Lord of the Witches

Chapter 29 - New superb bullets

In front of Tang Qi, the two shadows came fiercely, and they were all beautiful outside, but what Tang Qi smelled was a bad smell, mixed with a **** smell of corpse odor. .

Two pairs of claws were drawn towards Tang Qi’s head and chest, with the benefit of strong eyesight, Tang Qi can also see the red and black nail polish on their nails at this time.

Mottled and cheap, most of them fall off.

“Poor taste, as stated in the book.”


“Hiss ~”

Don’t make any big moves during the speech, but only slightly backed a half step, one sideways, while avoiding the attacks of the two corpse nightingales.

The white palm slowly clenched his fists. When the two nightingale roaring with a rancid smell, Tang Qi’s fist fell on one of the faces, while the other one took all of Tang Qi’s whip leg. power.

“Bang ~ Click”


They come quickly, and fly back quickly.

If the wisdom is enough, this match can tell that Tang Qi is not an ordinary human teenager, at least in close combat, they won’t have any advantage.

But they did not escape, but snarled at Tang Qi more angrily, and then rushed over again following the beast instinct.

Tang Qi shook his head and stepped into the depths of the alley. He could step on the body of the unlucky middle-aged office worker a few steps further. His slender palms protruded out, and he first pinched the first corpse nightingale ‘S head, with a “boom” slammed directly into the wall next to it.

Then kicked out again. After the wind exploded, the violent force was directly drawn on the chin of the second corpse nightingale.

Only heard the crisp “Kaba” sound, this nightingale’s half head and chin were kicked and smashed by Tang Qi.

Three seconds?

No, not even three seconds.

An already terrible battle was declared ended, the strength of the two sides is not a level at all.

Tang Qi officially set his sights on the two dying corpse nightingales, and the special interface jumped out.

[Supernatural creatures: corpse nightingale. 】

[State: dying. 】

[Information Fragment 1: The once prosperous ghouls, after being annihilated, left some viruses with good infectivity around the world. They may not be able to reproduce the ghouls, but they have created some disgusting creatures, but Effortlessly. 】

[Information Fragment 2: The Corpse Nightingale is one of them. 】

As always, Tang Qi saw fragments of information.

But this time, the information provided by his own special ability is not more than he seems from the book.

Tang Qi recalled a chapter in that “Federal Centenary of the Commonwealth, Absurdity and Truth”, which described the so-called corpse-eating nightingale in great detail.

Of course, ignore the stories that don’t know the truth.

To sum it up briefly, this is the extraordinary creature that appears after a prostitute is infected with a ghoul virus.

Before the attack, it was a normal prostitute.

Once it enters the ghoul state, it will become a monster that eats people, and its physical quality will be greatly enhanced, otherwise it will be difficult to eat those clients?

It’s just a pity, no matter how enhanced, it is not Tang Qi’s opponent.

Introduction to Chaga combat techniques, various physical attributes are increasing every day, Tang Qi’s action, the lethality is comparable to the top combatants.

And they are just human-eating beasts driven by instinct.

Tang Qi woke up and looked at the body of the office worker on the ground, the two corpse nightingales who were still struggling and slowly recovering, fists in both hands, a warm current poured into the palm, and then all were released with the sound of “Bang Bang” Came out.

The wall and the ground also heard two clicks at the same time.

The skull turned into debris, and even a ghoul could not survive.

As soon as they died, two groups of gray grievances fluttered out, waiting to make a flight, and a pair of palms with golden flames pinched them.

“Call ~”

A clear breeze blew past and calmed down in the alley.

Tang Qi’s gray fog space once again showed two small golden light spots.

He looked at himself again, and the interface jumped out.

The skill column really produced changes. The progress of the Mind Idea and the Eye of the Furnace each increased by 0.02%, while Chaga Fighting was only 0.01%.

“It seems that after devouring the wraiths of the extraordinary creatures, the biggest increase is the meditation idea and the derived skills. This killing is all completed by the combat technique, but the increase is the smallest. However, in comparison, this is a lot faster than hard work path of.”

“Maybe you can develop a little more, it doesn’t look very difficult.”

“Bait? Oh no, it should be regarded as some kind of inducement.”

“However, I am still not completely sure, I will verify it tomorrow?”

Tang Qi whispered, while turning around to take the cloth bag full of books in the corner and walked to his home.

Behind, the three bodies gradually stiffened.

Although weird, but the Bronck area is indeed so chaotic.

Is not like this, and there will be no such thing as a “collecting a car” and a profession like a collecting body.

With the intensification of that great change, Tang Qi can almost expect that a region like Bronck may become a real terrible place where no one can enter.

Until then, Tang Qi intends to do his best to enhance his strength.

Especially after discovering the “shortcut”, Tang Qi plans to change his strategy.

Turning the small masonry building, Tang Qi found that the area on the first floor had been repaired, perfect, and there was no trace of destruction.

Needless to say, the official police station can have such efficiency, it must be because the sergeant Stan has personally intervened.

After sighing that someone in the official was just different, Tang Qi seriously prepared dinner for himself.

Powerful ingredients, with Tang Qi’s cooking skills brought from the earth, burst out delicious, every time Tang Qi is endless aftertaste.

After satisfying, drink a pot of volcanic rock coffee, put the large books borrowed from the Mercer Library on his desk, and finally Tang Qi came to the workbench.

Before practicing every night, Tang Qi still has a job to complete.

Was supposed to try last night, but it was delayed because of the breakthrough of meditation.

Now, it is only officially started to try again.

Make bullets!

After obtaining the furnace bullet, Tang Qi understood that to produce extraordinary bullets that meet the requirements, at least one principle needs to be maintained.

That is the material, it must also be a superlative level.

Moreover, it must be extraordinary that has been certified by his special ability “All Things Know”.

What holy water, rouge flower seeds and the like purchased that day are useless.

If there is no battle with the Dugong Kraken, Tang Qi has to prepare bullets for the most powerful weapon he has today [Blood Python One], he can only use his own extraordinary blood.

In order to avoid anemia, Tang Qi intends to make another extraordinary bullet.


The only material was taken out by Tang Qi and placed on the workbench.

The small cloth bag was opened, and the diamond-like things inside were shimmering with azure blue light.

Has had the previous experience of making furnace bullets, Tang Qi moved quickly, without any jerky.

I lit an alcohol lamp first. When the flame burst out, a crucible was put on. When the bottom of the crucible was slightly reddish, Tang Qi quickly picked up the tweezers with his other hand and dived into the cloth bag. Blue sea salt.

With a cry, the sea salt fell into the crucible. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

This dazzling crystal touched the red area of ​​the crucible. With a “chirping” sound, a smoky blue smoke flew out.

In the trance, Tang Qi seemed to see the sound of the waves from the smoke, the splendid sight of the seabed, and a sacred sacred song.

It’s a pity that this strange scene disappeared quickly as the smoke cleared away.

When Tang Qi looked at it again, only the blue liquid in the crucible that began to “gudu ~ gudu” boiled, like the seawater, first occupied half of the crucible in an instant, but as the temperature rose, they were rapidly decreasing .

But Tang Qi couldn’t remove the alcohol lamp. The fragments of information captured by the special interface in the field of vision told Tang Qi that once the flame was removed, the liquid inside would instantly solidify and become solid sea salt again.

At this moment, Tang Qi once again showed the speed of terror.

Took the glass rod in one hand and stirred the blue liquid quickly, while holding the tweezers in the other hand, quickly picked up a brass bullet and put it into the crucible.

The vortex artificially created by Tang Qi seems to have some kind of strange magic power. When the bullet is put in, a blue brilliance accompanies the vortex into it instantly.


“Dang Ji”

Quickly put it in and took it out instantly, Tang Qi didn’t even have time to look at the bullet that had changed, and clipped directly to the second, and then the third, fourth, and fifth … Tang Qi stirred uniformly with one hand. The other hand has turned into a phantom.

In order not to waste a little bit of Kraken magic power, Tang Qi even used the skills of chaga combat.

In the crucible, the clear blue liquid quickly disappeared, accompanied by more and more bullets in the wooden box on the workbench.

Each one is different from ordinary bullets.

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