Lord of the Witches

v2 Chapter 185 - Crazy promotion path

Everything that Tang Qi possesses is known, so that he does not have to be there in person to know what is happening.

He just watched and saw everything.

Starting with the eradication of “Neilerland Civilization”, it is now staged for follow-up.

Lighthouse and warrior!

This respectable and persistent “love and salvation” organization found that the fearless warriors who sent them a lot of fearless warriors, who were identified by them as brothers and gays, were inexplicably wiped out, and their anger and fighting spirit swept almost Their hearts.

But even so, they still kept enough restraint.

They did not immediately start the war, they first protested to the “Justice Court” and asked the court to give an explanation.

The court quickly checked, and of course, no loopholes or errors were found.

The investigation, trial, and erasure procedures carried out by the subordinate organization “Hands of Adjudication” are in line with the rules of the court.

This naturally means that there will be no apology.

Although “Lighthouse and Warrior” is a well-respected organization in the boundless mystery, the Justice Court is not weak, and it is even more powerful.

The court gave an explanation unacceptable to the lighthouse soldiers and refused to apologize.

This made the soldiers no longer able to curb anger, and they chose revenge.

They attacked the base of the hand of adjudication at an incredible speed, but until this moment, the soldiers remained restrained.

Tang Qi believes that if the court ’s “Rotary Lord” is the familiar Justice Goddess of Justice, then there will be no further disputes.

But the destiny **** is obviously impossible to make this a reality. When the lighthouse and the soldiers retaliated, the main **** in rotation is “Vista, the **** of torture and war.”

This is a defiant character who likes war a lot.

In the court, He is also a harsh and short-sighted judge.

Vesta ignored all the “wrongs” that existed inside, and he only saw the provocative behavior of the lighthouse and the warrior organization.

He immediately issued a counterattack order, and even spared no effort to fight against the fearless fighters himself.

The war has begun.

Because of a misunderstanding, the two mysterious organizations in the infinite mystery entered the war process.

What makes Tang Qi helpless is that the misunderstanding cannot be solved at all.

Tang Qi was also unable to perform some actions in secret and try to eliminate confusion as he did last time in the war between the “We are the Light” family and the hatred master Knosaheas.

He could only watch, watching the lighthouse and the soldiers fighting against the justice court.

All this is a “destiny bitch” guided in secret.

Tang Qi watched the intensifying war between the two organizations, and his eyes began to surface their future.

“The light of the lighthouse will temporarily go out, and the soldiers will be bruised.”

“The court will lose credibility and the judge gods will fall apart.”

Tang Qi whispered two cruel endings.

The familiar feeling of powerlessness began to sweep Tang Qi’s heart, just like the collective fall of the light family when we were faced with us.

Suppressing this helplessness, Tang Qi continued to recall, recalling the secrets peeped from the fate bitch, the “chess pieces” that were wrapped around the thread of fate.

In the dark, Tang Qi’s eyes began to show a special scene.

His eyes gradually divorced from the war between the two organizations, following the densely packed and fateful line of fate, and looked at where the chess pieces were.


Seeing this, Tang Qi once again insight into the secret.


To be precise, he saw the civilized races that would be fooled by “fate” and the organizations involved, similar to us, we are light, lighthouse and warriors.

The divine tentacles in front of Tang Qi sprayed dream bubbles.

The surface of each bubble is flashing related images of those tissues.

Prior to this, Tang Qi only heard of their existence occasionally, but did not care too much.

They really exist in the boundless mystery, but their reputation cannot be compared with those powerful masters, or powerful gods.

Each of them is similar to us being the light family.

“Order of Order!”

Tang Qi spit out the first organization he knew that he was about to be swept by a fate conspiracy.

At the same time, the corresponding information and the outcome also came to mind.

“This is an organization similar to the Justice Court, and even members are partially overlapping, such as the goddess of order.”

“They are focused on bringing ‘order’ to the boundless mystery and eliminating the increasingly turbulent chaos.”

“They will be broken through chaos and the council will be disbanded.”

Only the first one made Tang Qi look more ugly and dignified.

At this moment, Tang Qi feels that he is touching the general context of the destiny **** conspiracy plan, which is very close to the answer.

Abandon the messy thoughts and continue to peep down.

In another half second, Tang Qi spit out the second organization.

“Elegy sect!”

“The organization closer to the” We are the Light “family is composed of a group of maverick deaths and powerful creatures with death divinity.”

“They are like Karen Trier in the family, bringing an elegy to calm the souls and the dead for all the world where peace cannot be obtained.”

“They have never pursued glory, and they are finally defeated by the violent darkness and death army and temporarily disbanded.”

After the beginning, Tang Qi continued to gain insight without hindrance.

The third similar organization quickly caught his eyes, and the image also appeared on the surface of the fantasy bubble.

“Mysterious Art Alliance!”

“An unusually loose organization with a lot of influence. They are a group of weak gods with little combat power. Most of them are in charge of” music “,” literature “,” dance “,” sculpture “,” building “… … wait for authority. “

“They are not involved in any war. They are absolutely kind and neutral camps. They are focused on bringing fun to the boundless mystery and making the world less boring.”

“They were eventually dispelled by a certain war **** system, some members were hit hard, and some members had to take shelter in some powerful **** systems, and the mystery began to be boring.”

“Peace is supreme!”

“An organization made up of a group of weak gods who love peace. Among them there are several powerful gods and all spirits, but the rest of the members are weak gods, or just divine creatures, and a large number of transcendents.”

“They hate war very much and regard all war gods as dead enemies, even though powerful war gods never care about them.”

“They used various means to eliminate the war, and heal the war’s mystery and life’s damage.”

“They were also defeated by a certain war **** system, most of the members were hit hard, some members were missing, and the organization was temporarily disbanded.”

“Glory Angel Legion!”

“A group composed of a group of special divine creatures [Glory Angels]. They are the most powerful angels in the mysterious boundlessness. When all their legions converge, they will have the power to fight even if they are facing a **** system.

“It is rumored that they are some kind of ‘will’ left over by ancient creatures born together with the boundless mystery. They bring glory to all the world eroded by darkness and terror. They fight chaos and evil.”

“They called the Legion of Angels of Light under the” Deity of Light “a hypocrite, and they called the Lord of Light a stupid and hypocritical old man.”

“They all died because of some unknown change.”

“The truth is that they have left temporarily, and the date of return cannot be determined.”

“God’s Gospel Foundation!”

“An organization made up of a group of pure and kind gods who have a strong sympathy for the entire mystery of the infinite, they have compassion for all life, love all life, and they cannot bear the existence of poverty, disaster, sickness, etc.”

“They will come to the universe dimension affected by those negative things, bringing wealth, safety and health to all life.”

“In a way, they are a group of virgins.”

“Mother of Light, Mother of Life and Mother Earth have all provided assistance to the Foundation.”

“In the future, they will be attacked by the destruction of the gods, some members fell, and some members have to enter the light, life and earth camp to seek refuge.”


In the Kingdom of Dreams, Tang Qi, who is pursuing the line of destiny, suddenly felt the pain in the eyes of the soul.

It was a signal that he touched the boundaries again, peeping too much.

Although there were more organizations and more gods involved, Tang Qi had to withdraw his gaze.

However, it is enough.

At the moment, Tang Qi’s eyes almost have no doubt ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~, but there is still a strong surprise.

Tang Qi almost touched most of the fate of the destiny **** conspiracy plan, the dense fog of fate could not obscure his sight.

But because of this, Tang Qi was so horrified.

Although some of the organizations that he learned later cannot be compared with the “we are light” family, but almost all have gods as members.

These organizations are not counted in the boundless mystery, but they are very important.

It’s like a family. Once all the members fall, how many dimensions of the universe will fall into chaos and fall into disaster.

They are the “buffer” between chaos and order. Once they collapse, it will cause an irreversible chain reaction. The entire mystery will be dragged into it, and they will all slide into the abyss of destruction.

There have never been any incidents in the past that can wipe them out. Even in the event of a catastrophe, there are still many neutral organizations that have not participated.

But this time, it was completely different.

Tang Qi is hard to imagine. Even if the **** used the power of the “long river of destiny”, how much time would it take to organize so many organizations, and the number of gods that stretched out from behind, which could not be directly looked at? Included in your own conspiracy network?

At this moment, Tang Qi suddenly understood what Sally said.

“The gear of destiny has begun to turn wildly, and countless tens of thousands of spirits and masters will be involved and crushed, and even the” highest **** “will not stop the torrent of destiny.”

“That bitch, he is actually a real ‘promoter’. He can’t stop the coming of the final scene, and he won’t stop it. He pushed all this to happen just above the ruins, Stealing the crown of authority over fate. “

“This is his path of promotion, the path of madness to the extreme.”

ps: The third is more completed, thank you all, continue to seek all encouragement and support.

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