Lord of Riding and Slashing

Chapter 83 - Harlan\\\'s account

Along the way, Harun also briefly introduced the situation of Heimuzhai to Nord. Heimuzhai is worthy of being the largest cottage in this neighborhood. When the population is at its peak, it can reach more than 500 people. Even now, there are at least three or four. Hundreds of people.

The nearby cottages basically do not have the strength to compete with them. Heimuzhai’s name comes from a special tree on that mountain. It is called black iron wood by the mountain people. The appearance of this tree shows a dark color, and The texture is very hard, and the hand feels very heavy. It is especially suitable for weapons, especially in mountainous areas where there is no iron. The spear made of black iron wood is no disadvantage.

It’s just that this strategic resource is completely monopolized by Heimuzhai, and rarely circulated in other cottages. Harun’s cane is made of dark iron wood. This is because the conflict between Yuanshanzhai and Heimuzhai was captured, but this is Made of a broken piece of black wood spear, the complete black wood spear is extremely precious even to Harun, and it will not be easily made into a walking stick.

Relying on the sharpness of this black wooden spear, the conflict between Heimuzhai and other cottages is almost unfavorable. The black wooden spear is also particularly useful for hunting. Therefore, the situation in Heimuzhai is far better than other cottages. This is also true. The reason why Heimuzhai has such a large population.

Following Harlan’s account, Nord also has a simple understanding of Heimuzhai. He has to say that Heimuzhai is indeed a bit tricky. With the help of the twenty soldiers of Nord’s guards, even if Heimuzhai is taken, It will also suffer heavy losses.

According to Nord’s estimation, the number of people who can fight in Heimuzhai is about 100. Although there are nearly 400 people in Heimuzhai, not everyone is suitable for fighting, except for women, children and the elderly. The one-quarter ratio is already very high.

This is still considering that the living environment of the mountain people is relatively bad. Each mountain person has more or less experience in fighting. If they are in a plain area, there will be fewer people who can fight, and they can reach one-tenth. Not bad, this is one of the reasons why the Kingdom of Seaman could not defeat the Duchy of Beth in the previous war.

Considering this factor, that’s why Nord wants to use the strength of the remote cottage to give himself a strong presence. In fact, Nord does not value the combat effectiveness of these mountain people very much. If it were not for a sneak attack, now Nord’s guards Can easily face the mountain people of a hundred and ten people without falling into the wind.

Of course, this refers to the battle between the two sides. Whether it is equipment or personal strength, the gap between the mountain people and Nord’s guard soldiers is still quite large, but this is obviously not the case. If there is no accident in this battle, It will be a tough battle, so Nord needs the help of Yuanshanzhai.

Soon Nord was led by Harlan to a clearing in the far cottage. At this time, there were a dozen people scattered on the clearing. However, Nord looked at their clothes and outfits. Cottage people.

Because they did not have linen clothes on their bodies, because Nord came along and found that although not all of them, many of the mountain people in the remote cottage have already put on linen clothes, so a dozen of them have a linen cloth. There are no cloth clothes, which is very strange in Yuanshanzhai.

Sure enough, Harlan quickly introduced their identities to Nord. As expected, they were all people from other small villages nearby. This time they were specially invited by Harlan, and this is Harlan. Explanation to Nord.

   Hearing that Nord was the benefactor who had discovered yam before and helped them solve the food problem, they expressed their gratitude to Nord and invited Nord to visit their cottage.

The people from these small villages came to Yuanshanzhai this time. It’s not because Harun invited them to come. It’s because Harun sent people to invite them. I’ve already said that they came to Yuanshanzhai this time. Solving the problem of Heimuzhai, and this kind of thing is not the first time, so they will not be surprised by this incident.

What really surprised them was the changes in Yuanshanzhai. Both the spirit and the clothes were different from before. In the past, everyone was a poorly clothed and hungry mountain people. Now they have solved the food problem, but Why Yuanshanzhai is better than us, slowly they also know the reasons for these changes, so they have invited Nord.

Nord also knows why they invited themselves, so they responded to their invitation, meaning that they will go there when there is a chance. At this moment, Nord saw Harlan who was on the side looking at him with a look in his eyes. An unpredictable smile seemed to be looking forward to Nord’s performance.

   Nord sighed, showing a look of helplessness, and said to these small villagers with a low expression:

   “Half a month ago, my people were attacked by Heimuzhai, but they didn’t get any advantage. They were defeated by my guard captain Leiman, and even the chief of Heimuzhai fled in embarrassment.”

He said that Nord paused for a while and introduced the mighty Lehman to them. Looking at Lehman’s strong arms, sturdy chain mail and a pair of calm and deep eyes, they believed the warrior in front of them. , Did have the strength to defeat the leader of Heimuzhai.

In particular, seeing the equally armed guard soldiers behind Lehman, UU reading www.uukanshu.com with high morale and murderous spirits, these small villagers also seemed to sigh with emotion. It is true that the outside world has come to the elite, and their sight exchanges are in their hearts. As if made up his mind.

  Nord sees their performance in his eyes, so he strikes while the iron is hot and puts forward his own purpose.

“I entered the mountain this time to solve the problem of Heimuzhai. Otherwise, my future transactions with Shanmin will be affected. But after hearing Harlan’s introduction to Heimuzhai, I think I need some help. With this little manpower of my guard, it is not enough.”

   After finishing speaking, Nord stared at them tightly. Wanting to get their response, Nord saw that there was not much discussion between them, so he agreed to lend a helping hand to Nord.

   “Master Nord, don’t worry, I will go back to the cottage now to bring some people to help you.”

   “Yes, Lord Nord, we have long wanted to settle accounts with Heimuzhai. We just have the opportunity this time. We will definitely not miss it.”

   “Master Nord, we are not vegetarians. We must give Heimuzhai a good look this time.”


Nord hit it off with them. In fact, when the two sides first met, they had already made up their minds, but there were some things that they knew, but they wouldn’t break it, so Nord suddenly found that he had become mature. Even some high-sounding polite remarks can be said. The previous Nord hates this way of speaking very much, and Nord feels this is very hypocritical.

In fact, these people are not only helping Nord. They have waited for this opportunity for a long time. Now Nord has provided them with an opportunity. They agreed without hesitation. This is also due to the Nord’s guards. Confidence, before they were scattered sand, with Nord’s guard, they can become invincible spears.

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