Lord of the Witches

v2 Chapter 281 - The umbilical cord of the Lord of Light

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The gods were shocked by the divine object of “infinite sweetness”, and they were all speechless.

And Tang Qi, the tentacles trembled slightly at this moment.

My heart was a little turbulent, and I couldn’t help yelling at the prophets and sages who hadn’t met yet: “My own people are also pitted. If you agree to be a fool, let me wrap up shit?”

Tang Qi’s thoughts are very rude, and he expresses his situation intuitively.

Although his tentacles are wrapped in fetishes, the external form is actually a perfect cake that even the **** of food cannot make.

But this can’t change the essence, it is still a product from the Defiled Plane of All Souls.

The gods and Tang Qi remained silent, but the introduction of the ancients continued:

“The Boundless Sweetness was made by a mysterious wise man. Of course, he did not do it himself, but the native divine entity [Maggot Sea God] that controls the Defiled Plane of All Souls to complete this work at intervals.”

“This work was sold on consignment with us, and it has been slow for two epochs. Any customer willing to buy it only needs to pay a very small price. Of course, if it is sold back after the purchase, the price will need to be negotiated.”

“It is determined that the divine entity that needs it least is’Nanamia, the God of Purity’.”

“I hope you can sell it, and bless you.”

When the ancients uttered the last words, there was a clear sympathy in his eyes.

Obviously, the ancient man didn’t think Tang Qi could do it.

In fact, even Tang Qi himself had no confidence.

Too bad!

Sell ​​a cake made of filth to the **** of cleanliness?

This kind of thinking can only be nurtured by shameless genius.

The Supreme Deer God, who was still confronting “Vientiane No. 2”, was already laughing so hard he couldn’t help himself.

He was still chewed by the big dog entity on one deer hoof, while the other deer hoof pointed at Tang Qi from a distance. There was an unconcealable gloat in the laughter.

“Hahaha… you are really lucky with the shiny but smelly little thing now.”

“I didn’t expect that there would be such an interesting fetish. I knew I would look for these ancients to visit in advance.”

“I look forward to your performance, I’m sure to win.”

“Facts have proved that even if you have a little witch in charge of your destiny as your partner, you may not be lucky enough.”

“I’m different, the highest deer god, the best salesman in the God Realm, can finally show the most powerful sales skills.”

It is rare to perform super-level, after uttering a few words of ridicule, the deer-shaped supreme **** carried the second of the miraculous and disappeared in place.

As before, all obstacles are in vain to him.

Within the sight of the audience, a special area was quickly reflected.

Here, it seems to be the junction of water and sky.

The endless colorless liquid spreads out, swallowing light, quiet as a mirror.

The dome is dark, darkness that even the stars do not have.

Between the two, there is a prominent, extremely dark “reef”.

On the reef, a figure squatted.

No one can see His true form or understand Him at the first time.

All eyes can only see one thing.

Solitude, endless loneliness.


Boundless mystery is more mysterious, and it is also a truly permanent and neutral divine entity.

From the moment He ascended to God, He has never participated in any dispute.

He is the incarnation of “loneliness”, he indulges in that breath, and he is loneliness itself.

When his figure squatting on the reef appeared, no one wanted to break this scene. Just looking at him can bring countless “insights” to almost any living body.

He does not release pollution, but He has a peculiar divine radiation.

That kind of radiation aura, even a Dominant-level divine entity could not bear to break it, and could not bear to stop it.

The masters, including Tang Qi, even if they have a need, when they see “Pangral” squatting on the reef, they can’t help restraining the thoughts in their hearts, and then they have another thought.

“Let him stay, let him stay alone until eternity.”

At this moment, the gods and sentient beings all have the same idea.

However, the accident happened quickly.

This picture of harmony, loneliness and tranquility to the extreme has been broken.

The mirror-like water surface suddenly rippled, but two figures brazenly broke in.

Supreme Deer God!

Vientiane two!

Of course there are existences that can exempt the divine radiation released by the lonely god, and now they come directly.

The deer-shaped Supreme God outlined by black lines is exceptionally harmonious in this lonely universe, but when he speaks, the lonely atmosphere here is shattered.

His voice is rare and no longer so arrogant, and even has traces of human society.

“Hey guy.”

“Listen, you are lucky.”

“I don’t care about your tragic experience that makes you so lonely, but it doesn’t matter, all of this can be solved, let the great deer **** show you miracles.”

“I have brought you the boundless, mysterious, most well-behaved and lovely pet. He can accompany you forever and solve your plight perfectly.”

“The most important thing is that He is giving away for free.”

“Yes, you heard it right, it’s free, I’m so moved I’m about to cry.”

“As long as you say the three words ‘I do’, it’s very simple, come and say it with me…”

Very routine sales words were spit out, and the deer **** also stretched out one of his deer hoofs.

Coincidentally, when the “two of all phenomena” approached the figure sitting on the reef without saying a word, an indescribable light burst into his dog’s eyes.

All the audience, including the Supreme Deer God.

I understood the idea of ​​this “big dog” in an instant, very easy to understand.

“To play a game…”


The next moment, the second of Vientiane fell off the deer hoof.

Like a pool of liquid, a new, still figure was formed on the side of the reef.

This figure is no longer a big dog.

It was a “giant elephant”, a giant elephant that was so melancholy.

He was very considerate and transformed into another reef.

His rough **** sat on it, his ears drooping like a fan, and his tail hanging down…The loneliest, melancholy, and sad back in the world was reflected in the eyes of the gods at this moment.

The atmosphere that seemed funny and funny at first reversed in an instant.

“They are so lonely.”

“Obviously, there are already two shadows, and they can accompany each other. Why do they appear to be more lonely.”

“So sad, I really want to cry.”

As the gods were whispering, unexpected voices rang suddenly.

“Congratulations to the deer god, the deal is concluded.”


The gods became surprised again at this time. In the second round, the Supreme Deer God won?

The fact seems to be true, even though Panglaer, the lonely god, didn’t really say that I was willing.

But he himself, and the lonely universe he is in, strangely accepted “Vientiane No. 2”, which is equivalent to saying those three words, which means signing an adoption contract.

This seems to be some kind of misjudgment, even though Panglaer is a lonely **** and does not need company or pets.

It’s just that the second of Vientiane is very special, and his divine power can dispel the maliciousness of the Supreme Deer God, let alone a lonely God who is only a “weak God”.

The “lone elephant” that He changed perfectly fits Panglaer.

Ever since, the lonely **** has a pet. With Panglaer’s setting that he can squat for hundreds of millions of years, it is undoubtedly in line with the requirements of “the longest love owner”.

The promotion was successful, but the Supreme Deer God was not very happy.

He still stayed in the lonely universe, completely ignoring the rejection that this person showed against him.

He procrastinated, murmured not to leave.

“Is that agreed? I shouldn’t refuse first, I will persuade, and then use my best salesmanship skills to convince you…”

When the Supreme Deer God Lai was in the Lonely Universe, the audience realized that Tang Qi had also started to act.

All audiences are looking forward to the way the dream master, who has the title of “deceiver”, will use to promote the [infinite sweetness].

The gods put themselves in the place and thought about it, and gave up in abject cold.

Under the condition that “cannot attack guests”, it is impossible to sell such a magical object.

Especially the other party is still the **** of cleanliness.


Not surprisingly, Tang Qi, who was about to move to the clean plane, was turned away.

His body, shining with dreamy brilliance, enough to make most of the universe planes open for him, rarely encountered rejection.

In the front is the “universal portal” that does not contaminate any dust.

It was like a portal made of glass and crystal, with no end in sight, blocking a sovereign-level divine entity.

Although in Tang Qi’s view, this portal is actually extremely fragile.

He doesn’t even need to take a serious shot, he can show his power and open it forcibly with just a thought.

But out of politeness, Tang Qi did not do this.

He was even a little embarrassed, deliberately letting the tentacles wrapped in [Infinite Sweetness] drift farther, although it didn’t make any sense, the stench filled all the space in the blink of an eye.

A tentacle squirmed, trying to knock on the door.

But at this moment, a soft voice came from inside the portal.

The source of the sound is obviously a goddess.

“Dear ‘Dream’, please… please forgive me… I cannot let you into my world until you put that thing down.”

“If you forcibly break in, I…I…I will escape.”

The last sentence is very firm.

The door is tightly closed, but all viewers can see it.

A beautiful, weak face gradually emerged on the surface of the portal. It was indeed a goddess who moved the hearts of the gods and wanted to protect her, Nana Miya who was in charge of “cleanness”.

The audience seemed to have foreseen that Tang Qi brazenly broke into the universe of this goddess in order to promote the gods.

Clean and defiled.

Poor “Nanamiya” had to abandon her kingdom of God and escape in tears.

Suddenly, more than many gods felt sympathy for this.

If it weren’t for the unattainable personality of both parties in this duel, I’m afraid there would have been gods willing to help.

Tang Qi, who was temporarily reduced to a “villain”, was helpless at this moment.

Who can think of it?

The group of prophets and wise men even pit their own people, and they say good sages are candidates.

Let Him be a master, wrapped in a dirty cake, and knock on the door of a clean goddess.

Tang Qi was also in a dilemma because he couldn’t “strongly buy and sell,” and he couldn’t even see the guests.

He opened his mouth and tried to say something.

For the first time, Tang Qi felt a sense of being speechless.

According to fair rules, even as the master of dreams, Tang Qi cannot force Nana Miya to purchase [Infinite Sweet].

As for the deception that has been repeatedly done by borrowing the “knowledge of everything”, it is now proved that this method is not omnipotent.

At least this time, Tang Qi couldn’t see any hope of accomplishment.

Tang Qi couldn’t imagine what it would look like for a clean goddess like Nanamiya holding a cake made of all spirits and filth.

Feeling a strong extreme “fear”, constantly overflowing from behind the transparent portal.

Tang Qi sighed, turned and left.

Obviously, this is the first time that Tang Qi has given up on cheating his opponents, and Nana Miya, the goddess of cleanliness, has escaped.

What Tang Qi didn’t see was that he left.

A huge, white palm and a clean goddess phantom appeared on the transparent portal. There were still tears in the eyes, but the hand speed was still not slow. The portal began to be smeared like a phantom, just to eliminate Tang Qi. Some invisible traces of breath left behind.

“In the second round, the Supreme Deer God won.”

The result of letting the returning deer **** raise his head and grin at the deer’s mouth was announced by the ancients.

But at this time, Tang Qi’s face didn’t show much loss, although the sages also cheated their own people easily, full of evil taste.

But the “reminder” left is also obvious, this is still a scam.

It is not so easy to fool a supreme divinity, even if he has the nickname “stupid deer”.

Always give some sweetness first, lest he see that something is wrong and cause the logical trap that entangles him to fail.

“The ultimate goal of the sages is for him to lose to me, so that he must promise me a condition, such as resisting another supreme divinity for me…”

After losing the second round, Tang Qi’s thinking radiated further.

At this time, two clicking sounds came at the same time.

That tentacles, that deer hoof.

The last ball of light surrounding it dimmed and shattered at this moment.

The “sacred fetish” that the two need to be promoted appeared in the eyes of all audiences at almost the same time.

The eyes of the gods were the first to cast their eyes on Tang Qi.

This comes from the surprise of the second round, although “Vientiane No. 2” is also a very surprising fetish.

But in terms of the degree of surprise, it is far from being compared with [Infinite Sweet].

You know Nana Mia is still crying, the goddess didn’t even touch the cake.

He just accidentally smelled the remaining breath while cleaning the door. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com still cries bitterly, and yells: “I am not clean…I am not clean anymore.”

The gods are all looking forward to the possibility that there will be a second fetish like Boundless Sweetness.

In the eyes of a lot of anticipation, the answer was revealed.

In Tang Qi’s tentacles, there was something bloody, sticky and slippery.

That seems to be a piece…

“The umbilical cord?”

Tang Qi stared at the things in his tentacles, surprised and uncertain.

What surprised Tang Qi and the audience more was the introduction from Bos Aiken at the next moment.

The first sentence, just the first sentence, caused an uproar.

“Its name is…Bright Umbilical Cord!”

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