Lord of Riding and Slashing

Chapter 70 - Leather armor and longbow

   “Master Nord, I can start making leather armor right now, but you still need to arrange some manpower for me. I alone cannot support the operation of the entire workshop.”

Pete expressed his difficulties to Nord, and Nord has also understood this situation. Just like the previous blacksmith shop, if you want to produce in large quantities, you must allocate apprentices. Unlike blacksmiths, the leather-making craftsmanship villagers don’t have to focus on it. Since learning, the old hunters who are unknown and experienced all know some leather craftsmanship more or less.

Nord plans to assign a small team of villagers to help Pete start the fur workshop, but Nord still feels reluctant. These are all cooperative and tacit understanding. After a period of time, the villagers who use them for the construction will have a higher s efficiency.

But now there is no way. I can only go up and wait until Love will send a group of civilians from Fort Christendom to take on the task of construction, and these villagers in Tammy Village will learn the craft from scratch. These only require physical strength. The task is handed over to the newcomers.

   “Don’t worry about the manpower problem, I will assign it to you, how much output can the fur workshop reach by then.”

   Nord stared at Pete intently and asked the question he was most concerned about. Nord wanted to produce a batch of leather armor as soon as possible, and change all the hunters of the guard to improve the combat effectiveness of the army as soon as possible.

Whether it is Viscount Orly in Christenburg outside or Heimuzhai in the depths of the mountain, it is a major concern for Nord. If it is not solved for a day, Nord will have trouble sleeping and eating. Improving the combat effectiveness of the troops can bring to Nord. sense of security.

“The production cycle of leather armor generally takes about ten days. The fur peeled from the animal cannot be used directly. It needs to be tanned and softened to make usable leather, and then the leather is shaped and then hardened. Come out a complete leather armor.”

Nord doesn’t know that there are so many ways to make leather armor. No wonder the systematic leather armor is completely different from the villagers themselves. Nord estimates that the craftsmanship of the villagers is very rough, and there will not be so many processes at all. After a simple fire roasting and air drying, it is used to make leather armor.

Not to mention the comparison with the system, even the leather armor that Nord bought from Belon last time is not comparable to the leather armor given to Reid, and their craftsmanship must be better than those deep in the mountains. But it is also very limited.

However, it can also be seen from the leather armor that the craftsmanship in this world is not simple, but Tammy Village is too remote, so the craftsmanship of making leather armor is very rough. The leather armor of Veron City is comparable.

If it can meet the standards of system production, Nord can be sure that the technology of the workshop is stronger than that of Belon City, because before Nord can clearly see that the quality of the leather armor rewarded by the system is better than that of Belon City. Some, but the ones from Veron are more gorgeous.

  The equipment produced by the system is so unpretentious and boring.

   “I need at least 20 pieces of leather armor now. When will you be able to finish it?”

Nord hopes that the workshop will be able to rush out of the leather armor as soon as possible, at least one per person, and the excess as a reserve replacement. These should be as soon as possible. Nord intends to be before the winter, that is, before the arrival of the cold season. Before the heavy snow closed the mountain, the problem of Heimuzhai was solved first, and the next year, he would concentrate on dealing with the war with the Krison family.

   “At present, the workshop has just started, and the villagers are not familiar with the process. According to my estimation, it will take more than half a month, and then it will be faster.”

Pete thought for a while and answered Nord’s question. He must be familiar with these procedures. Those villagers who have just come here don’t understand it at all. It may waste some time, but as long as they are familiar with it. After the process, it can be produced quickly.

Nord nodded and expressed his understanding. Nord expects that it will take a month, because at least it will take the hunters to recover from their injuries before they can go to Heimuzhai. It has been more than half a month than Nord expected. speed up.

   “Then I’ll send someone to you in a while, and I’ll start work right away.”

   After finishing talking, Nord looked at the carpenter Fussen who was waiting.

   “You heard it just now. I also need about twenty long bows. How long will it take you.”

   Fussen knew that Nord would also ask this question, so he already had the answer in his mind, but the answer did not satisfy Nord. As soon as Nord’s voice fell, a wry smile appeared on his face.

“Master Nord, I can’t assure you that the quality and flexibility of the wood used for bows and arrows are very demanding, but I don’t know much about the wood in this place, so I don’t know when I will be able to complete the task you gave me. “

Nord’s face became a little ugly, which disrupted his plan. Although the bow and arrow are still very useful to the team at present, although every hunter has a hunting bow in his hand, it is just that Nord is not very powerful for them. Satisfied, the distance is a little farther, basically there is no fighting power~www.mtlnovel.com~Nord wants to change into a more powerful bow and arrow.

   “If you can find the right wood, how long will it take to make a bow?”

   Fussen replied without hesitation:

   “A well-made bow will take at least one year. If you find good wood, three years is possible.”

   Fussen’s words almost choked Nord to death, three years? My tomb has been three feet tall in three years. Do you have any time to care about bows and arrows? Nord rubbed his eyebrows and asked Fussen casually.

   “Is there any faster way?”

   No wonder the ancient archers are so precious. There has never been a reason why a good bow is too difficult to make. When Nord was worried, Fussen’s answer was beyond Nord’s expectation.

   “There is a quick way to make it, but it is a waste of wood, and the quality of the bow made will be poor, the bow’s service life is not long, and it is easy to damage.”

This surprised NORD. Originally, NORD didn’t report much hope, so I just asked casually. I didn’t expect to have such a method. Nord looked at Fussen with some depression. , Made me feel uncomfortable for a long time, am I the one who lacks those few logs?

   “How bad is the quality?”

Nord doesn’t know much about bow making. I don’t know how the quality of the bow made by Füssen compared with those used by hunters now. Nord wanted to find a hunting bow and looked at the current one. The location is just not far from the old Moer’s house, you can visit his house.

Feel free to give condolences to Old Moore. As one of Nord’s two big problem old people, NORD will check it out anyway. Besides, according to Nord’s understanding, Old Moore seems to be a master bow maker in the village. , Just to discuss with Fussen about what kind of wood to choose for bow.

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