Lord of Riding and Slashing

Chapter 50 - Krypton Gold

This is very ridiculous. I looked at the system’s store, and Nord calculated it in his heart. Now there are about 20 guards under Nord’s team. It costs 400 gold coins for each person to wear a mountain knife. Just the equipment of a person’s whole body needs about seventy or eighty gold coins. It is simply stealing money. The system is unscrupulous profiteer, and Nord silently raised his **** in his heart.

   A squad of twenty people, according to the configuration of the system, probably needs one or two thousand gold coins. It is not a top-level configuration. Even if there is a mine at home, it can’t be supplied. Is there a mine?

   Nord had a plan to make a living, and hurriedly asked Hansen.

   “Hansen, if you find iron ore, you can calculate the cost of a mountain knife.”

   Hansen broke his fingers and settled, his face showed a tangled look, and he looked very embarrassed. Nord saw this scene and was shocked. Is there any problem? Didn’t I just say that the cost is very low?

   Hansen struggled for a long time, just when Nord was waiting for anxiousness, Hansen looked ugly, and replied in a naive way:

   “Master Nord, I can’t figure it out.”


Nord rubbed his eyebrows speechlessly. If you can’t figure it out, you won’t be able to figure it out. What’s the matter with that embarrassing expression just now? I didn’t expect that you with thick eyebrows and big eyes should have acting talent, Nord. Forcibly endure the depression in my heart, and help Hansen clear the daily expenses of the blacksmith shop.

   “First of all, you don’t care about the cost of iron ore, and you don’t care about the wood burning in the stove. What is the labor cost of the blacksmith shop now?”

   Hearing Nord’s analysis, Hansen showed a suddenly realized look on his face, and happily answered Nord.

   “My monthly salary is two gold coins, I don’t care about the others, right, Lord Nord,”

   “…Yes, you are only responsible for hitting the iron.”

Nord rubbed his unconsciously frowning eyebrows again, and he even wondered if Hansen was stupid by hitting the iron. He took a deep breath. I’m afraid it will take some time to start construction, so we can only start with the krypton point of equipment in response to an emergency.

Let’s buy some mountain knives first, at least everyone must be assigned a good weapon. Nord remembers before that there are already nine one-handed swords in the guard, so there is no need to buy too many mountain knives, one should be handed first. Weapons will be filled up slowly in the future.

I bought 11 mountain knives from the system, a total of 220 silver coins, and Nord’s heart was dripping blood. The axe bought last time at Christenburg was only 20 silver coins, not to mention the difference in quality. , The gap of this one hundred times alone is a bit outrageous, but Nord thought again, now that the fat man of Viscount Oli would not sell his own weapons, there is no way, but the system can only be gold, but promise De swears, this is the first and last time, wait until he finds iron ore, hum!

   Just when Nord was thinking about how he should be self-reliant in the future, Hansen returned to the forge, took out a mountain knife from it, and held it in front of Nord with both hands.

Nord took the mountain knife and looked at it carefully. The mountain knife is about 1.2 meters long, and the handle can be held with both hands. The blade is lacquered black, glowing with cold light, and the blade is snow white. It makes people shudder. The predecessor of the mountain knife is arc-shaped, which can better adapt to chopping, and will not be smashed by thorns and thorns. It is heavy and should be a rare and good weapon. In short, the money is not wasted…

Nord and Hansen took the remaining mountain knives back to the manor together, along the way, Nord was thinking that the next plan might be changed. Just now Nord did not find the option of leather armor and bow hunting in the system. These equipments should not be unlocked until the fur workshop and carpenter workshop are completed, and Nord also thought that these are not as difficult to find as iron ore. Fur and wood are not lacking in the Amon Mountains, as long as the venue is established Get up, leather armor and hunting bow are not easy to get.

   It’s a pity that the system cannot be recycled. Otherwise, the price is so expensive and sold to the system.

Putting away the little Jiujiu in my heart, after returning to the manor, Nord ordered Abel to continue to build the carpenter’s workshop and the fur workshop, and also began to prepare for the transaction with Yuanshanzhai, plus the search for iron ore. The matter of Shihe and the construction of the turning workshop, for a time, Nord was a bit big.

I just stole for a few days and was lazy. I didn’t expect to have so many things waiting for me to do. I did have some avatars, lying upright on a chair in the study, drinking indifferent boiled water in his mouth, and Nord suddenly felt like he A little sad, I am embarrassed to the travellers.

   Just when Nord was lamenting his own destiny, Cindy suddenly jumped on Nord’s lap, as if he had guessed that Nord was in a bad mood, and let out a milky cry, as if comforting Nord.


Nord opened his eyes and saw the little cat squatting on his lap. The cute eyes were full of warmth. All the troubles in Nord’s heart melted at this moment. Yes, it is very painful and tired now, but this It’s not a reason to stop.

   A true warrior dares to face the bleak life, and dare to look directly at the dripping blood. UU reading www.uukANAshu.com

   Nord felt that he would not be defeated by this little difficulty. Looking at the little cat comforting him, Nord smiled at the corner of his mouth and reached out to touch Cindy’s little head.

   “Thank you, Cindy.”


   Nord lifted up his spirits, there are many things, one by one, don’t worry, Nord called the butler over Abel first.

“Steward Abel, you still have to continue to arrange for the villagers to build the fur workshop and carpenter’s workshop these days. By the way, when you go out later, call Lehman, Marko, and Reid over. I have something to do. Discuss with them.”

   Abel stood behind Noord respectfully, listened carefully to the tasks arranged by Noord, and did not miss any details, showing the professionalism of a housekeeper.

   “Understood, Master Nord, do you have any more orders?”

   “No, butler Abel has worked hard for you these days.”

Nord is indeed fortunate to have a dedicated butler like Abel to assist him. Even if some of the tasks Nord arranged for him are outside of his duties, Abel does not complain. Instead, every time Nord arranges. He can accomplish the task brilliantly. You must know that Abel is just a housekeeper, not an administrative officer, but there is no way. There are too few people at his hand. He can only catch the ducks on the shelves. I wish I knew how to use the avatar, so I wouldn’t be so upset just now.

   After listening to Nord’s instructions, the butler Abel left calmly, and he looked more aristocratic than Nord’s in a hurry.

   is not surprised at all, and feels at ease. Nord’s realm is not enough, even Abel’s butler can’t match it. Nord feels a little ashamed, but he didn’t slander himself. Nord believes that he will reach that realm in the future. If there are so many things to be busy every day if…

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