Lord of the Witches

v2 Chapter 193 - 4th god

Dream Kingdom, Tang Qi maintained the form of a giant tentacle god, patiently watching everything happening in the distant universe.

The scene in the foreseeing is happening, and the result that Tang Qi wants to wait for is also quickly revealed.

The magnificent “Star Escape Operation” ended in failure, and Antalem, who betrayed his own master, was also arrested.

He chose to explode, and in the process, the brand of fate sneaked into the body of the terror master.

The master who brought boundless mystery, terror and destruction knows nothing.

He also did not notice it, and then a dream seed that followed “food” into his body.

And as a seed carrier, the little Princess Seas will also be rewarded with a wish come true.

Of course, not now.

In the perception of the terror master, he devoured a complete planet of Seias.

But the truth is that he was “deceived”. The planet Seias is indeed in his belly, but not digested, but wrapped in dream seeds.

Tang Qi’s authority also includes nature and tranquility. The Seyas who believe in the mother goddess of nature will return to the embrace of the mother goddess and fall into quiet sleep.

And digested by the horror master is another planet born based on “fantasy” and “creation”, which is not only more delicious, but also fuller.

This process is very simple to say, but in order to complete the goal, Tang Qi almost squeezed his strength to the extreme.

At this moment, all of Tang Qi’s divine tentacles are still trembling slightly, which is characteristic of his extreme use of authority.

The seeds of dreams that enter the body of the horror domination, combined with all the divine powers such as fantasy, life, soul, forced narrative, creation, epic, blankness, etc. possessed by Tang Qi.

Although it cannot be compared with the ontology, Tang Qi is not going to fight with the terror master, just a slight deception.

Compared with last time, this time is a little more complicated.

But in the end, Tang Qi succeeded.

After that, he could n’t do much more.

“Whether it is my seed or the brand of fate, even if you enter the body of a master, you can’t do anything at all, you can only wait.”

“The destiny **** is waiting for that special moment. When chaos sweeps across the boundless mystery, the ‘fate tide’ is pouring out. The terror master in a negative state will face a force that he can’t resist at all, as do other masters. , Even if they work together, they can’t fight that long course of fate. “

“And what I’m waiting for is the turnaround that will appear after that.”

Thought flashed, Tang Qi did not immediately look back.

When Tang Qi watched the fate of the fate and the seeds of fantasy enter into the body of the horror master, a subtle feeling emerged, and more future burst into his mind.

Was very surprised. Tang Qi saw a familiar figure in some future pictures.


In the whisper of surprise, a scene related to Jensen emerged.

This half-goat who seems to always maintain happiness and sand sculpture, the extraordinary realm has entered the “half **** level”, he appeared in the near future.

Because of the conflict with the “Lighthouse and Warrior”, an organization recognized by many gods and ethnic groups, there was also a division within the Justice Court.

The rationalist school led by the goddess of justice, Gattice, was squeezed, and the authority of the court fell into the hands of judges such as the **** of war.

This ultimately led to a great loss of court power and was unable to stop the massive invasion of the holy gods.

Until the “natural **** system” came, although the natural **** system was not as strong as it was because of the hidden relationship of the mother god, there were still a lot of powerful gods. They formed a strong defense line and successfully blocked the terrorist **** system. Awaken the powerful mother of nature.

Jensen, who has become a demigod, belongs to the Tiros camp.

He led the Tirros monster, centaur, fairy in the forest and other groups, and fought against the “predator civilization” in the horror gods. The two seem to have some hatred.

“Jensen will win, but he is a real winner in life.”

Tang Qi smiled and uttered a blessing, or maybe it was directly the conclusion.

The next picture will be a massive invasion of the horror gods.

Tang Qi did not continue to peep. His time was extremely tight. In his prediction, to completely subvert the fate of the **** conspiracy, how many destiny imprints he had to plant.

This is not easy, it is extremely difficult.

Tang Qi does not intend to delay time, his eyes are about to shift to the next “target”.

But at this time, Tang Qi felt abnormal in his country.

Swept subconsciously, and fell directly into the barren and quiet fertile soil shrouded in the misty sea.

At this moment, the silence in the fertile soil was broken.

Is extremely complicated but full of some kind of wonderful rhythm sound, resounding inside the fertile soil.

The area is made up of a dark plain, a bright red canyon and a yellow plateau.

But that was the original scene, now they are undergoing great changes.

In the mist, dozens of once icy blanks, now dreamy, beautiful and lively “worms”, follow the procedures set by Tang Qi, they quickly leave the area after completing their duties, and let themselves flash the light, changing that is changing The kingdom of China is fully illuminated.

All the terrain is surging, and there are mechanical cities and fortresses with strange aesthetics, floating airships, Dangdang Dangdang giant mechanical clock towers, unknown mechanical giants composed of a large number of gears ….

A large number of different forms of “mechanical life” poured out from inside the city, each doing its own job.

In a blink of an eye, a prosperous and complete mechanical kingdom was born.

In the country, the sound of gear rotation, the sound of electric current, the steaming and thinning, the liquid rolling … A lot of sounds meet together, and finally form a magnificent symphony.

This symphony serves as the background sound, and the mechanical life in the country sings together.

Their mechanical sounds have no rhythm, but when they come together, they immediately form an amazing storm.

Gears of different sizes roll in the sky!

Various forms of plasma are spewing out!

Hot steam and lubricating liquid are intertwined!

Metal, wood, clay and countless unknown materials such as heavy rain poured!


In the mechanical storm, a divine entity with a body of several thousand kilometers was born.

He stands on the fertile ground where he was nurtured. His body is composed of various divine materials, and every “part” can be found in that kingdom. Perhaps he himself is the incredible mechanical kingdom.

He just stood there, but exuded the amazing beauty that made Tang Qi unable to watch, and the complex divine breath that even the gods could not ignore. It was a divinity that combined fragmentation, creation, reorganization and sublimation.

This complex breath also appeared in his eyes.

He did not show any special emotions for everything that he looked at, whether it was those mechanical lives, dream insects, or other dream creatures.

Everything and sentient beings achieved absolute equality in His eyes.

The only “exception” is Tang Qi.

“My Lord”

The rumbling boom, this divine entity spit out the first voice he came into this world.

At the same time, Tang Qi also knew that he had the fourth god.

[Divine entity: God of machinery. 】

[State: First ascent. 】

[Information Fragment 1: He is a new member of all spirits above the boundless mystery. He is a divine creature that has just transformed completely. He is a mechanical machine with divinities such as “broken”, “regrouped”, and “sublimated”. God. 】

[Information Fragment 2: There is more than one “machine god” in the boundless mystery. Among them, there are two large camps, a mechanical evil **** with infinite proliferation and devouring desires, and a mechanical good **** biased towards order. 】

[Information Fragment 3: But he is different from other mechanical gods. The key to his promotion lies in the fertile soil of fantasy and the breeding of dream insects. There are many possibilities for his future. He is a brand new mechanical god. 】

[Information Fragment IV: He is still in the position of “weak god”, but his fighting power has surpassed the goddess of rainbow light. 】

Once again, Tang Qi received an unexpected surprise.

Although Tang Qi has known for a long time, when he completely releases himself and is promoted according to the path, whether it is dependents, believers or gods, it will usher in a skyrocket.

But the speed in front of me is still shocking.

Of course, in addition to Tang Qi’s self-struggle, he can have a fourth **** so quickly, and the most grateful thing is the young creator.

“Without that generous creator, share a large number of [blank bugs] with me at once, such a magical node of dream fertile soil will not be born.”

“This big guy is just the beginning. Perhaps the fifth **** also gave birth to this fertile land.”

Tang Qi ’s thoughts flashed, and he quickly selected a future promotion path for the newly born mechanical god.

The oracle from the great ruler, resounding the mechanical kingdom in the dream fertile soil:

“The new **** born in fertile soil is destined to create a miracle of the son of broken and mechanical.”

“The rust will not contaminate your body, the filth will not reach your heart, and the dust will not cover your soul.”

“The name I gave you … Will Effie”

Each time Tang Qi spit out a sentence, the entity with a height of several kilometers of the new mechanical **** will undergo a transformation.

This is a blessing, a blessing from the dream master.

Moreover, it is not over.

The new **** has just got a new name, and he is about to show respect to the master.

Saw that the Great Lord suddenly pointed at him, and pointed to the fertile soil, the sky above the mechanical kingdom.


“Boom … Boom”

In the gray misty sea, horrible divine authority is colliding.

The fertile soil with a large amount of divine materials was turned over from time to time, and many strange but shredded divine metals poured out and flowed out into the interweaving of thunder and light flames.

What is even more shocking is that the sun hanging above the sky dome also fell, enveloping the infinitely hot divinity, and entered the vortex furnace-like area.

“You will become the **** of refuge for all craftsmen, founders, and explorers in the future, and you will bring equality, fun, and curiosity to the boundless mystery.”

“You will meet the challenge of the cold mechanical evil gods, then you will hold this [Holy Hammer], break them, let them return to the original, let them sublimate again.”

The next second, the misty sea and sky, in the vortex of flame stirred by the dominating power.

A “fiend” that exudes a sense of terror is born, it spins and announces its arrival to the world.

It is a slender and huge hammer of gods. It is composed of many of the strongest divine metal essences in the boundless mystery. It is dazzling gold. It cannot be destroyed. It is permanently smashed, reorganized, and created. Divine imprint.

It was created by the dream master himself, and it will be given to the son of the machine destined to create miracles.


The sacred hammer fell into the streamer and fell into the hands of the new mechanical **** “Ville Ephesus” when he held the weapon given by the master.

He opened his eyes again, inside is no longer calm, but an unprecedented vividness.

He treats all beings equally, with curiosity that cannot be contained, and a never-ending sense of exploration.

He lifted the hammer of the god, and he struck the hammer towards the fertile soil and kingdom.

In an instant, the new mechanical kingdom shattered, and all mechanical life ushered in death in the warm singing.

But they didn’t die, they ushered in a new life in the bursting fire.

Originally immature and rigid mechanical life, and at the same time sublimated, they have self and a unique form.

They cheered and jumped up.



Time and time again, Will Effith did not skimp on his divine power.

He waved his mechanical arm and thumped the dream fertile ground.

Is flooded with the fire of “sublimation” divinity, initially sprinkling the fertile soil, and soon spilled over the entire dream kingdom.

All the dream creatures began to bathe the divine fire rain at this moment.

“The fourth is a god, UU reading www.uukanshu.com returns.”

Familiar joy, occupy Tang Qi’s soul.

Although delaying him some time, the beauty and excitement in the dream kingdom at this moment still bring Tang Qi’s unspeakable satisfaction.

He has unconsciously started to look forward to the fifth god, not far away.

In his perception, regardless of whether they have intersects with him before, those existences destined to become his gods in the future have touched “dream seeds”, no matter whether they are in the kingdom of dreams, they have all obtained seeds Trigger different fantasy trials.

This includes the two little guys that have not been seen for a long time, the night beast and the goblin, and another life winner “McCowley”, the leader of the mysterious witch sect Cathy Chloe and so on.

However, under Tang Qi’s subconscious gaze at this moment, it is most likely to become the fifth god, but they are not them, but strictly speaking, the earliest intersection with Tang Qi.

“Olga Nikolaevna!”

Tang Qi’s mind, the name emerged.

At the same time, a powerful and ancient lord’s esteemed name, along with Olga’s name, rummaged out.

Don’t look for Tang Qi again, the next target jumps out automatically.

“The ancestors of the ancient dragons, the evil dragons that devoured the gods, the ancient evil gods who dragged the stars, the messengers and crazy propagators, and the lord of endless flesh,” Apodoras Ophelia “.”.

In the future peeped by Tang Qi, this unlucky imprisoned master was also selected by the fate of bitch.

He will become one of the materials that pile up “ruins of destiny” like the ending of other masters.

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