Lord of the Witches

v2 Chapter 294 - Mother god\\\'s request

Tang Qi wanted to ask the mother goddess, what is the existence or power of erasing the “Bellamon civilization”?

But when the voice of the mother myth fell, a new real picture emerged seamlessly.

This time, it is no longer a splendid galaxy civilization, but a primitive planet with strong vitality, and there is no trace of “civilization” on it.

There is no country, no city-state, only a large number of primitive life forms.

And some humanoid lifeforms with wisdom and beginning to form gathering places, more primitive and wild races.

They just successfully hunted, lit a campfire, processed and cooked their prey, danced around the campfire, fed newborn larvae… They were far from civilization, but just a seed of civilization.

No one can predict what kind of intelligent race and civilization will be bred on this planet in many years.

Unfortunately, they disappeared in the next moment.

Just like the Belamon civilization, it has been erased and there is no trace.

The voice of the mother **** has not yet heard, and more scenes emerge.

Surrounded by the grotesque “boat of fools”, or a certain world, or a certain race, a certain civilization, a certain city, or even a certain life form… Tang Qi, Stana, and the Yogg Worm, seem to be in The true boundless mystery, randomly selected a corner of the mystery to display.

The three people actually hope so.

But they all know that the truth is not.

All the “real scenes” displayed actually represent the victims of the most cruel and mysterious punishment.

Too much, too much.

Tang Qi could not count the number clearly, nor could he count the next **** of time.

They can try to convince themselves that those are “illusions.”

But the truth is that they all know that those are not illusions, they are real.

At this moment, the Ship of Fools suddenly sailed into a new city.

The city seems to be in a celebration, a celebration that Tang Qi and Stana are familiar with.

The words, the decorations, and the contents all show that the city is spending it, which is the unique “Thanksgiving Day” of the Origin Star Condor Federation.

And this city is also very huge and prosperous.

According to Tang Qi and Steiner’s memory, it is second only to the largest federal city “Eagle’s Nest City” and the second largest “Carta City”.

In other words, they are likely to be in the third largest city in the Federation.

But strangely, neither of them can recall the name of the city.

Even if the city has landmarks that people can’t forget as long as they have seen it, even in books, magazines, and travel brochures.

It was a clock tower that went straight into the sky, towering, and the exterior wall was mottled and old.

Tang Qi and Steina each extended a hand on the boat and touched the outer wall of the clock tower and a gray dove flying over the night sky of the city.

Absolute, real touch.

But at the next moment, I was already familiar with the numbness of “disappearance”.

The strange third largest city in the Federation has disappeared.

“This is impossible!”

Tang Qi couldn’t remember how long he hadn’t felt this way, so he was extremely shocked.

Stana, who was already a powerful god, was equally unacceptable.

He couldn’t even understand, what happened?

Until the wind, the voice of the mother **** continued to come.

“Wind City, the third largest city in the Star Eagle Federation.”

“It has a permanent population of millions. It was once one of the cities with the longest history in the Federation. It has given birth to many miracles. There are countless ancient and fresh battles surrounding it. It has nurtured many outstanding human individuals… …It should have been a name that cannot be eliminated in the history of the Federation and even the Origin Star.”

“But when that moment comes, none of this makes sense.”

“It’s gone, just like other penalized existences.”

“No one remembers this city and the people who live in it, even if you have close relatives in it.”

“There won’t be any blanks on the map, it will be filled, and no one will notice it.”

“The’ripples’ it once rippled, will be roughly and irreversibly smoothed, just like a drop of water has never fallen on the water.”

“Boom Rumble”

Before that, Tang Qi and Steina, who had seen countless universes, civilizations and races disappear, had already endured enough shock in their hearts.

But at this time, they were still frightened.

Some deep-rooted “cognitions” deep in their hearts are directly subject to change.

“In other words, the true federation once had a prosperous city named Windy City, second only to Eagle’s Nest and Katai.”

“This city has existed, and it is very old, and it has given birth to countless miracles.”

“But at some familiar moment, it was erased.”

“Not only the material level, but also the history, memory, cognition, etc., erasure in the true sense.”

“Perhaps at that moment, a certain member of the Federation whose relatives were all in the Windy City, after a second, he no longer remembers those relatives, and assumed that he was living alone in the Federation, which is extremely natural and true… similar situations are billions. No one will feel that something is wrong. If it doesn’t exist, it doesn’t exist.”

Things closer to yourself can trigger deeper feelings.

A strong man who has broken free from his dominance, a **** in charge of dreams.

A powerful god, the new goddess of light.

Both are from the Federation, and the eyes are dull and unbelievable at this moment.

Tang Qi, who knew everything about everything, was the first to react. Although he still had thoughts in his mind, he already faintly knew what the mother **** showed.

“Wuyin mysteriously has some terrible’phenomenon’, and it can be said that it is pollution.”

“The phenomenon has no laws and no wisdom. It is like a concept… Yes, it is a concept.”

“This concept is’non-existence’, in the true sense of non-existence, once it is selected, no matter the plane of the universe, racial civilization, or even a single life body… will become non-existent and there will be no existence. trace.”

“Including the sovereign-level divine entity, it is impossible to detect this phenomenon at all, but will be included by it, and accept that the cognition is changed?”

“The only exception is the mother god.”


Suddenly, an inspiration came from the depths of Tang Qi’s heart.

He slowly raised his head and looked at the humanoid entity that seemed to fill the world forever, the benevolent mother goddess.

It seems to be asking, but the tone is extremely determined

“This is why you gave up your ascension to the’Highest Divinity’?”

“You discovered this phenomenon, and then you started to do something for them, the erased them, and it lasted for several epochs…”

Tang Qi revealed a mystery that has plagued the endless mysterious gods for a long time, but the mother goddess did not deny it.

But soon more doubts were born, and at this time the ship of fools was very close to the body of the mother god.

The gentle wind blew over, and the brilliance fell, and the three divine entities on the ship felt unprecedented warmth.

There is no other goddess whose “affinity” can compare with the mother goddess, even Diana.

“That phenomenon, what exactly is it?”

“What caused it?”

“Is there a way to solve it?”

Tang Qi didn’t conceal his doubts, his thoughts kept pouring out.

Before the mother **** replied, Tang Qi seemed to think of something, and suddenly said, “That phenomenon… has something to do with the mystery of Boundlessness and the’Second Boundlessness’?”

“A disaster that even the highest divinity cannot resist is brewing. Is this a sign?”


This time, the Ship of Fools seemed to be completely in the arms of his mother.

But the three people on the boat were extremely nervous, and after Tang Qi spoke, they all knew.

If the mother **** responds, it is likely that they will hear the greatest secret in the boundless mystery.

Almost all the divine entities involved in this secret have reached the level of “supreme divinity”.

Most of the masters are completely deceived.

They seem to hold powerful authority and dominate the destiny of millions of creatures… But at this level, they actually know nothing.

Tang Qi carried the boat lights, the dim light merged with the warm light.

At this moment, He heard the gentle voice again.

He said, very calm.

“The sages told me that you are the last sage candidate of this era. You have enough wisdom to be one of them, and they are always right.”

“Child, I know that you and this cute little bug are from the future. I also know that you are facing a terrible crisis. Unfortunately, there is no ‘me’ in the future, so I cannot help.”

“And I must apologize to you because of one thing I will do next.”

“I call you to come to my country. Apart from entrusting this stubborn child to you, I also want you and this little bug to take over part of my duties.”

“Well, a small part, but it will still endanger your lives.”

“If you want to refuse, I can understand, I will not force you.”

“You have the right to know about the dangers in that duty.”

“That terrible phenomenon is related to the two worlds, and it is indeed a sign that even the supreme divinity cannot withstand disasters. It has appeared since the Origin Period.”

“In fact, around that’disaster’, several supreme divinities have fallen.”

“Every time you can only procrastinate, UU reads www.uukanshu.com instead of eliminating it, but it will come after all, and it will inevitably come.”

“But none of your personalities have reached the highest level, so you won’t intervene in it for the time being, and you won’t be able to do anything if you intervene.”

“And the small part of the responsibilities I want you to take over is related to the phenomenon. You only know the existence of the phenomenon, but you haven’t seen the real’secrets’ behind the phenomenon. I want you to see them and understand They, remember them.”

“It doesn’t sound difficult or dangerous.”

“But the truth is that even if you just’see’ them, it is very likely that you will fall immediately, even if you have ascended to the dominating person, even if you are the next **** of time.”

“They are worthy of pity, but they are also extremely dangerous.”

“Sorry, I’m too long-winded, but I can’t deceive you.”

“If you refuse, I will send you away, don’t worry about my crazy child, he can’t cause any trouble.”

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