Lord of the people: Surrounded by tens of thousands of enemy troops at the beginning

Chapter 109

"Actually engaged in a sneak attack?!"

"Organize the formation! Don't fall apart for plastic surgery!

Takeda Shinbe ordered loudly.

His eyes stared warily at the elven elder who descended from the sky on the opposite side.

Judging from the intelligence sent by the spies:

this should be the boss who is full of level 60 legendary level!

Although the level difference is too large to detect the opponent's attributes, it is slightly estimated based on the attributes added by the ruins.

The boss in front of him has at least 1,780 attributes!

And the main attribute may be even higher!

With the final boss element of the Elven Courtyard, the Elf Elder falls.

Behind him came a sturdy elf armed with a giant axe, covered in ice crystal armor.

"This is ... Elemental Elf Rule?! "

Recall the intelligence of the spies, this is a level 80 epic quality defender boss!

Its strength is not weaker than that of the elf elders at all!

"This is the ice element? The elf leader is an ice elemental elf.

"And the previous lightning strike was the attack of this elf elder, this is the thunder element elf!"

Think to yourself for a moment.

Takeda Shinbe thought to himself for a moment.

I also saw a thousand epic defenders on both sides of the opposing courtyard.

This is also the last defender lineup of the entire ruins!

"Finally the decisive battle!"

The island nation legions reorganized their lineups, and the momentum was like a rainbow.

It seems that it is ready for a big war.

"All legions listen to my orders!"

With Takeda Shinbu's raised hand, the legions were waiting for it.

Waiting for Takeda's order.

"Ninja One and Two, Samurai Regiment, Assassin Regiment, you go and interfere with the Elf Elders! Don't fall for his skills! "

The Shield Guard Regiment, the Nanny Regiment, the Monk Corps... You stop the elf leader, you only need to contain it! "

An order.

Hundreds of thousands of island legions began to divide into two columns in an orderly manner.

Then Takeda said again:

"Everyone else prioritizes gathering the elite defenders, and kill the weaker ones first!"


"Stop hiding your strength! This battle must be won!!

"All legends say that the above combat power will gather the elite defenders of fire first!"

Takeda Shinbu's order was issued.

His ghost assassin stepped out and took the lead.

Seeing Takeda making the first move, the other young masters of the island country looked solemn and waved their hands to summon.


Several powerful legendary auras suddenly appeared!

The legendary heroes in the hands of the young masters are out!

After all, those who can become young masters still have some strength in their hands!

Giant sickle samurai, samurai monks, crack musketeers... That's eight legendary heroes!

Only Takeshi Matsui was embarrassed.

Because he was beheaded by Mo Wen in a row two legendary heroes, he was originally the strongest legendary combat power, and now he can only come up with two epic heroes.

"Kill !!"

"Island nation wins!!"

With the appearance of various legendary heroes, the morale of the island legion was once again boosted.

They all shouted and slaughtered the ruins defenders.

"Go kill the elite defenders first!"

"Just stop the two bosses for the time being!"

Takeda Shinbe gave an order.

The Ghost Assassin is the first to strike, and with each action, he can turn into a shadow.

A giant scythe in his hand reaps the lives of the defenders.

It seems that without killing a single person, you can retreat into the shadows, and the killing efficiency is extremely fast!


The elf elder saw a group of ninjas and assassins constantly interfering.

It's like a swarm of bugs circling around you.

But it's still fast.

Can't help but burst into a rage!

Reaching out, a Thunder Elemental Auxiliary Elemental Spirit fell into his hand.

Thunder element with thunder element!

Damage Explosion!

"All to death!!"

With the roar of the elf elder, the dark clouds above his head fell and rolled thunder!

A wave of large-scale AOE damage smashed down!

The island nation's originally neat camp was once again dispersed.

"Hold steady!"

"The elite of the defenders will be killed immediately!"

The Ghost Assassin goes all out to increase his kill speed.

Takeda Shinbe hurriedly commanded to stabilize the army's heart.

About twenty minutes passed.

Under the continuous flashing and killing methods of the ghost assassins, most of the elite of a thousand defenders were actually cleared!

But the Ghost Assassin was also injured.

I can only return to Takeda's side to repair.

"Well done! Ghost-kun!

Takeda Shinbe hurriedly praised.

This is his strongest combat power, almost exhausted resources to cultivate, and the results obtained are also gratifying!

The confidence of the island legion increased.

The remaining eight legendary heroes also began to harvest.

But only Noda Takuhai, his face is extremely gloomy at this moment!

No doubt.

The progress of the island country's strategy at this time was the last thing he wanted!

Originally, he contacted the capital of the beast race so that he could help them interfere with the island country and capture the ruins.

But if the island nation really took the ruins first, the beast clan would definitely not be able to bypass him!

"Abominable! How could the damn Morven not come?!!

Takumi Noda cursed secretly.

It is clear that the plan is perfect, and the information shows that Mo Wen is still capturing the territory of the island country, and it seems that he has no intention of coming at all.

"If this continues, it seems that I can only do it myself!"

"You must not sit still!"

He is being ordered to lead a team to stop the elven ruler.

If you want to interfere with the island nation, you can't wait any longer!

At this time.

The Shield Guard was originally pulling the hatred of the elves.

Takumi Noda's figure retreated slightly, looking at the moment when the elf leader was about to swing the axe in his hand!

Wave Technique!

A wave of magic fluctuations was secretly released from Noda Takumi's body.

Takumi Noda, he doesn't have a legendary hero, he's a spell lord class!

The wave technique does no damage, but it can make the Shield Guard's footsteps shake violently!

Caused one of them to even fall directly!

"Not good!!"

When he fell, the shield guard slammed to the side.

Immediately afterwards, the Shield Guard fell to the ground like dominoes!

That's not the point.

At this time, the elf led an axe and chopped down at the same time!

The blow with the ice element shattered the entire fallen shield guard regiment, and there were heavy casualties for a while!

"What's going on?!"

"What's going on with the Shield Guards?!!

Watching the battle situation change drastically in an instant, Takeda Shinbe roared angrily.

But no one could give him an answer.

The elf leader was like a wild horse out of control, and he killed it directly!

Those who have teamed up to attack the boss know that once the front row does not hold the hatred, those waiting for the back row will be slaughtered!


There was no way, Takeda Shinbe could only turn to the ghost assassin who was repairing.

The latter immediately rushed forward.

A scythe immediately stopped the axe of the elven leader!

But the ghost assassin is not good at strength, and after stopping it, he was still affected by the power of the ice element and injured again!

But fortunately, a large number of rear legions were saved.

The Shield Guard also got up in time to stop it.

The war has stabilized again.

"Hard work on you, Ghost Shadow-kun, just rest well!"

Takeda Shinbe said softly towards the Ghost Assassin.

The ghost assassin nodded, at the moment he was injured and could only rest.

At this time, the elite on the battlefield were cleared.

There are only two bosses left.

Noda Takumi was full of resentment, but at the moment Takeda Shinbe was staring at the two waves of legions, and he couldn't do anything!

Takeda Shinbe focused his target on the Elven Leader.

Another hour of hard work.

Under the AOE lightning strike of the elf elder, nearly 30,000 legions were lost!!

Finally killed the small boss, the elemental elf ruled.

As he crashed to the ground.

In the entire battlefield, there were 270,000 island legions left.

There is only one elf elder left!

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