Lord of the Witches

v2 Chapter 267 - Red dragon being crushed

Latest URL: “This is the most terrifying ringtone in the mystery of Boundless. Fortunately, I didn’t ring it.”

Among the crowd of onlookers full of divine entities, they thought they were the rotten gods of all fathers, and exclaimed.

And ignorant of everything, thinking that the “funny starfish” is the friendly flesh and blood dominator, the stupid red dragon cub is still happily pressing the pineapple doorbell.

Dingdong Dingdong!

Dingdong Dingdong!

Crisp and sweet, like a dead girl singing.

At a sudden moment, inside the pineapple room.

The purr with a special rhythm, it stopped.

The “pink starfish” lying on the bed slowly got up amid the widening eyes of the masters.

Not too surprising, it was a face that looked a little dumb, dull and cute because he just woke up.

The gods know that the scenes they see are actually filtered.

The real starfish cannot be looked at directly. It is transformed by the octopus Clayward into a picture loved by human youngsters.

In the screen, the pink starfish who had just woke up slowly got up, got off the bed, picked up a pair of colored shorts on the ground, and put it on mechanically.

Then the upper body slumped, dragging the lower half of the body, towards the door.

“so cute!”

Although all the divine entities onlookers were in an abnormal state, they were still able to express their opinions strangely.

Both males and females have to admit that the pink starfish who is twisting their peach hips to open the door is indeed very cute.

Moreover, He will not let any existence feel malicious.

He looks simple and honest and cute.

“Hello, who are you looking for?”

All divine entities have heard this sentence.

It is unexpectedly loud and does not carry pollution.

Including the “red dragon cub” who is not polite and face to face with the funny starfish, the terrible pollution on the starfish was taken back by him at the moment that the door was opened.

So at this moment, the red dragon cub was facing a harmless and funny pink starfish.

“What would Apodoras Ophelia do?”

“How does he get the starfish to leave the room, through seduction?”

“It may be a rude way. Flesh dominates have always been more tyrannical.”

Tang Qi frowned slightly when the audience was talking about it.

He had a feeling that that stupid red dragon cub would not be really that stupid.

When he was in the “Silver Mechanical Cage”, Tang Qi witnessed the process of Apodoras Ophelia’s escape.

He is a cruel and cruel ruler of flesh and blood, but it doesn’t mean that he has no wisdom.

In fact, the ancestor of this dragon clan was very cunning.

If not, Tang Qi’s “Dragon Queen” would have already repelled the Flesh God Element.

Tang Qi’s hunch became reality in the next second, and he saw a funny starfish appear.

The red dragon cub, who had been disguised as rude and impolite, suddenly became extremely polite. This guy took a step back, politely, and made a look that respected the starfish, and sent out an invitation in a seductive voice:

“Dear Sir, I’m here to invite you to a banquet.”

“I have prepared a [sweet dinner] for you. The dinner is all your favorite foods, such as giant burgers made from crab roe from the Red Sea **** Miskata…”


As the red dragon cub spoke, all the masters were stunned.

In particular, everyone saw that the stupid red dragon directly took out a giant from somewhere in his body in order to increase the persuasiveness of his own language.


Exuding a strong aroma, a huge burger.

Almost immediately, Tang Qi and the masters looked at the entrance of the Pineapple Fort.

The originally sleepy “Funny Starfish” brushed and opened his eyes, his mouth opened wide, and his saliva began to flow.

“Fucked, treacherous Apodoras Ophelia.”

“Shameless Red Dragon, he already knows what food Master Haixing likes.”

“No wonder when he came here, I saw him quietly pulling out a Red Sea God doing something. He was tempting Master Haixing to go out.”

The masters all reacted.

Obviously Apodoras Ophelia is not reckless and foolish at all, on the contrary, he is very treacherous.

On the outside, he looks like a silly red dragon cub who successfully confuses a group of masters.

Tang Qi also saw through that the huge hamburger being held by the dragon’s claw at the moment was indeed the favorite food of “Funny Starfish”.

Just like the attraction of Chaotic Chocolate Beans to the mysterious monarch, the attraction of family candy to Tum is difficult to resist.

According to the personality shown by the comic starfish before, it is almost impossible for him to resist.

He would leave the room in full accordance with the vision of the Red Dragon Cub, dripping saliva, to attend the dinner that He carefully prepared.

“He will not succeed.”

Tang Qi suddenly made a judgment, his tone extremely firm.

Although he did not dare to take the risk to cast “Everything Knows” for the time being, Tang Qi had already seen a lot of things.

If such a trick can succeed, it will not be the turn of Apodoras Ophelia.

Not to mention other guests, just octopus Clayward can easily do this.

Although Clayward’s personality is not even the master, Tang Qi believes that in some respects, Clayward is stronger than the masters.

It seemed that it was to verify Tang Qi’s words, even though the drool from the funny starfish had already submerged the path full of circular potholes.

But the next moment, He refused.

“No, I can’t leave the room, I must stay here.”

“You go, little red earthworm, I can’t go.”

“Little earthworm?”

At this moment, Tang Qi could fully see the red dragon cub’s heads rising in anger, and countless tyrannical vertical pupils twitching.

The onlookers can also guess his psychological activity: “I am the ancestor of the ancient dragon race, the dragon that devours all souls, the evil **** that drags the stars, the communicator of chaos and madness, the ruler of endless flesh and blood…”

Changed an existence, even if it is a master.

If you dare to call him “the little red earthworm”, it will surely be the fury of Apodoras Ophelia.

However, it happened to be the starfish in front of him, even if the pink starfish used his arms and legs to coax a child to pat the head of the red dragon, which was even more humiliating for him.

In the end, Apodoras Ophelia endured it.

He tried to squeeze out a foolish smile, holding the giant hamburger to one of his dragon mouths.

While threatening, while temptation.

“My lord, if you don’t go, I will eat this extremely delicious super giant burger made by the Red Sea God…”

“No, I love this kind of food.”

Although he clearly rejected the red dragon cub, the funny starfish still couldn’t help but swallowed his saliva and went over.

Even though he made this action, he obviously had to retract in the next second.

Seeing this scene, Apodoras Ophelia made a bold move.

He used the “goodwill” of the funny starfish to forcibly communicate with the body, and the next change happened.


Accompanied by a roar of the extremely tyrannical red dragon, everyone could see that the originally stupid red dragon cub swelled in an instant, and even briefly broke away from a certain adaptation rule in that area.

An evil dragon that obscured the sky and dragged the stars appeared. The claws and tail of the dragon were used together, grabbing the pink body of the funny starfish, trying to drag it directly out of the room.

This scene appeared, including Tang Qi was stunned.

All beings, including the audience who fell into the anomaly, were also horrified by the boldness and madness of Apodoras Ophelia.

“That is a supreme divinity!”

In the bottom of everyone’s hearts, this thought was roaring.

However, Tang Qi understood Apodoras Ophelia’s thoughts in an instant. It was a bit crazy, but if it succeeded, it would have a huge reward.

“So far, the funny starfish is indeed the friendliest of the Supreme Divinity?”

“Well, it should be one of them. It is much better than the original Protoss and the infant creation, but maybe not as good as the original prophet.”

“If you really drag him out, according to the rules, Apodoras Ophelia will get a chance to make a wish, which is enough for him to pry open the path to the’Supreme Divinity’ and let him see the light.”

“It’s normal to take risks for this huge benefit, as long as you can afford the price.”

Tang Qi’s thoughts just flickered, and the red dragon’s roar stopped abruptly.

In front of the door, the originally harmonious atmosphere dropped to freezing point, and the strange atmosphere began to permeate.

Apodoras Ophelia, who communicated with the body to summon the body of the evil dragon, turned back into the red dragon cub little by little.

His drag is naturally useless.

Normally, even if it is the kingdom of God that is dominating the scene, the explosive power of Apodoras Ophelia can be dragged at will.

His breath of dragon, one flick of his tail, can destroy the single universe.

But facing the pink body, his power seemed so ridiculous.

He shrank, and then was picked up by a pink arm and foot, a starfish face that was originally simple and friendly, now making an angry expression.

Even though the expression looks like it, it will still be what the human cubs love.

But for Apodoras Ophelia, it’s not so good.

“Are you trying to spoil my waiting, little red! Earthworm! Earthworm!”


The funny starfish did nothing, did not start a war, did not kill Apodoras Ophelia.

It seems, just shouted at him?

But at this moment, on the screen above the Pineapple Castle, everyone saw the picture:

The vastness and mystery belong to the area of ​​the flesh and blood **** system.

Outside of the “Dragon’s Nest” where Apodoras Ophelia’s body was entrenched, a terrifying “Pentagonal” phantom appeared.

The shadow straddles the stars and the sky, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is like a pink light, crushing all time, space and other concepts.

Apodoras Ophelia is very powerful, and the dominant group is also strong.

But his body that lives in the dragon’s nest has no time to do anything, he is crazy.

He couldn’t withstand the impact of “the invalidation of authority”, as if it really turned into a red earthworm, howling and twisting in the nest.

In the dark, the voice of octopus Clayward came:

“Stupid Red Dragon. He angered an indescribable existence in a despicable way. He paid malice and gained malice.”

“He will fall into a complete nightmare, and the invalid authority will turn into pieces and pierce his soul. In the aftermath of about a million years, he will have to taste the pain.”

“Guests, use wisdom, but don’t believe in wisdom.”

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