Lord of Solples

Chapter 165

57. Trace of Bocan (1).



The moment the Frost Golem Snake appeared, which was eight meters long, the monsters who were walking backwards were frightened and fluttered! I turned my head.

The furry saints, two metres tall and never small, were all carrying crude weapons and wearing crude wooden masks. I couldn’t see his face because of that, but I did.

The attitude of the field was clearly showing how they felt.


Yuck! Yuck!

The eleven masked monstrous saints vomited a grudging cry, as if they were not satisfied enough to express their frustration in a gesture. Every one of them has a mixed cry, a noise that they don’t want to hear.


A frost golem snake opens its mouth to the distant breasts of the noise, as if angry with the noise. Frost flowed from the mouth of the Frost Golem serpent, and the cold ball passed through their bodies.

When I go to Po, the monstrous saints hit me.

However, it was not the Frost Golem snake that defeated the noise’s cornerstones, but the Skeleton Knights and Skeleton Warriors. The frost golem snakes, they’re the rats in the poison, the skeleton knights, the skeleton warriors.

blasphemed them without haste.

Ka ‘ang!

At first, it sounded like iron.


The sound of iron turns into the sound of a new sword piercing the bloodstream. Winter did not come when the Saint’s forest was full of recordings.

In the meantime, a fire came from another corner.


The body of the lion, the griffon with the head and wings of the eagle, and the fire golem, which had been transformed by the griffon, were flying through the sky with wings, throwing out a great fire, and turning the forest into a sea of fire.

I did.

Bitch! Bitch!

Going into the burning forest, the monstrous saints throw a spear in their hand at the Griffon Fire Golem flying over their heads and pull the bow protest. Arrows and spears are griffons.

He then left a distinct scar on Golem’s body, but the scar was immediately filled with fire.

An expression of indignation that is so vain.

As the Griffon Fire Golem opened its eyes, the little mini ogre skeleton warriors began to quietly fill the burning forest. Small, but in a sense as much as a skeleton knight.

But the scary mini ogres completely erased their presence in the burning forest.

The Mini Ogre Skeleton Warriors, who approached the Monster Castle like an assassin, first targeted the target’s lower body. He stabbed his thighs, cut his knees, and cut off his calves.

The moment the Masked Monster Saints were struck, two or three Mini Ogre Skeleton Warriors clasped together to form the body of the fallen Monster Saint. Unique weapon of 190 level, Common

Users, of course, even those with some money, started to steal with weapons that were expensive and not easy to use.

Bitch! Bitch!

The sharp cries of the monstrous saints who filled the forest began to disappear one by one.

In this situation, the biggest episode took place on a stage where the black fog was not winter, nor fire.

[The Great Saint falls into helplessness.]

Masked Monster Saints’ Great King, Middle Boss Monster Castle of 240 Level.

In fact, no user knows who this guy is. The stage where the Great Saint appears, the Saint’s Forest, is the place where the first discoverer will meet on the fourth day of the discovery.

Because I was.

So the moment he was cursed, the moment he knocked his chest with his two hands like a gorilla.

[The cry of the Great King Saint repels the curse.]

The setting that nullifies all debuff skills on you was also the first sight I saw.

It was the first time I had seen a massive body that stretched out and reached six meters.


However, in front of all these sights, Hirkan was not embarrassed.

‘I’m pretty sure. ’

As if he had found something, Hirkan immediately gave the attack order to the Destinate, who was only waiting for the attack order. As if the Skeleton Horse could not resist the joy, towards the Great Castle

I started the rush.

Looking at the figure 300 meters away, Hirkan grabs a Bone Spear. As he grabs it, Hirkan immediately takes out one recovery item and puts it in his mouth. It tastes so good, in a penalty game.

I flattered Hirkan’s tongue with the taste of God I could eat. Hirkan frowns.

It tasted good, but it definitely worked. A fast-rising magical power, Hirkan uses that magical power to cast a curse on the Spear he picked up.

In addition, the Von Spear held by Hirkan was not made of normal bone material, but a Von Spear made of 190 level boss monsters. Power is great, value is great.

Fucking money.

Hirkan was no longer concerned with the monetary part of the situation, which he had no choice but to express. I didn’t even put it in my head.

I only considered combat.

‘Dispel skills can be used indefinitely without cooldown, but the condition is a heart-tapping gesture. ’

The castle of the Great King.

As I said before, it was not even known to the world yet, it was the first monster that Hirkan discovered, and it was the first monster in his game life combined with his past and present.

Now it was a natural situation. From now on, the only thing Hirkan encounters is what he didn’t experience.

But Hirkan was not embarrassed. There was no reason to panic.

‘Then if you don’t let me knock on your chest, the story is over. ’

Hirkan already has enough experience to build up, there can be no reason to be embarrassed.

The evidence that the will was not a bluff was shown by Hirkan himself at the time of the battle between the Destinate and the Great Saint.

In a situation as annoying as making a call at a clumsy battlefield, a venomous rock group concert, Hirkan’s focus is precisely on the target. Not 300 meters short is colorless.

To do so, Hirkan’s spear flew straight and plunged into the Great King’s Castle.

[The Great King Saint is cursed.]

[The Great King Saint becomes a contagion of curses. The curse spreads around you.]

As Hirkan had expected, the Great King’s castle in battle could not lift the curse. I can’t afford to knock my heart out against Death Knight.

At that moment.

[Level has been raised.]

A level-up notification has been issued to announce Hirkan’s achievement of level 220.



Level: 220 Level

Occupation: Richie

Title: 227.

Ability: Strength (2855)/HP (1855)/Mental (1952)/Magical (2222)

Holding Ancient Power ‘Frost’


Level 220.

Hirkan’s expression was not good looking at the outcome of the ridiculous level-up face, even though he thought for himself. His face was filled with troubles beyond the Hajj Tal. Levels, Stats and Items

Setting, it was not a matter of hunting speed at the moment. That was never the subject of any concern at the moment. Rather, that part is too good to die. The way you dreamed before you came back to the past.

I’m hunting now.

‘Do you really have to go back like this? ’

Rather, in a way, that was the beginning of the problem.

‘Oh, that’s crazy. ’

I think it’s too good.

Hirkan wanted to maintain his level-up face now. Every user is hunting their dreams. I’ve set the best items, I’m generously using restorative items, and I need to

I can afford to ignore it, and I care about a hunting ground exclusively. The level-up face looks like a two-digit level return.

If you don’t like this, it means you’re not the seller to play the game.

However, the time has come to tidy up about once. I have never visited the class tower until I reach level 200 and shoot level 220.

‘You need to receive quests, learn new skills, and at least once go to the class tower. ’

The problem is that in order to clear that up, we have to cross the Urgal Alps again.

Currently, the Node of the Dark Continent is only the ruined town of Fort Hard. The ruins of Fort Hard are growing differently every day, but it’s still a long way to go to get a class tower.

I already anticipated this situation. It was the most annoying thing to go back to users who were active in the Dark Continent before going back in time.

So I put up with it at level 210. With patience, he made a promise to himself that he would definitely go to the class tower at level 220.

‘But [Steel Golem] will definitely help. [Curse Sonagi] has now filled the Skill Rank that can be acquired. ’

It is time to keep that promise. It is better to postpone the promise and regret it after death because this is not enough.

And actually, I couldn’t see Hirkan coming to the class tower right now as a loss. Rather, there is much more to gain.

First, the [Steel Golem] skill gave Hirkan wings, and now it’s a skill that can’t be damaged.

The usefulness of this skill to summon Iron Golem cannot be said. The best advantage for you right now is your defenses. It can’t be compared to a dirt golem or a frost golem. Female

Use Gigi’s clay play skills to borrow the specs of defensive monsters, and use the skill to harden them to complete the strongest shield and the largest shield.

There is also Romain.

‘Take the Skeleton Wizard to Iron Golem like Richrich. ’

Richrich mixes these Iron Golems with Skeleton Wizards. Iron Golem became a moving wall, defending the Skeleton Wizard, and the Skeleton Wizards launched a generous attack.

Even if it is not, the fact that Golem becomes three is a tremendous thing.

I can block the triceps.

There are two main ways Hirkan can use Golem now. Use dirt golems to block the way, and use fire golems to hunt monsters.

It is a way to use against dizzy normal monsters, now that they are Hircans who have no reason to be pushed away from their numerical advantage. This technique was also very effective against boss monsters.

What if the presence of Iron Golem prevents a triple facet?

Stage. Destinate is a stage where you can fly mad while making perfect progress!

[Curse Shone] It’s also a very good skill. A skill that allows you to cast a curse with a cursed effect. You can cast a wide range of curses. Recently, Hirkan’s Curse Skill has also increased.

It became possible.

Once obtained, it achieves a sufficiently visible spect-up.

And the only enemy Hirkan has to fight is not the monster.

“Pasta bastards and Ure Hunters aren’t a joke these days. ’

Five-Star and Ure Hunters active in the Dark Continent are also speculating as fast as Hirkans, but they’re getting 200 levels of Unique and Rare items quickly.

Hirkan, on the other hand, had little spec up in the item setting. I couldn’t stay. There can’t be a better item than what Hirkan is wearing right now. It’s the price the selector has to pay.

In such a situation, there is no more definitive speculation than learning skills for free in the class tower.

‘The voodoo tunnel has been a bit twisted lately, but you can count it. ’

In response to Hirkan’s concerns, the situation in the Vodouku Tunnel has recently gained weight.

‘I can’t help it. ’


“Would you rather just die and come? Two days on the way, two days on the way, damn it, if I could fly over the summit of the Urgals on the Wyvern Golem, I would have been able to make it back and forth in one day. I got something to ride.

What do you want? I can’t ride. It’s a fucking game. ’

After completing the skill acquisition in the class tower, Hirkan’s steps at the skill level were stepless.

A minute and a second later, Hirkan goes down the stairs of the class tower without hiding his identity. As soon as I left, less attention would be directed towards him, but I didn’t intend to mind. hump

When a female user approached me asking me to take a certified shot, I tried to run away after tripping over my leg.

It was the NPC that took such an unparalleled step.

“A letter came to Hirkan, Ahimbri’s disciple. ”

Arrival letter.

In fact, this word alone would not have slowed down Hirkan’s steps at once. The problem was the modifier.


There are quite a lot of adjectives in the game, not just the rich nicknames that Hirkan is given to his users. Corrupt Judges, Heroes of the Hiban Kingdom, etc. If this was a fantasy world, Hir

It would have been hard to even hear his name because of all the titles that decorated him in front of Khan.

However, among those titles, the NPC also referred to a title that had faded in Hirkan’s memory as a disciple of Ahimbre. Hirkan slightly tilts his head and immediately reflexes.

‘Obviously, Ahumbri gave me a skill book quest after level 200. No way?’

A loaf of bread that is not enough to stop Hirkan’s steps.

“Who wrote me? ”

Hirkan immediately responded politely and courteously to the NPC.

“This is Ahimbri. When his disciples came, he asked me to show them, and he left them for himself. ”

Hirkan smiled.

‘You can be the one. ’


“Did you hear the story? ”

On Nathalie’s question, Sohank shrugs. What are you talking about? It was a gesture of meaning.

“This acquisition. ”

“Oh, with Fighters? ”

He continued to say that it was nothing.

“Well done. There are a lot of good fighters there. Oh, that doesn’t mean our kids can’t fight. ”

“I understand the Fighters Guild acquisition. But I don’t understand why you’re in such a hurry. First Heads don’t often do things in such an unpredictable hurry.

De · · · · · ·. ”

Sohnak touches his shoulder due to Nathalie’s worries.

“At least I didn’t mean to ruin the job. Let’s not worry too much. First of all, thanks to First Head, we have another chance. His father literally didn’t bet everything on the west.

Cotton wouldn’t even come at this opportunity. ”

Nathalie nods at the word “opportunity.” However, the expression was not very unraveling.

“And to be honest with you, you have to do something there. ”

There, in the words of Sohnak, the two turned their heads, lifting their heads and looking at a huge mountain range full of destiny.

It was then.

“Mr. Sohank! Let’s do one more! ”

I heard a cool voice somewhere. Where the voice came from, there was a user who had already drawn a sword and was preparing to fight right away. Two users were looking at the Great Mountains.

I looked at the user, and they looked dramatically at each other.

First of all, Natal looked at the user with a very annoying face.


“Oh, Nathalie was there. Hello?”

“Why do you keep making things work? ”


Recently, PVP has become incredibly popular. Then the guild’s love call to him in his thirties has been good ever since. PVP content has the power to make great strides during warload content

I like it, but it was the least basic content.

However, the news that he entered the Hydra Guild was surprising to everyone.

First of all, Kiyote was not interested in money, so much so that he ignored the big down payment, and the Hydra Guild was not interested in PVP content. There was no contact between the two.

So everyone wondered. Why Kiyote entered the Hydra Guild and what the Hydra Guild recruited him for.

“Obviously, when I came into the Hydra Guild, I was allowed to do PVP with anyone except in an unavoidable situation. ”

This is why.

The Hydra Guild gave Kiyote the right to PVP on a line that did not kill each other with any user of the Hydra Guild. I don’t have the most powerful user

Even so, a 30s guild is a 30s guild. It’s full of skilled users.

Most importantly, he was beaten by a single killer, but still has Sohank, one of the strikers representing Warlord. From the Kiyote standpoint, this would have been the most attractive. 30

I rarely get a chance to play PVP with a great guild leader.

In fact, the most violent dissent in this area was Nathalie. Natal argued that there can be no recruitment of Kiyote on these terms at the gathering of nine heads.

Nathalie could not persuade that Sohank, who is always an important force, should consume his mind and concentration to face the challenges of the same guild member.

Consequently, however, the Hydra Guild received the Kiyote. Eight in the majority voted in favour, and no one, not Natal, would be forced to accept reality.

“Conditions are conditions. ”

On the contrary, however, Sohnak welcomed the advent of Kiyote. I took my hand off Natal’s shoulder and approached Kiyote.

“What are the conditions?”

“We have to go without skill. How do you win a skill battle against someone who possesses darkness? ”

“What about the item?”

“Let’s go like this. That much handicap makes it feel good to fight. ”

Sohank smiled. He welcomed Kiyote’s challenge, no matter who he saw, and was satisfied with his presence.

Nathalie shakes her head in dismay at the appearance of such a thunderbolt. Kiyote’s most welcome recruitment was actually Sohank, not anyone. Sohank, he’s one of the nine heads.

It must have been hard to fight alone under the name of supreme power. The recruitment of a power that was not lacking enough to have such an expectation of him would have been essential, not an option.

In Nathalie’s head, another user’s face came to mind.

‘If you acquire the Fighters Guild, will you add the Fitbull Thinking? ’

Nathalie’s imagination of having to manage the bloodbull thought, which is said to be the hardest to handle, even within the Fighters Guild.

57. Trace of Bocan (1). Ends

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