Lord Shadow

Chapter 172: Public enemy number one (2)

Meanwhile on the outside, the Twelve Division of the First Battalion of the Rebellion Army is efficiently going to official’s house and exterminates all Normies they found.

Babies and kids were spared even though they were reluctant but a military order is a military order.

From the beginning of the Rebellion the Supreme General detested killing children and as such it is one of the military orders to not kill children.

During the earthquake, as people are busy running away from the disaster not many realize what kind of momentous event is happening right now in the Imperial Palace.

The Zhu family, a World Noble is being exterminated thoroughly, their blood flows through the streets of the Imperial Palace and the consequence of this action is far reaching and symbolizes the Rebellion Army intention to truly fulfill their promise of creating a new world order.

With this attack, the Rebellion Army has shown they are no longer only operates in the US. They are expanding,

A thousand miles away, Inside the White House, President Harrison, the leaders of the Normies is talking with someone on the phone.

Looking at the view out from the window of the Oval Office, his face expression was unreadable.

He was speaking with a Russian.

Harrison himself can speak Russian so they talk without obstacles and when he heard why the reasons the Russian calls him and the favor he asked, Harrison was silenced for a while before he said in English.

‘I’ll grant your friend a favor. But I don’t know what our Supreme General will think. And I don’t know if I believe you’

‘Spasiba. I’ll remember this’ the word from the other end of the phone said with English with thick Russian accent expressing his thanks before Harrison ended the phone calls.

Looking outside he sighed.

‘Supreme General predicted this. The person he seeks was truly with the Russian. Yet, he didn’t search for him and only put security detail on him. Still, I didn’t understand his thought.’

Then he shakes his head before pushing the intercom on the table and orders his secretary to call all the members of his cabinet to discuss a very important issue: the expansion of the Rebellion Army operations and their future assault.

Their ultimate target that would spell Normies superiority end: Titan



The moment Azief stomp his feet on the ground, a powerful suction energy erupted out of his entire existence, like a black hole devouring all lights in the nearest vicinity.

With Celestial meridian his absorption power of energy is higher than even most Seed Formation High level Realm expert.

HE is refining the entire empire the distance is determined by the range of his absorption energy can go,

And he can control that range but he could not control what happens the moment he started refining.

But his divine sense could still sense the Assassin team he arranged is still doing their job waiting for an informant of the Rebellion Army to lure the current Emperor of Ming to the trap.

The current and last emperor of the Zhu family.

Azief thought to himself as the energy gathered around him, like a pulsating tornados as the Seed of Elements glowed golden as the Earth element is slowly being filled up inside him.

Azief himself is slowly glowing golden as his Undying Physique is almost let out but was being contained by Azief himself.

If he let it out then he would be as bright as the sun and this entire Plains would crack enduring the extreme might of his Physique.

A weak world sometimes is not ideal for someone of Azief strength to train. But a too powerful world will break him before he has even the chance to grow.

If not for him searching for Will he will not enter the Multiverse ever again.

This is the limitation of training in the Multiverse, to find that balance is hard.

The Metal element is also being filled up. Since Earth contains many hard things, which primarily contains metals which is iron, it is not surprising.

Azief knew if he refined Earth elements, his metal elements would also be filled up.

To kill two birds with one stone that is why he chose this fertile vast land of Ming as his target.

He needs to reach Perfection and then he will break through to Disk Formation.

The vibration of energy causes the tectonic plates beneath the ground to suddenly experience a major upheaval and created a powerful earthquake.

All the while as the element energy keep entering Azief meridians and nourishing the empty shell of the Seed of Elements, new understanding entered Azief mind.

He did not know how to explain it. It is like being high but at the time sobers, like he was being imparted with the secret knowledge of the world.

That the elements also possess ethereal concepts that could be infused in one own energy. It is different from learning lectures, it is hard to explain, one has to experience it to know.

It is like this concept fuse inside him molding his will to understand the concept but not bending to it, but standing strong against it if the heart is not willing.

‘Earth’ Azief uttered but this time as he said it the understanding of this concept of Earth is infused in word such that the cliff where he was stomping becomes harder and solid.

Resistant to movement or change, the concept of Earth is extreme hardness, solid and unchanging.

Resistance to change in the heart, in the mind it is the audacity to declare to remain unchanging despite the obstacle.

The understanding that Azief got from refining the earth is

“Perseverance” he mutters.

BOOM! The moment Azief formed his understanding of the Earth; it was like he opened a new door of power inside himself

His will strengthened as his imposing aura emitted the regalness of the Mountain, unmoving and unchanging, tempered by time but never crumbling.

At that one moment, he is the Earth and the Earth is him.

His Divine Sense expanded as he could see almost everything, like a deep rooted tree that stretches all over the world, viewing the world from below.

He could see people running and screaming from the disaster he initiated when he started refining the Ming Empire.

He saw trees wilting pants die off, buildings and towers falls downs as flames and destruction ravaged this empire.

With one stomp of his feet he turns the mighty vast empire of Ming into chaos. He could move now but he did not.

Because he is Earth. He does not move.

Being a mountain.

Unchanging. Unmoving. Unbent. And then the moment of reverie ended, his divine sense receded and he is at the cliff again.

The cliff where he is at is bestowed the power of elements as the leaking out of the elements he refined falls down onto this cliff making it the hardest mineral on Earth.

Azief take a deep breath and he notices the orb inside the Seed of Elements.

But Azief is not yet finished.

He stomp again this time he shouted again


All the metals deep beneath the earth vibrates and disintegrated into liquid before it was condensed by the intense friction and heat of Azief energy that he emitted turning the liquid into gas.

And if that wasn’t enough Azief energy further broke the gaseous substance into pure element energy that slowly rises up from the ground and cover Azief entire body.

Azief smiles as he closes his eyes and he could feel the Metal elements entering his body.

One understanding enters his mind, Metals restrain Fire, collect water, it is hard like Earth but unlike Earth it is a concept of stubbornness to the extreme since Earth engenders Metal.

It incites bravery, infusing heart of steel for those who practice this element.

A steel heart and a steel resolve, this is the great quality of metal elements. This is the concept lies behind the metal elements.


This is what Azief has comprehended. If other people refine this element their comprehension will be different.

Since Azief has already had a steel heart and steel resolve, the elements refined will also correspond to the heart of the person refining the element.

The person who refined and the element which is refined, both are important. Without one, the process could not be performed.

Firmness, rigidity and determination.

As this understanding crystalizes inside Azief mind an explosion happens inside his Seed of Element before that explosion combined and form the metal element inside his seed.

Azief could feel his dark impulses are being restrained and his generative powers increased.

Then opening his eyes one could see Tribulation Lightning flashed inside his eyes as thunder roared on top of Azief head.

The cliff where Azief was stomping turned into the hardest soil in the world, unchanging even by the erosion of time since it possesses both the quality of Earth and Metal.

If this world exploded then this cliff would be the last thing that would be destroyed.

Azief could feel in his consciousness, inside the Seed of Elements, three orbs of light circling around the Seed of Elements.

The Lightning element was represented by the spherical crackling thunder rotating nonstop around the seed.

The Earth element was represented by the spherical mini mountain inside a spherical barrier orb possessing stability rotating nonstop around the seed.

The metal element was represented by the spherical a ball of metal rotating nonstop around the seed, as they moved without colliding forming an orbit around the Seed of Elements.

Azief has finished refining. He spreads his Divine Sense and he is satisfied.

‘Now’ he said as he looks towards the distance.

He is looking towards the direction of Mount Merapi in Indonesia.

He will refine all the elements today and form his sixth seed and then he will begin his expansion.

He floated slowly upwards as his divine sense locked on the Assassin Squad he sent and with his Divine Sense he speaks telepathically

‘Enough. Return.’

He left these two words and without confirming whether they would follow his word Azief reaches out his hand to the clouds and with a lightning fast speed he flies through the clouds leaving a sonic boom behind.

The Assassin Squad who has just finished killing the last of their targets nodded to each other.

‘Let us return. Mission is already accomplished.’

That day, changes were happening so much so that the World Council has halted all their focus on other rebellion all over the world and decided to focus on only one target.

Eyjafjallaj?kull, the volcano in Iceland was leveled leaving a flat terrain where an island mountain glacier used to be, Mount Vesuvius disappeared into thin air leaving a huge hole that measured three hundred feet below the Earth, and Japan Sakurajima volcano which connected with the Osumi Peninsula is cut off with the Supreme General Saber before the entire island was destroyed.

Ten volcanoes in the world disappeared in one day causing widespread panic and also death.

When the Supreme General came to this volcano area he would not only destroy and take away the volcanoes he would slaughter any population near the volcanoes.

Vesuvius which boasted densely populated volcanic region in the entire world are all slaughtered leaving only crying children which are then extracted by the Rebellion Army.

If that is not enough to alarm the entire world, an entire sea was dried up leaving Atlantis the mysterious civilization to be vulnerable.

Coming down from the skies the Supreme General rushed down towards the Bermuda Triangle and the moment he dive into the sea, like a swirling storm, the sea water dried up.

Then as the sea water dried up, the Supreme General raises up his hand on top of the Dome like barrier of Atlantis and form an Earth Wall from the bottom of the sea to the four corners of the North Atlantic Ocean dividing a section of the sea.

If not maybe he would have dried up all the Seven Seas and create a massive damage to the ecosystem.

Then with a punch that crack the entire sea bed of the North Atlantic Ocean, the so called indestructible dome of Atlantis was broken.

The Supreme General then proceeded to kill all the soldiers of Atlantis that come to stop him entering.

Like an image of a War God he descends downs from the Heavens and slashes all existence that is in his way.

Reaching the Grand Palace of the Sea Lords, he slaughtered all the Sea Lord before taking the Trident of Namer and flies off, leaving a section of the sea dry and four pillars of Earth Wall that emerge from the sea intact.

Then not only is he not finished he then chases storms. All over the world his sighting was reported chasing storms and hurricanes.

The moment he appeared he calmed down the storms and volcanoes as they almost instantly disappeared the moment he appears.

Then in Africa where most of the slaves is populated before they were shipped out the Supreme General proclaimed Freedom on the skies, his word could be heard all over the African Bloc like a decree from God.

Then opening his arm, the Supreme General bestowed them with tremendous energy that enables them to crush the collars and dampeners on them causing the entire African Bloc to be liberated by the Evolvers.

People have already been calling this event the Five Miracle.

The assassination of the entire Zhu family, the disappearance of the volcanoes, the destruction of Atlantis Dome, calming the storms and bestowing powers and abilities to an entire Bloc.

By now, it is hard to believe the Supreme General as a normal Evolver.

Even Alpha Evolver would dare not claim they have even a fraction of abilities like the Supreme General has exhibited.

And now with all of this miraculous feat, the World Council is no longer alarmed. They are afraid.

This is the Battle. The last Great Battle to determine who will rule this Earth. The Normies or the Evolvers.

And it is all because of one person.

War has begun.

War has been declared the moment Azief order the execution of a World Noble. It was a provocation, a naked attempt to engage in warfare with the World Council.

The notice was distributed, poster was pasted, his face covers all major news networks, and all major cities show his face as public enemy number one.

The enemy of the entire world: the Supreme General of the Rebellion Army.


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