Lord of the Witches

v2 Chapter 250 - How powerful is the fantasy **** system

The latest website: Dream Tower, Tang Qi watched the second Foolship ship leave automatically.

On the surface, it seemed that Tang Qi had freed up a precious artifact, which was a big loss.

In fact, Tang Qi believes that he has obtained great benefits in the past short time, and many doubts that have been lingering in Tang Qi’s heart have been answered.

The ship finally disappeared into nothingness, Tang Qi’s eyes shifted and landed on the first fool’s ship that seemed to be lonely and shabby.

In the blink of an eye, Tang Qi’s human form began to change.

The tentacles and fantasy eyeballs appear, and the body of the trumpet fantasy master appears.

Like a weird octopus, it wriggled and wriggled, quickly entangled the fool’s ship.

Tang Qi made his choice according to his “intuition”, but that choice was unreasonably apparent.

The second fool ship is obviously more gorgeous and more powerful.


Tang Qi’s first foolship ship was not as simple as it appeared on the surface.

After all, not long ago, Tang Qi watched the life of puppets such as poisonous snakes and kings, and took away non-existent bird eggs, lice and other things from the ship.

Tang Qi fumbled, while the thoughts in his mind were surging, digesting the secrets he had just known.

“Foolship ships are mobile. Every foolship ship is a “carrier”. The above parts, puppet creatures or other things are not important. They can be disassembled and replaced. What really matters is what they carry. ‘Sage will’.”

“They seem to have no autonomy, but in fact they are truly free.”

“Obtaining the sage’s will will enable you to temporarily own two Fool’s Ships, marking you as a’sage candidate’.”

“This is like a special screening mechanism, in order to screen out like-minded people?”

“The sage’s will seems to be much more terrible than’fate’, and even the highest divinity cannot intervene.”

“Then I can take [Foolship Ship] from the half-god Gaffaroo, and get an invitation from the **** goddess Eve to further deal with the ancient Boss Aiken to obtain a second Foolship Ship…all of these may be virtuous. Arrangement of the will?”

When Tang Qi made a guess, there was not much horror in his heart.

If it is other supreme divinity, it shows signs of controlling Tang Qi.

Then Tang Qi had already fallen into horror and anger, and immediately planned to fight back.

But after communicating with the “Crazy Laughing Clown”, Tang Qi noticed a trace of such a trace, but no anger thoughts.

Perhaps it is because of the answers to the previous questions.

Tang Qi asked the clown, where did the sages go? What to explore?

The clown replied: The sages went to the darkness, looking for some kind of answer, or vitality.

Inexplicably, there is a sense of resonance in Tang Qi’s soul.

“This is called the same ambition? But I seem to be still in the dark, I don’t know any secrets?”

“The sage without mercy, did the sage lose the election?”

“What is the real connection between the second boundlessness and the boundless mystery.”

“Also, how to be a true sage?”

“The answer should not have much to do with the personal combat power. Although the laughter joker did not reveal any information about a prophet, in fact, there is at least one person who I am sure he is a member of the sage group.”

“Old Huang!”

“Crazy mantras created by the stars to eat the **** curse, and the sage who wrote the “Secret of Eternal Life”, apparently are mysteriously missing because of the enraged master.”

“Now it seems that he escaped with the help of fake death, joined the sage group into the darkness, and explored the answers and vitality.”

Know some answers, but more doubts are born again.

Changed other people, already annoyed.

But Tang Qi was excited.

Tang Qi is full of curiosity and curiosity, and is very strong.

These so-called “secrets” give Tang Qi some signs of temptation.

“This is the splendidness of the boundless mystery. Without these things, maybe I will become a fallen master.”

“Sally is busy, Rose is also trying to ascend, and if I don’t do anything, I will probably be entangled with Eve and they will be worried in the end.”

Silently confessing himself, Tang Qi’s groping stopped.

Obviously, that is useless.

“According to the clown, the fool ship itself is not that important.”

“This wooden ship is grotesque and shabby, shabby and shabby. When all things are known, it is only analyzed that it was created in the Dark Age, and it is not the first fool ship, a sage philosopher in the early Dark Age.”

“But since “All Things Know” also cannot affect the sage’s will, the authenticity of this information is also doubtful.”

“The appearance is likely to be false, and so is the information. Only the sage will be true.”

“So, my instincts are aimed at… the sage’s will?”

Tang Qi seemed to think of the key point, his eyes lit up.

At the same time, another inspiration came to mind.

The idea flickered, but saw the light surging inside the tower, and another **** was summoned.

Unlimited secret box!

Among the many gods that Tang Qi has acquired, the most mysterious and powerful one.

As long as the price can be paid, the secret box seems to give anything.

The “Pandora Goddess”, who had fallen before, was just an ordinary mortal a long time ago, but relied on the secret box to sacrifice and was promoted to **** without talent.

Tang Qi also relied on the secret box and obtained huge benefits several times.

It even includes the gods used to save the “melting pot”, the very mysterious initial fire.

If it is in the hands of other gods, the role of the secret box is actually not that great, because each time the sacrifice is exchanged, the price the user needs to pay is too great.

For example, in Pandora, although he used the secret box for many times, he became a god, but he lost all his loved ones and fell completely.

But Tang Qi is different. As long as the Infinite Secret Box is above the “Fool’s Ship”, every time Tang Qi proposes an exchange of sacrifices, the price to be paid will be reduced to a certain extent.

Obviously, the secret box has some connection with the fool’s ship, or the sage’s will on the ship.

Following the familiar rules, Tang Qi directly controlled the flying insect-like magnetic powder, brewing to make the first request.

Tang Qi did not intend to directly ask who the original prophet was, he already knew about it.

That one is supremely divine.

The maker of the first fool ship, the mentor of the sage prophets.

Older than Thum and strong respected by powerful observers such as ancient observers and mysterious monarchs.

Needless to say, if Tang Qi directly asked about the “First Prophet”.

The secret box’s answer is probably: out of range.

Especially Tang Qi somehow doubted that the creator of the Infinite Secret Box might be the original prophet?

Tang Qi pondered for half a second, and finally made a roundabout request:

“I need to know whether the sage’s will on this fool’s ship belongs to the philosophers of the early Dark Ages?”

After a familiar movement, the response will appear.

Under Tang Qiluo’s nervous eyes, he saw the secret box and gave a reply:

“A sage order!”


At the instant of seeing the reply, Tang Qi’s mind roared.

He reacted almost immediately and confirmed his previous guess.

“If the will of the sage on this fool’s ship really belongs to the early philosophers of the Dark Age, then the infinite secret box will not give exchange conditions that cannot be done at all.”

“According to the clown, all the sages went to explore in the dark. I can’t ask a sage to help me order unless I wait… to become a sage?”

“So, is this a promise?”

“Not only about the true sage’s will on this ship, but also about other secrets, as long as I become a sage, all questions will be answered.”

Tang Qi’s thoughts rolled in his head, and his instincts were confirmed on the side.

He chose this humble and fool ship indeed because of the sage’s will above, and this sage’s will most likely belong to a supreme deity, the original prophet?

Tang Qi got the ship a long time ago, but until this time, He was already the master of dreams, only to know some of the secrets above.

This made Tang Qi think of another rule in the boundless mystery:

“When a certain creature reaches a certain level, his name and his superficial information will gradually be known by the higher-ranked and highly related beings.”

“At the same time, He will also inexplicably associate with those beings, and there will be a lot of extraordinary opportunities.”

“Those who are watching are well-intentioned and naturally malicious.”

“Has it started now? I’m about to touch a more secret world…?”

With this thought over, Tang Qi seems to have been temporarily satisfied.

Without further entanglement, a tentacle waved away the “Foolship Ship” and “Infinite Secret Box”.

Then, Tang Qi officially faced the kingdom of fantasy.

At the next moment, an oracle sounded at the same time in the heart of all Tang Qi’s gods, clan and believers:

“Foolship, a great dream needs the foolship.”

The peaceful and beautiful fantasy **** system shines because of this oracle.

His gods, family members, and a swelled number of believers began to act.

This is the first oracle from the “Great Lord”, and no followers will be negligent.

Tang Qi may not be able to adapt, but the truth is that the power of the fantasy gods at this moment is far from comparable at the time of start-up.

Because of the war of destiny, the clan and Xinmin who have soared because of the dream itself will not talk about it.


It is beyond imagination to only talk about the number of Tang Qi’s gods.

The boundless mystery, for the time being, only the earth gods, natural gods, zerg gods, and many other natural gods can overwhelm.

Such as the sky and thunder gods and the like, UU reading www. uukanshu. com is not an opponent at all.

Constantly born, following the new gods of Tang Qi, can even spawn small gods separately.

For example, the fantasy fairy tale series composed of Diana, Amanda, and Bai Meilin.

Or the death department led by the Scourge Monarch.

It is a mechanical **** system mainly composed of the son of the machine, Will Effith.

There is also the dragon clan lineage led by Olga Nikolaevna, the dragon clan queen.

As well as the grotesque department composed of eccentric divine creatures such as the blank insect.

How many gods there are in the fantasy **** system, how powerful and how powerful they are, if Tang Qi does not perceive it, it is also a mess.

But one thing is for sure, the fantasy **** system is already a member of the boundless mysterious camp, which can no longer be ignored.

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