cavalry team of the Seaman Kingdom immobile. Thanks to the early training of the predecessor, Nord’s combat ability on horses is also good. Yes, although it is not as good as walking on the ground, but it can also display 80% of the strength, even much better than Lehman who has been training riding during this time.

Nord rushed to the forefront of the team. Although Nord didn’t want to rush forward, but the horses under Nord’s help were very sophisticated. Even in heavy armor, they were faster than other horses. So Before he knew it, Nord had already rushed to the forefront of the team, and there was no comrade in arms around him.

The most recent knight was also ten meters away from Nord, but Nord was not too scared~www.mtlnovel.com~ because in the process of fighting against the light cavalry, Nord had already figured out what the light cavalry was. The bottom line is that their strength is slightly stronger by the light infantry of the Seaman Kingdom, and the cavalry of these light cavalry is not as proficient as Nord imagined, far inferior to those knights trained since childhood, and even less reachable. The standard of the Knights.

He even gave Nord the feeling that the light infantry riding on the horse is the same, especially seeing the leather armor on them, which is exactly the same as the light infantry. Nord understands that these light cavalry may be light infantry from those light infantry. Promoted from the elite.

It’s no wonder that the Seaman Kingdom can support such a large number of cavalry troops. It turned out to be an expansion and expansion. If all these 10,000 cavalrymen need the fighting power of knights, then Nord will not need to fight at all in this battle, and will directly surrender. , Nord even feels that no country on the mainland can have a knights with a scale of 10,000 people.

After knowing the details of these light cavalry, Nord was completely relieved. If these light cavalry grew up on horseback, Nord may be very troublesome, but these light infantry on horseback are simply It is impossible to have the strength to defeat Nord, to be honest, Nord really looked at this light cavalry unit before.

Just as Nord’s troops were double-teaming the light cavalry, the gates of Gilman City suddenly opened, and then a large group of soldiers from the Seaman Kingdom rushed out and presented to the soldiers of the Nord troops fighting under the wall. The current situation is beginning to become critical again. Nord’s forces are caught in a situation of being attacked by the enemy, and the advantage they have just gained has disappeared.

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