Lord of the World: I Became a Zombie

Chapter 113

Chapter 112: Super Devotee

Jiang Si looked forward to it and threw the crystal fragment in his hand to the believer.

It would be great if the devotees could use the fragments.

Compared with a few stronger special evolution soldiers around, of course, it is better to have higher collection and production efficiency!

Origin Crystal Fragment…

Didn’t expect it to be so useful.

If in the near future, the crystals of all believers can be replaced with this.

Then the production efficiency of my territory will be able to go up from the start?

No, there are too many surprises today.

Unexpectedly, it gave me the opportunity to take off directly.

Jiang Si’s heart was surging with anticipation.

His eyes stared straight at the believer, wanting to see how he could replace his crystals.

But the believer of the Lord of the Underworld in front of him was stupid, his eyes were blank, and his mouth was slightly open.

The hands holding the source crystal fragments trembled, and the whole person was dumbfounded.

“Don’t be stunned, hurry up!”

Seeing his strange reaction, Jiang Si reached out and patted his shoulder.

The believer regained his senses, looked down at the crystal in his hand, and then glanced at Jiang Si.

Seemingly unbelievable, he cautiously asked Jiang Si:

“Dad… lord? You really reward me with such a precious artifact like this?!”

“Artifact? Does this thing count?”

Jiang Si heard this and muttered to himself.

Turning to look at the Soul Binding Fortress, I saw that in the center of the zombie vortex on the top of the city, two more sand-sized source energy crystals began to condense.

At this rate, two more can be harvested around evening.

It can produce 4 to 6 pieces in one day. If you want to say that this is an artifact, that is too much, right?

Hey, so many!

All in all, these are not critical issues.

“Yes, I’ll give it to you. Stop the ink, and replace it! I’m still anxious to see the result.”

Jiang Si turned his head helplessly and waved his hand to the believer.

Hearing Jiang Si’s approval, the disciples of the Lord of the Underworld trembled.

Tears flowed from his eyes in an instant, his hands were raised, but his body was crawling down as much as possible.

In short, this posture is quite difficult to grasp, but he shouted to Jiang Si in this way:

“The omnipotent Lord of the River Styx is above! Our great lord will live forever!”

After he finished speaking, he knelt on the ground excitedly.

Slowly took off the robe, and placed the fragments on the robe with great care.

Then he looked down at the crystal of life on his chest, stretched out his hand, and took it off gently.

In an instant, Jiang Si saw the life breath of this believer dissipate.

The already withered body slumped in even more, and even his face was sunken and only withered bones remained.

Taking off the crystal of life is equivalent to saying goodbye to all the anger connected to the body.

Breathing became rapid, and the body swayed weakly.

Just like a dying man.

But that didn’t last long.

Just as Jiang Si watched his dry fingers pick up the shard and re-fit it in the depression of the previous life crystal.

A pure force burst out from its body once again.

This power is not strong.

At most, it is barely enough to piece together zombies.

But as a human, and an ordinary person who has never received any combat training.

The aura that erupted from his body could reach such a level, which had to surprise Jiang Si.

And with the insertion of the source energy crystal, his dry body also changed rapidly.

The dull complexion is darkened, but rejuvenated and supple.

Strong muscles also grow under the skin, filling the body quickly.

The believer looked surprised and raised his hand to see the changes in his body.

By the time all the changes stopped and the believer stood up from the ground again, he had become a healthy to a somewhat excessive adult male.

Only the skin color remained the cyan of the dead, and it seemed that it would never change back.


did not expect.

The effect of this crystal is quite large.

I just don’t know if there is any change in the properties.

Jiang Si narrowed his eyes and opened it to confirm.

But everything seems to be the same as before, only in the description, there has been a little change in the paragraph of “turning into a skeleton craftsman after death and continuing to serve the Lord of the Underworld”.

Once he dies in the future, he will no longer become a skeleton craftsman, but a corpse craftsman.

Just by replacing a core, can the quality of the undead that he can transform after his death undergo such a big change?

From the point of view of ordinary human beings, this is indeed a leap forward.

I fuck.

It’s really awesome!

Jiang Si sighed in his heart, and in the next moment, the death energy of the believer of the Lord of the Underworld came out vigorously.

The concentration has increased significantly, almost 10 times as much as before.

Even condensing these dead energy into claws can produce a lot of power, right?

If you work with this intensity of death energy, you don’t have to think about it, and the efficiency is also the difference between heaven and earth.

“Sir! Your kindness is really comparable to the Gospel of the Underworld Lord! It’s really unrewarding! Let me dedicate this body, soul, and everything I have to you!”

With a thud, the Underworld Lord believer fell to his knees again.

The voice was excited and said loudly to Jiang Si.

The corner of Jiang Si’s mouth twitched, it seems that he has heard this once, right?

“Didn’t you give it to me earlier?”

“Ah! Then… I don’t know how to express it!”

“Work hard and don’t be lazy.”

“Yes! The ego must do my best, even after death!”

The believer said impassively, banging his head a few times.

The movement here was quickly noticed by more people, and a commotion quickly spread among the believers.

Everyone stopped their work at this time, and their eyes kept wandering between the believers and Jiang Si.

This time, Jiang Si really saw jealousy and greed on the faces of more believers.


Because I’m here, these 100% loyal slaves don’t covet what belongs to me.

But if a colleague around him gets the benefit, will this jealousy no longer be controlled?

But don’t worry.

Since there is one person, the rest are not far away.

“Everyone has seen it! I promised you before that I would find better crystals for you to replace your existing ones. Now, I seem to have found something more suitable for you. However, after all, the production of energy crystals is not easy. It will take some time to get all of you ready.

But don’t worry, the first wave of crystals produced will be sent to all believers first. So it doesn’t matter which comes first, as long as you wait, you will all have artifacts on your body! ”

Jiang Si said a little excited.

In the end, he changed his mind and directly compared the source energy crystal to an artifact according to the values of the believers.

As soon as these words came out, all the believers present became excited.

All of them bowed down again, madly worshipping Jiang Si, and shouting in unison:

“The omnipotent Styx…”

“Okay, stop it! The flattery is filmed here~www.readwn.com~ Everyone, hurry up and work!”

Jiang Si’s mouth twitched, and he had already guessed what they were trying to force.

He waved his hand to interrupt everyone’s praise.

With a hula, everyone got up from the ground and ran back to their jobs.

This time, he wasn’t thinking about showing himself, so that he could win Jiang Si’s favor and be rewarded.

Because the fact that Jiang Sihui will reward everyone with energy crystal fragments has become a reality, the emotions of the believers have also risen to the top.

Being recruited to this territory is the greatest reward from God.

I really don’t know if it’s a blessing that has been cultivated in several generations.

But just keep following this grown-up.

Because only he can really be called the messenger of the Lord of Styx!

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