Lord Savage of House Deveros

Chapter 2. Fast food can be fun.

{Luhea Deveros}

“Yen?” She asked in the dark. Yen hummed as she held Luhea. The man they loved lay between them, snoring softly in a way that melted her heart. “Do you love him?” She asked, her heart hammering in her chest. She didn’t doubt the other woman, but wanted to hear her say it.

“I do and I know you do too.” Yen said leaning over and kissing Luhea sweetly on the lips. She wasn’t sure how she felt about this, but her best friend looked good next to him this morning and it was a sight that Luhea wanted to see more of. Even now he was between them, but Luhea felt a connection with Yen through Alex. Her love for him stretched to Yen and she felt love for Yen too. Then she remembered holding his cock and she blushed madly at the thought. She could do so now, but he needed his sleep. What would her mother say about it all? She had never felt this way about a woman or man let alone a beast, but the way Alex treated Yen forced Luhea to view her friend as an equal. She was no longer an animal, a toy, or tool, Yen was her true friend, and she knew that from the moment the beautiful tiger had come to her that night. “Yen, I love you too.” Luhea said, kissing her friend. When the kiss broke Yen smiled, leaning up to kiss Luhea’s forehead.

“I love you too, little Luhea.” This made Luhea’s heart skip a beat, and she smiled. Her heart seeming too warm as they held hands over Alex’s chest. Luhea closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep holding her friend and sister of the heart over their love. She felt close, loved and happy.


Luhea woke early and moved through the house quietly. She loved him from the first moment she saw him tinkering with metal by the firelight and now she had her love. How had she been blessed in this world? She just needed to keep him, but didn’t know how. She stood and left determination on her face. She was leaving the caravan and staying with Alex and Yen. That was the first step, but not the last one. She wouldn’t stop until her hands were on his cock again if not other parts of her. She would prove to Alex that she was worthy. Her mother would judge her, dismiss her, maybe even disown her, but Alex was worth it, Yen was worth it, this life in this town was worth it. Even if she had to live the rest of her life as a commoner, she would do it with a smile on her face so long as Alex and Yen were by her side.



I lay blinking in the midday light. I had overused my magic again and passed out. Luhea had moved my head to her lap and was brushing my hair. It was a pleasant way to wake up and something I could get used to, but why was she here? “Hello.” I said as I sat up slowly. She moved and part of me wished she would pull my head back to her lap. My heart picked up a little at the thought, but I had work to do.

“Please work safely.” She begged, biting her knuckle. It hid her face, but I could still see a slight blush as she looked away.

“Thank you. I’ll try.” I sat still for a moment and looked around. The caravan was gone and one of the Knights was missing. “Have you thought about what you’d like to do?” I asked, looking at her Knight. It was a thing of beauty, and I couldn’t wait to work on it. Would she let me alter it to make it work better.

“Do you want,” She gulped, “Me to find my own place?” She took a deep breath, and I looked at her. After last night, I liked having her with us. Sleeping between them helped me have the best night’s sleep of my life and I wanted that to happen every night moving forward.

“I was talking about work, but as far as that goes, I will have to talk things over with Yen. I don’t see an issue with you living with us, but I want to make sure she is okay with it.” I stammered, the thought of the near threesome that had happened yesterday morning. God, I hoped that could happen again. Suddenly I was pinned to the ground as Luhea hugged me. The scent of some perfume filled my nose. Had she put it on this morning? I don’t remember her smelling like this before. She pulled away quickly and blushed as she stood, turning away from me. She coughed to hide her embarrassment and used a free hand to brush the front of her dress. It was kind of cute.

“I’m the newest protector of this town.” She said looking up at her Knight. I nodded and stood, stretching a little.

“Well, welcome to the team. I’m happy to work with you.” I said as I left to get back to work. It was nice having her around and I was going to work not to fuck this up. That and having two women in my bed was a great way to live. I would have to buy an extra bed so she could live with us. Would she even want the extra bed? I liked her, but wanted to make sure Yen was okay with it before I pushed the issue. The last thing I wanted to do was offend my tiger lover. Polygamy was uncommon in my world, but here it may be a taboo or something. Yen didn’t seem to mind her sleeping beside us, but did she want more?

I was playing with a chunk of metal that I was shaping into a small-scale Knight so I could show Boss my ideas for upgrading the Knights. “Why do you have a training Doll?” Luhea asked, leaning over my shoulder. My eyes went wide as I blinked at her. This sounded important.

“Please explain.” I asked, turning to her. She was so close, I could easily kiss her, but this wasn’t the time for that.

“We use things that look like that on a magic table that lets them move. I think Boss has one in the storage room.” She said, pressing a manicured finger to those plump lips. I jumped up and ran out with her at my heels. Boss was working out in a gym I had made for him. It was a nice way to train my magic and test out using my instructor as a mana battery. Boss was truly too big to be fully human.

“Runt, what is up?” He asked, looking at the enthusiasm on my face. Fucking hell, did he know what this wonder he was hiding would be worth?

“Training table?” I gasped and coughed. He racked the weights and stood up. I looked over at Luhea, but she was watching me. She didn’t even notice the bodybuilder who was walking around shirtless. Maybe I was her type. Focus Alex.

“What about it?” He asked, reaching for a towel. It was clear he didn’t know what a fucking mistake he was making.

“We need it.” I said, as I bounced in excitement. He shouted at a few of the labors standing around and soon it was out, and I was closely looking at the table. It mostly looked like a weird tabletop war gaming platform with strange controls.

“We have to put this in the inn.” I said grabbing one of the Dolls to play with. I had to know how it worked.

“It is a time-honored training tool.” Luhea shot back. She looked a bit worried at me, but my mind was already going over the ideas of using it to work on my designs. Would she be willing to help me with that?

“Yes, but this is money that could be coming into the shop and a great way to find hidden talent.” I replied, licking my chops. She blinked at me unsure what to say. I turned to Boss who was looking at me like I was crazy. I would have to explain it to him in another way.

“Boss, if you charged a copper a match, what would happen?” He blinked, nodded and turned to the lazy grunts and shouted.

“Get this fucking thing to the inn. I’ll talk with that bastard of a cousin of mine.” He stormed out of the shop like a man on fire. Luhea pulled me aside and we started having a heated conversation. We were a little close, but I didn’t mind taking in the scent of her perfume again.

“This is not a toy for the masses.” She said, outrage clear on her soft face. What would it feel like to hold her chin, tilting it up to kiss those lips softly. Focus Alex.

“I have a story from my old world.” She knew I was a wanderer, so I didn’t need to hide it. “We had a great war between two powers who were so strong that fighting would end our world. That is not an exaggeration by the way. They were in a stalemate, neither side could move or attack the other without the world ending.” She looked at me in horror. “After many years, this stalemate ended and one of the generals on the other side was asked at what point he knew the cold war was over and when he knew that his side had lost.” I said my hands going over the model in my hands. It helped me think and not focus on how close we were. God, I needed to go fuck Yen soon. I had been pent up a little and with Luhea in the house with us, I wasn’t going to start something.

“What was his answer?” She asked, engrossed in my story.

“He said he visited our country and saw the device used to train their pilots being sold as a toy to children.” I said, with a slightly evil laugh.

“What does pilot mean?” She asked, drawing closer to me. She was leaning in, and our eyes met. Her breath was slightly minty, and I tried not to look down at her amazing cleavage.

“It’s someone who makes Knights move.” I didn’t want to get into the conversation of planes or how they work as I knew I wouldn't be able to be this close to her and still be able to hold back. From what I could see most people got around on foot or by horse. I might need to work on something to fix that.

“We call them Commanders.” She said, stepping a little closer and her breasts were nearly pressed into me.

“Ah, so what would happen if you saw children playing with a training table and learning to be a Commander? What would you think if this tool was a toy used by everyone? Every person in this town playing with it daily?” She blinked and jumped up and down making those amazing breasts bounce in a delightful way, nearly hitting me in the face. I wouldn’t have minded that.

“I would have thought you were building an army of Commanders.” I nodded, my eyes not leaving her almost fully exposed chest. I so badly wanted to bury my face in it. She saw my eyes and looked down before turning away and blushing madly. I turned away as well unsure what to say or do as my boner was nearly visible though my black robe, pitching the monster of all tents. We followed the table to the inn where Innkeeper and Boss had a fight. I had a chance to turn my model into a training Doll and altered it to improve it. Boss looked over at me, Luhea was watching me work and leaning over the table. It felt nice the way her eyes moved from my hands to my face. When our eyes met, she would blush and look back at my hands.

“What do you have there, Runt.” He asked, reaching over to pull it from my hands. I growled, my mind going back to a traumatic incident from when I was a child. “I’m not going to hurt it, I just wanted to look at it.” He said, raising one hand. “This looks impressive. Do this to my brother’s and her Knight.” He said with a weird smile. “I can tell by looking at them, they will move easier.” He said backing off. Luhea had drawn closer to me, and I couldn’t help myself and leaned over kissing her cheek. I was lost in the moment and couldn’t help myself. Had I just screwed things up between us? She blushed and hid her face in her hands, sneaking a peek over at me through her fingers. She didn’t move away though, so I hoped I had done the right thing. I smiled but felt a little guilty. I would have to have a talk with Yen about Luhea to get everything out in the open. Luhea moved her chair closer and put her head on my shoulder as she watched me work. Thomdab a huge meathead of a man walked over to us. Large, always happy and a bit of a fool, but not a bad person from what I could tell. He was built like a linebacker, and I inwardly scowled as he looked at Luhea.

“Would you like a match?” He asked with a goofy smile as he hooked a thumb over at the table. Luhea wrapped her arms around mine and pressed herself into me. A thrill ran up my spine as her large breasts pressed into me. It was like she was showing the world that she had claimed me. I was very okay with this but would have to wait before standing as my little man was just as happy as I was.

“What do you mean?” She asked, anger on that cute face. Her lip poked out slightly and I focused on it.

“I was hoping to train with you.” He said pointing at the table again. “I know you like Runt and wouldn’t get between you two.” He added with a slightly pained smile. She nodded and looked at me as though asking permission.

“Go have fun. You are allowed to relax.” I said with a slight smile. She kissed my cheek, and I watched her walk away. She had a lovely ass; it was just a shame the dress she wore blocked some of the view of it. I moved to the table to watch her fight as I tinkered. Her moves were still awkward, and Meathead easily won. I handed her my model with an evil smile. “Try this one.” I said with a pained smile. She nodded and plugged it in. This time she was able to fight longer and better, but still lost.

“I really need to train more.” She said as she turned those big blue eyes to me.

“Runt, this is a great idea.” Meathead announced with a goofy smile. I watched a few more matches, seeing the joy bloom on Luhea’s beautiful face as she grew as a pilot. If this keeps up, she would really thrive with this change. People would join the table, but most could do little more than walk and Meathead was happy to teach everyone. One stood out, a local woodcutter, who seemed to love the game to the point of an obsession. With everyone distracted, I took this opportunity to leave and go talk to Yen.

My tiger lover was laying on our couch and I let my eyes wander over her long lithe body. She was in her leather vest and pants. God, she looked too good. I had to focus on what I came here for. I moved to her head and prompted her to sit up, letting me sit. I pulled her back down so she would use my lap as a pillow. This let me run my fingers through that soft long black hair and gave me the chance to pamper her a little. She purred and smiled up at me with those sexy golden eyes. The sun was setting, and it made her golden orbs almost glow in the light coming through the window. “Yen, I have something to tell you. This may upset you, but I have to put my feelings out there.” Her eyebrows furrowed and she reached up to stroke my face. My heart was hammering in my chest. “I am falling for Luhea, but I still have feelings for you.” I expected her to get mad, yell at me, hit me. I didn’t expect her to start laughing. “You aren’t upset?” I asked, bewildered by her response.

“I knew that already. I just find it funny that you were worried about it.” She said with a sweet smile that made me want to kiss her. “Why did you feel the need to tell me?” She asked.

“I care for you and want you to be happy.” She frowned at my words, a tear making its way out. I knew it, I fucked up by telling her.

“I am your slave, why should you care about my feelings?” She asked as she looked deep into me, almost seeing my dark soul. My eyes went to her collar, and I frowned watching the metal glint in the setting sun. there had to be some way to break that hideous thing.

“Yen, I need you in my life and not as my slave, but as my woman. You share my bed and my heart. That is why I care.” She reached up and pulled my head down to kiss her. The angle hurt a little, but the feeling of her lips melted my heart. When we parted, I took a breath. “So you don’t have an issue with me seeing Luhea too?” I asked, feeling like a creep. I had this amazing woman in my lap and yet I wanted more.

“I like her too.” She said with a wink as she cleared the tear away. I felt myself getting harder. She hummed and rubbed me, turning her head. The door opened just before things could get fun. Luhea looked at us and blushed before turning away. FUCK ME! I thought as I realized that I had just lost a chance for a quickie. “Luhea.” Yen said standing up and I inwardly groaned as I thought about how close we were. “Alex has something to say to you.” She said with a sweet smile and a wink at me. “I’m going to go hunt. Maybe I can catch us some thing nice for dinner.” I watched her long tail sway as she sauntered out of the room. She had an amazing ass too. My mind went to the idea of seeing that ass this morning before I left the two women. How had I gotten so lucky and found an amazing woman like that? My heart started thumping again as I looked at Luhea. She was blushing as she looked at the ground.

“Luhea,” I said, taking a deep breath. She nodded and looked up slowly before looking away. Why was talking to people so hard? Is there some way to make it easier? How did people even do this? “I have feelings for you.” I hit the floor hard and bumped my head as she tackled me once more. She pulled back quickly and looked down at me.

“I’m so sorry, I had expected you to catch me.” She said, but I noticed that she was straddling me, and I was almost at the right angle. If only our clothes weren't in the way. I rubbed my head as the world spun.

“Ouch.” I said feeling a bump form on the back. That hurt, but feeling her on top of me was nice. It would be so easy to pull her down to me or just lay there and admire her body. Why did she delight in mixing pleasure and pain? I blinked at her and saw a mixture of happiness and worry clear on her face. She had a cute face, but the mind behind the beauty was something I was getting attached to. Any woman could be beautiful, but she was kind, caring, loving to her friend and the way she almost seemed to worship me was giving me a little bit of an ego.

“Are you okay?” She asked, still pressed into me. I smiled and despite the pain, I pulled her head down to kiss her. My self control was gone with us pressed against each other. The kiss was soft at first, but quickly grew as her fingers clawed at my shirt. My arms went around her, and I growled softly into her lips. She pulled back and I felt embarrassed. I should have warned her about that.

“Sorry, I can’t help the sounds that come out at times.” I said, letting her go. I had fucked up, but she had me really in the mood. Luhea blinked and kissed me again. When we came up for air, she smiled and laid her head under my chin.

“I like it. Makes me feel like I’m with a dangerous animal.” She said pawing at my shirt. I held her and saw the last light disappear from this world. Only candles gave us light now. Once more my manhood was going dry. Maybe Yen could help me tonight before bed? God knows, I missed my dark-haired beauty.

“Do you think Yen will be okay out there in the dark?” I asked slightly worried. I didn’t know how far she liked to hunt or if anything would try to hurt her.

“Sure, even if she was on her own, she would be fine. She is a hunter after all.” Luhea said with a slight laugh. “She is the strongest woman I know. I’m a little jealous of her at times.” She added as she rubbed her head under my chin. I nodded, but still looked at the door.

“We should get up; my head is killing me.” I said, rubbing the back of my head. She nodded, moved off me and helped me up. Her eyes lingered on my crouch, and I was tempted to offer for us to continue this in the bedroom, but this wasn’t the right time for that. I kissed her cheek and moved to the door. Opening it, I looked out into the night. There was no sign of Yen, but with the door open, she might know it was okay. I walked a few steps out and jumped as a hand grabbed my shoulder. Turning quickly, I saw Yen standing there with a quiet laugh shaking her frame. Where the hell had she come from?

“I stayed close hoping to see what happens.” She said, her glowing eyes looking back into our home. Was she the type who liked to watch? If so things could be fairly fun between us. Would Luhea be into Yen watching us together? I laughed with her and we went inside to have a lovely supper together.

After dinner, I turned to Luhea. “Will you be joining me tonight?” I asked her. She looked at the ground, her face fairly glowing.

“No, I want our first time together to be special.” She said with a sweet smile. I nodded, but Yen took her hand. 

“You don’t have to have sex, but cuddling with you would be nice.” Yen said, pulling Luhea to our bed. Luhea tried to protest, but when our eyes met, her protest died. She blushed, nodded, and followed my lover into our bedroom. I might have to turn the spare room into a workshop. Would the women be okay with me taking over that room? Might need to work on bringing in some real money so I could upgrade our home.

“Just let me change first.” Luhea said, breaking away.

“Why not sleep nude? You have such a cute ass.” Yen asked, making me blink. YES PLEASE! God, please let both women sleep in the nude. When had Yen changed from the shy girl I had met? I wasn’t going to ever fight this side of my tiger lover.

“No, at least not this time.” Luhea said as she looked at the ground. I could see the blush moving to her ears. It made me smile and I shook my head, following the girls after locking up. I never slept well until I knew the house was properly secure. Yen was sitting on the bed, only dressed in the underwear from last night. Maybe Luhea could take her to buy more clothes. I was sure she didn’t have many. The thought made me twitch a little as I licked my chops at the sight. She patted the middle of the bed with a coy smile. I looked over at them and raised an eyebrow.

“As we have all seen each other nude, would you like me to change here or in the bathroom again?” I asked.

“Here.” Luhea quickly said, her eyes locked on me before she turned away. She whipped her chin with the back of her hand. Was she drooling? Was I that attractive to her? If so, I was going to make sure to fully fuck her brains out on our first night together. Yen nodded and I noticed she didn’t look away despite the growing blush on her face. Her long tail lashed the air, and she licked her lips. How could I say no to that? Removing my shirt and pants, I could feel the eyes of the women on me. I wasn’t well built, or ever had a reason to show off my body. Hell, I would have to swim with a shirt on out of fear of being laughed at. These women though made me feel like I had a body like Boss and Meathead. It felt weird, but nice the way they treated me.

Once I was in my pajama bottoms, I went to the bed, where Yen tucked in on my right side again, leaving Luhea the left to claim for her own.

“I love hearing your heartbeat.” Yen said with a purr of joy. I rubbed her back and tried not to think of what was about to happen. We had just slept like this together last night so why did this feel awkward? Her nightgown flowed over her body in a very delicious way, and I wished it was a little more sheer. She looked over at me before taking a steading breath. Blowing out the candle, she somehow made my heartrate tick up a few more notches. She moved slowly to me, and I lifted my arm letting her tuck into my side under the covers. I could feel her heart beating almost as fast as mine. I was in a bed with two beautiful women, and we were wearing next to nothing.

“Alex,” She took a deep breath and turned to look up at me. I could barely see her in the dark room. “Can I, umm get a,” Her voice was getting smaller and smaller as she talked. “Get a good night, umm, kiss?” She had to mouth the last word and I almost missed it in the pitch black. I tilted up slightly and kissed her softly.

“I want one too.” Yen said and moved to my lips. Much to my shock, she pulled Luhea into a soft kiss after leaving my lips. Turns out she was very okay with Luhea joining us. It made my thoughts go to some wonderful places and Yen slapped my chest playfully. “No getting excited. You have work in the morning.” Yen said playfully. I had the feeling she knew if I started things, we would be up the whole night. I kissed her forehead with a smile before kissing the top of Luhea’s head who hummed and hugged me tight. With these two beautiful women at my sides, I faded off to sleep.


Hold on to your butts as the longer this story goes on, the more the path splits from the main book. What would you do in Alex's shoes? I know I would feel like a god with those two.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.