Lord of the Witches

v2 Chapter 206 - The furnace being fed

In an incredible world, the boy “Anton” is running panting.

The world reflected in his eyes at this moment is all kinds of chaotic, upside down buildings, or natural creations such as plains and high mountains, and even pictures of disasters such as floods and hurricanes … as if the whole world was shattered and then chaotic Mix together.

Among them, there are a large number of “gateways”.

All kinds of doors, no one door is repeated.

They are embedded anywhere in the chaotic world, and all are tightly closed.

As Anton ran, the necklace around his neck flew out from time to time, with a rusty black iron key hanging at the end.

Inside the key, there is a constant sound of temptation, like a mysterious creature whispering in his ear: use me to open any portal, all your inner ambitions will become a reality.

In response, Anton responded:

“Shut up, shut me up.”

“You **** … disgusting ghost thing … woo woo”

Anton’s voice gradually turned into a crying cavity, and he stopped, with a black swamp under his feet, and a thick black liquid submerged his calf.

He stared down at himself, and began to grow fine granulation on his naked skin. A large number of red scars were creeping and seemed to be cracking at any time. Inside were scarlet eyes to drill out.

“I can’t stick to it anymore, it’s over.”

“The Sauters are going to be completely extinct.”

Anton wept, for himself, for the Sauters and the entire universe.

The boys are part of the Sauters who created a high-level magical civilization. The Sauters are born with extremely high magic talents. Their beliefs are more confusing, and they divide many schools. They each follow different magic gods.

They also have the power to observe some mysterious hidden areas, and when the whole nation is united, they can fight many divine entities of the “weak god” level.

But not long ago, the doomsday disaster suddenly came to the universe ruled by the Sauters.

Including the Sauters, all living beings in the universe were dragged into this “door nightmare world”, and each living being was given a key.

The key will entice the holder to open any portal, and more than 90% of the living beings will open the portal at the first time and be swallowed by the unknown world.

The remaining lifeforms have not been able to resist for too long, although there are many legendary and semi-godly magicians of all kinds.

Whether they discard the keys or try to destroy them, they will not work.

No way can stop the key from returning to them and continue to seduce until success.

Anton is the last one to resist.

The reason why he can persist until now is probably because he is a young man with no magic talent and little desire in his heart.

He has no desire, so he does not have to face “nightmares.”

He has seen it countless times, watching his loved ones or strangers with his own eyes, opening the portals, and after each portal, it is a scarlet world full of nightmares that cannot be looked directly at.

He can resist for a short time, but this does not seem to make much sense. This nightmare world has more than a portal, and there is also terrible pollution.

Anton’s mind can save those words, but the body is irreversibly twisted.

He has even foreseen the time point of his complete mutation, just after five seconds.

His morphed form will be a thin, short, humanoid entity covered with sarcoma and scarlet eyes.

At this moment, he heard murmur again: “Use me, open any portal, there may be a way to save the world, this is also your wish, will come true.”

Anton’s response, he tore the necklace, and threw it out the next few times.

But this time there was an accident, the rusty and dark black iron key suddenly glowed in the air, the surface was cracked, and it suddenly turned into a golden key that seemed to exist only in the fairy tale world. It took the initiative to fly high and open a fan The dark portal that suddenly appeared.

In the rumbling sound, an extremely burly black figure accompanied by black steam, red light and sonic boom.

As he descended, the destructive black and red steam began to spread and began to destroy the entire world.

The surviving Anton was put in the palm of his hand, and the world destroyer said with a very gentle voice: “I am Macquarie, the **** of steam, destruction, and rubber. I belong to the kingdom of dreams, and I heard your heart Shout, you saved your people and the world. “

When the words fell, this nightmare world collapsed completely. All living bodies woke up in a trance and could not help raising their heads unintentionally. Looking at the starry sky, a figure of Wei An dragged a dark tentacle monster towards the mysterious climb.

A world shrouded in black mist, all the creations of the world become distorted and become part of an unimaginable “giant tree”.

This giant tree occupies the world, and almost all living bodies are wrapped into cocoons, hanging on its branches.

There are some strange noises everywhere in the mist, that is the resistance of the surviving life of this world.

It seems that there is still hope?

No, it’s gone.

The voices of resistance became weaker and weaker, and they also began to be wrapped into the deepest nightmare, filled with the most intense fear.

All of them will be absorbed by the nightmare and become nourishment.

Until the next moment, a blood moon suspended above the mist and the giant tree was penetrated by tentacles.

Fantasy phosphorescence spilled, and endless stars and rainbow butterflies flew out.

The fine and gleaming powder spilled into the world, and the **** nightmare world immediately began to dissolve.

The starry rainbow butterfly flew down, dragging the “Nightmare” trying to escape the barrier and escaping along the gap of the blood moon, rising above the starry sky.

It used to be a paradise for many peculiar life, such as rare races and extraordinary creatures such as the fallen fairy, the mermaid knight, etc., all came by the call of joy, and enjoy everything they can enjoy here.

Flora, the goddess of love, had stayed here for a long time.

They may be chaotic and disorderly, or strangely shaped, but not much harm.

At this time, they suffered a disaster.

The whole crew fell into a frenzy, they wailed and roared in the darkness and scarlet.

Their bodies are twisted, they attack each other, and bite each other in the candy-colored forest.

Just when this “paradise universe” is about to be completely destroyed and reduced to nourishment for the growth of nightmares.

A building composed of crucibles, flames, sage stones and other peculiar creations rose up, and with the explosion, a mechanical **** came.

He glanced at the paradise and immediately raised the weapon in his hand and threw it down.

“The souls entangled in the nightmare will be broken and sublimated.”


In the rain of fire inspired by the sacred hammer, another reduced version of the nightmare was dragged out, and he fell into the package of gears and flames, and in the crushing, striking and burning, went to the mysterious high place.

Almost the same picture occurs everywhere in the mysterious boundless.

A silent, fierce trans-plane war fell into the eyes of the gods.

More accurately, this is a hunting war.

Dream, is hunting “Nightmare”.

The latter smashed themselves, those who belonged to the gods, and the clan to the extreme, and hid in the dreams of beings and gods.

The nightmare became extremely hidden, but it never stopped expanding.

In some worlds, the nightmare has been invaded obviously, so it was quickly discovered and solved by the fantasy department.

In some invaded worlds, the nightmare did not come out to eat, but was hiding.

The gods who are observing the war believe that the hidden “nightmare” is almost impossible to detect.

Those who hold this view also include a group of master-level deities.

For example, Ms. Black Night, even Him, cannot screen the dreams of billions of creatures in a universe.

And the nightmare may be hiding in the universe, on a planet, in a family in a city, in a corner of a boy or girl ’s dream, it may be in an unopened jar, or it may be deep in the closet, Maybe even a dark corner under the bed?

“Unless there is omniscience and almighty existence, it is impossible to hunt all nightmares.”

In the heart of the gods, this idea is almost a rule of truth.

But soon, they realized they were wrong.

In a universe where there is no peace on the surface, on a blue planet, a bustling and beautiful floating city, a girl with blue skin all over her body, a girl with a certain animal doll in her arms is sleeping very much Sweet.

Her dreams are also very harmonious. She dreams that she is playing with her family in a garden full of flowers and birds.

Suddenly, her dream began to “upgrade” and the real sweet dream was opened.

Countless candies and toys came down from the sky, she immediately tasted it, sweet and extremely real taste filled her mind.

In this beautiful dream, she could not see the corner.

A girl purer than an angel was standing in front of a hole in a withered old tree. Her hands dived directly into the dark lacquered tree hole, and then she grabbed something and began to drag out.

On her side, three black cats and a Shar Pei dog also dragged the tentacles of the “foreign body”.

Soon, the foreign body began to show the whole picture. His body was bigger than the girl’s dream world and the real universe.

He swelled, trying to drown everything and invade everything.

But after touching the radiance released by the girl god, all his resistance disappeared.

And this incredible picture was also watched by the gods.

“Master of Dreams, how did he do it?”

“Just hiding in an invisible corner of a young life dream, can they be hunted?”

“Is it because the authority is hostile?”

“It’s impossible. If there is a conflict of authority between different gods, they can be targeted for killing, but some are different, such as fantasy, death, dreams, destiny, soul, etc. As long as one party hides, the other party is difficult To hunt. “

“But ‘Master of Dreams’, He did it.”

“Nightmare, it’s over.”

Originally extremely nervous, even the gods who wanted to unite to drive out the nightmare were both relaxed and shocked at the moment.

They looked at each dimension of the universe, the number was extremely huge.

And these planes have the same scene at the moment.


Bang Bang Bang!

A large number of reduced versions of “Nightmare” were dragged out in a targeted manner, and passively merged again.

Gradually, the Lord of the Complete Nightmare began to reappear.

And unlike before, He is being completely suppressed by Tang Qi.

Endless dream tentacles completely envelop it, making it impossible for him to “self-shatter” and break the boundaries and escape.

Once again, the “Nightmare Lord”, who was rubbed down by Tang Qichan, continued to utter chaotic disorderly whispers, and his power was extremely weakened.

His smashing invasion was very successful, and in a short time the divine power was soaring.

But as the dream follows the hunt and replaces the nightmare with a dream, all of his skyrocketing divine power becomes Tang Qi after it becomes pure.

The war of authority is a trade-off.

If Tang Qi is “belly black”, he can watch the nightmare invade a large number of cosmic dimensions and start hunting at the last moment, which will maximize the benefits.

Of course, Tang Qi would not do this, and that would still cause camp shift.

But now the gains are enough, Tang Qi simply can not count, in the past very short period of time, how many families and believers have been added to the dream kingdom.

Tang Qi only feels that he has become more powerful, magnificent and magnificent, overlooking the boundless mystery.

Is the war over?

A supposedly fierce, it will kill hundreds of millions of souls, countless civilizations and genocide, and it will last for tens of thousands of years or even hundreds of thousands of years.

Some rules of truth identified by the gods are now being rewritten.

There has never been such a war of theology in the long and mysterious years.

Even in the “Brother War” where both sides are extremely restrained, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com has not yet entered the final stage until the war.

And foreseeably, it will continue for a long time.

The gods who fell into shock, and those high-level civilizations that had not been affected or had been rescued, had no time to digest the shocking reality in front of them. Suddenly, it seemed that they saw something again, and the storm of confusion and vastness broke out again.

“What is the dream master doing?”

“Where is he going?”

“Perhaps looking for a secret place to seal the” Master of Nightmares “, who is also the master. Although the nightmare lost the war, he cannot be eliminated.”

“It ’s easy to understand that the same was true of the flesh and blood ruler. As long as the ascendant ruler, it is almost impossible to fall, unless the dream ruler devours and absorbs the” nightmare “, but that will definitely cause the fantasy ruler ’s camp to shift. There will be terrible consequences. “

“No, there are other ways, such as using the power of another master … Boom”

With the reminder of a certain master, the gods stared at Tang Qi again.

They watched Tang Qi dragging the complete “Nightmare” to a certain area of ​​boundless mystery, and quickly guessed where he was.

“Forge universe?”

“He wants to use the power of the” melting pot “, he wants to burn the nightmare?”

“Yes, when the fantasy master ascended, the furnace once showed itself to all the spirits to announce the abnormal relationship between the two. In addition to the furnace, the Lord of Truth also appeared.”

“The newly born Lord of Nightmares is about to encounter misfortune. His mortal enemy, Dream, seems to have more than one master class friend.”

“The relationship between the dream master and the furnace seems to be so good, that he should feed the nightmare of his dead enemy, which is a true master-level god.”

“The furnace that was sealed by the gods and will gradually extinguish, will burn again?”

ps: Seeking monthly tickets! Qiu Zhang said!

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