Lord of the Witches

v2 Chapter 209 - Father\\\'s Bride

The destiny **** rescued the “Nightmare”, so he did not hesitate to take back the mark of Tang Qi and put it back to Sally.

This is naturally a signal, meaning that He has almost completed all conspiracies.

The overwhelmed chain is about to be torn off, and the scene of terror that Tang Qi peeped into from the future will become a reality.

Understanding these, Tang Qi also entered the final stage.

With the expansion of “Dream Kingdom”, Tang Qi secretly planted dream seeds on the side of all the fate of fate.

Including that powerful master-level spirit, such as the abyss ancestor, the flesh-lord or the terror master.

At this moment, the seeds continue to be planted.

However, what is really worthy of Tang Qi’s personal attention is the most important one remaining, the last powerful and ancient master-level deity.

Rotten Father!

Fantasy tentacles turned into illusions, and under the circumstances that no one could find them, they penetrated the rotten universe full of pollution and extremely strong divine barrier.

Before that, Tang Qi was curious about how the destiny **** would calculate this one.

Although the rotten Father’s reputation in the boundless mystery can no longer be compared with the “Terrorist Lord”, it is even worse than the imprisoned flesh and blood.

But as long as they are a little erudite, they will not ignore this ancient strong man who claims to be the father of all gods.

When Tang Qi’s eyes reflected the endless rotting creations.

In my mind, a lot of mysterious knowledge about the master here began to rise.

A part of Tang Qi’s “tentacles” accompanied a large number of Rose Madeleine, reading in the library. Almost any knowledge is easily obtained by Tang Qi.

“Who is the first **** who was born mysteriously?”

“This is a hugely controversial issue. It is a topic that many scholars and scholars have spent their entire lives studying, and there is no answer so far.”

“However, there are a few people who are considered to be the correct answer. The most recognized among them is… the decaying father.”

“Most of the gods in charge of the “knowledge authority” also tend to think that the decaying father **** is probably the earliest ascension of the infinite mystery, at least the earliest group of gods, or the oldest among the earliest groups of gods A bit.”

“Of course, they don’t recognize the depraved Father as the father of all gods, and think that it is just the self-browning of the Father, which is an “insult” to all spirits.”

“After all, even ordinary creatures would not like to suddenly have an extra’father’, which is abusive and unbearable in most civilizations.”

“Some of the clear causes of wars in wars related to decaying gods are the bragging of dissatisfaction with the Father.”

“The above are all extraordinary knowledge that can be queried, and after asking “Ancient Observer” through Rose, you get the unknown correct answer.”

“Father Rot is the oldest among the earliest gods, but these gods are not the mysterious earliest life. Before them, there are still some hidden and powerful ancient creatures, such as libraries and everything. Founders who can sell, such as Thum, who has not yet fallen.”

“And even among the earliest groups of spirits, God of Decay is not the most powerful.”

The secret information flows through, but it does not stop.

Compared to the abyss ancestors who dominate the flesh and blood, the knowledge of the decaying father is obviously more abundant and interesting.

“Father of Decay is nominally a chaotic evil camp, but his “notoriety” is not serious, and sometimes even cannot be compared with the furnace.”

“His believers often bring devastating disasters, but the Father himself seems to have been in an indescribable state of inertia since the ignorance.”

“The so-called inertia means that most of the time he is in a state in which he is not interested in anything in the boundless mystery, even including his own divine kingdom universe, belonging to the **** family, etc.”

“He is somewhat similar to another version of the ancient observer, except that he is only interested in “rot”.”

“He is rotting in the depths of his own kingdom, with his eyes half open forever, and the gods are observing the rotting process of all things in the world. He enjoys these, but he is not keen on making them.

“According to the records in the library, God of Decay was not like this at the time of origin. He entered an inert state, which originated from a war, the battle between the Decaying Divine and the Death camp.”

“The details of this war need to go to the “time community” to really know.”

“But the result is not a secret. The vast war that took place in the ancient origin era eventually led the decaying father to enter an inert state, and the ancient death gods of the death camp have disappeared, died or split.”

“But death is an eternity. There is no reduction in the strength of the Bleach camp, except that the Bleach also seems to be a little strange.”

When this knowledge emerged, Tang Qi immediately noticed that the decaying father was different from the previous masters.

“According to past examples, the destiny **** always wants to use some means to make some key organizations vacant, and then provoke wars and disasters, bringing chaos that is difficult to eliminate.”

“But this time, there seems to be no exact goal.”

“Who will be the “chess piece” selected by the fate **** this time?”

With this question in mind, Tang Qi’s always-open eyes of all things began to cruise around the vast but rotten universe.

The dominating power is undoubtedly revealed at this moment, almost in the blink of an eye, Tang Qi has found the target.

Somewhere in the rotting universe, a very strange scene is happening:

It looks like a weird celebration or a wedding ceremony that makes all guests and bystanders feel sick.

In this universe, those “spirits” who were originally quiet and decayed, or belong to the clan of the gods.

At this moment, they seem to be alive.

They seem to regard themselves as brilliant stars, as beautiful creatures in the Zerg camp, and even as angels and fairies.

They started jumping, dancing, and even singing.

They tried to make some huge and shocking “firework salutes”, but they only spewed out some rotten liquid, broken meat residues and bones, and smelly and corrosive gas.

Well, at least the gas is colored, which is barely successful.

This weird picture is enough to make scholars who know the rotten universe fall into a frenzy.

What the **** are these?

What is more subversive is that they are surrounded by a bed.

It’s incredible, but that’s true.

Surrounded by rotting creatures [17k] at this moment, it is a huge bed made up of various rotting flesh and blood.

There are a lot of carrion-loving microorganisms, splendid fungi, and various gases on it. The whole is a huge bed that can be laid down on a planet.

Its owner is a “girl”.

More accurately, He is both a girl and a god.

He was bound to the bed by a large number of divine chains. The breath released from his body showed that his person was at the level of “ordinary gods”, which was not very strong, but also not weak.

The reason why he couldn’t break away is that there are a lot of gods around the giant bed, and almost half of the rotten gods have appeared.

The girl was wearing a dark “wedding dress”. He was supposed to be holding a **** in his hand, but now he is holding a large cluster of rotten flowers.

Under his veil, the supposedly calm and beautiful face was in extreme anger.

His eyes and lips were dark in color, and a strong breath of death permeated.

His identity came to Tang Qi’s mind immediately.

[Divine entity: Death girl. 】

[State: Bound. 】

[Information Fragment 1: He is an ordinary deity belonging to the camp of death. His honorable names include death girl, death prayer, mysterious girl under the black veil, soul guide, etc. Among many deaths, his dedication The degree is relatively rare. 】

[Information Fragment II: Not long ago, he was captured by a group of deities of rotting gods. He will be regarded as a “bride” and dedicated to the great father who has been lazy for a long time. 】

[Information Fragment Three: This is “hidden knowledge” that the decaying gods have only recently known. They have always wanted to get the Father out of inertia, but many attempts have been fruitless. Until this time, they finally know that as long as they sacrifice As a bride, a goddess in the death camp can restore the father. 】

[Information Fragment 4: The reason why the dead girl was chosen is that it is easier to capture except for his excessive dedication. UU Reading Book www. uukanshu.com is more important than the bloodline of the young girl, who is a daughter of the ancient death who has fallen down and is extremely powerful. 】

[Information Fragment 5: The decaying gods are pretty sure that as long as the Father and the “bride” are combined, He will be completely out of inertia. The powerful master who once claimed to be the “Father of All Souls” in the long history Advent of boundless mystery. 】

[Information Fragment Six: In the depths of the girl’s body, there is already a “brand of fate”… 】

Very abrupt but extremely normal, Tang Qi peeped into the existence of the brand of fate.

The chess piece is the “dead girl”.

The seventh debris has not overflowed, but Tang Qi can already predict it.

“The so-called secret knowledge acquired by these stenching and rotten gods must have been secretly given by the bitch.”

“And, this method is really effective with high probability.”

“Dedicating a goddess from the death camp as a bride to the decaying father can help him escape from inertia.”

“And in this process, the brand hidden in the bride’s body will enter the body of the decaying father.”

“It’s a disgusting conspiracy, only the **** can do it.”


While Tang Qi was vomiting and wanted to think about countermeasures, suddenly his eyes began to peep into some futures of the dead girl.

A large number of inconsistencies with the expected future made Tang Qi’s face appear unexpectedly.

In those pictures, there are all kinds of “death gods”. They come crazy and invade this terrible decayed universe in desperation. There are even a few familiar death gods who have intersected Tang Qi in the past.

They completely disappeared from the salty fish gestures of the past, showing a violent and violent fighting intention, seeming to tear the rotten gods completely.

ps: The baby’s ranking was broken after the festival. Let’s give Zhang Bao a monthly pass. The secret witch needs it too much.

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