Lord of the Witches

v2 Chapter 204 - Nightmare Invasion

Facing the living bodies of the chaotic evil camp, whether it is the gods or those clan, the power released by Diana has reached the level of powerful gods.

Her purification is the kind of extremely thorough purification.

From the roots, reverse their depravity and madness.

It is not only Diana who has this level of power in the fantasy **** system.

Immediately afterwards, there was a icy extreme, as if it would be the voice only when the final silence came.

“I am a natural disaster, I am the end, I am death.”

“You are lives without value. In the name of my lord, I will erase you.”

Along with the words spoken by the Scourge Sovereign, it can bring the faint blue glow of death and violently erupt.

The advent of these two is just the beginning.

“In the name of my lord, there will be no more nightmares here, only peace and joy.”

“You will be broken and sublimated.”

“Evil spirits that spread distortions and nightmares will tremble under my breath.”

“Spirits entangled in the nightmare, I will give you the heart of the brave.”

“Happy, happiness can crush all nightmares.”

The tunnels are opened one by one, the dream gods who have completely assembled, and no one is missed, collectively invade the nightmare universe.

At this juncture, the gods under the control of nightmares and those powerful family members are actually in a “developmental state”, and they need time and divine power to transform.

However, the seniors do not seem to intend to give them time.

Unbelievable dream lights flashed one after another, and a full invasion broke out.

Generally speaking, it should be chaotic evil “invasion” order goodness, which is consistent with most of the narrative logic.

But in the dream dominated by Tang Qi, the logic is completely reversed.

Who stipulates that dreams cannot invade nightmares?


Fantasy phosphorescence bursts, a vast war across planes enters a white-hot stage at an unprecedented speed.

The war is stalemate, and it is getting fiercer.

Because there are too many universe planes to cross, except for the master-level gods such as “Mrs. Night”, the rest of the spirits, even with the presence of powerful gods, cannot peek into the battlefield.

Therefore, all spirits and those high-level civilized races choose areas to watch and record.

That is doomed!

Each battle of the gods with the participation of the master spirit will be recorded.

All the stories that happened in the war will eventually become epics and myths.

All spirits are communicating while watching the battle.

Because of the different camps, the gods also have different guesses about the outcome of this war.

The expansion of the kingdom of dreams is a silent infiltration, which is to add a “dream” color to the entire mystery of the infinite. Billions of creatures and even the gods easily accepted this new **** camp.

But the Lord of Nightmares is completely different. He was incredibly ascended.

His expansion was originally disordered, but was quickly stopped by Tang Qi.

In the early battle between the two masters, He fell into the downwind, almost torn by Tang Qi under him, and seemed to have no resistance.

The nightmare universe where the two kingdoms of Hosser and Nairomon merged was also captured, and was killed and injured under the attack of a group of fantasy gods and clan. God’s opponent.

The Lord of Nightmares itself was also struggling.

That scene seemed to herald that the Nightmare Master was about to lose, and it was extremely fast.

However, this is not the case for the next development.

After all, he is regarded as Tang Qi’s “opposite”, is another degenerate version of the dream master, suppression does not mean that he can be defeated quickly.

Especially when Tang Qi’s suppression of the Nightmare Lord reached the limit, it seemed that a certain change was triggered.

Tang Qi stared at the “big guy” under him, and since he was suppressed by Tang Qi, he would only utter some crazy, meaningless whispers.

It seems that within the boundless mystery, a dumb master was born for the first time.

But the fact is clearly not. He is only special.

From the beginning, there is only He, which is a fusion of two powerful gods.

Although both gave up the ego completely, just to let the “Nightmare” be born, it takes time to form a completely new ego.

Tang Qi, seems to accelerate this process?

The loss was so heavy that he almost destroyed the nightmare universe, and finally began to make a meaningful roar.

Tang Qi is the only one who bears the roar of the Nightmare Lord at close range.

“Horse … Horse … Neromon … Neromont”

“Who am I … I am great … I am a nightmare … I am the supreme **** who twists my soul …”

“I am the mad master in the darkness … I am the source of the fallen soul.”

“I am a nightmare monarch … I am a demon spreading fear and evil …”

“I, immortal.”

“Me, everywhere.”

“not good!”


The pieces of information that suddenly exploded in Tang Qi’s eyes made Tang Qi’s face change immediately.

In the next moment, great changes can’t be prevented.

In those crazy murmurs, this master, who was merged by the twisting **** Heser and the dream **** Naeromon, began to shrink sharply.

Whether it is the nightmare universe, the nightmare town in your arms, tentacles and others, all shrink back.

He didn’t even care about the harm Tang Qi brought him, just like a “dirty meat ball” bursting with nightmares, twists and fears.

Then he disappeared.

No, to be more precise, He began to invade the boundless mystery in a more terrible way than before.

He decomposed the “self”, decomposing his body together with the nightmare universe.

He turned into an intangible and intangible substance, and broke the boundary between illusion and reality. He carried his will and began to expand mysteriously towards the entire boundlessness.

This is like the “hate scream” that swept through the vast and mysterious large area. The expansion rate is very fast. In addition to his personality and nightmare characteristics, the pollution he released is an enhanced version.

The gods who witnessed this scene, as well as those high-level civilized races, all fell into horror.


It is much more terrifying than hating screams, and much more terrifying “storms”, swept through a vast area of ​​mystery in a flash, and hundreds of millions of universe dimensions fell into the doomsday disaster without preparation.

The affected universe is no longer confined to the area ruled by Lady Night.

The universe dominated by more gods and civilizations began to be polluted.

An emotion called “fear” began to occupy the hearts of the gods.

Nightmare invasion!

This catastrophe may not be as devastating as the “hate scream” of death, but to some extent, it is unacceptable to all spirits.

The confusion caused by the scream can be eliminated, but the nightmare is not.

The Lord of Nightmares did not use himself as a weapon, he was invading, he was looting.

Above the boundless mystery, all spirits were restless.

“If the dream master does not intervene, the boundless mystery will suffer huge losses, and this pollution seems irreversible.”

“Ms. Black Night is very powerful, so powerful that she can defeat the” Nightmare “who is the master, but the night camp cannot save the billions of polluted universe dimensions.”

“It’s not just Ms. Night who can’t do it, we can’t do it anymore.”

“The universe ruled by the rulers will not be robbed on a large scale, but we will suffer the annihilation.”


The panic of All Souls and a large number of high-level civilized races is justified. They did not expect that they would suddenly be entangled and wrapped up just watching the battle.

The invasion of Nightmare is almost all-round, and it can hardly be stopped.

A universe dominated by mechanical technology, it was originally bright, shining with starlight, and the radiance of various huge machines.

But at this moment, darkness came without warning.

All the lights are extinguished by crazy whispers.

No matter whether it is the intelligent life group that has created civilization, or a larger number of ordinary life, or an extraordinary existence, they ca n’t resist being dragged into a “nightmare”, no matter how awake, they can maintain how long they can sleep without sleep. Pointless.

They fell into a nightmare and began to distort and mutate in the dream.

The scary thing is that it is not just life that has this doom.

Some dead objects and even the “planet” itself are equally mutated.

The gods watched a beautiful planet surrounded by dozens of halos with their own eyes, bursting and twisting momentarily to form a monster dragging a dozen tails and continuously spewing dirty gas.

In this universe, all good things begin to disappear.

All that remains is distortion, madness, and depravity … This is a new nightmare world.

The same picture is staged in crazy places everywhere.

Nightmare, began a brutal expansion.

The gods have begun to intervene and try to see if they can reverse the pollution?

The answer came out quickly, impossible.

Not only can they fail, it is even worse, they themselves will be dragged and sink.

This is also a living example, which is being watched by some spirits at this moment:

It was a special dimension called “Flower Tree Realm”, which contained a divine creature comparable to the “weak god”, an ancient tree person with a neutral camp. He may have existed since the ignorance, although he did not climb the **** But He possesses divine powers such as “nature” and “plants”.

When pollution came, this ancient tree had the power to escape.

But he did not do that. He tried to save the flowering tree world. The ending was that he only struggled for a very short time and declared failure.

All life in the tree world is contaminated, begins to rot and twist, wailing in the nightmare, crazy in the nightmare, the dark “nightmare breath” sweeping through the flower tree world.

When the Shuren wanted to escape, it was too late. UU read www.uukanshu.com. He was entangled with the life he wanted to shelter, contaminated with the sewage that was sprayed out of the nightmare bubble, and was entangled by the nightmare tentacles.

He also began to degenerate, and he uttered a horror roar after being silent for hundreds of millions of years.

His roots all over the world of flowers and trees turned toward the tentacles, his bark gradually became sticky, and the blood was filthy, and the scarlet eyes that made people fall into nightmares opened, his branches were activated, his The leaves became dark and dark, and he devoured a lot of life, and produced fruits like rotten babies.

He even began to ascend to God.

It is impossible to estimate the number of creatures who “go up to God” at the same time.

This is the characteristic exhibited by the “Nightmare Lord”. He did not intend to test his future gods and servants.

As long as it is contaminated, it will be controlled by Him.

His way of accumulating details is a transformation that is extremely rude and unstoppable, a shameless plunder.

The Lord of Nightmares disregards everything and transforms the infinite mystery of any universe that can be touched by pollution, any plane of the kingdom.

The nightmare universe was indeed almost broken by the dream gods such as Diana, but in the blink of an eye, he repaired everything.

At this moment, the boundless mystery and how many lives fall into a nightmare.

In their dreams, they all saw the giant tentacle master holding the “Nightmare Town”, who was in the depths of darkness, staring at the sentient beings with endless scarlet eyes, and the endless fear drowned the sentient minds, the dirty but The incredible phosphorescent tentacles bring a smooth and cold touch, forcibly reaching into the soul of all beings.

In this way, the true Nightmare Lord announces his coming.

At the same time, He is also provoking Tang Qi, the “dream master”, and the battlefield has shifted.

No longer is the infinitely mysterious and specific universe dimension, but will it be the dream of all living beings and gods?

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