Lord of Riding and Slashing

Chapter 57 - Black soil mountain

Nord feels that he is the Emperor of Europe. Recently, he always wants to get everything he wants. Luck has been full of luck. Basically, he can do whatever he wants. It has been so smooth, and it will not be overdrawn in the future. Will it happen in two days? Good things happen? Nord suddenly wanted to slap himself.

Nord doesn’t know what he’s thinking. Isn’t it going well? Why do you want to think about bad things? Isn’t it a block to yourself? It’s definitely not going to happen. I’m not a crow’s mouth, and Nord’s face is exposed. With a bitter smile, careless, if you don’t think about it this way, luck will be gone.

Let’s finish the work now. Nord lowered his head and glanced at the blackened ground under his feet. Originally, he only planned to build a brick workshop here. People are not as good as the sky. I didn’t expect the mine to be built. Here it is.

But fortunately, burning bricks and smelting iron are both correct. At that time, there will be no surprises. Now that I found it, I can go back. Nord did not expect that his harvest on this day would be so great. Porcelain clay , Gold Mine, Bauhinia Valley, plus this big iron mine, it can be said that it completely exceeded Nord’s expectations.

Originally, Nord was ready to fight a protracted battle. I didn’t expect the system to be so capable. Nord felt that he had to reassess the capabilities of the system. Although Nord did not provide much help in combat, Others are still very impressive.

   Both the previous task rewards and the current resource search function are very powerful. It seems that I have to redefine the waste material system in my mind. It seems that the main function of this system is still an auxiliary function.

Nord bent down and grabbed a handful of soil from the ground, placed it in the palm of his hand, and took a closer look in front of his eyes, and found that the soil of this mountain was indeed different. Looking at the soil, it seemed that there was a metallic luster, possibly iron elements inside. The content is relatively high, so the soil is gray and black, and the vegetation on the mountain is also difficult to grow, but I don’t know if bricks can be made.

   sprinkled the soil out of his hands, Nord clapped his hands, looked at Hansen on the side, and asked, pointing to the ground.

   “Hansen, do you think this place has high iron content?”

   Hansen squatted on the ground when he heard the words, observed carefully for a while, and then said to Nord:

   “Master Nord, there are indeed iron filings in these soils, but if you rely on these soils to make iron, I am afraid it will be very difficult.”

Nord smiled. Hansen didn’t know how rich the mineral deposits were. Nord believed that there must be a lot of iron ore buried under the mountain. These clays with higher iron content. Nord planned to use them to make bricks. The plan to extract pig iron from them.

   Nord pointed his finger to the ground, smiled and stood up to Hansen, who was still embarrassed and said:

   “There is in the soil, but what about the underground?”

   Looking at Nord’s meaningful smile, Hansen finally realized that he fisted with his right hand, punched his left hand, and made a banging sound.

   “Yes, there are so many on the ground, so there will be more underground, why didn’t I expect it.”

   Since Hansen is not an expert in mineral exploration, he is just a blacksmith, and he does not turn on the plug-in like Nord, so he didn’t respond at the first moment. After Nord reminded, Hansen understood it immediately.

Reid was a little curious, and immediately approached Hansen to ask him for advice. Reid had been pestering Hansen all the way before. He was very curious about this man who was stronger than his brother Lehman, and asked him along the way. Asking West, like a hundred thousand why.

Regardless of Hansen’s fierce look, there is actually a little princess living in his heart… In fact, his heart is very docile, and he does not show an impatient look at Reed’s questions, but rather patiently answers Reed’s various questions. Reid was also welcome to go to his smithy to learn forging, but he was rejected for Reid after being heard by Nord.

Nord still has great expectations for this teenager, even more than Lehman. Lehman is very good, but it has basically been finalized. It may become stronger in the future, but there is no more plasticity. Germany is different, he is like a good embryo waiting for Nord to build, so Nord has high hopes for him, and Nord is very angry when he hears that Hansen wants to teach him to be a blacksmith.

But I can’t force it. At least it’s okay for Reid to understand more knowledge. Hansen on the side is explaining to Reid why the open-pit mine resources are more abundant. Reid listened with great relish, such professional knowledge, Reid Never heard of it before

   looked up at the sky, the sunset was late, and when it was time to return, Nord waved his right hand to signal that everyone could return.

   When I returned to the manor, it was already night, because in Heitu Mountain, where the brick workshop was previously planned to be built, because there was a layer of black soil outside, Nord named it Heitu Mountain.

   When Nord walked up the steps, he found a small figure squatting at the door of the stone building. Seeing Nord coming back, he ran to Nord.


Of course it is our little cat Cindy. He held his head up and looked at Nord who came back from the outside. There were surprises in his small eyes, and then he turned into dissatisfaction. The cry also seemed to ask Nord why he didn’t go out to play. Bring it.

  Nord’s heart is full of moving, UU reading www. Uukanshu.com didn’t expect Cindy to wait for herself at the door of the house. At this moment, Nord felt the warmth of home.

   “Master Nord, you are back. I have made Belle prepare the food, and I am waiting for you to come back.”

   Then Abel butler and Belle walked out of the hall one after another. They saw that Nord had returned, and Abel butler showed a smile on his face, as if he had seen his relatives come back from the outside.

   “Master Nord, seeing that you haven’t come back, Cindy has been waiting at the door for a day. Why don’t you tell him to leave, take it next time you go out.”

As soon as she opened her mouth, she was helping Cindy to say good things. As she learned about Nord, she became more courageous, and now she dared to put forward some small ideas of her own to Nord, and for her transformation. De is encouraging. Looking at this brilliant young girl, Nord seems to have seen his sister.

   squatted down, stretched out his hands and hugged Cindy in his arms, looking at the smiling butler Abel, Nord stepped into the stone building.

   “Okay, Little Belle, I agree to your request, but you can come to eat now, I’m almost starving.”

   Abel and Bei Li also smiled when they heard that, and they followed Nord to the restaurant. Sure enough, food was already placed on the table, but they were all covered with lids on the trays to prevent the food from losing heat.

Nord asked Abel and Bei Li to eat together at the table when he ate. For the noble etiquette of this era, this is very rebellious, but Nord doesn’t care. He now regards the manor as his home, Ya Bo, Cindy and even Belle are like their own family.

   The three of Nords in the house ate happily on the dining table. On the steps outside the stone building, moonlight is flowing like water, adding a touch of warmth to this rugged stone building.

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