Lord of Solples

Chapter 140

48.Terbe Wall, Beyond (1).


Athletic appearance that stays between a young man and a boy without even being a young man.


A solemn tone that doesn’t match the sweet voice you have.

“Would you really do that? ”

Deep cuts on the face make it feel like a little bit of a dilution.

“Are you sure you want to cross the Terbe Wall? ”

He was the custodian of the Terbe Wall and Prince Dean’s faithfulness, and the world’s hidden hero, Vigil, who fought against the corrupt crowd, refuted the insider’s proposal in front of his eyes. It wasn’t half a color. Whether it was for joy or for some other reason, he stood up.


Then came the groan straight from the mouth of the viggle. The wounds in the armor were not only visible as he was always armed, even in the parish office, but there were still wounds left in his body by Prince Dean’s betrayal and the inspector Agardo of the White House who committed the betrayal.

I was fortunate enough to save my life, and it was a horrible wound to put on this armor and perform my duties. There was no reason to regret something that was not relaxed because of it.

“It’s okay, it’s okay. ”

Then, as the visitor stood up and tried to approach his groaning, the vigil shook out his hand.

“I’m just grateful to be alive. I don’t want to lend a hand to a hero like you. ”

The visitor sits down with an awkward smile, and the vigil immediately pulls out a book filling the corner of his office.

“This is something I saved a long time ago. ”

The book was very thick on the outside. But there weren’t many pages filling that book. The reason was because of the thickness of the bookshelf. It was a thin plank that filled the book. As he pulled out the book, he looked at the bookshelf and looked at the carvings on the plank.

“Before I became governor of the Terbe Wall, before I was appointed guardian of this northern land following him. ”

The shape of the negative angle filling the wooden plank was a map. Vigil took the book and sat down again in front of his desk. During the sitting, Biggle’s expression was crunched as if the heavy rumbling of iron skulls and armor had touched his wounds, but this time he did not groan.

Vigil unravels even the miserable young face, pulling out the wooden planks filling the book and starting to puzzle the planks.

As expected, the plank was a map.

“This is the map of Northland before the era of the present, the age of endless warfare. It’s a map of a time when the Northlands we now occupy were unobstructed by shields and walls, and when there was even a glorious legend beyond the Northlands. ”

The content of the map was very lame compared to the grand description. Most of them were abstract. There was a road, there was a monster that emitted fire around the road, the mountains were just drawn in blooms, and the forest was marked by a sign that no distinction would be made between trees or graffiti.

Furthermore, this map was not a perfect one. I didn’t see the head part of the map. The map was cut off.

“It’s not perfect because it’s a relic from a long time ago. ”

Tuck, Viggle knocked on the top of the desk with his finger.

“I didn’t find out what this place was after all. And I don’t even know what’s here anymore. ”

The visitor, who heard the story without saying a word, only asked the question.

What’s there? Have you collected any other information yourself?

Vigil, who heard such information, sighed a long sigh.

“Just blocking the Terbe Wall is enough. Sometimes I have sent my men to explore beyond the walls, but the only result is warnings and their stubbornness about overflowing monsters. I had to lead the army for a full-scale investigation, but I was willing to send the army on a Northland expedition through thick walls and mysterious shields.

I couldn’t. It’s just because of my curiosity. ”

The visitor again threw a few words to the vigil. At the end of the day, Viggle gathered his hands and offered his chin.

“Yes, as you said, there may be a clue that the power of corruption….. even he who was upright has corrupted it. Because I want to know this place in the past. If I have such curiosity, I have a mission to find out this place somehow. But!”

However, the heavy words swallowed up the question the visitor was trying to spit out again.

“No one will allow an expedition here. ”

Immediately, I frowned as hard as I could. It wasn’t about the pain.

“There’s already movement. The Great Seagull is starting. No one in Northland will be in power for a while. To prevent such an example from arising from him, Northland prohibited (Fig.

The Van Kingdom, as well as the Punitive Society, will not help anyone. There is no prize for exploring the unknown, by itself. Bringing results is the only way to win prizes. ”

The impression was that Vigil asked the same question.

“Will you go beyond that wall? ”

The visitor nodded instead of answering, and the vigil immediately stood up.

The viggles were then skilled in cardboard and covered with white paper. Unbelievable map, Viggle gave the map to the visitor.

“Be safe.”


“Be safe.”

[Quest ‘Beyond the Terbe Wall’ begins.]

The look on Hirkan’s face was shivering as he listened to Biggle’s words and quest notifications.


He seemed to be trying to hide his face by force. It was obvious that it was trying to hide the expression of bad emotions, not the expression of good emotions.

That’s why.

“This is all I can say to you and to those who risk their lives before you and who are willing to throw themselves at the peace of the world. Safely, and please bring me hope as it was then. ”

There was a passenger.

“Who the hell went before me? ’

The door that had to go through unconditionally to go to the frozen kingdom, the Vigles, who came to the walls of Terbe, welcomed Hirkan. Hirkan, the hero of the Hiban kingdom, the corrupt referee, and even Agardo, who was deeply wounded by the Vigils, was a silver man and a hero to the Vigils.

Absolutely. I didn’t feel as rough as I used to.

Even the face of the Vigil looking at Hirkan was so burdensome for Hirkan. It was like a young junior looking at a wonderful senior with admiration and expectation. I’ve never seen such a glance from a young man, but I’m too overwhelmed.

It was so gruesome.

That’s how the conversation began, and as the conversation progressed, Hirkan’s planting began to twist.

And now that all the conversations are over, Hirkan’s planting is twisted beyond twist.

‘I don’t know who he is, but he blew me a title. ’

Someone met Vigil first and headed for the frozen kingdom.

It can’t feel good on its own. Nobody welcomes the appearance of a competitor.

‘Noble step title…. I can’t believe I missed the one who increases my health by 50 points. I should have just come here and gotten the quest and the title instead of anything else. Damn it!’

Furthermore, the passenger took the title that he should have taken from Hirkan’s standards.

‘After all, I got only noble exploration. ’

Gain 25 points from the title ‘Noble Exploration’, an exploration quest that has a very important meaning.

Also increases HP by 50 points with the title that Hirkan missed and missed, ‘Noble Step’, the title of the quest for noble exploration.

Losing a title that increases your health by 50 points is not just an end in regret.

Who the hell is that? ’

I can’t feel it. It’s worth it.

But the heartburn shriveled in front of the chills that made my back cheap.

“Are these the Ure Hunters? ’

Going beyond the Terbe Wall is never possible just because you want to go.

First, there should be some contact with the vial. At the same time, there should be a lot of achievements related to the Punitive Association. The high achievement of the Punitive Society is proof that monsters have been captured.

Only top-level users are qualified to start frozen kingdom quests at this point.

And the Ure Hunter meets that condition enough. Moreover, before returning to the past, the frozen kingdom was the monopoly of the Urehunters. Hirkan now knows a lot about titles, but the Ure Hunter has a monopoly on the frozen kingdom, and he has titles and items, skill books, and more.

It’s thanks to you.

It is often said that there is a connection between objects. I can’t ignore connection that much. It is quite likely that the Ure Hunter proceeded with the Frozen Kingdom quest at this point.

Above all, the Urehunter Guild is stronger than the Urehunter Guild that challenged the Frozen Kingdom before returning to the past.

“This is insane.”

“Got it.”

Hirkan spits out words that are no different from the end of the conversation, even in contemplation.

When you take the timetable, it’s time to finish. Hirkan tried to get up from his seat.

“Do you intend to go immediately? ”


Then the Vigil suddenly grabbed Hirkan.

“It’s going to be a dangerous road.I was wondering if I could prepare something more….. to help you with my expedition. ”

Hirkan smiles awkwardly.

‘I don’t think the Vigil was a character like this…. I see all the strange things because I have a higher preference. ’

At this moment Hirkan had no choice but to sit down.

‘I risked my life to kill him, but I can’t send him to his limbs for free. Whatever.’

It gives you something, but you don’t have to do it all. Above all, Hirkan has recently made an unprecedented over-consumption.

‘Give me something like a skill book. Please.’

[Knight] After acquiring the skill, [Conductor] acquired the skill and yelled at the nonname skill book once again.

Of course, the consequences are devastating.

Hirkan, who remembered the time, finally frowned. I sprayed money in the air, but I can’t feel good.

“Just wait a bit. ”

Unknown to Hirkan’s heart, the Vigil left his seat to give a gift to Hirkan.

Hirkan pondered again on his own.

Who the hell is that? ’

Repeated Concerns…… I missed something important.


Natal was looking at something with a holographic window in front of her. What he was looking at was a portrait.

“What are you looking at like that? ”

After that, Sohank reveals his sluggishness. Before approaching, Nathalie was able to answer quietly without being surprised.

“These are portraits of users who have been in contact with Vigil since we acquired the quest. ”


Warlords can shoot images from all sorts of angles that can never be shot in reality. However, if you leave the face unacknowledged, you will not be able to take any number of faces.

So the way it came out was to look directly in the eye and draw a portrait of someone who had good handwriting.

Virtual Reality and Warlord, in a world of state-of-the-art technology, human hand technology is more valuable, so it’s ironic.

Of course, neither Sohanuk nor Natal were interested in such irony.

“Some of them may be after us, this is it. ”


Saving the face of users who confront Vigil is to gather information about competitors in advance.

“There’s no famous face. ”

“Thank goodness. ”

If there’s a famous face, it’s okay to be wary of that user. Even if it isn’t, there may be users who don’t know their faces, but may be big competitors. That’s why it doesn’t hurt to collect data in any way. Other guilds may be very important to the Hydra Guild.

They know the importance of data and information, because it’s a guild that uses it as a weapon.

“But I don’t think he is. ”

Of course, that doesn’t make them all competitors. Sometimes I wish I could ignore her even if I look at her face. Prejudices in games are called prejudices, but on the contrary, prejudices are inevitable.

“Oh, this Ho Ho Ho looking guy? ”

Natal could not have been more free from such prejudice.

“It’s a little hard to judge face in a game, but he doesn’t look like a competitor to me. ”

“I agree. But don’t you know? ”

“Even when you buy a lottery ticket, they don’t buy it with that idea. ”

Nathalie laughed at Sohanuk’s words.

Sohank changed his sluggish expression to a slightly sunken tone, in response to Nathalie’s laugh.

“In many ways, it’s a nuisance. All I have to do is use my body, but I have to give meaning to the other eight. ”

“Isn’t that our role? ”

“Sometimes I don’t want to cause trouble to the guild. ”

I caught a bitter smile on the mouth of the spitting Sohanuk. I feel sorry for my colleague’s head, who rolls his head to do something, rather than resting properly even during recess.

Nathalie immediately denied it.

“That’s never the case. Not just the head. I was able to get here thanks to Mr. Sohank. ”

“No, it’s not enough for me. Honestly, I know what I’m good at. I don’t know if it’s the same spec, but Matador is definitely pushed by the Ure Queen. And the congregation……. ”

When you two are just about to have a more honest conversation.

Monster has appeared! Number nine, it doesn’t seem easy.

I heard an urgent voice through Voicestock.

Sohank spits a new word without finishing it.

“I’m going. Until then, just defend around the tankers! Refrain from aggressive attacks until I go! ”



A tremendous noise burst before the conversation was over. Sohank and Natal moved on without a conversation. I could not see the words “carefree” or “relaxed” in their movements.

Here, beyond the walls of Terbe, even the best powers of the Hydra Guild should always be on the lookout, where 200 level monsters have been fighting and other monsters have been grumbling.

48.Terbe Wall, Beyond (1). Ends

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