Lord of the Witches

Chapter 4 - Everything knows

The great Austrian retreat is on top, save us, it has not rained for three years, the river has dried up, the wells have dried up, the people of the Ukuru tribe are about to die, and my poor daughter, she too It is about to die.


Great Osa, you must have heard my prayer, and my mother finally agreed to take our family to leave the Nemo Grassland. With the help of my mother ’s reputation, our family passed through dozens of tribes in the Nemo Grassland, and there was only one conflict. That time, the mother killed the other’s patriarch, and as a punishment, robbed the other party’s most beautiful woman, she will become my new wife.


We came to the Kingdom of Yoruba, the most powerful kingdom in the southern part of the Saha mainland. Everything was fine here. The mother sold a gem. Our family lived in a comfortable house. My new wife was finally pregnant. .


Damn Yoruba, they discovered the existence of their mother, threatened to burn our mother without leaving, Foska ran away, he killed several Yoruba police, we were under siege, my new wife and daughter They were all killed, and I was injured there, and I can no longer have children for the family.


A cunning snake head found us. He promised to take us out of Yoruba to the legendary paradise, Condor Federation, and his mother gave him the last gem.


We finally arrived at the Condor Federation. My mother wanted to kill the snake head to take back the gems, but she found that her power was declining rapidly. She could n’t continue killing anymore. We could n’t make a living with the mother ’s power. This is not heaven, this is poor hell.


For the family, I sold myself. A mean middleman introduced me to a couple as a butler, with a lot of income, but half of the middlemen, but the rest was enough for the family to eat, and Balagon also had Money goes to the butcher’s shop as an apprentice.


Twenty years later, my mother suddenly contacted me, she can feel her power is recovering rapidly, and the world seems to have undergone unknown changes. Those magical witchcraft not only can work again, but also have more power than ever before. She has to be strong all the time. Her mother said she has touched a higher level. She said she would go out to travel and give me the responsibility of caring for the family.

It happened that the couple died in a car accident, leaving behind a generous family property and a stupid child.

I need a fresh body, and I also need those properties. I can finally continue to make a huge contribution to the family. It seems that I will start preparing for the ceremony, and I will definitely succeed.

–the last page.

Old Morgan ’s diary, the first half recorded some witchcraft, but the second half was really his diary.

It is not difficult to judge from his intermittent description that the old Morgan was smuggled from the distant Saha mainland more than 20 years ago. In the process, his wife and children died, and in order to maintain life, he sold himself to those black intermediaries.

Of course, these are not important, and Tang Qi really cares.

Is behind the old Morgan, there is a family.

And it can be seen from the diary that this family is not the old Morgan, but his mother, an old witch who looks dangerous.

Old Morgan’s witchcraft was obviously learned from her.

So now the situation is that although I have replaced a rich second generation, but also offended a black family who can witchcraft, judging from the diary of the old Morgan, this family obviously kills people without thinking of good and evil. presence.

Old Morgan and this family could endure for more than two decades, because after entering the Condor Federation, witchcraft can no longer work, and now they are starting to come out again, because witchcraft has been restored again.

Although it is just a few details, it is not difficult to speculate that the world looks like the previous earth, in fact, there are real extraordinary powers, but I do n’t know if they are just beginning to restore power like the old witch, or from one. From the beginning …?

Regardless of this, the first thing I have to think about is how to keep this from a difficult new life under the revenge of the perverted family.

But I am alone, without relatives and reasons, and just ordinary people, how to fight against witch witch, plus a family?

Call the police?

This is the first thought of Tang Qi from a civilized society. Unfortunately, he quickly shook his head and denied it. It is not difficult to draw from the memory of his original body. Although he has really seen the existence of extraordinary power, this world is clear. The surface is no different from the previous life.

In other words, if Tang Qi went to the police, it was most likely to be regarded as a neuropathy, or he might be accused of murdering the old housekeeper.

This road was blocked, Tang Qi realized that he might eventually rely on his own strength.

It was just the thought that Tang Qi looked directly at the diary in his hand and those crudely crafted witchcraft gadgets. He was helpless and said: “Even if I am talented and learn these witchcrafts quickly, it is impossible to fight a ruthless man Old witch, probably the same as finding death. “

“What should I do? Or if I sold all my family property and fled directly from the city of Messer, I might be able to escape the revenge of the perverted family.”

Tang Qi knew that the last method was correct, but he fled directly before the war, making Tang Qi instinctively resist.

Thought hard, and didn’t think of a good way. Tang Qi sighed slightly, and looked subconsciously at the last thing, which was also found from the old Morgan, a strange and ancient roll of sheepskin.

The old Morgan ’s diary says that the sheepskin roll was left by his second wife who died. Her wife ’s father was the tribal chief killed by the old Morgan ’s mother, and the sheepskin roll was a holy thing that the tribe had enshrined for hundreds of years. .

Tang Qi put down his diary, picked up the sheepskin roll, and slowly unfolded it.

Tang Qi did not have any hope for the sheepskin roll. After all, since this thing fell into the hands of the old Morgan, it also fell into the hands of the old witch. If it is really a magical relic, I am afraid Was snatched by the old witch.

‘S unfolding scene also confirmed Tang Qi’s hunch, because nothing happened.

Although the sheepskin roll feels very comfortable, mottled colors, ancient atmosphere, a little strange, it is late at night, but the sheepskin roll is very warm to the touch, seems to have been placed in the sun.

Coincidentally, after the roll of sheepskin was unfolded, only a pair of totems were drawn in it.

A sun, a golden sun.

Tang Qi stared at the totem for a while, except for seeing some flowers in his eyes, he had nothing to gain.

“Sure enough, it is more realistic to run away.”

Whispered, Tang Qi was about to put the sheepskin roll aside and continue to study the diary.

An accident happened.

Tang Qi’s pupil shrank suddenly, and in front of him, a familiar scene appeared.

A special picture is displayed in Tang Qi’s eyes.

Wonders: Ancient Sheepskin Roll

Information Fragment 1: The origin is a miracle that records the golden melting pot’s thoughts, and can be decrypted.

Information fragment 2: Decryption method, aim the sheepskin roll at the dawn sunlight, meditate “The sun is a golden furnace, the only fuel is the soul”, after ten seconds, the singular object will be restored.

Appeared, appeared again.

Tang Qi forcibly suppressed the excitement in his heart and concentrated on the picture in front of him.

A familiar and different scene. It happened when Tang Qi was still a ruling demon. At that time, when Tang Qi looked at anything, it would appear similar to the interface that only appeared when playing online games in the previous life.

At that time, Tang Qi thought it was his passing welfare, but after he was reborn, all those pictures disappeared again, which made Tang Qi think that he must be a devil to see it.

It looks like Tang Qi is wrong now.

Perhaps, it must be something extraordinary in order for such an interface to appear.

The soul-changing Libra in action is an extraordinary singular thing. When I was the adjudicating demon, I was the same as the soul of old Morgan, as well as this singular sheepskin roll.

Of course it may be that I am too weak, so this ability is not always effective?

Also, what is this ability called?

Know everything?

Almighty and omnipotent?

Tang Qi guessed his golden finger and named it by the way, while his eyes fell directly on the two pieces of information.

According to the fragments, though, the true face of this ancient sheepskin roll should be a singular object that records the “golden furnace thought”, and the way to restore it to its original state is directly displayed in front of Tang Qi.

An uncomplicated method, but if you do n’t know the spell, even if you have a sheepskin roll for hundreds of years, you ca n’t solve the mystery.

Is like the tribe where the second wife of the old Morgan, dedicated for hundreds of years, I am afraid that it has been studied for hundreds of years, but in the end it is not as good as Tang Qi’s eyes.

“Golden Furnace Mind Ideas!”


Tang Qi took the sheepskin roll and murmured to get up.

Straight to the window sill, he hurriedly grabbed the gorgeous curtains, with a clatter, the curtains separated, and the light bloomed in an instant, dispelling the darkness in the study, and the first ray of warm sunlight penetrated the window, just falling on Tang Above the sheepskin roll.

Tang Qi immediately lifted the sheepskin roll, placed it completely in the sun, closed his eyes, and said in silence: “The sun is a golden furnace. The only fuel for UU reading www.uukanshu.com is the soul. “

The last word fell, and Tang Qi began to count down.







Tang Qi opened his eyes suddenly, his nervous and expectant eyes fell on the sheepskin roll again.

Is successful?

Is restored?

Although Tang Qi didn’t know what the so-called golden melting pot idea was, at this moment, it sounded like a singularity of some kind of cultivation method, which is undoubtedly Tang Qi’s greatest hope now.

When Tang Qi’s eyes fell, when the last second ended.

Tang Qi saw that the golden sunlight spilled on the sheepskin roll, like a stream of water, flowing along the totem of the sun, when the golden line of sunlight reached the center of the totem.


The golden halo erupted violently, covering Tang Qi with the study as a whole. Although it was only a short second, Tang Qi still felt the boundless warmth, because crossing the devil, calculating the old Morgan, and being born again The tension, anxiety, and panic caused by a series of experiences dissipated silently at this moment.

Tang Qi at this time, extremely calm, looked at his palm again.

Where the sheepskin roll is gone.

Was replaced by a golden glow, like the newborn sun, warm and dazzling, melting with a slight scorching heat, and then slowly tangled into Tang Qi’s eyes, and slowly merged into his palm.

In the trance, Tang Qi once again captured several pieces of information.

Wonders have been restored!

Discover the ancient meditation idea-golden melting pot meditation idea!

Can be transformed into skills!

Is being transformed!


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