Lord of the Witches

v2 Chapter 224 - You will always be there

“This is a kind of “whip corpse”, it is very suitable for the lady’s home.”

“If he knew, he would not be very willing, but who cares about him, everyone will be very happy.”

Tang Qi received the revelation, and at the same time did not forget to spit at the ruins of the mountain peaks full of the fate of Ms.

At the same time, Sally has begun to move with a group of destiny spirits who have restored authority.

The “horrible repulsion” of the origin star is crushing the poor nightmare to death, time is tight, and it cannot be delayed any longer.

Patch the boundless mystery!

Purify the long river of destiny!

This is undoubtedly the two great causes, but unexpectedly, Tang Qi knew from the “Fate Revelation” that it would not take a long time to complete these two great causes.

As Sally said, it is not time to go back in time and let everything go back to being destroyed by the fate bitch.

Because that is probably impossible, the timeline span of all conspiracies arranged by the destiny **** is extremely exaggerated.

What the Destiny Department has to do is to return everything to chaos and madness to order.

After that, the boundless mystery will repair itself.

The gods of destiny revolve around Sally, and the mists of destiny they have released are merging with each other, and some kind of incomprehensible “change” is happening.


The familiar movement suddenly got into Tang Qi’s ears.

Slightly lowering his head, Tang Qi immediately saw the tide flowing.

“Weili”, which Tang Qi felt could not resist at all, was brewing in the depths of the river tide and broke out at the next moment.


At the beginning, the river of destiny was surging again.

Unlike last time, the river tide did not flow from the mysterious and unknown depths of the boundless.

The starting point this time is at the feet of Tang Qi and a group of gods of fate.

“Fate turns back?”

Tang Qi didn’t have time to think more, and the majestic tide of mystery began to reverse the boundless mystery.

Starting with the origin star, all the rules of time and space are smashed in the blink of an eye, and the entire boundless mystery is submerged in a way that cannot be understood by any soul except destiny.

What followed was a more vast scene.


The silent and shocking picture, when the river tide rolls over, the boundless mystery that has just recovered from the “frozen fate” is once again caught in the fog.

The gray mist of fate seems to be endless, and the millions of universe dimensions, endless lives, and even the Divine Kingdom including all spirits, are filled with mist.

In the fog, except for those master-level spirits, all other lives entered a muddled state.

This is not an attack, but a protection.

Only in that state can we exempt ourselves from being bitten by being “modified” fortune.

The masters who kept awake seemed to have received the enlightenment of fate in the midst and cooperated with each other.

“let’s start!”

Sally’s voice came. At this moment, every word of her contains unimaginable power.

That power rescued the “nightmare” that was being crushed to death, and instantly shaped it into a peculiar thing, similar to some kind of “tool” with infinite tentacles.

The two peaks of destiny, whether filled with Ms. Destiny’s mind or not, collapsed at this moment.

But the picture after the disintegration is not the same.

This one at the foot of Tang Qi and Sally was directly restored to the real form, that is, the flesh and blood corpses of the evil spirits and chaotic rulers.

Once again reduced to a “tool-dominated” nightmare, He also seemed to enter a muddled state, and began to complete the work mechanically.

He sent the corpses of flesh with half less divine authority to the Lord.

“Chaotic evil and order goodness are both almost eternal, and the two disappeared and depended on each other.”

Tang Qi understands the way to restore fate and mighty power, but does not insist on eliminating all evil.

Even when He was not the master, he knew that it was impossible.

Tang Qi’s eyes were attracted by another scene.

After the disintegration of the ruins that filled the fate of Ms. Fate’s head, it turned into an endless array of strange and tiny creatures.

They are like some kind of insects, or other foreign objects.

They are not limited by the concept of “size”. They can be larger or smaller than infinity. They are another level of existence.

Each of them has the power to disrupt a world or control it.

The influence of their power goes far beyond life.

Even Tang Qi is temporarily unable to understand their form of existence.

But one thing is for sure, they belong to “fate”, Tang Qi felt a very powerful fate of destiny in these insects.

“Go to atonement, repair, and purify.”

It was still Sally’s voice, vast and great.

But Tang Qi also knew faintly that, because Sally took the initiative to drop her personality, she could only be regarded as the newly appointed goddess of luck, not the master of destiny.

“The authority she had when she reached the summit was just returned to the gods of destiny according to the contract.”

“The half of Ms. Destiny’s share of authority is also used as “material” to repair the mystery of infinity and purify the long course of fate.”

“That is to say, Sally herself has little authority.”

“But this is also temporary. After all, she is the newly appointed goddess of luck. After all this is over, those scattered and mysterious powers will automatically gather back to her little by little.”

“The time may be longer, but the future Sally may really be stronger than me.”


Thinking about it, Tang Qi suddenly remembered that we were the Guang family.

After the fall of Thum and others, they can return in a million years.

According to the records of the hidden books in the library, after we are all resurrected from the light family, although they will become weaker, the divine authority is not empty.

Similar to Sally’s situation.

“But a million years, it’s too long.”

Tang Qi murmured, and then looked at the boundless mystery again.

The real repair and purification process is also reflected in Tang Qimu at this moment.

Immediately, Tang Qi seemed to glimpse the most incredible picture in the world, stunned at that height.

A very wonderful feeling swept through, Tang Qi only feels that he has become beyond the boundless mystery.

He is no longer the master of dreams, and no longer a life in the boundless mystery. He seems to be outside the boundless mystery and is a true spectator.

This is an illusion, and what made him illusory is boundless at the moment.

The vast and mysterious “mystery” seems to have some kind of hard-to-understand existence changes due to a powerful rule. The layered world and dimensions are either expanding, shrinking, or simply deforming, and a lot of secrets are directly revealed. But they were all shrouded in gray mist.

The real world seems to have become a special dark secret realm, in which endless “ephemera” are swimming.

These ephemera radiate a faint light.

They are flashing and swimming.

The speed is a bit weird, and there are special pauses from time to time, as if the “acceleration key” was pressed.

The boundless mystery has never been so quiet, nor has it been so beautiful.

“Boom… boom”

Tang Qi’s mind, heart, and even the soul have an impulse.

The impulse that must be realized cannot be contained.

Tang Qi wanted to get into it, and turned it into a tiny light mayfly.

He thought so and did the same.

And all the gods of destiny, including Sally, seem to have known for a while that no one will stop.

Tang Qi fully invested himself in “Boundlessness”. In the process, Tang Qi felt that his dominant body was gradually wrapped in mist and fate. He also began to undergo unknown changes.

When Tang Qi felt that his transformation was complete and stabilized.

Looking at yourself first, the original broken kingdom of God has been repaired, and all the seriously injured or fallen dream gods such as Diana, the Scourge Monarch, the Dragon Queen, and the God of Machinery are resurrected.

Those family members who died in battle, and countless believers, the dream nodes that were destroyed…all recovered.

“I was repaired first?”

Just born of this idea, Tang Qi suddenly felt a wonderful feeling.

He was indeed completely repaired, but there was a separation between him and the family and believers of the kingdom of God, and even the entire “world.”

“I can exert my influence on the boundless mystery, to the point of “distorting reality”, a much stronger twist than my fantasy authority, through these lines.”

Along with the thought, Tang Qi saw a lot of dense dark lines.

Line of Destiny!

Tang Qi seems to understand a little bit more, but he knows that it is still an illusion. He is not a **** of destiny. Perhaps even a true **** of destiny, it is difficult to elaborate these.

“I can modify, I can adjust.”

“The diaphragm is also real. At this time, I cannot really integrate into the world, I can only exert influence.”

“At the same time, my gods are not aware of my existence.”

“Well, I don’t let them notice me, if that happens, even if it is a mistake, a bug, I will be kicked out of this state.”

“So I am a ephemera now?”

“Then I should fix it…”

As soon as the question was born in Tang Qi’s heart, he had the answer immediately.

Tang Qi’s mind began to flash the names of divine organizations.

Tang Qi peeped at the destiny bitch, knew his conspiracy in advance, and then knew which divine organizations, seemingly inconspicuous, but maintained the infinite mysterious stability.

In order to fight back at the end of the curtain, Tang Qi did not save those organizations.

Now, there is an opportunity to make up for regrets.

The first one to be remembered is naturally the “we are light” family.

But when he wanted to modify the fate of the family, call back Tum, Karen Trier, etc., or accelerate their resurrection time.

His ephemera soul quickly received feedback, and he was rejected.

“Can’t you do it? Because the ancient contract signed by all the family members is not weaker than’fate’, the two can’t interfere with each other?”

With doubts, Tang Qi immediately looked at other organizations.

This time, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is passing feedback.

“Lighthouse and warrior, justice court, mysterious art alliance, elegiac sect, glorious angel corps, peace supremacy, god’s gospel foundation… I can’t bring all the fallen gods back to life, but you can modify your fate of dissolution and collapse. “

“Great gods, warriors and heroes who should not fall will be resurrected.”

“The great existence that is doomed to death, both will and ideals will be passed on.”

“Both sentient beings and gods will know that you existed and will exist forever.”

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In addition, the update of these two days is slow because it is necessary to write “the supreme deities”, not only the origin of the Protoss and the young creator, so it needs to be carefully considered… tactics are tumbling bang bang bang.

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