Lord of the Witches

v2 Chapter 188 - Have you heard of the mysterious monarch

As long as the civilizations and gods who are concerned about the big events that are happening in the mystery of the infinite, know that the “Light Camp” of one of the most powerful gods in the spirits has split.

It should be noted that the light camp is a rare dual master, and it is precisely because of the assistance of the “lord of thorns” that the light master can defeat those masters that are much older than themselves and become a powerful person with great authority in all spirits.

All the spirits thought that the light camp would become stronger and stronger.

Even after the catastrophe, this situation will not change.

But the ending is that when the Lord of Thorns returns, he breaks directly with the Lord of Light, and invites the “Mother of Light” as a witness to lead the gods and the God of Light to start a brother war.

Two brothers, to prove who is the truth.

What made the sentient beings and gods unexpected was that the “lord of thorns”, who was still decisively fighting with his elder brother, would now reveal the **** body at this moment, and personally declare mysteriously to Wuyin:

Dream, for his friends.

Those who desecrate their dreams will be killed by thorns.

This proverb is a warning to warn those evil gods to offend Tang Qi, the dreamy master, is equivalent to offending the thorns.

When the mystery of the boundless mystery fell into horror because of this change, the new grand voice immediately resounded into the mystery.

“Boom! Bang!”

In the deepest part of the mysterious mystery, a vast and dark closed universe, in the only gap, the flame of terror is blowing thin.

Even if there is only one gap, the highly condensed flame, and the destructive power contained in it, which is completely aimed at chaotic evil spirits, directly triggers a more amazing movement than the appearance of the Lord of Thorns.

Civilizations, races, extraordinary lives with observation capabilities, and all spirits who participated in the seal’s cosmic engineering were almost blinded at the moment.

Master of the furnace!

An incredible, totally unimaginable honorable name rose in the depths of their hearts.

The evil spirits who had completely ignored Raphael’s warning and continued to hunt, after seeing the flames coming out and hearing the extremely violent voice at the next moment, stagnate collectively.

From that gap, Tang Qi was familiar with the incomparable roar and rumbling, and it echoed through the mystery:

“You foolish … blind … disgusting evil gods.”

“He is the only good friend recognized by the Master of the Great Furnace … How dare you try to desecrate Him …”


Light flame!

The extremely terrible furnace flame, accompanied by this roar, poured out from the gap.

The gods who had participated in the seal soon sensed it, and the seal began to loosen, as if the wrathful furnace might be breaking the seal at any time, dragging the furnace universe to come in person, burning the group of evil gods hiding in the dark. .

In the depths of the hearts of the gods, such a scene emerged irresistibly.

For the first time, they were sober from the audience, and panic flashed in their eyes.

“The Lord of Thorns can communicate, but the furnace is not.”

“If this guy ran out, obviously it wouldn’t just be the disgusting evil gods.”

When the gods were horrified, Tang Qi was also moved.

Tang Qi did not foresee such a change. He was ready to enter the first God War. Although he was not a false master, there was nothing wrong with it, but in a short time, he could have the power of a real master.

With those divine powers under his control, unless there are other “masters” hidden in that group of evil gods, they cannot be defeated.

It’s just that the war hasn’t started yet, and Raphael, who is decisively fighting the “Master of Light”, comes out to speak first.

Before Tang Qi thanked and exhorted Raphael to focus on himself, the furnace ran out again.

The deterrent power of this fierce dominance clearly surpassed Raphael.

As the “prey” to be besieged, Tang Qi could clearly and clearly sense that when the roar of the furnace was familiar, the disgusting and cold things stopped immediately, with few exceptions.

Tang Qi was very skeptical that if not all could see the state of the furnace at the moment, these evil gods would escape if they turned around.

It is difficult to imagine how many evil gods had been burned in the furnace in order to create such a deterrent.

It is simply a strategic weapon!

No wonder that the furnace does not need any gods, and there is no need to form a furnace **** system.

He exists alone, it is terrified to the extreme.

However, Donch knew that neither Raphael nor the Forge could come at will at this moment. The former is still in war, and the latter needs to maintain itself from depravity.

In contrast, Tang Qi’s own condition is excellent.

Without delaying time, Tang Qi is about to tell Raphael not to worry through the “Thorn of Truth”, and at the same time summons the Witch King of the Forge to prevent the Fiery Furnace from coming out and burning the Evil God himself.

Just not waiting for him to complete these, within the boundless mystery, successive “glow” began to burst.

The following scenes shocked the picture, and directly caused many civilized ethnic groups and all spirits above the boundless mystery to be horrified and speechless.


Silently, a dark and terrible bright blood road opened.

At the deepest point is a primitive, rough, yet life-filled temple.

The eternal, dim light of holy light spilled down from the mysterious heights of the boundless, a great, vast and inclusive female voice resounded endlessly.

“I said, the past, the present, the future … dreams will be favored by the light.”

“Evil and filthy, do not contaminate his body, please go with the wind.”

“Mother of Light!”

There is no need to check and seek, almost any member of the spirits can hear the master of this voice.

One of the most respected “mothers” in the boundless mystery. He is the mother of the two lords, Thorns and Light.

He is also an absolutely kind member of all spirits, an ancient powerful and benevolent great being.

The thorns and the melting pot, which jointly recognize this new **** as a friend, may stem from the intersection not known by most all spirits.

Why is the Mother of Light willing to come to support him?

Doubts filled the minds of the gods and beings, but the appearance of the mother **** also explained another doubt.

That was the original turbulent “Brother War”. When the Lord of Thorns was distracted, he did not continue. The Bright Lord, who had been scorned as hypocrisy by some gods, did not take advantage of the opportunity to sneak into the Thorns.

The answer is there, obviously because of the mother goddess.

The Mother of Light is just the beginning.

Without any pause, the milky spring water like the Milky Way waterfall began to spew up from the heights, and a very soft and soft female voice filled with spring water filled with pity and love for life.

“I love all life, so is the dream.”

“Mother of Life!”

From this moment on, I thought that the new **** of Tang Qi had no foundation and no meaning. All the sentient beings and gods felt a burning pain on their faces.

When they watched more brilliance pouring out everywhere in the mystery of boundlessness, one by one the vast divine land, different voices began to resound, and all fell into numbness.

“Dream, eternal justice.”

“Gatis, the goddess of justice!”

“Dream, for all the friends of death.”

“Reaper camp!”

“Earth camp!”

“Zerg Mother God!”

“God of machinery!”

“Goddess of Dawn!”

Tang Qi couldn’t help but be surprised, the picture appeared unstoppable in the boundless mystery.

Tang Qi’s original idea was just to show self to confuse fate.

I just didn’t expect it to evolve into Tang Qi’s spiritual display.

It took a long time to formally integrate into the mysterious “Dream Master”, but it was integrated in an extremely popular gesture.

Afterwards, the divine entities that showed the miracles, as well as those camp organizations.

Although none of them believed that Dream Master was a good friend, they all showed their attitude to the other gods and the group of dilemmas, and their relationship with Tang Qi was friendly.

This is enough, enough for those civilized ethnic groups and gods to feel what is called shock.

They have never seen such a “new god”, even if it is a master-level new god, it is impossible to emerge overnight, and it will be able to meet with so many gods and camps, and let them appear clearly. Out attitude.

Tang Qi, the master of dreams, he did it.

Most of the gods and camps left soon after their appearance, and Raphael also concealed miracles after Tang Qi personally passed on his thoughts and continued to argue with his elder brother about the truth.

The only thing still entangled is the furnace.

Tang Qi’s melting pot of the Witch King apparently couldn’t quite persuade his master to dominate, his head buzzing, and continued to bear a roar.

“Stupid hypocrite … why are you so lazy.”

“Your body is hunted by the evil spirits, why don’t you come to inform the great furnace? So many evil spirits are not enough for you to sacrifice? Are you not tempted?”

“Why did the guy” Thorn “take the lead? The great furnace should never be the second one to arrive.”

“I want the first … Do you understand the first?”

“It doesn’t matter if you are not a qualified melting pot witch king, you are not even a qualified avatar … If your body falls, how will you survive as an avatar?”

Although separated, Tang Qi can clearly hear the dissatisfaction of the furnace except for not being able to burn the Evil God, but also one step behind Raphael.

Knowing the reason, Tang Qi couldn’t help crying and laughing, and then cut off the connection with the avatar very arrogantly, letting him as the witch king to bear the roar of the master.

That group of greedy and disgusting evil gods like hyenas ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ finally retreated.

They are very reluctant, but they are also well aware that the false master is completely different from the new **** who revealed himself in the past. He is terrible.

On their way back, they soon discovered that a giant monster had emerged everywhere.

Big octopus!

The various octopuses with different forms gleamed with various forms of divinity.

But they didn’t seem to know what they were for, and they were lost.

Gathered together and whispered, eyes flashed like huge lanterns.

“Why are we here?”

“I felt some kind of call, so I came, and I even had to discard my favorite food.”

“Is it a great mysterious monarch? Is it his calling?”

“I don’t know, that breath disappeared.”

Listening to these whispered murmurs, feeling the terrifying breath coming together, the evil gods have a strong desire to escape, and the unstoppable sense of fear is even stronger than before when they felt the furnace rage.

The evil spirits made no sounds and tried to escape from this area.

But at this moment, what happened not to happen in their prayers happened so cruelly.

All the big octopuses turned to look at them at the same time.

Eyes flickered, and a passionate voice penetrated deep into their hearts.

“Hello, have you seen the great mysterious monarch?”

“If not, do you have time? We would like to introduce our Lord to you.”

“Some stinky friends, please do n’t leave first, let ’s talk about the greatest, omniscient monarch among the‘ infinite mysteries ’”

ps: Qiu Zhang said, beg monthly tickets!

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