Lord Savage of House Deveros

Chapter 10. That’s Just a Theory. A Savage Theory.

{Luhea Savage of House Deveros}

The days seemed to pass, Gen and Uta were to be getting stronger by the day. Gen had fully become their child, but Uta was mildly combative with Alex. Not openly, but it was clear the girl didn’t like or rather trust him. This bothered Luhea and she feared Alex might have his fill of her and kick her out. As the children were linked, this meant he would have to force Gen out as well. Luhea was scared about this as she loved them both, but she was Alex’s slave now and because of this, he had full control over her.

Yen walked by Luhea’s side, Gen in her arms. Uta was back at their home cleaning, so it was just the four of them. Alex talked, but Luhea wasn’t truly paying attention. She was feeling a little off. Just two more days and the potion would be out of her system. After that point she could have his children at any moment. Would he kick Gen and Uta out after that point? Would he get rid of Yen too? She didn’t want that to happen and not for the first time, she thought about taking it again. It was cheap and could be made easily. She wanted his kids, but didn't want to force the others out.

Yen took Gen back to the house and Alex went to his office. She followed after, hoping to talk to him about these issues. Sitting behind his desk, she moved behind him, her breasts pressed into his back, teasing both him and her in the way she liked. She had heard that men who were aroused or satisfied were easier to talk to or so her mother would say.  “My love, what’s wrong?” She asked. He smiled in that way that made her heart skip a beat and reached up to stroke her face. She loved how he always showed her affection, but he showed Yen the same amount. He treated them fairly and she loved him all the more for that.

“Luhea, we need to talk.” She pulled away a little, but he took her hand and pulled her to his lap. She failed to meet his eye and looked at the desk that was more than a little cluttered. He was being kind to her, and she could feel him growing. Would he order her to hide under his desk and pleasure him with her mouth, with the door open so anyone could come in. She liked the idea as Alex was too bold. It was a new thrill she never wanted to stop. “Luhea, Gen and I have cores.” He said with a sigh and wince. Her jaw hit the floor, and eyes went wide as she looked at him. “Yes. With that I want to unlock his magic and train him to be a pilot.” She knew he meant Commander, but he called the ones who command Knights, pilots. It was one of his weird other worldly words.

“Alex, you can’t.” She protested. Once more he said something that flew against everything she knew and thought. She knew that some Beasts had cores, but a human with a monster core was unheard of. She felt his hand moved up her side to the ticklish patch and she fought the urge to push it away. He knew she didn’t like to be tickled, but that area was also one that she loved him stroking. It was just under her breasts and his hand often wandered there.

“Why can’t I?” He asked, his hand sliding a little higher to the underside of her breast like she knew it would. Just a few nights before she had both him and Yen suckling on her and it had led to a very wonderful orgasm. He loved it when she talked dirty, and she felt like a disobedient sinner when she did. It seemed barely contained by the soft cotton of her blue dress and she was tempted to pull it down so he could tease the hardening nipple. She moaned and squirmed on his lap.

“You’re not playing fair.” She said moving to kiss his neck. This put her breasts in his face and let her taste his neck. Unlike other men, Alex loved to be clean and scented soaps that made him smell so wonderfully. It drove her wild and she loved it when they made love in the bath.

“As for Gen being a Commander, it’s just not done.” She said, glancing at him.

“Why?” He asked in a low purr. He was like a wild animal at times, and it was another delight she loved. He was a treasure trove of love and lust rolled into an exotic package.

“He is a Beast-Kin. They can’t command Knights.” She tried to argue, her hands pawing at his soft robe.

“Why not? They can have mana, use mana, and if I’m guessing correctly, he should be able to with the right training.” Her love tried to argue.

“Well, it’s not done.” She said again, but didn’t really think about why. Her focus was on the thing growing under her. It would be so easy to slide under the desk.

“You are telling me that it’s not done, but you aren’t telling me why.” A sigh escaped him as he slowed his affections.

“I don’t know. I was told that they shouldn’t be trained to use magic, command Knights and so on,” She trailed off. She knew it was her mother’s words but didn’t ever put thought into it. It was just the standard of this world. He should have known these things. It was as simple as the world being round or the island, they were on being an island but the smallest part of this world. (Author's note. This ‘Island’ is the size of Australia. I will go into detail in later books.)

“Tell me what is on your mind.” At his words, her collar glowed, and she gasped. It was the first order he had ever given her. She had hoped it would be an order to pleasure him, become one with Yen or even more demeaning things. She winced and closed her eyes tightly as her mouth moved on its own.

“I want you to use me as your toy. Also, Beast-Kin, animals belong in collars. It is best so we can watch over them and insure they don’t hurt themselves or others. It’s our job as humans to help the races who are less fortunate to be elevated beneath us.” She blushed madly at the first part and the last part felt like a dagger in her own heart.

“Forgive me and disregard that order.” He said, kissing the back of her hand. “Who were you quoting?” He asked as he looked into her confused eyes.

“Mother and some of the other nobles.” She said, but there was a sad look in her eye. It felt like she was betraying Alex, Yen and her own family.

“Do you really believe that?” He asked, turning her chin so he could see her eyes. She didn’t want to look into those dark eyes, but part of her could never look away from him.

“Yes, no, I don’t know. Alex, my mind is so muddled.” She started pawing at his robe before laying her head under his chin. “I used to think this world was just good and evil, but now, I don’t know.” She sighed. “Tell me what you think.” She felt like a small child now and wanted him to help make things clear. He did wonderful things, and she wanted to watch him grow along with their family.

“I think Yen, Uta, Gen and the others have thoughts, feelings and ideas of their own. In my mind that makes them people no different than you or I.” He said solemnly.

“I know you are telling the truth, but it goes against everything I had been told.” She could hear the pain in her own voice as her heart broke.

“We can table this for later, but please think about it. On to the other issues.” He said with a sigh.

“Please don’t kick Gen and Uta out. I know Uta is spirited, but she is a good girl.” Luhea said, turning to look into his eyes. She wanted to let him know that she loved them and was hoping to change his mind because of the way he had directed the conversation. He started laughing and poked a spot he knew was ticklish. She squirmed and pulled away only weakly. She hoped this was a good sign.

“On that topic, I think we need a bigger house. That should give us more space and I can build us a better bathroom.” He said, as he held her.

“That would be nice. Maybe a bed with more blankets. I know the winters up here will be harsh.” The mood seemed to have broken a little and she bit her lip, tracing his robe.

“There is one more issue, and I want to lay everything before out you.” He took a deep breath and braced for her to do; I didn’t know what. “I can break slave collars.” She laughed at his words and playfully slapped his chest.

“I know that. I saw you do it. It was rather impressive.” She said, a light flush lighting her cheeks as she touched her own collar.

“Not just mine, but others. I need to test it, but it should be safe.” He said watching her amusement turn to horror and outrage. This was unheard of, a dangerous thing that could put a price on his head. She would kill anyone who came after him, but could she protect him from someone like Shadow or Silverfang? What would happen if a larger house came after him? She would break this world to protect her family, but could she really stop them all?

“Alex, that’s not safe. Animals should be chained.” She said, her mother’s words coming out of her mouth. This hurt him and he pushed away from her, a cold anger filling his face.

“You don’t mean that.” He said, his voice dipping low into a warning tone.

“But Alex, this is why we enslave them, so we can keep them safe from themselves. If they are free, they will look at us as equals and we are humans.” She said plowing through into a space she knew she couldn’t breathe in. She had hoped to avoid this topic, and her mind was focused on Yen, Uta, Lily, Vixey, Gen and the others. They weren’t animals in her eyes so why did she call them animals now? Alex moved her to his seat and stood. She was worried he might hit her, but all he did was stand and move to the door, leaving her crying there.

“If you truly feel that way, maybe I should have left you in the hands of the fireball fucker who wanted to turn you into a baby farm.” He said as he slammed the door. The hurt look in his eye seemed to shake her very being. Pulling her knees up to her chest, she wept in his chair feeling like a small child. She had wounded him, and it was something she never wished to do. Why was she such a fool? All she had to do was here him out and in place of that, she had hurt him. She had hurt the one man in this world she never wanted to hurt. She wished her father was still alive so she could hold him and ask his advice. She missed her father’s bushy mustache. He would tickle her nose with it just to hear her giggle. Why did she push away all the good men in her life? Why couldn’t Alex just force her to think the way he did? It was what her mother used to do. She felt like a small child as she cried in his chair wishing he was there. She was just repeating what she had been taught so why did he get so mad? Her words spun through her mind over and over as she cried. She had called Yen and the others animals. Her sobs seemed to fill the small room as she cried. She was a monster. How could she ever say that? How could she even ever think that? She was just thinking about how much she loved Yen, Gen and Uta. She was friends with Vixey, Lily and Gorloth. How could she ever think less of them? She was a monster and Alex was right to look down on her.

{Alex Savage}

I slammed the door and went to sit on the foot of her Knight. Everything was ready for me to start working on the Elk, but I wasn’t in the mood. How could she say things like that? Did she think Yen was an animal? What about Gen or Uta? They weren’t animals like me. Gorloth came over and sat next to me. “What wrong friend Runt?” The big orc asked. I sighed and put my head in my hands. I was so pissed that I didn’t know what to do.

“I might have just fucked myself over with Luhea.” I growled and looked for something to break. A large green hand gently slapped my shoulder.

“What fight about?” He asked. I looked over at my friend and maybe it was because I was still pissed, maybe it was because the light hit his collar, maybe it was just because it was the right thing to do, but I wanted to test this theory here and now.

“Let’s talk to Boss.” I said standing, my rage powering my body. Gorloth followed but looked mildly worried as he trailed after me. Throwing open the door I found Boss painting a Doll. The big man loved painting and who was I to judge him?

“What the fuck is it now Runt?” He asked, putting the Doll and paints aside.

“Do I have permission to try to set Gorloth free?” I asked. With him it was best to get right to the point. Gorloth’s face was priceless as he stood there. Boss on the other hand seemed amused as he steepled his fingers and smiled at me.

“What’s the risk?” He asked.

“Low risk of death to him or me, but I have real doubts about that, and I think I know how to make it lower.” Now that I think about it, if I use a large core, it would be a nice place to put that horrible mind mana.

“Gorloth, are you okay with this?” Boss asked the stunned fool. “Gorloth.” He slapped his desk and Gorloth jumped.

“Friend Runt can do this?” He asked, turning his tusked face to me. I nodded and smiled at my friend. “I still work until spring. Too cold to return home.”

“I see no issue with letting you work until spring or later if you want. Is five silver a good wage for you?” Boss asked.

“Deal.” Gorloth said, a look of awe in his eyes.

“Runt, what do you need to test this?” Boss asked me. I thought for a moment, scratching my chin.

“A large core, and, and, well that’s it. Just one large core. I have the metal.” I said with a shrug.

“How much core is?” Gorloth asked.

“Nope, you don’t pay for this. You're paying enough, risking your life on this fool's experiment.” Boss said, reaching into his desk to pull free a gold lined bag of cores. I knew gold would keep the cores from decaying as I had a bag just like it back home. He sifted through them and pulled out an empty battery, to drain the core. Once it was drained, he handed it to me, and I took a deep breath.

“Gorloth, if you are sure about this, take a seat.” I said. Much to my shock, he moved past me like a man on a sinking ship and held his head up proudly, his eyes closed. I pulled out a strap of metal from my bracelet and touched his collar. The mana flowed through me and into the core. I could feel it turn to dust from the toxic mind mana. At least I didn’t have to take it in for long. And like that, I had his collar in my hand, turned into a lump of scrap. Then I was on the floor looking up at the room. Boss leaned over and looked at me.

“What did you learn?” Boss asked, an amusing smile on his face.

“Three things. One, do this when sitting I’m down. It will hurt less. Two, it is much easier with a large core than trying to contain this mana inside me. Three, It’s easy and can be done. I’m not sure, not sure.” My mind was slowing down and Boss and Gorloth were looking at me. “Three, backlash of the mind thingy.”

“Mind mana.” Boss said with an amused smile. Gorloth looked down at me as his hand moved to his neck.

“Friend Runt.” He said, awe in his voice. There was a sound at the door, and I tilted my head on the floor to see Luhea standing there. Her blue eyes were ringed with tears. Why was she sad? Did I fuck up again? Oh yeah, I did fuck up. I said something rude and made her cry. Why did I make her cry? I think it was because I was angry, but I didn’t remember why. Next thing I knew, she was kneeling over me weeping openly into my blinking face.

“Sorry.” I said reaching up to stroke her face. She gave me a smile and held my hand.

“You have nothing to be sorry for, my love. You were in the right. I was being a monster.” She said crying more. Why was she crying?

“I carry,” Gorloth said something in orc I didn’t understand. “Home.” He lifted me up and Luhea held my hand. She was being really nice, and I liked it. Maybe I had done something good, but I wasn't sure.


I know I'm a huge nerd but deal with it. Lol. For those who don't get the reference of the tittle. The Game Theorists - YouTube

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