Lord of the Witches

v2 Chapter 285 - Queen of Destiny and Angels

Inside the dreamy tower, the scene being staged is both embarrassing and a bit sweet.

But the entangled two are actually under terrifying pressure.

The malicious coercion from the “infant creator” is trying to destroy the two.

As the pressure increased and gradually began to form a life and death crisis for them, Tang Qi had to consider using his hole cards to summon the Supreme Deer God who had just left.

But before the last moment, Tang Qi would not really do this.

Tang Qi held his head high and stared outside the dream country.

When the library was attacked, the Blank Worm was so terrible that it almost destroyed the first floor of the library.

The countless books and secret knowledge were swallowed up by insects.

But those who are not terrible to Tang Qi, the only thing that really makes Tang Qi feel threatened is the true body of the infant Creator.

“The creation body has come, I can’t resist, I can only summon the deer god.”

“If it’s not the body, it’s just a conquest, then everything is different.”

Tang Qi’s thoughts are clear.

There is no error in his perception of himself, and he is now a powerful master even in the master-level divine group.

Tang Qi would not feel tricky for almost any divine faction camp.

But the personality gap cannot be made up in a short period of time.

If the opponent is a supreme divine, and he will personally come to kill Tang Qi.

So no matter how Tang Qi struggled to resist, it would be of no use.

But if it wasn’t, it was just a terrifying war, then Tang Qi would be happy to fight.

Excluding the “Creator” itself, Tang Qi is not afraid of any trouble.

One second!

Two seconds!

Three seconds!

Just when Tang Qi and Sally hugged each other completely because of the invisible pressure, their bodies pressed tightly and could feel each other’s heartbeat.

Outside the darkness, a terrible light flickered.

A huge “circle” separates the dark scenes.

Then, there is another circle, the third circle, and more circles.

Time channel!

A large number of time and space channels overflowing with terrorist threats were opened without warning.

“Here, the army of the Creator.”

There was even a hint of excitement in Tang Qi’s voice.

His premonition became reality again, and it was not the Creator himself who conquered the fantasy kingdom, at least not in the first wave.

It is the army of the Creator that divides the dark scene.

The quantity may be able to crush the army of any **** system and camp in the boundless mystery.

Even if it is the ancient camp of Light, Abyss, Nature, etc., the army that can be dispatched is far from comparable to what Tang Qi perceives at this moment.

The countless “time and space auras” superimposed on each other began to breathe countless terrorist creations

One after another, a bloodthirsty army composed of silent, armored, and murderous soldiers.

Countless “big beasts” struggling from the depths of the shadows, they exude all kinds of divine auras, they opened their huge mouths, and roared with extreme hunger.

The foreign body that comes with dust, blood, and mud, can never be satisfied with a Ghoul giant.

From the blizzard, weird footsteps mixed with death and madness were stepped on, like a cancerous factor, unscrupulously polluting everything.

Divinity is condensed into authority, blindly and foolishly occupying the soul, “gods” driven only by instinct, they are like a dark forest that can be moved, submerged in the rustling faint sounds.

Too much, too much.

Even Tang Qi, even Sally.

At this moment, it is impossible to count at all, how many kinds of army surrounded the dream country.

As long as it can be found in “Boundless Mystery”, it can also be seen outside the kingdom at this moment.

There are some differences in the versions, but that kind of wonderful connection cannot be parted at all.

It is like the Creator imitated all beings and all things in the boundless mystery, and once again created some bloodthirsty versions of terrifying creatures.

Almost immediately, the vast and mysterious area seemed to be infested by “ink”, and all kinds of filthy colors stained the black screen strangely, and it was extremely disgusting.

Tang Qi knows everything, and Sally fiddles with the line of fate.

The two closely adhered to each other, watching the army that could not see the end, and each saw the truth.

“This is an army that has been tempered by fire and blood. It is a collection of the first experimental products of the young creator. Wherever they go, everything will be destroyed.”

“They want to destroy my kingdom, dismember my body, and dedicate the essence of authority in my body to the great Creator.”

“Unpredictable, loyal and bloodthirsty servants.”

When Tang Qi whispered out these, there was no fear in his tone, but some excitement.

His guess was confirmed.

The young creator is like a proud and powerful bear kid.

For some reason, he wanted the dream power that Tang Qi held.

But he is not willing to **** it personally. That is actually the plan with the highest success rate.

He seemed to be very casual, sending out his faithful servants.

This army that broke free from the dark scene and has been tempered by fire and blood, they are all “test items” of the Creator, created by the young Lord, and prove the Lord’s mighty power with the meaning of their own existence.

They have destroyed unknown numbers of the same kind, and have killed unknown numbers of races and planes.

In the end, only the most bloodthirsty and perfect test product can survive to the present.

Tang Qi and Sally’s gaze ignored the ant-like sappers, focusing on the “powerful individuals” with the strongest divine breath.

The strange sense of familiarity is passed from those distorted figures.

If judged only from the external form, then these “gods” are actually unfamiliar and new gods.

But the two did not look at the form, but silently perceive the divinity.

It’s easy to judge

Gods are all gods.

But these gods all have their own blueprints.

They were “fake”, using the boundless mystery, or the second boundless spirits as the blueprint, and adding the Creator’s own “inspiration”, and finally they formed.

In Tang Qi’s eyes, the light flickered.

At this moment, he seemed to see the fallen version of the Lord of Light, the slutty version of Lady Night, the destroyed version of Mother God, the broken version of the mechanical god…

In a daze, Tang Qi almost mistakenly thought he was an enemy in the world.

All seemingly boundless and mysterious gods come to conquer themselves and conquer the dreamland.

Tang Qi’s gods, family members, and believers felt the same at this moment.

When the “loyal servants” of the Creator pass through the wormhole channel, they almost completely replace the shady, enveloping the fantasy universe.

The breath of horror completely replaced the air.

Every creature in the dream world has fallen into an extremely depressed state, which is more terrifying than the abyssal purgatory.


Coming, the war broke out silently.

This army, which seems to have never been known by the boundless mystery, when they move, it is like the “pustule” growing in the void, all shattered in an instant.

Pus with infinite erosion power covered and corroded in a blink of an eye, and then completely cut off a certain “barrier”.

“I can’t escape, my country has been cut out of mystery alone.”

“The lines of fate… all break.”

In the tower, Tang Qi and Sally, who had gradually adapted to the pressure of the Creator, looked at each other and said.

“They are arrogant, but they have rich experience in warfare.”

“The experience accumulated purely at the cost of’life’, even those war lunatics in the God of War camp cannot be compared with these bloodthirsty and evil experiments.”

“It seems that my body is being watched by a large group of perverted and bloodthirsty lunatics. They want to cut me. Each piece is a perfect sacrifice that can be offered to the Great Creator.”

“We have no choice but to fight.”

Tang Qi talked expressionlessly, still holding Sally in his tentacles.

He clearly stated the horror and strength of the “Fire and Blood Army” that struck, but at the same time, Sally could also see that there was no fear in Tang Qi’s eyes.

According to Sally’s assessment, this bloodthirsty army sent by the infant creator can defeat any divine faction in the boundless mystery in a very short time without hindrance.

This includes some gods with dual dominance configurations.

The fantasy gods are very powerful, rising extremely fast, not weaker than any **** system camp.

But the contrast will undoubtedly fail miserably.

Once the war started, Tang Qi and Sally could almost predict the scene of the slaughtered fantasy gods.

Even if it is Diana, the Lord of Natural Disasters, Son of Machine, etc., who are already powerful gods, they can’t escape the end of being killed and falling.

Why is this?

Up to this moment, Tang Qi hadn’t had a reason to let the fantasy gods fight.

The subordinate gods and the dependents were pressed down, but the fighting spirit that poured out of Tang Qi’s body was already violent like a tsunami.

He took Sally, borrowing Sally’s own “anchor” in the dream country, and began to pry bit by bit the long river of fate isolated in the boundless mystery, unable to touch the dream country.

In the void of infinite pus that has been sputtered, a determined, logical and rational voice begins to narrate

“Among those crazy bloodthirsty people, there is a heroic child.”

“She has inherited Hal Lodge’s free will, and with the help of fate, she will destroy the bloodthirsty servants of the evil Creator at the moment he is most proud of.”

“This is a counterattack over a long period of time. The “Queen” who is destined to replace her heroic father slaps a powerful blow.”

“Boom… boom boom”

With Tang Qi’s mandatory narrative, a huge movement was triggered.

The tide, which was shrouded in endless gray mist and covered everything, surged from the deepest depths of mystery.

The river of great strength stops at the cutting point.

This army contaminated the fantasy universe in a way similar to “cancer”, forcibly corroded this area, and cut it down.

The river tide keeps beating the space boundary, but it can only rush through some fog and tide, and the body cannot go beyond it.

Until the next moment, a “reverse current” suddenly appeared in the space flooded by the army of fire and blood.

The Queen of Destiny sitting on the “Iron Throne” suddenly got up, revealing her slender and strong body, her royal robe flying, the crown above her head radiant, and the scepter in her hand waving.

An army that only obeyed the Queen’s orders, suddenly went upstream.

As far as the whole army is concerned, the army led by the Queen of Destiny is nothing but a trivial “spray.”

It jumped away from the filthy, bloodthirsty group of loyal servants.

In a daze, the Queen of Destiny seemed to see her father, Hal Lodge again.

At that time, Hal and the followers behind him, like a “wave” jumping up, crossed the hands that could wipe everything, and came behind the curtain

And at that moment, he roared at the Creator who opened his eyes.

Father and daughter!

Two figures, at this moment, time and space merge and merge.

The same figure, the same roar

“The shit-like creator, fxxx your fart…Turn around and lay down on the great Queen of Destiny, and greet the essence of Hal who has arrived although late.”


The daughter who inherited the will of her father did the same thing.

That is, to blaspheme the Creator who plays with the world and with life.

The difference is that no Creator opened his eyes this time, and no engineer coldly announced the “game over”.

When the voice of the Queen of the Destiny fell, the “spray” she led the army into was successfully connected with the tide of fate that could not break the boundaries.


The unspeakable reaction occurred, and the destiny queen’s return blow reconnected the severed boundary.

There, it was like a fatal “crack.”

The waves merge into the tide of fate, and the broken line of fate is restored.

The gray mist and the tide of the fate that washed everything, along the breach, enveloped everything in the blink of an eye.

The “army” that has destroyed countless cosmic planes and dismembered countless creatures has fallen into the long river of fate for the first time.

Inside the tower, two voices overlapped

“Everything has a destiny, and everything has a destiny.”

“I, the goddess in charge of’destiny’, announced that you will drown here.”


Tang Qi and Sally started at the same time, and in the originally blurred and clear river tide, countless “resentful souls” were summoned by Tang Qi to break the boundary between fantasy and reality.

With the line of fate as an anchor, all the resentful souls summoned died at the hands of this army.

The number of them is unimaginable, they come with resentment and killing intent.

They roared silently and rushed forward, dragging the bloodthirsty crazy individuals into the depths of the river tide.



In the river tide, vortexes are growing at this moment.

But after a while, everything stopped.

The bloodthirsty and crazy army disappeared.

It is enough to destroy the loyal servants sent by the infant creator in any of the mystery of the boundless camp.

Died by a daughter of Hal Rocky after a long time lapse of counterattack, and died by the combination of the Lord of Dreams and the Goddess of Destiny, the power of the two superimposed, drowning those terrifying creatures collectively.

The filth was swept away.

The dreamy glory once again began to radiate toward the boundless mystery.

The “lighthouse” that illuminates the lost and fallen is about to reopen.

Until the shady scene that had been lifted, it was covered again without warning.

The dreamy brilliance disappeared.

Another kind of “light” flashes out at this moment.

It was a creature, a humanoid individual more like a **** than a god. U U Reading www.uukanshu.com

He was wrapped in a soft, cold light, and he was like a baby who had just left the “mother body”.

He slowly stretched his body, stretched out the tens of thousands of wings composed of white feathers.

He was born and began to grow.

In just one second, or a shorter period of time, He is already as high as a mountain, with wings spread out, covering the starry sky.

And “He” was not born alone.

He has other brothers and sisters, one after another, separated from the mother.

Surrounding the dreamland, endless light feathers begin to fill the space.


At this moment, Tang Qi and Sally said solemnly at the same time.

S Qiuzhang said, getting closer to the ending, and then there will be an uninterrupted climax-the trendy plot, seeking more and more encouragement.

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