Lord of Riding and Slashing

Chapter 475: Canonization

After more than half a month’s journey, Nord finally took the soldiers to Lucca, the capital of the Kingdom of Sene. This is not so much a city as it is a gathering place, because the Kingdom of Sene does not have the habit of building a city. .

On the grassland, the common people are used to the nomadic life. The construction of a city wall is definitely a constraint for the common people in the Kingdom of Sene. They have become accustomed to the mobile life. Only in some specific places, people will spontaneously build one. Simple gathering place.

Even as the capital of the Kingdom of Sene, Lucca City is just a large grassland surrounded by fences. There are no houses in the city. The civilians of the Kingdom of Sene are used to living in tents. Lucca City is like a piece of land. Like the ocean of the tent, you can’t see the edge at a glance.

When Nord arrived in Lucca, the atmosphere here was already very solemn. The surrounding civilians had basically been evacuated, leaving only the youth of the Kingdom of Sene who were preparing and desperate for centaur. Nord was watching in the camp. The expressions on the faces of every young man Sene was tragic and ashamed of death.

This emotion directly infects Nord. The transfer of emotions is very simple. Even a look or movement can make people feel different emotions. There is no doubt that the emotions of the Sines in the city of Lucca Not good, the centaur army has done too much harm to them.

Nord can feel what kind of storm these Synes people hide under their silent actions. Being taciturn is not the same as resignation. It may also be waiting for the next outbreak. The feeling these Synes youth give Nord is, A volcano about to erupt is suppressed in everyone’s heart.

Not long after Nord arrived in Lucca, King Surrey hurried out to greet Nord. This young king had already looked a little old, from the strands of white hair on his sideburns and his forehead. The wrinkles displayed can be seen, the pressure of King Surrey during this period is very large.

The civilians of the Kingdom of Sene were threatened with death. As the king of the Kingdom of Sene, he was helpless. This made King Surrey very disappointed. He did not resist. When the Centaur army first invaded, the King of Surrey was very disappointed. Led the newly recruited soldiers to fight the centaur.

But that battle undoubtedly failed, and the remaining 50,000 troops of the Sene Kingdom also suffered heavy losses. If it weren’t for King Surrey to see the bad situation and decisively let the cavalry behind to withdraw, it is estimated that the troops of the Sene Kingdom might be possible. Annihilated by the centaur army.

In the end, the number of the 50,000 army who could safely escape back to Lucca City was not more than 10,000. It was the failure of this battle that made King Surrey realize that the strength of the Kingdom of Sene would not be able to overcome this crisis at all. It also prompted the King of Surrey to finally make up his mind to seek help from the Demon Kingdom.

Therefore, when he saw the arrival of the Demon Kingdom army, King Surrey was very excited. Seeing the mighty Demon Kingdom army outside, the King of Surrey knew King Sine…

The state is rescued, and the civilians who are suffering from the centaur slaughter are also rescued.

It’s just that King Surrey also has an unspeakable loss in his heart, especially after seeing Nord, the feeling of loss in his heart has become more intense, watching Nord’s young face, confident temperament, and inadvertent eyes. The ambition that was revealed in the moment, King Surrey seemed to have seen his young self.

The same spirit, the same ambition, the same high spirits, but now there is no comparability between the two sides. Nord is now the legendary king who is about to unify the mainland, and Sarri can only bow his head and claim his court. Sarri has a trace of heart. Unwilling.

But after thinking about the record of the Demon Kingdom, Sarri also had to admit that Nord did have to be more perfect than he did. Before, he was still complacent about being able to attack the walls of Oulorrezin, thinking that he had done it for generations. What King Sene has never done, hopes to be admired by the people of the Sene Kingdom.

In a blink of an eye, Nord wiped out the three kingdoms one after another, and took the lead in the stunned King of Surrey to gain the absolute advantage of the unification of the continent, but the kingdom of Sene, who was watching the lively, was suddenly attacked by the centaur army. Surrey was very uncomfortable.

Also as a young king, after seeing Nord, Sarri could not help but want to make a comparison, but no matter how the comparison was made, Sarri found that he was completely defeated by Nord, or the two sides were completely defeated. There is no place to compare.

It is much more difficult for Nord to build merits than Surrey. Surrey started by inheriting a powerful kingdom, while Nord could only start from scratch. The Isaac family, which had been in decline for many years, was no longer. The eagle family is as famous as the Sine family.

Although Nord started with a bad card, it has been smashed now, and Surrey’s card that started with Tianhu has been smashed now, but Sarri can’t blame anyone, can it be said that it’s heaven. Is it unfair to him? No, he had already given him a chance when he was in Ouluo Ruixin City before, but Sarri didn’t grasp it.

This is the first meeting between Surrey and Nord. Although they have heard the name of each other more than once, the real meeting was the first time. After looking at each other for a while, Surrey took the initiative to meet Nord. After a gift, he said:

“Dear King Nord~www.mtlnovel.com~ Thanks to the Demon Kingdom for coming to support you from a long distance. Surrey is very grateful. I will keep the promise to merge the Kingdom of Syne into the Kingdom of Demon. From then on The Kingdom of Sene is part of the Kingdom of Demon, and I have no complaints about this in Surrey.”

Surrey is not a person who can’t afford to lose. Since he has promised Nord’s thing, he immediately honored it. Surrey knelt down on one knee and lowered his head to Nord to express his surrender. For the safety of the civilians in the kingdom, Surrey finally gave up his inner pride.

Looking at Surrey who was very determined, Nord also admired it in his heart. He could afford to put it…

It is worthy of being a true man. Even if Sarri gave up the kingdom himself, in Nord’s heart, Sarri is definitely a well-deserved king. Sarri’s performance is greater than the king that Nord saw before. .

Nord slowly walked in front of Surrey, and then gently drew the long sword on his waist. Of course, Nord did not want to attack Surrey. There was no movement on the faces of the surrounding knights, because they I am very familiar with this ceremony.

“I, Nord Isaac, as the king of the Demon Kingdom, hereby express my acceptance of the territory of the Kingdom of Sene, and vowed to save the civilians of the Kingdom of Sine at all costs. I canonize Saar in the name of King Demon. Li is the first Grand Duke of the Demon Kingdom. May the glory of the Demon Kingdom endure forever, and the Duke of Surrey will share the honor and disgrace with the Demon Kingdom.”

When the blade fell on Sarri’s shoulder, the fluctuation in his heart was that the sword was only a centimeter from my throat at the time, but after a quarter of the incense, the owner of the sword will… …Sorry, I went to the wrong set.


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