Lord of the Witches

Chapter 60 - wack

“Thank you, I like this language very much.”

Tang Qi got up and also gave back to the two Mohawk girls.

He didn’t lie either. He really liked the newly learned language, especially by cheating, in a few seconds, he got the relevant memory.

Words of Mohawk!

Refers to the language of the Mohawks, they are one of the oldest races in the Condor Federation. Before the establishment of the Federation, or before the arrival of the “new immigrants”, the Mohawks dominated the southeast of the continent unit.

This is a brave and warlike race, known as “the guardian of the east portal”.

They think that everything has spirits and respect nature and heaven and earth.

Because of the rapid development of the Condor Federation, the Mohawks are actually considered to be very few ethnic groups, and most of them are integrated into the Federation, intermarrying with other races, pure Mohawks are rare, and their language is gradually It disappeared and was replaced by the common federal official language.

If Tang Qi wants to learn, I am afraid that it will take a lot of resources and energy, and may not be able to learn the most orthodox and complete.

And now, Tang Qi has learned.

A gift from two girls!

Although I can’t see the role of Mohawk’s language for a while, it is always a good thing to know an ancient language.

The wizard, the favorite is the accumulation of knowledge.

Tang Qi silently said in the heart, and then rubbed some swollen eyebrows, thinking about whether to continue to solve the strange knot, the door of the lounge was knocked.

Glanced at the wall clock on the wall, and Tang Qi silently put away the knot.

Got up and opened the door.

Was standing in front of her, and there seemed to be a trace of tiredness on her face. She raised several files in her hand, said hello, and turned to the meeting room.

Tang Qi kept up, and soon saw the spread out documents on the conference room table.

Stanna’s mature magnetic voice sounded at this time.

“Some of the most urgent cases selected by the jurisdictions nearest to the police station.”

“You are a consultant, you decide the order.”

After talking, after seeing Tang Qi nodded, she began to introduce one by one.

“The first case, the Bronck District, has seen a sharp increase in mortality in recent days. The police station had to send an extra body car. In addition to the usual gangsters and robberies, there were some strange things. The corpse eaten seems to be made by some beasts. “

The first document is the Bronke District. Tang Qi has no accidents, and is worthy of being called a mess area by the residents of Messer City.

The description of the case also sounds familiar, like that done by the Bronker Dog Face Man, but Tang Qi is not sure, after all, there are many weird things similar to the Dog Face Man.

Tang Qi is still thinking, and Stanna’s voice continues.

“Still in the Bronck District, a newly emerged little gangster was killed overnight. The scene was terrible and left traces of a suspected cult ritual.”

“Blanc district, there are successive landlords coming to report, saying that there are a large number of inexplicable tenants, the reason is temporarily unknown.”

A series of three serious cases within Branko, so that several of Steiner could not help shaking her head.

Messer City, a city with a long history, if you do not remove this biggest “tumor”, I am afraid it is impossible to return to the peak.

Fortunately, at the next moment, I finally let go of the Bronx.

“A serial killer appeared in Laki District. At least three families have been killed. The scene was handled very cleanly and no biological samples were left.”

Suddenly jumped out of the Laki District, immediately recalled Tang Qi’s memories, he still owns a villa there.

Steina glanced at Tang Qi, she of course did a survey on this guy with a bad personality, and naturally knew where he came from. But seeing that he had no special response, he put down the document and continued to introduce the next one.

“The Newton area has found at least a dozen corpses in recent days, most of them are homeless people and travelers. The corpses were also eaten, most of the meat disappeared, and it was obviously caused by canines.”

“Zhongcheng District, in the Central Park, successively found some deceased people, all rich people who ran at night, the whole body of blood was drained.”

“The last case, at the junction of Newton and Lopez, had found at least seven bodies. The victims were all dressed in old theater costumes. Their bodies were cold and stiff, and they had strange faces on their faces. Smile. “

After Stein’s introduction, he looked at Tang Qi with others.

A total of seven major cases were selected from a large number of documents.

Everything looks very serious.

Also meets the two screening conditions of Tang Qi, but the team has just been established and can deal with extraordinary powers. Only Tang Qi, a “non-fighting” consultant, and Stanna, who is responsible for fighting.

Therefore, only one can be solved at a time.

And the right to choose is in the hands of Tang Qi.

Tang Qi was indeed thinking about it. The first thing he ruled out was the one in the Newton area, because the case had already been solved by him, so to speak to some extent.

After all, the description of the case sounds like that Mr. Skana did it.

Whimsical ordinary people accidentally cultivated extraordinary species such as devil dogs, had to feed with human flesh, but pity those homeless people and travelers in Newton.

Fortunately, Mr. Skana is dead, and those devil dogs are also dead.

Manuscript has become one of Tang Qi’s collections, there should be no tragic follow-up.

And then Tang Qi was postponed, the three cases in the Bronke District, the reason is very simple, since it is the same district, still take a sufficient time to explore together.

If you can manage it, evacuate quickly if you ca n’t, and let the female director apply for support.

The one in the Raki District, which looks like it was done by a powerful serial killer, is said to be an extraordinary case, and there is insufficient evidence to rule it out for the time being.

If you do this, only the last two will be left.

Tang Qi silently thought about it, and finally focused on the last document ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ The Messer Police Station, which governs all the regional branches, naturally also includes Lopez and Newton.

When Tang Qi and Steiner rushed to the “event site”, the reception police officers sent by the two district divisions, a white fat police officer with excessive fat, and a young police officer with excessive body hair, this The two smiled brightly at the same time, then glared at each other again, and finally greeted them together.

Seeing this scene, Tang Qi and Stanna did not show strange colors.

Had known it before coming, because this case happened at the junction of two large regions, and because of the terrifying characteristics, they all wanted to shirk their responsibilities to each other.

For a time, the two branches stalemate, and finally did not even pull back the body, all left in a church.

Better name: temporary office.

The people who came this time, in addition to Tang Qi and Steiner, also included Nathan Havel, the old man Gideon, and the forensic girl.

The reasons given by the latter two people make it impossible to refuse.

Gideon said that he lived for decades and broke many blood crimes committed by human beings. Now he wants to see what these evil spirits and evil spirits look like.

And the forensic girl is more simple and rude, she is a little tired of dissecting humans, and wants to try the corpses of extraordinary monsters, what is the difference with humans?

Hearing their reasons, Tang Qi understood why they entered this group.

In normal people, these are all considered “weird people”.

When Tang Qi entered the temporary office, a small church, and saw the seven dead bodies in strange drama costumes on the ground, he could not help but silently said: “Your wish may come true. . “

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