Lord of the Witches

v2 Chapter 258 - The highest achievement in the cat world

As a dream master, out of politeness, Tang Qi will not open up the knowledge of everything when facing another master.

Despite his current personality, even if he peeped openly, the “cat god” in front of him should not be able to detect it.

Tang Qi was on the boat of Fools, carrying the boat lights.

The cat **** lay lazily on the throne, and despite his arrogance, his posture was extremely elegant.

And, his domineering charm.

It is not “affinity”, nor is it “charming”.

This black cat with gold ornaments around its neck has a charm that makes any living body feel good about him.

Regardless of race, regardless of gender, the real charm of killer.

This even includes Tang Qi.

A strange and inevitable impulse was born in Tang Qi’s heart.

“Go up and hold him, slap him.”


When Tang Qi felt ridiculous and confused because of this impulse, he saw the saint priestess who sprayed the group of four approaching.

The priest seemed to know Tang Qi’s identity, although he still held his neck high, but he didn’t feel arrogant.

Just for the sake of the **** she served, maintaining a posture.

She first gave Tang Qi a slight salute, and then solemnly said:

“Dear Fool Boatman, what appears before you now is:

Boundless mystery and the greatest cat **** outside Boundless!

He is the supreme queen of kindness, kindness and arrogance!

He is the hidden Lord, the Lord that the vulgar life cannot know!

He rules all the stories that have not happened, the world that has not been born, the life that has not been bred!

He is watching the tiny living beings in the boundless golden temple, giving them the right to choose!


While the saint priestess was chanting the many titles of the cat god, Tang Qi could fully imagine his expression.

Tang Qi has already had an intersection with many masters, but this is indeed the first time for such a scene.

But considering that this is a strange master, Tang Qi is very happy to hear all his titles.

Before halfway, Tang Qi heard the key title.

“Dominate all unoccurring stories, unborn worlds, unborn lives, and give all beings the right to choose… this kind of divine authority?”

Although he hadn’t turned on the knowledge of everything, Tang Qi could still use other methods to learn about the cat **** in front of him.

The body moved to communicate with Rose Madeleine who was ascending in the library.

Tang Qi also provides accompany reading services, occasionally consulting some secrets, Rose is very happy to answer.

Unusually fast, Tang Qi knew what kind of master he was dealing with.

Cat god!

It is at the same latitude as the boundless mystery, the gods of sentient beings, but higher than the mysterious master of sentient beings.

He has no obvious camp. He has many clones and images, which can be any camp, good or evil, and cannot restrain him.

Of course, most of the time He prefers the neutral good camp.

No one knows his true form. From the moment he was known, he called himself “cat god” and rejected any other titles.

The source of his power is extremely mysterious, and it is related to the infinite and mysterious “choices”.

He can create a world, a race, a **** out of thin air… According to rumors, He can even create another ruler.

But his creation is not the same as true creation.

He is more like taking things out from a non-existent “plane”, and there is no need to worry about the backlash of the boundless mystery itself.

It is not yet known how he did it, but one thing can be confirmed:

He has never launched a destructive war, and he can be called the kindest person in the dominant group.

This does not mean that he is very weak. According to the known information, he has had intersections with several masters, unpleasant conflicts, etc., and each time ended in his victory.

“A mysterious and powerful master, arrogant and kind.”

Tang Qi silently gave an evaluation, and at the same time he knew what was happening before him.

According to the tip of the octopus head, as long as the group of four penetrates the instance, there is a chance to obtain rare cards.

As long as you have better luck, you can summon the “Cat God Projection” with the help of cards, so as to achieve two-thirds of the victory condition of [Mr. Dominator].

This sounds normal, but the group of four does not want to fight that terrifying apocalypse.

The four of them all thought of taking a shortcut.

He didn’t fight the Apocalypse at all, but wanted to directly entice the “cat god” in front of him to join the team.

Tang Qi’s evaluation is very accurate, and the four of them are indeed geniuses.

On the other hand, it proved that the luck of the four-man group is very good, otherwise it is impossible to explain why these four guys can live to this day?

At this time, the group of four who had suffered a violent meal by the priestess was approaching, winking at the same time:

“Great professor, help us. This is a good opportunity to win without fighting.”

“Professor, I foresee that this black cat will leave the throne because of you.”

“We have tried ice cream, music and so on. Everything depends on you, professor.”

“A beautiful boy, a beautiful boy…”

The secret medicine master who spoke last was directly silenced, not Tang Qi did it, but the cat god.

The black cat with a slender body, without even looking here, directly issued an expulsion order to the group of four and Tang Qi.

In the dark, the voice of the octopus head came:

“Because the [Professor praises us as a genius team] passively treats the dungeon rules, and therefore offends a dominance-level **** projection, the team will be expelled in ten seconds.”

“The countdown begins, ten, nine, eight…”

“Do not!”

The group of four was in a tacit understanding, and at the same time they made a ghost movement, holding their heads in their hands, their faces tangled.

Four pairs of big pitiful eyes, all looked at Tang Qi.

However, there is no need for these four live treasures to perform. Tang Qi felt the taste of “challenge” from the beginning.

To be more precise, it was a arrogant bet.

The Cat God did not respect Tang Qi as other gods did, and the Cat God said that he didn’t care about the incredible achievements of Dream Domination.

He lay lazily in the warm throne, squinting at Tang Qi from time to time, as if saying:

“The conditions for inviting me to join are simple, just let me leave the throne.”

“Stupid dreams, very boring.”

It sounds like abusive, but Tang Qi didn’t feel any malice.

However, Tang Qi is still inexplicably ready to move.

Before the octopus head’s notice sounded, Tang Qi had already started to move.

Tang Qi remembered the impulse that rose from the bottom of his heart when he just came to see this cat god.

An inspiration came out suddenly.

“No matter how powerful a cat is, it is a cat after all, isn’t it.”

After asking himself inexplicably, Tang Qi suddenly took a step.

The saint priestess was on guard, and the group of four was full of expectation.

One master, fight another master.

Everyone in the field thought it would be exciting and shocking.

However, the next moment, I saw a glimmer of light.

A round thing “Gu Lu” slipped from Tang Qi’s hand, following the path, Gu Lulu rolled to the golden throne.

The thing is round, colorful and dazzling.

“A ball of thread?”

In the incomprehensible gaze of the four-member group and the saint priestess, they saw the cat **** on the throne turning his head.

He is still so noble and lazy, but everyone sees the longing for the ball of thread in his jewel-like eyes.

Especially the next moment, Tang Qi’s gentle reminder came.

“This is a fetish I borrowed from’Doctor Destiny.’ It’s very fun and amazing.”


Everyone seemed to hear a cold snort, and then the lazy black cat turned his cute little head back.

Obviously, the attraction of the coil is not so irresistible.

Tang Qi didn’t feel annoyed, but just smiled, and glanced at Cat God’s cat ears with obviously different shaking frequencies.

Another step was taken in the countdown, and then Tang Qi spread out the palms of both hands, each of which appeared a fetish.

A square but gorgeous “box”.

And a special stick composed of a stick body, hanging string, feathers and some unknown materials.

The two things seem to be a combination, exuding a strong interest.

It seems to be a toy, but the divine breath is also strong and abnormal, and it cannot be concealed.

With another “huh”, Maoshen’s little head turned around.

This time, His eyes stayed longer.

Tang Qi was very considerate and introduced in due course:

“From the ‘We are Light’ family, Lord Tum, the greatest toy and candy creator of Infinity Mystery, he created one of the most interesting toys for all cat creatures of Infinity Mystery.”

“Like the thread ball, this is a gift.”

“Accept my gift and become my friend…”

While speaking, Tang Qi had already crossed the safe area and came to the throne.

In the incredible and angry gaze of the saintess, Tang Qi directly reached out and held up the most beautiful and noble creature in the world.



It seems that because of the powerful attraction of the magic box and the cat-like stick combination toy, until Tang Qi picked it up, the cat **** did not react afterwards.

As soon as he struggled, in an instant, the entire copy of the map, including the divine creature “Apocalypse” that was arbitrarily destroying, became distorted, as if to be destroyed in the next moment.

And Tang Qi himself felt a strong smell of danger at this moment.

He came to this game world as the clone [Fool Boatman].

Normally, the destruction of the boatman will not affect the body.

But at this moment, Tang Qi perceives something different.

“This danger is directly directed at me, or in other words, directed at my future… some of my choices may be erased?”

“If He does this, my body will not be harmed, but I will lose some possibilities?”

“Boom boom boom”

On the surface it seemed that there was almost no loss, but Tang Qi’s eyes became solemn.

But after all, he had experienced many high-ranking battles, and it seemed very dangerous in front of him, but Tang Qi’s movements were not messy at all.

Even Tang Qi did something more excessive.

In the almost crazy gaze of the saint priest, he directly picked up the “lazy black cat”, and then sat on the throne by himself.

In the next second, Tang Qi put the black cat that was still struggling and trying to scratch his face on his lap.

A palm was spread out in front of Maoshen’s mouth, and “special food” with strong aroma was rolled out from the palm of the palm.

The extremely gentle voice also penetrated into Cat God’s ears.

“This is the delicious food of the’Sovereign Octopus’ brand. The whole mystery is endless and only I have food.”

“Try it, it’s delicious.”


This time, Tang Qi’s voice hadn’t fallen yet, and there was a voice in the palace that was obviously swallowing saliva.

Then the next moment, the group of four and the saint priestess both fell into a sluggishness due to the picture in front of them.

Noble and lazy, the “cat god” who dismissed any existence of the boundless mystery, finally couldn’t help but stick out his little tongue, rolled a chocolate bean-like ball into the entrance, and the proud expression on the cat’s face instantly became comfortable Enjoy, the slightly squinted cat eyes are enough to warm the soul of any evil god.

He didn’t even mind, one of Tang Qi’s sinful hands was quietly pressing the back of his neck.

After all, Tang Qi succeeded, a fragment of information emerged in his mind:

“As the most mysterious dominator **** in the boundless world, UU reading www.uukānshu.com cat **** almost looks down on any extraordinary food, but the delicacy made by big octopuses [chaotic chocolate beans] is an exception. For this food, he even At the risk of secretly deceiving a few big octopuses to stay in the universe under his control.”

“But not long ago, because the mysterious lord left Boundless, he regrettably ran out of food.”

“Give him chaotic chocolate beans, there is a chance to get his favor.”

Obviously, this was the reason Tang Qi was able to succeed in the end. He quietly opened up the understanding of all things to the cat god, and learned of his weakness in advance.

The thread **** from Dr. Destiny, Tum’s cat box and the cat funny cat toys are just foreshadowing.

“If there is no accident, my cat is the most mysterious and top one.”

“Unless Ms. Dark Night is also a cat, I have already achieved the highest achievement in the cat world.”

Sitting on the throne, this triumphant thought flashed through the shameless boatman.

ps: Seek chapter.

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