Lord of Riding and Slashing

Chapter 426: Military control status

It was only after Nord occupied the northern part of the Euler Kingdom that these people were really very difficult to serve, especially those civilians with a certain prestige. Although they were not the nobles of the Euler Kingdom, they belonged to the Eulerite nobles. A staunch supporter.

The education of the Kingdom of Euroro is still doing well. Many civilians can get the opportunity to be literate. Although it takes a very high amount of money, this gives them the opportunity to climb, but it makes Nord very angry. It is these elites who are obviously born in civilians, but look down on their fellow civilians.

Most of these civilians with some knowledge became running dogs of the nobles. Instead, they tried every means to oppress the civilians, just to get the praise and favor of the nobles, because no one knew how to deal with the civilians better than them, and these people’s psychology to the civilians The grasp is deep.

These are the same people. After Nord occupied the northern part of the Euryro Kingdom, they have been messing up with the officials sent by Nord. Even the nobles of the Euryro Kingdom have recognized the situation, but these have not yet become aristocrats. The elite began to jump up and down.

When Nord conquered the northern part of the Euryro Kingdom, and heard the news reported by the officials of the territory behind him, Nord felt that the anger in his heart could reach three feet high, because the strategy formulated by Nords before was to treat these Euryro kingdoms equally. The civilians are treated the same as the civilians within the Demon Kingdom.

However, it is obvious that they do not agree with this situation, so Nord directly ordered the entire northern area of ​​the Kingdom of Euler to enter the military control mode directly. Any civilians who made troubles would be arrested and severely punished once they were found. It really gave them three points. Color can open a dyeing workshop.

Under Nord’s severe blow, the civilians who made trouble are honest, because their masters have been defeated by Nord, no one can support them, toast and not eat fine wine, but the taste of fine wine is definitely It is uncomfortable.

From this incident, Nord also saw the arrogance of the common people of the Euryro Kingdom. In fact, the reason why these elite commoners are ignorant of current affairs is their own arrogance. After all, the Euryo Kingdom is now the largest country on the mainland. , Their civilians will more or less look down on people from other countries.

Just like the Demon Kingdom, a country that they have never heard of before, it will not be put in their eyes. For these civilians who do not understand the situation, Nord will take it seriously, and Nord has discovered However, the previous method cannot be used for the civilians of the Euler Kingdom.

Because the national conditions of the Seaman Kingdom and the Euriro Kingdom are different, the civilians of the Seaman Kingdom are easily appeased, but the civilians of the Euriro Kingdom jump up and down. After understanding this truth, Nord started Use tough methods to treat these civilians in the Kingdom of Euler.

With the change of Nord’s attitude and the adjustment of the policies of the Demon Kingdom, the northern part of the Kingdom of Oliro soon stabilized, especially after Nord’s killing of chickens and monkeys, and directly sentenced the civilians who led the trouble to death, the entire territory was suddenly It became stable.

After dealing with the trivial matters in the Northern Territory of the Kingdom of Eurolo, Nord and the Knights came to the side of the Rancaro Forest. This was originally a restricted area of ​​the Kingdom of Eurolo, and there was no human population within ten kilometers. Nord saw this magnificent forest from far away.

After approaching, Nord was shocked by the scene in front of him. The Lancaro Forest is like a skyscraper standing up between the sky and the earth. Even the periphery of the Lancaro Forest is 100 meters tall. The giant tree is even much taller than the big tree Nord saw in the depths of the Amon Mountains.

The trees on the periphery of the Lancaro Forest are like a tall city wall protecting the entire forest, and Nord saw that the rows of giant trees on the outermost periphery were arranged very tightly. Nord couldn’t see the scene in the forest at all. Looking at this slightly mysterious forest, Nord was very curious, but he didn’t have the idea to go in and find out.

Judging from the attitude of the Euryro Kingdom towards this forest, Nord should be more cautious. No matter in the past and present, Nord’s only advantage is the belief in evil. There are some things that do not need to be found out, but only need to avoid it. Enough.

After observing for a while outside the Rancarlo Forest, after seeing the mystery of this forest, Nord led the Knights to leave here, even the moment Nord rode his horse away from the outer forest, he suddenly looked back at the forest, because Nord felt a line of sight watching him in the forest just now, but when he looked back, he found nothing.

This feeling made Nord feel uneasy along the way. He didn’t know if what he had felt before was an illusion, or if someone really stayed in the depths of the forest. Nord didn’t know why the Ouriro Kingdom treated the Lankaro Forest. , This doubt may only be solved in the capital of the Kingdom of Oliro.

After returning to the territory, Nord has no chance to think about it, because Love has just received a very important news from the southern part of the Ouriro kingdom. The news also forced Nord to make a decision as soon as possible.

Should we continue to stay in the northern part of the Kingdom of Oliro, guarding the fruits of these victories, or immediately lead the army to the city of Oliro Rising to join in the fun? The answer to this question Nord quickly came up with, Oli Ricing’s Lively Nord must go and see.

Although the previous agreement with the Kingdom of Sene was that the Kingdom of Demond would attack the Kingdom of Euryu from the north and the Kingdom of Sene would attack from the southwest. As for the meeting point of the two sides, it was not discussed in detail, because it depends on the specific situation after the outbreak of the war. Undoubtedly, the capital of the Kingdom of Euler, the city of Aurelor, is a very suitable place~www.mtlnovel.com~ once again mobilized some security teams from within the Kingdom of Demon, and let these teams to safeguard the kingdom of Demon after the army left, just now There is a problem of stability in the occupied northern part of the Kingdom of Euler. Nord currently has no idea of ​​recruiting a security team from the civilians of the Kingdom of Euler.

Because these civilians of the Euler Kingdom have not yet received the trust of Nord, when they will become a real civilian of the Demon Kingdom, Nord is giving them the same treatment. Once again, the civilians of the Euler Kingdom are still Obey the orders honestly.

Even if the army of the Demon Kingdom is about to leave, the state of martial law here will not change. On the contrary, it may become stricter with the departure of the army, and the security team of the Demon Kingdom is not easy to deal with. Although Nord had drew some into the troops before, the main skeleton of the security team, Nord, did not move.

Therefore, these security squads are still the previous violent organs capable of suppressing bandits. The civilians of the Euryo Kingdom can only be honest in front of them. The security squads are more concerned with the issue of maintaining public order than the troops of the Demon Kingdom. Professional.

Their usual work is these things. They can be said to be familiar with maintaining stability. In fact, most of the soldiers under Nord’s command can also do it. However, Nord found that after a period of training in the barracks, the methods of these people became more simple and rude. It’s far less smooth and smooth than what I did in the security team before.

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