Lord of Riding and Slashing

Chapter 73 - Settle down

Nord looked at Love with his eyes full of appreciation. The manpower he brought back this time helped Nord solve a big problem. In the past few days, all the workshops have been completed, even the latest bricks. The workshop was also completed yesterday.

However, the manpower is very short. There are only a hundred households in Tammy Village. Except for Nord’s guards, there is not much population that can provide labor. In order to operate these workshops in the past two days, the infrastructure of Tammy Village Has completely stalled.

   So Love came at the right time and solved Nord’s urgent need. This manpower is just enough to fill the gap in the lack of labor in Tami Village and continue to build the village.

   Looking at these civilians who were still a little disturbed, Nord seemed to have seen a savior. Nord walked up to these civilians and said loudly:

   “I am Viscount Nord Isaac, the legal owner of this land, the lord of Tammy Village, and the nobleman from the capital city of Belon.”

   The crowd gradually calmed down, their eyes converging on the young man standing in the center of the venue with extraordinary bearing.

“I assure you that as long as you live in my territory, you will not taste the taste of hunger. As long as you work hard, you can live a prosperous life. As long as you maintain my rule, I can guarantee your safety. .”

   A pair of eyes in the crowd were shining with a fire of hope, which was lit by Nord himself, and their gazes at Nord were so fiery.

   Nord felt the heat of his eyes, and the flames that ignited in the hearts of the civilians passed to Nord through their eyes.

   “You have been walking for a day, and you are tired of each other. I have told the villagers to prepare food to welcome you.”

  The biggest temptation for the civilians struggling on the line of hunger is food. Hearing that Nord prepared food for them, there was a burst of cheers in the crowd. No one knew who started the head, the civilians shouted in unison.

   “Long live Tammy Village! Long live Lord Nord!”

   “Long live Tammy Village! Long live Lord Nord!”


   Listening to the shouts of the civilians, Nord had a black line, and he didn’t expect them to make this move. Nord was a bit speechless, but his face still pretended to be calm and calm, and waved at them nonchalantly.

   Especially when the villagers in Tammy Village brought the roasted yam up, cheers went straight to the sky, eating the hot roasted yam, and some civilians even left tears of excitement.

These people can provide the driving force for Tammy Village, plug in the wings to fight the sky, Nord looked at the gradually dimming sky, and suddenly realized that he had no place to settle them. The weather at night is already a bit cold, but Nuo De did not prepare any extra houses before.

   How to settle them now is really a problem. Nord hurriedly found the mayor Colin in the crowd, and wanted to discuss with him.

   called Shang Colin. Nord moved away from the crowd and came to a secluded place. Nord looked back at the cheering civilians, just like the scene of the bonfire party that night.

   “Mr. Kelin, can you mobilize urgently to let these people live in the villagers’ homes, even if they are crowded in the hall, but there is a place for heating.”

   Colin was stunned when he heard this question. He didn’t think of this problem either. It was the first time Colin encountered this kind of thing. Tammy Village had never received so many people before.

Accommodation for two to three hundred people is not a trivial matter. The population of Tami Village is only more than two hundred people, but it’s okay if you just squeeze. Consider the utilization rate of land.

In this era, as long as you have the time and the strength to build a large house, no one cares about you. Of course, the poor people who have not solved the problem of food and clothing in this era do not have much energy to build big houses, but the current wooden houses live more. The next few people are still no problem.

   “No problem, Lord Nord, I’ll go and notify the villagers right away, I will definitely settle them down today.”

Nord nodded. During this time, Colin’s work attitude has changed. He thought clearly that following Lord Nord is an opportunity for his family to take off. He must not have any problems, otherwise Lehman and Reid will be affected. Colin himself would regret it for the rest of his life.

   “I’ll call the butler Abel to help you. Let these civilians start building their own houses tomorrow.”

   Colin nodded, and after asking Nord if there was nothing else, he hurried to the village. He is now very concerned about Nord’s mission.

   After a while, Nord found that Butler Abel had come here and came directly to Nord’s side.

   “Master Nord, I just met Colin, and he said you have something to tell me.”

   Nord nodded, pointed at the civilians of Christenburg who were still at the entrance of the village, and said to Abel:

   “You will cooperate with the head of the village Colin in a moment, and settle the civilians who have just arrived in the homes of the villagers first. The priority will be arranged according to the construction team in the future, so that you can slowly cultivate a tacit understanding.”

Abel nodded and called for the new guards who were standing aside watching the excitement. Abel began to form a formation for these newly arrived civilians. The guards’ newcomers could help him maintain order, and then Abel began to follow his family or familiarity. , Began to divide these civilians into teams.

Abel gradually divided these civilians into small teams, and then sent the people to the head of the village Kelin. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com let them live in the villagers’ homes first, and stay with the efforts of Abel and Kelin. There were fewer and fewer civilians outside the village, and it was not until the middle of the night that Abel settled all the villagers.

   Nord returned to the study room early, because just after these civilians entered the village, Nord discovered that he did not think he had completed a system task.

  【Random Mission: Expand Population】

[Task description: Do you feel that development has entered a bottleneck? It is difficult to grow your power with a small village alone. For a power, population is the cornerstone of all development. Please add a new population to Tammy Village as soon as possible , Requires at least two hundred people. 】

  【Task reward: experience×500 linen loom×10 gold coins×200】

As the system’s panel functions become more and more abundant, NORD’s daily affairs become more and more busy. It is difficult for NORD to notice some tasks. Only when I am free, NORD will be in the mood to open each panel. Look, check if there is a new situation.

   This mission Nord hadn’t noticed at all before, and it was only when Nord opened the system panel that he had completed another mission without knowing it.

And with the beginning of the construction of the territory, it has become difficult for Nord to gain experience from other places. Only completing tasks is the fastest way to gain experience. Recently, Nord has discovered that the frequency of tasks issued by the system is getting lower and lower, although rewards Higher and higher, but Nord still feels a big loss.

Nord feels that the system is aimed at himself, just not allowing himself to upgrade quickly, nor do he quickly spend money. Nord now doesn’t know how much money he has left. These are all managed by Abel. I, Nord haven’t seen it. penny.

   Nord: “It’s too difficult for me!”

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