Lord Of The Whole People: My Servants All Have Systems

Chapter 100

Chapter 100

Chapter 99 Self-destructing crystal, triple increase of faith totem! Brother dog spare your life! (Subscribe)

This is a doomsday catastrophe!

The 300,000 army was destroyed in an instant!

Those who survived, but only a few hundred rough, that’s all.

“This… the strength of this attack is absolutely god-level!!!

In the sky above the center of the city that never sleeps, the Black Dragon King widened his pupils, stunned, and muttered, constantly repeating the impossible words.

Hopps, who was on the back of the Black Dragon King, collapsed directly and looked at the white light that shot from the territory next to him.

Even if they are three or four kilometers apart.

But he could also feel the terrifying energy contained in it.

If you are attacked like this from the front, the terror will be wiped out along with the soul!


“This angel’s power is so terrifying!?

“City Lord Huo, we, what should we do?

A group of lords who did not participate in the frontal battlefield also felt the terror blow from afar.

It’s just because the artillery hits in a straight line, and the aiming direction is only the direction of the three armies, not including here, so they all survived.

But right now.

They don’t need to confirm at all, they know that the army in front is absolutely wiped out, or at least almost wiped out.

The rest of the people looked at the parties who built this city that never sleeps.

Hopps was really stunned.

More than one billion people, more than one billion coordinates.

Why did I just encounter this strange angel here, this strange terrifying existence???

With this angelic force here, how can I survive in the city that never sleeps?

If you can live for three days, you should burn incense and worship Buddha!


“What should I do? Salad!

As soon as the voice fell, Hopps quickly operated his lord panel——

[Ding! Operation failed! Crystals that have been upgraded to town level cannot be recycled!]


The first choice was no good, and Hopps chose another option again–

[Ding! Please confirm, do you give up the ownership of the territory?”


[Ding! Please confirm again, whether to give up the ownership of “Eternal Night City”?


【Ding! Please confirm, do you confirm the self-destructing territory crystal?】

[Note: The crystal in this territory is a primary town-level crystal, please reconfirm that you are awake to use this operation!

“NM’s! You think Laozi doesn’t want to stay!? Confirm!!!”

[Ding! Please note 590, the crystal of Evernight City has started self-destruction mode, the countdown is 1 minute, and it can be stopped at any time, 60, 59…)

Hopps directly gave up the combo of adding self-destruction, and the other lords were taken aback for a while.

By the time they reacted, Eternal Night City had ceased to exist.

“Damn it! You TM just ruined the Evernight City?”

“f*ck, Laozi came all the way in the cage, and you just destroyed you?”

“Hurry up and stop!!!”

“Then what should we do? Laozi’s territory crystals have been taken by you and upgraded, you want to run if you don’t give us an explanation!!

These lords were in a hurry in an instant.

After all, this city that never sleeps is not a town built by himself like Jiang Ming.

The city that never sleeps belongs to many people, a town that was hard to come together, although there is only one city owner, but the others can also be said to be the elders who built the city.

However, seeing the city being destroyed without a word, they were of course anxious, even if they knew in their hearts that it was a last resort.

Hopps looked embarrassed, but he was not an impulsive person after all, and naturally he had a plan for the future.

Just like at the beginning, he knew that there might be danger, but he still attracted a large number of other lords to help him find the way.

He immediately stood up and said, “The city that never sleeps has become a thing of the past. It doesn’t matter whether that angel belongs to Jiang Ming. Whether it’s him, the police or the local forces, we are powerless to fight against this level!”

“Abandon the city that never sleeps as soon as possible, let’s flee quickly, make a comeback in another place, hide far away, as long as we don’t deal with this place, we will definitely be able to return to the peak! 53

“I just self-destructed myself, the crystal that I can’t take away, your own crystals are still there, hurry up and recycle your crystals!

“Open the portal to anyone, I know a lord who is willing to take us in!”

“At least, we didn’t fight each other head-on, and there was no real conflict, so the other side shouldn’t be chasing us.”

Hearing Hopps’ words, although others were still a little reluctant to accept the result that the city that never sleeps was destroyed like this.

But if he was asked to choose to face that terrifying white light or an angel, he would naturally be unwilling.

No matter how aggrieved my heart is, I can only hold back.

Then the rest of the people went back to pack their own territorial crystals.

However, the crystals that were on the attacking side of the three Death God Forts were also directly destroyed.

Nearly half of the (cich) territorial crystals of more than 800 people were destroyed.

And the one that was easily destroyed, his identity was directly forced to become a wanderer and lost his lordship.

These unlucky bastards have no choice, they can only follow the portal opened by others and follow the past to bite the bullet.


Hopps found out that his choice had other surprises——

[Lord Announcement: Congratulations to the lord “Hopps” for completing the first self-destructing town-level territory crystal achievement, please go to the top message in the communication area to receive the reward! 】

After the announcement sounded.

Jiang Ming naturally heard it too.

“I didn’t expect this person to be so decisive?

“However, it’s good to give up the town, and the territorial ownership of my splendid church is also ushered in.

Although this achievement was triggered, Jiang Ming didn’t care either.

After all, although you are in the limelight, it is really difficult to achieve all achievements, after all, some achievements require more effort.

For example, this self-destructing town achievement is something he would never try under normal circumstances.

Afterwards, Jiang Ming took back the war fort and brought Bai to the church again.

As for the territory that had just been temporarily occupied for the Fortress of the God of Reaper, go as soon as you go. Anyway, Jiang Ming doesn’t feel bad about these two territories.

The soldiers and heroes who stayed here went to pick up the remaining enemies.

And he took out the spectacle building, the belief totem.

Previously, because of the loss of ownership of this territory, new buildings could not be placed, but now that Evernight City is gone, and the territory is back, this building can naturally be placed.


[The Totem of Faith was built successfully![Faith Totem lvll[Amplification Faith: Unselected][Amplification effect: 1 (not extracted)[Required for upgrade: 10 High Magic Crystal, 10 Crystal Source]

After all, the Faith is higher than the simple elves, so this totem looks more macro.

But standing in front of Brilliant Traffic, its momentum is no weaker than that of the church.

This is because the belief has not yet been chosen, so the momentum of the two will have a feeling of rivalry.

“Choose faith, brilliance is faith!

Without saying a word, Jiang Ming directly established the only belief in his territory, which was also the most important and crucial belief for him.

[Ding! The faith sect that has chosen to increase: Brilliant sect!)[Ding! You get +10% Faith Collection Efficiency, +10% Believer’s Fanaticism, and +10% Faith Value Generated by Believers Every Day][Ding! You can choose the following additional enhancement effects: Glory back to the lake, fanatical halo, angel protection]

After all, it is a more advanced totem!

Before choosing the extra effect, it has already been improved to a certain extent, and it is all for the belief value, so that Jiang Ming can collect more belief power faster.

And the three additional effects make Jiang Ming jealous for each one!

[Glory back to the lake: After triggering this effect, you can directly restore yourself to the peak state. The duration depends on the believer’s belief level, and the fanatical believer can last for up to 1 hour! 】[Fever Aura: After triggering this effect, you and the people around you will enter a frenzy state, and all attributes will increase by 1%-100%, depending on the believer’s belief level. ”[Angel Blessing: After triggering this effect, the ability of the brilliant and numerous angels can be descended, and part of the ability of one of the angels can be obtained. The amount of ability obtained depends on the believer’s belief level. ”

“Anything you want!

“Right, why should I choose one…”

Jiang Ming patted his forehead, and then directly consumed the supreme magic crystal and crystal source in the inventory.

[Ding! Consume 10 High Magic Crystals, 10 Crystal Source, Faith Totem has been upgraded to level 2! 】[Ding! Consume 50 High Magic Crystals, 50 Crystal Sources, and the Faith Totem has been upgraded to level 3!”[Ding! You get +30% Faith Collection Efficiency, +30% Believer’s Fanaticism, and +30% Faith Value Generated by Believers per day][Ding! You have obtained all the following additional enhancement effects: Glory Retrospective, Fanatical Halo, Angel Blessing!)[Next upgrade: 200 Supreme Magic Crystal, 200 Crystal Source, 10000 Faith Power]

Upgrade directly!

I want all the boosts!

The splendid faith totem has become more high and magnificent, and its breath is also integrated with this splendid cathedral.

The two set off against each other, making the atmosphere of this territory full of faith.

And at the same time.

above the sky.

The few remaining lords were a group of people sitting behind the Eagle Warriors and not leaning against the center of the army.

“Brother God!”

“You too are alive!”

The young ruffian looked at the several lords flying around and shouted with tears in his eyes.

Originally, Li Wentian was worried that the opponent would make a fuss and attract enemies, but after all, he was able to survive because of the opponent’s flying arms, so he didn’t say much.

Several other lords also flew together involuntarily.

Although we may not know each other before or even meet for the first time.

But at this time, there was a kind of friendship that was born and died together, and they couldn’t help but chat with each other.

“Dammit, this attack is also terrifying. The white light is less than ten meters away from me. I feel that if I get closer, I will be sucked in and destroyed…”

“The way! The two hundred strongest elites brought by Laozi! The emperor-rank colossus hero and the seventh-rank colossus guards! There is not one left!”

Those huge units were brought by this lord.

It’s a pity that the bigger the body is, the quicker he will die in this wave of attacks, because he has no time to dodge, and he has suffered more attacks than people.

“This revenge is not a gentleman!!”

“Why do you still want revenge? Aren’t you afraid to see this attack? 99

Of course afraid!

That lord was just venting his anger with his mouth, and he didn’t dare to face this attack again.

The same goes for others.

“Damn it! Damn Jiang Ming, how can there be such a terrifying thing!

“Are you sure this is Jiang Ming, not another force? Although Jiang Ming is powerful, it’s impossible to reach this level, right?

“Whether he is or not, push it directly on his head!”

Li Wentian took over the topic and said.

When other people didn’t know why, he continued: “Although such a terrifying person does not really look like him, as long as it is pushed on his head, it can also cause him to oppose the terrifying existence here. It is best to make them two strong. fight and lose a lot to each other!”

“Also, making others mistakenly think that Jiang Ming is so strong will cause more hostility and make him less happy!

Li Wentian is a typical person who doesn’t look good.

Even if it didn’t do him any good, he just couldn’t get used to the policeman being better than him.

At any opportunity, I want to entrap someone better off than him.

Just then.

They suddenly heard that they were in the sphere of hostile forces.

The territory that had previously become a neutral state due to the dissolution of Evernight City.

In an instant, it became a complete territory again!

Obviously, someone has built a city on this land!

And the location where the city was built, the influence radiated by the crystal, includes their current location!

“Not good! We are exposed to the enemy’s sight! 39

“Run away!!!


At this moment, the side they were flying actually found a blocker…



“A flying Shiba Inu?”

The few people who hurriedly fled for their lives were stunned at first, but after seeing the image of just a dog, even if they noticed that the rank displayed by the other party was a general, they could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

After all, this ingrained meme-like image made them really wary in their hearts.

What’s more, the ruffian’s young flying eagle warrior is one rank higher than this dog, and it is nothing to be afraid of.

“Destroy him, a good dog will not stand in the way!

“Damn, it scared me, I thought it was an angel or Jiang Ming, but it turned out to be just a dog.

Several people showed disdain.

In another five kilometers or so, they will be able to return to the place where Evernight City was originally.

Although the crystal that was teleported was destroyed, there were still some scattered crystals. Some people rushed to escape and did not take it away. They could occupy the crystal and open the portal to escape from this ghost place.


In their eyes, nothing more than such a dog.

He even raised his paws and made a random move towards them.

A huge colorful magic circle emerged in mid-air.

next moment.


Fifty thick and long elemental dragons took off from the magic circle.

Each elemental dragon is hundreds of meters long, and its tail is not visible at all.

Fire dragon, ice dragon, water dragon, thunder dragon, wind dragon, light dragon, poison dragon and so on.

“Damn it! This TM is the magic that a dog of the general rank can unleash???”

“The police attack, I surrender!!”

“Brother dog, spare your life!!!”

Wang Defu, who was floating in the air, twitched, and his raised hand fell suddenly. More than 50 elemental dragons each selected their targets, and some lords with inverted emblems even faced the extra elemental dragons at the same time. , the heart is even more desperate.

rumble rumble one

The successive elemental explosions caused a chaotic elemental storm that could not be dissipated for a long time in this high sky.

In this battle, the last thirty or so lords remaining were all killed.

After Wang Defu made sure that several people were dead and dead.

Ji slammed the bar hard and said, “Stupid man, Laozi is the king of Austrian law, you follow the dog, all your dogs! 3)

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